CONSERVATIVES: If The Presidential Election Were Held Today, Who Would You Vote For?

CONSERVATIVES: If The Election Were Held Today, Who Would You Vote For?

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My first choice is Scott Walker. But since he wasn't on the poll I went with FAT BOY!!! Triple C from the NJZ. He's hungry for power!! He's your next POTUS. It's inevitable!

This for CONSERVATIVES only, so WHO votes in this poll will be VISIBLE. Any leftists voting in this poll will be mocked for their stupidity and trolling if they vote. There is nothing stopping you leftists from starting your own poll on this with YOUR choices for president.

So this poll for CONSERVATIVES is very straight forward. Time to test the waters once again just to see which direction people are leaning, even though there is a long time before we really need to worry about it, most are already forming opinions on who they like. So, with that, "IF THE ELECTION WERE HELD TODAY, WHO WOULD YOU VOTE FOR?"

I think the list of choices is as comprehensive as it can be at this point. If someone you'd vote for isn't mentioned, sorry about that, mention them in your post.
Who ever is the latest hot chick on the media, and as I went down your list in the poll, I realized that I do not know ANY of them since I am intelligent enough not to FOLLOW the political circus on the media

This for CONSERVATIVES only, so WHO votes in this poll will be VISIBLE.
I am much more conservative than any of the dingbats in your poll selection, so don't you dare lump me in with that bunch.

Which is it?
Ted Cruz....he is not the old guard crap but he isn't a losertarian kook either.
My first choice is Scott Walker. But since he wasn't on the poll I went with FAT BOY!!! Triple C from the NJZ. He's hungry for power!! He's your next POTUS. It's inevitable!


I've wondered where my donuts went...
Better get to mocking RW then.

Alan West

Have you ever noticed that RW doesn't get mocked often here? There is a reason for that. Wanna guess what it is?

Because he isn't taken seriously and no one reads his posts? He's a 'scroll by' for me, I never even read his posts. :eusa_whistle:
Can't even muster being inadvertently comical, like rdean and truthmatters. :lol:
I really hope that this poll is how the actual vote goes come 2016.

Hillary would certainly get the victory with WHOPPING proportions.
Yes, I am a psycho because I did not believe the lie that "Obama watched as they died" and then convince myself this whole Benghazi exercise is a search for truth. I am a psycho because I do not construct straw man fallacies. I am a psycho because I do not make up lies about the Left and because I believe the truth is a far superior weapon. I am a psycho because I think pointless gestures like repealing ObamaCare 40 times in the House are idiotic. I am a psycho because I demand better from conservatives than constant whining and pessimism and would like to see them show some guts and put some actual solutions on the table and defend them. I am a psycho because I was not in a totalitarian rage for eight years and did not suddenly wake up in January 2009 and only then discover the Constitution was being used as shit paper. I am a psycho because I don't buy into the Kenyan conspiracy theory. I am a psycho because I don't believe FEMA and the DHS and the US Army are stockpiling ammo and will be coming for us in, and I don't say these things while simultaneously sporting a SUPPORT OUR TROOPS tag on my vehicle.

Yeah, that's me. A psycho, surrounded by idiots with the memories of goldfish and the intellectual bandwidth of bumper stickers who have been completely destroying the conservative name.
Post of the thread.

*One man standing ovation*
:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
I really hope that this poll is how the actual vote goes come 2016.

Hillary would certainly get the victory with WHOPPING proportions.


Keep regurgitating that bullshit bed wetter.

Obviously the "moderate" pukes are well documented losers.

A republican nominee that can contrast themselves against the batshit crazy statist sociopath hitlary will make a repeat of Reagan's crushing defeat of the democrook moonbats your side offered the country.

Rand Paul for instance is making great inroads courting the black youth, and even rich white bed wetters at Berekley. Conservatives terrify you sniveling ass douches, if the republicrat party gets it's shit together and picks one, I hope you imbeciles commit mass suicide.

I really hope that this poll is how the actual vote goes come 2016.

Hillary would certainly get the victory with WHOPPING proportions.


Keep regurgitating that bullshit bed wetter.

Obviously the "moderate" pukes are well documented losers.

A republican nominee that can contrast themselves against the batshit crazy statist sociopath hitlary will make a repeat of Reagan's crushing defeat of the democrook moonbats your side offered the country.

Rand Paul for instance is making great inroads courting the black youth, and even rich white bed wetters at Berekley. Conservatives terrify you sniveling ass douches, if the republicrat party gets it's shit together and picks one, I hope you imbeciles commit mass suicide.

That sounds like a winning spirit.

I'll go with Cruz. He's got a sharp mind, and is a committed conservative. He does appear to be the preferred candidate amongst GOP'ers.

If the GOP parades folks like Pete around campaigning for the GOP ticket, the GOP ticket is doomed.
This for CONSERVATIVES only, so WHO votes in this poll will be VISIBLE. Any leftists voting in this poll will be mocked for their stupidity and trolling if they vote. There is nothing stopping you leftists from starting your own poll on this with YOUR choices for president.

So this poll for CONSERVATIVES is very straight forward. Time to test the waters once again just to see which direction people are leaning, even though there is a long time before we really need to worry about it, most are already forming opinions on who they like. So, with that, "IF THE ELECTION WERE HELD TODAY, WHO WOULD YOU VOTE FOR?"

I think the list of choices is as comprehensive as it can be at this point. If someone you'd vote for isn't mentioned, sorry about that, mention them in your post.

What? No Sarah? Mittens? McSame? Uncle Herman?
This for CONSERVATIVES only, so WHO votes in this poll will be VISIBLE. Any leftists voting in this poll will be mocked for their stupidity and trolling if they vote. There is nothing stopping you leftists from starting your own poll on this with YOUR choices for president.

So this poll for CONSERVATIVES is very straight forward. Time to test the waters once again just to see which direction people are leaning, even though there is a long time before we really need to worry about it, most are already forming opinions on who they like. So, with that, "IF THE ELECTION WERE HELD TODAY, WHO WOULD YOU VOTE FOR?"

I think the list of choices is as comprehensive as it can be at this point. If someone you'd vote for isn't mentioned, sorry about that, mention them in your post.
Who ever is the latest hot chick on the media, and as I went down your list in the poll, I realized that I do not know ANY of them since I am intelligent enough not to FOLLOW the political circus on the media

This for CONSERVATIVES only, so WHO votes in this poll will be VISIBLE.
I am much more conservative than any of the dingbats in your poll selection, so don't you dare lump me in with that bunch.

Which is it?
B. I know that because I know that anyone in the political circus is not a conservative - it does not take to know them well to know that they are not conservative, since today's America is all about spending and not conserving - they are RINOS, and hypocrites. they have NO CLUE what conservative even means, and neither did most of their parents. they are all a new breed of degenerates.
I really hope that this poll is how the actual vote goes come 2016.

Hillary would certainly get the victory with WHOPPING proportions.


Keep regurgitating that bullshit bed wetter.

Obviously the "moderate" pukes are well documented losers.

A republican nominee that can contrast themselves against the batshit crazy statist sociopath hitlary will make a repeat of Reagan's crushing defeat of the democrook moonbats your side offered the country.

Rand Paul for instance is making great inroads courting the black youth, and even rich white bed wetters at Berekley. Conservatives terrify you sniveling ass douches, if the republicrat party gets it's shit together and picks one, I hope you imbeciles commit mass suicide.

That sounds like a winning spirit.


If we had a candidate in 2012 that actually won a significant primary election as opposed to being the only republicrat not demonized by the democrook ministry of propaganda until he was the last man standing obozo's landslide defeat would have allowed Carter to die peacefully knowing he wasn't the worst president since LBJ.

My optimism is inspired by the foaming at the mouths you moonbats demonstrate when the popularity of conservative candidates is pointed out.


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