Conservatives,Have You Noticed?,Harry Reid Never Takes Open Questions On Live T.V.

Feb 1, 2013
Naples,Marco Area

Well, there are others {and we know who they are} But Harry Reid In Particular! He is the leading man in the senate. You would think that he would allow reporters to ask him candid questions to later air on cable news.
Yet, Prince Harry has spent the last few years spewing lies about Republicans, Conservatives, the GOP in general. Blaming them for everything. And all that B.S. regarding Romneys taxes/overseas accounts.
The guy is Yellow! He's a Wuss !!. And to name a few others, "Senator Al Franken",,Gee, he sure has been dormant since he won by a few "Felon Votes". And What about Biden and Pelosi? How often do they allow candid questions from the press?
But taking open questions from the press is never an issue with our leading conservatives.
Have you ever met a liberal who didn't lie to you, or call you a racist?

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such BS! althought the bottom of the barrel liberals will go on the Ed Show and present to us a display of their sheer stupidity. you would think that none of them graduated high school.
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Liberals in a nutshell: I am dumb, I am so goddam stupid, I failed high school, I am too lazy to work, therefore I am entitled to YOUR MONEY !!! Just give it to me!

Well, there are others {and we know who they are} But Harry Reid In Particular! He is the leading man in the senate. You would think that he would allow reporters to ask him candid questions to later air on cable news.
Yet, Prince Harry has spent the last few years spewing lies about Republicans, Conservatives, the GOP in general. Blaming them for everything. And all that B.S. regarding Romneys taxes/overseas accounts.
The guy is Yellow! He's a Wuss !!. And to name a few others, "Senator Al Franken",,Gee, he sure has been dormant since he won by a few "Felon Votes". And What about Biden and Pelosi? How often do they allow candid questions from the press?
But taking open questions from the press is never an issue with our leading conservatives.
Because he is too stupid to answer them without his socialist writers.
Conservatives,Have You Noticed?,Harry Reid Never Takes Open Questions On Live T.V.

that's because they are to busy watching reruns of Leave It To Cleaver.
I recall every other president and White House spokesperson standing in front of a room full of reporters and answering questions left and right. The reporters all did their best to put them on the spot because they wanted truthful answers to their questions. It used to be expected that any president would explain his actions and it was never acceptable for them to do things on the sly and get away with it. Reporters used to watch Washington like a hawk and pounce when they saw any politician try to get away with something.

Obama has never stood in front of that room full of reporters. He's never been put on the spot. He makes statements and the sheep report it as fact. They don't respect the public enough to tell us the truth. Only a dictator controls information like this. The media has become too complacent, and obedient, and we never get the whole story. They drop any story that doesn't bode well for Obama, like Solyndra, Fast and Furious, Benghazi and other matters that beg investigation. Meanwhile, they can make headlines out the slightest positive photo op or comment. They treat his words as if they are actions, when the truth is that his words rarely match his actions.

Reid is just another puppet in the administration who repeats what he's told. Part of the plan is to avoid the few reporters that actually do want to get at the truth. As long as they are with "friendly" reporters, there is no danger of being asked a tough question.
Liberals aren't fooling any of us, they just want to work as less as possible and make a million or more a year. Hey, aren't at least two people in the white house doing that as we speak?
I recall every other president and White House spokesperson standing in front of a room full of reporters and answering questions left and right. The reporters all did their best to put them on the spot because they wanted truthful answers to their questions. It used to be expected that any president would explain his actions and it was never acceptable for them to do things on the sly and get away with it. Reporters used to watch Washington like a hawk and pounce when they saw any politician try to get away with something.

Obama has never stood in front of that room full of reporters. He's never been put on the spot. He makes statements and the sheep report it as fact. They don't respect the public enough to tell us the truth. Only a dictator controls information like this. The media has become too complacent, and obedient, and we never get the whole story. They drop any story that doesn't bode well for Obama, like Solyndra, Fast and Furious, Benghazi and other matters that beg investigation. Meanwhile, they can make headlines out the slightest positive photo op or comment. They treat his words as if they are actions, when the truth is that his words rarely match his actions.

Reid is just another puppet in the administration who repeats what he's told. Part of the plan is to avoid the few reporters that actually do want to get at the truth. As long as they are with "friendly" reporters, there is no danger of being asked a tough question.

Right! Obama would always speak to the press, then run away like a chicken so not to take any questions, well he let Bill Clinton answer them for him.
I recall every other president and White House spokesperson standing in front of a room full of reporters and answering questions left and right. The reporters all did their best to put them on the spot because they wanted truthful answers to their questions. It used to be expected that any president would explain his actions and it was never acceptable for them to do things on the sly and get away with it. Reporters used to watch Washington like a hawk and pounce when they saw any politician try to get away with something.

Obama has never stood in front of that room full of reporters. He's never been put on the spot. He makes statements and the sheep report it as fact. They don't respect the public enough to tell us the truth. Only a dictator controls information like this. The media has become too complacent, and obedient, and we never get the whole story. They drop any story that doesn't bode well for Obama, like Solyndra, Fast and Furious, Benghazi and other matters that beg investigation. Meanwhile, they can make headlines out the slightest positive photo op or comment. They treat his words as if they are actions, when the truth is that his words rarely match his actions.

Reid is just another puppet in the administration who repeats what he's told. Part of the plan is to avoid the few reporters that actually do want to get at the truth. As long as they are with "friendly" reporters, there is no danger of being asked a tough question.

Right! Obama would always speak to the press, then run away like a chicken so not to take any questions, well he let Bill Clinton answer them for him.

I think Harry Reid, Joe Biden, and Nanci Pelosi say stupid things because they want Obama to appear rational in comparison. None of them likes to hang around for questions when they say something stupid because they know they'll have to answer for it, and these folks feel they shouldn't have to answer to the people they supposedly serve.
Harry Reid does not take and answers questions, because - in spite of his almost limitless shortcomings - he at least knows that as long as he keeps his mouth shut, people may think that he is a stupid dolt, but as soon as he opens it, they will KNOW that he is a stupid dolt.

Too bad that the person who is heartbeat away from being the President does not know even that much.
hey did you ever notice that republicans cant win national elections anymore?

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