Conservatives Hate Free Speech

"The reason for the turnabout: a pair of video clips that surfaced Sunday in which Yiannopoulos appears to be speaking sympathetically about pedophilia"

Grow up kid, if they HADN'T cut him loose you'd be screaming that they condoned pedophilia. You're a moron.

So...if liberals reject him, they "hate free speech" when conservatives reject's a political necessity. :cuckoo:

False equivalence, wanna try again?
"The reason for the turnabout: a pair of video clips that surfaced Sunday in which Yiannopoulos appears to be speaking sympathetically about pedophilia"

Grow up kid, if they HADN'T cut him loose you'd be screaming that they condoned pedophilia. You're a moron.

So...if liberals reject him, they "hate free speech" when conservatives reject's a political necessity. :cuckoo:
We love the Donald. Took awhile to get used to him. So will you.
"The reason for the turnabout: a pair of video clips that surfaced Sunday in which Yiannopoulos appears to be speaking sympathetically about pedophilia"

Grow up kid, if they HADN'T cut him loose you'd be screaming that they condoned pedophilia. You're a moron.

So...if liberals reject him, they "hate free speech" when conservatives reject's a political necessity. :cuckoo:
We love the Donald. Took awhile to get used to him. So will you.

Donald Duck is ok, but his squeaky voice bugs the hell out of me.
"The reason for the turnabout: a pair of video clips that surfaced Sunday in which Yiannopoulos appears to be speaking sympathetically about pedophilia"

Grow up kid, if they HADN'T cut him loose you'd be screaming that they condoned pedophilia. You're a moron.

So...if liberals reject him, they "hate free speech" when conservatives reject's a political necessity. :cuckoo:

False equivalence, wanna try again?

Hypocrisy. That good enough for you?

Milo says hateful stuff you guys agree with - free speech!
Milo says hateful stuff you guys don't like - shut him up!
That is such a weak argument. Having standards is not suppressing free speech. He is a bigot who has written disgusting tweets. He is not a conservative rather he says because people object to what he says and that makes him a conservative. That is BS.

The fact is that the invitation was extended by 1 person. The board of the ACU knew nothing about this and a number threatened to resign. This is not a suppression of free speech, it is sticking to some semblance of standards. If winning means putting up with garbage like this then maybe losing isn't so bad.
"The reason for the turnabout: a pair of video clips that surfaced Sunday in which Yiannopoulos appears to be speaking sympathetically about pedophilia"

Grow up kid, if they HADN'T cut him loose you'd be screaming that they condoned pedophilia. You're a moron.

First time that any conservatives cancelled a speaker (for damn good reason) and the left wants to compare it to their track record of shutting down every conservative speaker. Of course, the left is also beginning to sympathize with pedophiles. Many articles about how it's a not a crime and merely sexual orientation. Sick stuff.

Meanwhile, the colleges across the country have safe spaces, trigger warnings, and they don't want any speakers who contradicts the material the professors are using to indoctrinate our youth.

Hypocrisy. That good enough for you?

Milo says hateful stuff you guys agree with - free speech!
Milo says hateful stuff you guys don't like - shut him up!

Why the hell would anyone welcome someone who was hinting that pedophilia is okay? Just because libs always seem to agree with other libs or let them slide when they say or do something horrible doesn't mean everyone on the right is that way.

It's called thinking for yourself instead of toeing party lines.

Milo is often conservative sounding. He went off the rails with his comments about pedophiles and deserved to get cancelled. No one is taking away his freedom of speech, just not endorsing it. After his comments, no one would have shown up to listen to him so cancelling was the best call.
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A truly silly OP. A *POLITICAL* conference is naturally and entirely legally free to invite or uninvite anyone they want. Come talk to us when conservatives shut down a lecture being given by a liberal speaker. Come talk to us when conservatives draw up petitions to try to keep a liberal speaker from speaking at a college campus. Let us know when any of these things happen. Liberals have done these things on many occasions. But to claim that conservatives "hate free speech" because a ***political*** conference chooses not to invite someone is just silly.
University of California at Berkeley isn't the only place that hates free speech, now the Conservative Political Action Conference has rescinded an invitation to Milo Yiannopoulos. Seems to me that they had no problem with Dennis Hastert or Josh Duggar.

"Yiannopoulos, an editor at Breitbart News, will no longer speak at the annual confab, a decision that appeared to catch him off guard.

"I haven't heard any indication that they are reconsidering," Yiannopoulos told CNNMoney early Monday afternoon.

That changed less than an hour later, with the sponsor of the conference, the American Conservative Union, announcing that it had rescinded Yiannopoulos' invitation.

The reason for the turnabout: a pair of video clips that surfaced Sunday in which Yiannopoulos appears to be speaking sympathetically about pedophilia and cracking a joke about his own sexual encounter with a Catholic priest as a child."

"We continue to believe that CPAC is a constructive forum for controversies and disagreements among conservatives, however there is no disagreement among our attendees on the evils of sexual abuse of children," ACU president Matt Schlapp said in a statement.

President Trump is scheduled to speak at the conference on Friday.
Milo Yiannopoulos disinvited from CPAC

False equivalency. CPAC is saying who they want to speak to them. Berkeley is preventing conservatives on campus from choosing who they want to speak to them.

You seriously don't get the difference between deciding who comes to dinner at your house and preventing your neighbor from deciding who can go to their house for dinner? Really?

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