Conservatives,Have You Noticed?,Harry Reid Never Takes Open Questions On Live T.V.

Many politicians from left to right do not take such questions anymore.
I recall every other president and White House spokesperson standing in front of a room full of reporters and answering questions left and right. The reporters all did their best to put them on the spot because they wanted truthful answers to their questions. It used to be expected that any president would explain his actions and it was never acceptable for them to do things on the sly and get away with it. Reporters used to watch Washington like a hawk and pounce when they saw any politician try to get away with something.

Obama has never stood in front of that room full of reporters. He's never been put on the spot. He makes statements and the sheep report it as fact. They don't respect the public enough to tell us the truth. Only a dictator controls information like this. The media has become too complacent, and obedient, and we never get the whole story. They drop any story that doesn't bode well for Obama, like Solyndra, Fast and Furious, Benghazi and other matters that beg investigation. Meanwhile, they can make headlines out the slightest positive photo op or comment. They treat his words as if they are actions, when the truth is that his words rarely match his actions.

Reid is just another puppet in the administration who repeats what he's told. Part of the plan is to avoid the few reporters that actually do want to get at the truth. As long as they are with "friendly" reporters, there is no danger of being asked a tough question.

(Bold Mine)
I don't think that Obama had to make most of the media do anything. I think they did it on their own.

TV, and News in particular, lives and dies by ratings. Most mainstream media has a vested interest in being complacent, as it's the best way to keep consistent ratings.
and where was Obama after March 1/2nd when the DOW gradually came back to life and hit a new high, along with encouraging economic news? Gee, he was all over the press/national TV When Unemployment Went from 9.5 to 94% !!!! but not a peep after the DOW hit a new high?

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