CONSERVATIVES: If The Presidential Election Were Held Today, Who Would You Vote For?

CONSERVATIVES: If The Election Were Held Today, Who Would You Vote For?

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The most fiscally conservative candidate on the ballot by the time my primary comes about...

In the general election.. ONLY a fiscally conservative candidate.. or I abstain.. I will no longer vote for any 'lesser of 2 evils'
I still don't get it

What makes you think I won't be voting in the Republican primaries? I haven't missed one in 20 years. Have you?


All of those on the list will be running as Republicans not Conservatives. They will be running in the Republican primary not the Conservative Primary

As a registered Republican, I get to vote in the primary

Do you?

no I'm a registered democrat, I'll be voting for Sheila Jackson Lee, she's so eloquent
My vote goes to the one that tells the media and democrats to fuck one in the republican party has balls.
This for CONSERVATIVES only, so WHO votes in this poll will be VISIBLE. Any leftists voting in this poll will be mocked for their stupidity and trolling if they vote. There is nothing stopping you leftists from starting your own poll on this with YOUR choices for president.

So this poll for CONSERVATIVES is very straight forward. Time to test the waters once again just to see which direction people are leaning, even though there is a long time before we really need to worry about it, most are already forming opinions on who they like. So, with that, "IF THE ELECTION WERE HELD TODAY, WHO WOULD YOU VOTE FOR?"

I think the list of choices is as comprehensive as it can be at this point. If someone you'd vote for isn't mentioned, sorry about that, mention them in your post.

I asked this same question a while back and got accused of 'data mining' for personal info.


i don't believe you
There's no one on the list to vote for


You did say "liberals".

Yes I did and it's naïve to think you are the only liberal here.

I didn't answer for anyone but myself.

You said you didn't vote when no one said you had. That's stupid. But I understand you liberals are usually guilty of something so the first thing out of your mouths is "I didn't do it".

When my children were small and they would say such a thing, it means that did do it.
I ask why Scott Walker, Kasich and Rick Snyder didn't make the poll. I sorta favor Snyder.
Did someone say Sanders?


How's THAT for fiscal responsibility?
But notice that no one has voted for your previous favorite - 47% Romney.

He is unlikely to subject his family and himself to the rigors of trying to help people like you who don't deserve his talents.

Some people are farmers and that's all they'll ever be.

Some people are just ghetto denizens and that's all they'll ever be.

You are undeserving of a well ordered government led by honest principled Christians and that's the way some Americans will always be.

Limited by their own ignorance to a less than successful life, their lack of critical thinking and poor decision making will limit US to forever being a less than healthy America.

Bottom line, we could have had a real son of a bitch, ass kicking Business superstar wheelin and dealin FOR US.

And we chose an asshole who is a real son of a bitch, without any love or understanding that what makes business great is also what makes America great, who is wheelin and dealin AGAINST US.

You stupid tripe.
Did someone say Sanders?


How's THAT for fiscal responsibility?

You are just as stupid as Bernie Sanders, eh?

I'd bet both of you think Iraq was the worst possible thing Bush ever did. You think he should be tried for mounting a B.S. PR campaign to justify our naked, unjustified and deadly violent "redistribution of power" in Iraq.


And tell me if there's anything else (aside from any possible exploitative appeals to emotions to get the shit starters revved up) I might be leaving out.

That's how you and Bernie, I'd suppose, would feel.

This for CONSERVATIVES only, so WHO votes in this poll will be VISIBLE. Any leftists voting in this poll will be mocked for their stupidity and trolling if they vote. There is nothing stopping you leftists from starting your own poll on this with YOUR choices for president.

So this poll for CONSERVATIVES is very straight forward. Time to test the waters once again just to see which direction people are leaning, even though there is a long time before we really need to worry about it, most are already forming opinions on who they like. So, with that, "IF THE ELECTION WERE HELD TODAY, WHO WOULD YOU VOTE FOR?"

I think the list of choices is as comprehensive as it can be at this point. If someone you'd vote for isn't mentioned, sorry about that, mention them in your post.
Marco Rubio I think he has wide voter appeal especially with women and Hispanics Jindal would be my second choice I have no clear cut favorite after that.
My vote goes to the one that tells the media and democrats to fuck one in the republican party has balls.


[ame=]EPIC - Trey Gowdy gets a standing ovation on House Floor - 'We Make Law!' - YouTube[/ame]
Alrighty then, pretty good poll so far, but we have to mock 'rightwinger' for voting in a conservative poll, as stated would happen.

rightwinger is an admitted leftist troll that is paid to post left wing garbage here, and there is no way in hell he'd ever vote for Alan West.

Nice to see Ted Cruz tide for the lead, but very disappointing to see some willing to vote for that fatass RINO Christie. Thankfully in national polls he's down towards the bottom.
Alrighty then, pretty good poll so far, but we have to mock 'rightwinger' for voting in a conservative poll, as stated would happen.

rightwinger is an admitted leftist troll that is paid to post left wing garbage here, and there is no way in hell he'd ever vote for Alan West.

Nice to see Ted Cruz tide for the lead, but very disappointing to see some willing to vote for that fatass RINO Christie. Thankfully in national polls he's down towards the bottom.

Ooh! You really burned RW there. I hope he recovers.

This for CONSERVATIVES only, so WHO votes in this poll will be VISIBLE. Any leftists voting in this poll will be mocked for their stupidity and trolling if they vote. There is nothing stopping you leftists from starting your own poll on this with YOUR choices for president.

So this poll for CONSERVATIVES is very straight forward. Time to test the waters once again just to see which direction people are leaning, even though there is a long time before we really need to worry about it, most are already forming opinions on who they like. So, with that, "IF THE ELECTION WERE HELD TODAY, WHO WOULD YOU VOTE FOR?"

I think the list of choices is as comprehensive as it can be at this point. If someone you'd vote for isn't mentioned, sorry about that, mention them in your post.

Hey, I was a Republican for years before the whacks took over the party.

Probably of the lot of these, I kind of like Mike Huckabee. Yeah, he's a religious whack, but he seems like a nice enough guy.

Of course, not a one of these guys can beat the Democrat.

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