CONSERVATIVES: If The Presidential Election Were Held Today, Who Would You Vote For?

CONSERVATIVES: If The Election Were Held Today, Who Would You Vote For?

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This for CONSERVATIVES only, so WHO votes in this poll will be VISIBLE. Any leftists voting in this poll will be mocked for their stupidity and trolling if they vote. There is nothing stopping you leftists from starting your own poll on this with YOUR choices for president.

So this poll for CONSERVATIVES is very straight forward. Time to test the waters once again just to see which direction people are leaning, even though there is a long time before we really need to worry about it, most are already forming opinions on who they like. So, with that, "IF THE ELECTION WERE HELD TODAY, WHO WOULD YOU VOTE FOR?"

I think the list of choices is as comprehensive as it can be at this point. If someone you'd vote for isn't mentioned, sorry about that, mention them in your post.

Better get to mocking RW then.

Alan West
This for CONSERVATIVES only, so WHO votes in this poll will be VISIBLE. Any leftists voting in this poll will be mocked for their stupidity and trolling if they vote. There is nothing stopping you leftists from starting your own poll on this with YOUR choices for president.

So this poll for CONSERVATIVES is very straight forward. Time to test the waters once again just to see which direction people are leaning, even though there is a long time before we really need to worry about it, most are already forming opinions on who they like. So, with that, "IF THE ELECTION WERE HELD TODAY, WHO WOULD YOU VOTE FOR?"

I think the list of choices is as comprehensive as it can be at this point. If someone you'd vote for isn't mentioned, sorry about that, mention them in your post.

Better get to mocking RW then.

Alan West

This for CONSERVATIVES only, so WHO votes in this poll will be VISIBLE. Any leftists voting in this poll will be mocked for their stupidity and trolling if they vote. There is nothing stopping you leftists from starting your own poll on this with YOUR choices for president.

So this poll for CONSERVATIVES is very straight forward. Time to test the waters once again just to see which direction people are leaning, even though there is a long time before we really need to worry about it, most are already forming opinions on who they like. So, with that, "IF THE ELECTION WERE HELD TODAY, WHO WOULD YOU VOTE FOR?"

I think the list of choices is as comprehensive as it can be at this point. If someone you'd vote for isn't mentioned, sorry about that, mention them in your post.

Better get to mocking RW then.

Alan West


Because West is an unstable fruitcake who, thankfully, couldn't get elected dog catcher.
Amazing you would choose the two least conservatives.

The two least insane, you mean. What passes for a "conservative" these days is way off brand.

None of the candidates listed is a conservative. I see demagogues, posers, and psychopaths.

Then you have no idea what a conservative truly is.

Romney with his romneycare, isn't conservative.

Christie supports weapon bans....not a conservative tent.

Perhaps you missed that part where I plainly said, "None of the candidates listed is a conservative." So I just bolded it for you.

Hey, Reagan supported weapons bans, too. Was he not a conservative?

I once was sitting next to a guy at a Young Americans for Freedom event in NYC. We were watching a film about leading conservatives of the time. One of the people mentioned in the film was Jesse Helms. The guy next to me shouts, "HE'S NO CONSERVATIVE!" with disgust.
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The two least insane, you mean. What passes for a "conservative" these days is way off brand.

None of the candidates listed is a conservative. I see demagogues, posers, and psychopaths.

Then you have no idea what a conservative truly is.

Romney with his romneycare, isn't conservative.

Christie supports weapon bans....not a conservative tent.

Perhaps you missed that part where I plainly said, "None of the candidates listed is a conservative." So I just bolded it for you.

I heard what you said. But can you back it up?
This for CONSERVATIVES only, so WHO votes in this poll will be VISIBLE. Any leftists voting in this poll will be mocked for their stupidity and trolling if they vote. There is nothing stopping you leftists from starting your own poll on this with YOUR choices for president.

So this poll for CONSERVATIVES is very straight forward. Time to test the waters once again just to see which direction people are leaning, even though there is a long time before we really need to worry about it, most are already forming opinions on who they like. So, with that, "IF THE ELECTION WERE HELD TODAY, WHO WOULD YOU VOTE FOR?"

I think the list of choices is as comprehensive as it can be at this point. If someone you'd vote for isn't mentioned, sorry about that, mention them in your post.

Better get to mocking RW then.

Alan West


Do you still get to vote if you quit considering yourself to be conservative during the big government conservative/government is great as long as the GOP is running it salad days?
This for CONSERVATIVES only, so WHO votes in this poll will be VISIBLE. Any leftists voting in this poll will be mocked for their stupidity and trolling if they vote. There is nothing stopping you leftists from starting your own poll on this with YOUR choices for president.

So this poll for CONSERVATIVES is very straight forward. Time to test the waters once again just to see which direction people are leaning, even though there is a long time before we really need to worry about it, most are already forming opinions on who they like. So, with that, "IF THE ELECTION WERE HELD TODAY, WHO WOULD YOU VOTE FOR?"

I think the list of choices is as comprehensive as it can be at this point. If someone you'd vote for isn't mentioned, sorry about that, mention them in your post.

You gonna mock someone, chief? Will anyone notice?

That group doesn't even include the most viable potential GOP candidates.

You want a shot? Nominate Tom Ridge or John Huntsman.
This for CONSERVATIVES only, so WHO votes in this poll will be VISIBLE. Any leftists voting in this poll will be mocked for their stupidity and trolling if they vote. There is nothing stopping you leftists from starting your own poll on this with YOUR choices for president.

So this poll for CONSERVATIVES is very straight forward. Time to test the waters once again just to see which direction people are leaning, even though there is a long time before we really need to worry about it, most are already forming opinions on who they like. So, with that, "IF THE ELECTION WERE HELD TODAY, WHO WOULD YOU VOTE FOR?"

I think the list of choices is as comprehensive as it can be at this point. If someone you'd vote for isn't mentioned, sorry about that, mention them in your post.

Better get to mocking RW then.

Alan West

Have you ever noticed that RW doesn't get mocked often here? There is a reason for that. Wanna guess what it is?
I like a lot of them - but I don't think anyone can beat Triple C from the NJZ!

Meet the next POTUS....


I don't think anyone can beat him. He's fat. He's conservative on most issues. He's a straight talker who is not afraid of confrontation. He's going to be very tough to beat.

After 8 years of the passive aggressive pansy, America needs a strongman. Fat Boy fills the bill....and then some!!
I like a lot of them - but I don't think anyone can beat Triple C from the NJZ!

Meet the next POTUS....


I don't think anyone can beat him. He's fat. He's conservative on most issues. He's a straight talker who is not afraid of confrontation. He's going to be very tough to beat.

After 8 years of the passive aggressive pansy, America needs a strongman. Fat Boy fills the bill....and then some!!

None of the above.

Gun to my head, maybe Christie or Romney.

Imagine someone so confused they would need the threat of death to make them act in the best interests of the country.

Son, that is fuuuuucked uppp!
I still don't get it

What makes you think I won't be voting in the Republican primaries? I haven't missed one in 20 years. Have you?



All of those on the list will be running as Republicans not Conservatives. They will be running in the Republican primary not the Conservative Primary

As a registered Republican, I get to vote in the primary

Do you?

You are no more a Republican than fakestarky is.
I still don't get it

What makes you think I won't be voting in the Republican primaries? I haven't missed one in 20 years. Have you?



All of those on the list will be running as Republicans not Conservatives. They will be running in the Republican primary not the Conservative Primary

As a registered Republican, I get to vote in the primary

Do you?

I like a lot of them - but I don't think anyone can beat Triple C from the NJZ!

Meet the next POTUS....


I don't think anyone can beat him. He's fat. He's conservative on most issues. He's a straight talker who is not afraid of confrontation. He's going to be very tough to beat.

After 8 years of the passive aggressive pansy, America needs a strongman. Fat Boy fills the bill....and then some!!

Has he announced he's running?

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