Heroic Conservative Crusader Marjorie Taylor Greene Hires Child Groomer As Intern?? WTF??

It's always interesting to see who comes rushing to her defense, deflecting, denying, attacking.

The faux-Christian White Nationalists stick together like glue, that's for damn sure.
Kind of the way you come running to support Tammy or any of the other Nazis on the board.

Mac the hack gunna hack
Kind of the way you come running to support Tammy or any of the other Nazis on the board.

Mac the hack gunna hack
You and your buddy NAZIs.
I dont think there is anything that you can do.You lack the intellect to banter with me.Or even with a rock.
A rock is far more intelligent than you, Paki.

It's not just your inability to punctuate - I understand you're not a native English speaker, nor even your inability to think. It's that you're boring. Stupid is boring. "Clever" is just not in your wheelhouse, or rather "goat house" in your case.

"Right-wing provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos is working as an unpaid intern in the congressional office of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.). Yiannopoulos, 37, announced the job on his Telegram account Monday with a photo of his official intern congressional badge. “I’ve finally been persuaded out of retirement. But my skills are a bit rusty, so the best role I could land was an unpaid internship with a friend. Pray for me!” Yiannopoulos said. Yiannopoulos, who formerly worked at Breitbart, rose to prominence in the mid-2010s for his incendiary stances on feminism, Islam and other hot-button issues.

He was disinvited from the Conservative Political Action Conference in 2017 after a video circulated in which Yiannopoulos appeared to defend pedophilia. Australia banned Yiannopoulos from entering the country in 2019 following comments he made about the Christchurch mass shooting at a New Zealand mosque. [He thought the shooting was a good thing]. Last year, he announced that he is “ex-gay.”

I said it before and I'll say it again......as long as you can convince Trumpers that you hate the same people they hate -- they will find a way to justify any and everything you do or have done...and Milo is proof positive of this. Milo has been trying to weasel his way back into relevance, and is using MTG to do it..........and before any of you say "but but I don't even know who he is" -- ask yourself, why did Marjorie know him so well that she would hire him?? However, for folks to be so much on a crusade against pedophilia, you would think they would know Milo's background.....what is this groomer talk that Milo participated in......well.....have a look...

"In the excerpt from the podcast being circulated, the Breitbart senior editor says -- there are certainly people who are capable of giving consent at a younger age. I certainly consider myself to be one of them, people who were sexually active younger" -- At one point he refers to the possibility of relationships between 13-year-olds and 25- or 28-years-olds, claiming “these things do happen, perfectly consensually -- some of those relationships between younger boys and older men, the coming of age relationships,” are places in which “those older men help those young boys to discover who they are and give them security and safety. He is interrupted by one of the presenters, who said: “This sounds like priest molestation to me.” Mr Yiannopoulos replies: “And do you know what? I’m, grateful to Father Michael, I wouldn’t give nearly as good head if it wasn’t for him.”

But relax, if this doesn't play so well for her, she will fire him and claim ignorance about who he is.....she may even say that as of a few months or so ago; he wasn't gay anymore.....and I am sure she will claim she didn't know about him going on and on about how 13 yr olds being with 28 yr olds is consensual, that's all just him being sarcastic....because you know, so-called alt-right journalists at Brietbart are known for their comedy routines...But as I said, I expect folks on this message board to react by claiming "but but but Dems are pedos., blah blah blah" -- followed by more dumb shit....and not one of you will negatively criticize him or her for hiring him...which makes my initial point abundantly clear -- Trumpers will support anyone as long as they think that person hates the same people they hate...at the end of the day, reactionary right-wingers only policy is trolling.....and whining about imaginary grievances..period.
She should of hired this guy

Buff the Knobpolisher is a troll and spews any shit he sees on the fascist hate sites, to see what might stick.
Why are you defending a pedophile bro??

Why do you keep dodging the question??

Why are you defending a guy who praised the mass shooting of innocent muslims who were just praying inside of their mosques?? Does that make you moist? Killing innocent muslims?

"Right-wing provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos is working as an unpaid intern in the congressional office of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.). Yiannopoulos, 37, announced the job on his Telegram account Monday with a photo of his official intern congressional badge. “I’ve finally been persuaded out of retirement. But my skills are a bit rusty, so the best role I could land was an unpaid internship with a friend. Pray for me!” Yiannopoulos said. Yiannopoulos, who formerly worked at Breitbart, rose to prominence in the mid-2010s for his incendiary stances on feminism, Islam and other hot-button issues.

He was disinvited from the Conservative Political Action Conference in 2017 after a video circulated in which Yiannopoulos appeared to defend pedophilia. Australia banned Yiannopoulos from entering the country in 2019 following comments he made about the Christchurch mass shooting at a New Zealand mosque. [He thought the shooting was a good thing]. Last year, he announced that he is “ex-gay.”

I said it before and I'll say it again......as long as you can convince Trumpers that you hate the same people they hate -- they will find a way to justify any and everything you do or have done...and Milo is proof positive of this. Milo has been trying to weasel his way back into relevance, and is using MTG to do it..........and before any of you say "but but I don't even know who he is" -- ask yourself, why did Marjorie know him so well that she would hire him?? However, for folks to be so much on a crusade against pedophilia, you would think they would know Milo's background.....what is this groomer talk that Milo participated in......well.....have a look...

"In the excerpt from the podcast being circulated, the Breitbart senior editor says -- there are certainly people who are capable of giving consent at a younger age. I certainly consider myself to be one of them, people who were sexually active younger" -- At one point he refers to the possibility of relationships between 13-year-olds and 25- or 28-years-olds, claiming “these things do happen, perfectly consensually -- some of those relationships between younger boys and older men, the coming of age relationships,” are places in which “those older men help those young boys to discover who they are and give them security and safety. He is interrupted by one of the presenters, who said: “This sounds like priest molestation to me.” Mr Yiannopoulos replies: “And do you know what? I’m, grateful to Father Michael, I wouldn’t give nearly as good head if it wasn’t for him.”

But relax, if this doesn't play so well for her, she will fire him and claim ignorance about who he is.....she may even say that as of a few months or so ago; he wasn't gay anymore.....and I am sure she will claim she didn't know about him going on and on about how 13 yr olds being with 28 yr olds is consensual, that's all just him being sarcastic....because you know, so-called alt-right journalists at Brietbart are known for their comedy routines...But as I said, I expect folks on this message board to react by claiming "but but but Dems are pedos., blah blah blah" -- followed by more dumb shit....and not one of you will negatively criticize him or her for hiring him...which makes my initial point abundantly clear -- Trumpers will support anyone as long as they think that person hates the same people they hate...at the end of the day, reactionary right-wingers only policy is trolling.....and whining about imaginary grievances..period.
Your calling someone a "child groomer" because they were molested when they were younger? Explain your offensive thread.
Your calling someone a "child groomer" because they were molested when they were younger? Explain your offensive thread.
I am calling someone a child groomer because they advocated for it...

Or maybe I have you wrong...maybe you too agree that it's perfectly ok for a 28 yr old to be with a 13yr old -- which is EXACTLY WHAT HE SAID

In that case...all of your pearl clutching over pedophiles is absolutely full of shit
I am calling someone a child groomer because they advocated for it...

Or maybe I have you wrong...maybe you too agree that it's perfectly ok for a 28 yr old to be with a 13yr old -- which is EXACTLY WHAT HE SAID

In that case...all of your pearl clutching over pedophiles is absolutely full of shit
You advocated for it too, groomer. Im not sure why you are mad at him for doing the EXACT same thing you have done here MANY times.

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