More and More Prominent Conservatives Believe Feds Murdered School Kids In Uvalde

I assume your choldish little tantrums in this thread arise because you believe the conspiracy theory that is the topic.

Trumpsters today feel compelled to defend every single whacky conspiracy theory. On principle. It's a fucked up, delusional principle, but i guess it's something

You forgot the bigfoot video - 2000 bigfoots, or something. Or was it mules? Lizards? It's all so complicated

Right, because you're so talented at gaslighting us normals that we see your Brown Shirts as "peaceful protesters."


I mean, you have TONS of credibility - with utterly no one.
Right, because you're so talented at gaslighting us normals ...
Uh... No. You're not even close to normal. You're seriously fucked up. I'd advise you to get help, but i can't imagine why anyone would want to help you.

I assume your choldish little tantrums in this thread arise because you believe the conspiracy theory that is the topic.

What "tantrum" is that?

oh, you mean me posting facts.

You Nazis get very agitated when facts are presented. You staunchly oppose reality.

And the two year Kristallnacht you waged against America a "conspiracy theory?" You mean like "rushing coalushun?"

No stupid fuck, what you did is fact - all of you Nazi scum lying, you, DBlack, Surada, Rightwinger or any other leftist pile of shit, doesn't change reality.


No one believes you, not even your fellow Nazis. DBlack knows you're lying, you know he's lying - you congratulate each others for such bold and outrageous lies.
Uh... No. You're not even close to normal. You're seriously fucked up. I'd advise you to get help, but i can't imagine why anyone would want to help you.


Of course, I mean I don't have the approval of a gaslighting Nazi like you... Collectivist totalitarians like you went to all the trouble of rewriting recent history to service your Reich, the least normals like me could do is bow down and submit to your alternate reality..
Of course, I mean I don't have the approval of a gaslighting Nazi like you... Collectivist totalitarians like you went to all the trouble of rewriting recent history to service your Reich, the least normals like me could do is bow down and submit to your alternate reality..
You're pretty obsessed with the Nazi thing. Do you dream about it? Your life must be a living hell.

Also, I hate to break it to you, but you're not normal. Not sane.
You're pretty obsessed with the Nazi thing. Do you dream about it? Your life must be a living hell.

Also, I hate to break it to you, but you're not normal. Not sane.
Never again means recognizing and stopping those like you BEFORE you get the camps into full operation.

If you think Goosestepping for your Reich is "normal," you need to think again.

"Fringe right-wing media figures are pushing baseless conspiracy theories that the recent deadly mass shootings in Buffalo, New York, and Uvalde, Texas, were “false flag” operations orchestrated by the United States government to take away civil rights from American citizens. Alex Jones’ show on Infowars, claimed the Buffalo grocery store shooting [and Uvalde shooting] were staged events. Jones attempted to link the Buffalo shooting to the Unabomber, pushing the conspiracy theory that the unabomber worked for the CIA. Militia-linked radio host and right-wing extremist Pete Santilli claimed during his May 27 radio show that the CIA and FBI radicalized, hypnotized, and indoctrinated the shooter through his computer screen via “mind control” and “screen flicker technology” to commit the shooting.

White nationalist and Holocaust denier Nick Fuentes asserted that the police waited for the shooting to end before entering the classroom in order to push a “gun control agenda". Former Infowars host, QAnon conspiracy theorist, and failed congressional candidate DeAnna Lorraine declared that the shooting was “yet another false flag” to target white conservatives who live stream events and wear tactical gear. QAnon conspiracy theorist, antisemite, and failed congressional candidate Lauren Witzke suggested that the Uvalde mass shooting was a false flag operation intended to “change the public narrative” around Texas’ politics because “Hispanics are starting to lean more conservative."

Now, this is when "other Conservatives" rush out to say...nobody believes that, those guys are just on the fringe.....yet, the woman in that clip was the 2020 Senatorial GOP NOMINEE...that means she won her primary...that isn't "fringe"...that is mainstream.....and we all know that time and time and time and time and time again on this very message-board...the MAINSTREAM conservative reaction to just about every mass shooting going back to Sandy Hook is always something to the effect of -- false flag, a staged attack by Dems for gun control, or just yell Woke- Leftist BLM Antifa-Tranny in the mirror 5 times and hope it all goes away...why is this so prevalent among right-wingers?? This need to just claim, the police/government just routinely stages false flag shootings just for the fuck of it.... How can right-wingers believe that about the police, but clutch their pearls at the idea that the police would ever kill unarmed people just for the fuck of it?? Are you saying the same cops you give every benefit of a doubt to, when they gun down some 12 yr unarmed kid -- are also so untrustworthy that you would believe they would murder a bunch of 12 yr old kids; just because they are in a classroom? Doesn't it hurt to have such cognitive dissonance??

How can right-wingers just claim courts look the other way because of some nefarious conspiracy to stage the murder of innocent children - but those same right-wingers clutch their pearls at the suggestion of those same courts having systemic racial and socio-economic bias in it?? It's almost like Conservatives are so consumed with making up absolute bullshit to be outraged about (as if 19 kids being murdered isn't outrage enough) -- that they are WILLFULLY ignoring ACTUAL ISSUES that could be getting addressed.....I am inclined to think that if it weren't for folks like Alex Jones and QAnon nuts, the CIA would have had to invent them...for the purpose of distraction......the QAnon nuts are actually helping the CIA/FBI more than they realize....probably by design....And I just want to re-iterate of these QAnon morons literally said that the flicker from a computer screen made someone attempt to murder their grandmother, then go to a school and murder kids....and he is taken seriously by is that not a mental illness?

Conspiracy theorists tend to give the pinheads in govetnmrnt too much credit

What they see as a coordinated plan is often just simple incompetence

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