CONSERVATIVES: If The Presidential Election Were Held Today, Who Would You Vote For?

CONSERVATIVES: If The Election Were Held Today, Who Would You Vote For?

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All of those on the list will be running as Republicans not Conservatives. They will be running in the Republican primary not the Conservative Primary

As a registered Republican, I get to vote in the primary

Do you?

You are no more a Republican than fakestarky is.

I have been a registered Republican for 20 years and don't recall missing a primary. Can you make the same claim or are you one of those who only vote in the "big" elections?
Myself. Only because I don't see anyone I trust with that power running yet.
None of the above.

Gun to my head, maybe Christie or Romney.

Imagine someone so confused they would need the threat of death to make them act in the best interests of the country.

Son, that is fuuuuucked uppp!

Yabut, its the same thing we saw the last time -

Check out the poll. The candidates are all over the place and so are the R constituents.

A candidate will get popular, the RWs will sing his praises, he'll hit the skids and the fans will go on to the next one.

And then Hillary will win.

And notice that no one took on my question of -

Who can win?

All of those on the list will be running as Republicans not Conservatives. They will be running in the Republican primary not the Conservative Primary

As a registered Republican, I get to vote in the primary

Do you?

You are no more a Republican than fakestarky is.

I have been a registered Republican for 20 years and don't recall missing a primary. Can you make the same claim or are you one of those who only vote in the "big" elections?

No I can't make that claim because first of all I don't lie, secondly in Texas you don’t have to formally register as a Democrat or Republican.
I like a lot of them - but I don't think anyone can beat Triple C from the NJZ!

Meet the next POTUS....


I don't think anyone can beat him. He's fat. He's conservative on most issues. He's a straight talker who is not afraid of confrontation. He's going to be very tough to beat.

After 8 years of the passive aggressive pansy, America needs a strongman. Fat Boy fills the bill....and then some!!


He's a RINO.

After being UN-INVITED to the 2013 C-PAC he showed up this year, all slicked down and flip flopping by trying to sound all Conservative when he is nothing but a politics as usual East Coast Politician shamelessly putting on a Conservative act to fool the more innocent GOP voters who he believes will fall for his bull shit.

"His performance was designed to begin to rehabilitate himself with his party’s conservative base, which probably holds some of the keys to his hopes of winning the White House someday. The audience saw the early makings of what a Candidate Christie might sound like, should he seek the GOP nomination in 2016.

When he spoke at the Ronald Reagan Library in the fall of 2011, he criticized Obama. When Hurricane Sandy devastated his state in 2012, he had nothing but warm words for the president’s attentiveness. He was almost giddy in his description of himself, a Jersey boy, riding on the president’s helicopter.

On Thursday, it was back to Reagan library days. Christie spoke of Obama’s indifference to the work of the congressional supercommittee that was unable to produce a budget compromise in late 2011 after a debt-ceiling debacle the previous summer. Obama, he said, had never met with the committee.

“Man,” he said sarcastically, that’s leadership.”


Christie, who was not invited to speak at the CPAC last year, was well received on Thursday. At the end of his address, some in the audience stood to applaud.

But one speech will not erase the doubts and skepticism many conservatives have about him.

The governor was one of several prospective 2016 candidates who spoke. The others included Sen. Ted Cruz (Tex.), Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.), Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal and Rep. Paul Ryan (Wis.). All of them may have a better relationship with the Republican base than Christie does at this point. Each used his time on the stage to highlight aspects of policy or principles they see as part of a successful Republican message.

In stressing his conservative credentials, Christie reminded his audience of the party’s need to attract more voters. His parting message was one he has talked about often in the past 18 months, which is that Republicans cannot simply become a debating society over purity and principle.

Stick to principles, he said, but then added: “I’ll remind you of one simple truth in this democracy: We don’t get to govern if we don’t win. When we don’t get to govern . . . what’s worse is they do. And they’re doing it to us right now.” What conservatives worry about is how far Christie may be willing to go to do that.

Christie’s calling card as a possible presidential candidate has been the idea that he can win in places where other Republicans cannot. But his star has fallen with the general public since the bridge scandal erupted. No one knows whether the investigations will turn up something that disqualifies him from running.

But Christie also has to deal with resistance inside his party. Winning a general election could happen only if he could clear the first hurdle in a nomination campaign. Thursday’s speech offered a look at how he would try to do that.​

Chris Christie at CPAC: Back to the future - The Washington Post



Yes, I'd vote for him over a Democrat nominee.

But he'd still have a ways to go to convince me he isn't just the most recent flavor of the self centered, fast talking, unprincipled Politician out for himself who'd do whatever was necessary to assure his own political career was safe and on track and to hell with the citizens.
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I like a lot of them - but I don't think anyone can beat Triple C from the NJZ!

Meet the next POTUS....


I don't think anyone can beat him. He's fat. He's conservative on most issues. He's a straight talker who is not afraid of confrontation. He's going to be very tough to beat.

After 8 years of the passive aggressive pansy, America needs a strongman. Fat Boy fills the bill....and then some!!

Has he announced he's running?

Fat boy is running. He's losing a lot of weight too. I bet he'll be down to 250 by the time primaries start.
None of the above.

Gun to my head, maybe Christie or Romney.

Imagine someone so confused they would need the threat of death to make them act in the best interests of the country.

Son, that is fuuuuucked uppp!

Yabut, its the same thing we saw the last time -

Check out the poll. The candidates are all over the place and so are the R constituents.

A candidate will get popular, the RWs will sing his praises, he'll hit the skids and the fans will go on to the next one.

And then Hillary will win.

And notice that no one took on my question of -

Who can win?


Ladies and Gentlemen Readers,

I note Luddly's almost complete indifference to the more important matter I addressed in my post ("...act in the best interests of the country...") and he totally disregards any consideration of that so he can, instead, deal with the political ramifications of it.

Luddly is very much like those in the Obama Administration.

They just mentally function in that typically quizzical fashion.

And, yes, the thread is about who we think will win, but we could lift this criticism of you and y'all and place it in many different discussions of political events by Libs and the criticism would be well taken, (though not well received by those who 'fit the shoe I'm waving'...if the shoe fits, wear it!) and quite appropriate.

So, the observations stand.

Everything is politics to you and the Obama administration.

Cruz, FTW.

And Trey Gowdy as the Wild Card.

His next few weeks, as chairman of the House Select Committee, may be to his presidential career path, what the 2004 DNC Keynote speech was to Barack Obama's career trajectory.

It lit the final stage to propel him into the orbit of contender.

If and when he gets there it's anyone's race to win or lose, politically speaking.

Trey Gowdy's upside potential seems limitless.

But wait until he's vetted.

Which doesn't take long if the candidate is a Conservative.

And before the Liberal Obama fed media is through with him Gowdy will see his 10th grade girlfriend's X-Rays on the TV screen the investigation of him will be so thorough.

Meanwhile, we still can't even get Obama to release something as seemingly innocent as his college transcripts!

Hell, let's wait til Obama is vetted!
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Imagine someone so confused they would need the threat of death to make them act in the best interests of the country.

Son, that is fuuuuucked uppp!

Yabut, its the same thing we saw the last time -

Check out the poll. The candidates are all over the place and so are the R constituents.

A candidate will get popular, the RWs will sing his praises, he'll hit the skids and the fans will go on to the next one.

And then Hillary will win.

And notice that no one took on my question of -

Who can win?


Ladies and Gentlemen Readers,

I note Luddly's almost complete indifference to the more important matter I addressed in my post ("...act in the best interests of the country...") and he totally disregards any consideration of that so he can, instead, deal with the political ramifications of it.

Luddly is very much like those in the Obama Administration.

They just mentally function in that typically quizzical fashion.

And, yes, the thread is about who we think will win, but we could lift this criticism of you and y'all and place it in many different discussions of political events by Libs and the criticism would be well taken, (though not well received by those who 'fit the shoe I'm waving'...if the shoe fits, wear it!) and quite appropriate.

So, the observations stand.

Everything is politics to you and the Obama administration.

So you don't think there's anyone who can win.

I agree.

But I'll give you a break and stop asking questions that make some of you VERY uncomfortable.

I like a lot of them - but I don't think anyone can beat Triple C from the NJZ!

Meet the next POTUS....


I don't think anyone can beat him. He's fat. He's conservative on most issues. He's a straight talker who is not afraid of confrontation. He's going to be very tough to beat.

After 8 years of the passive aggressive pansy, America needs a strongman. Fat Boy fills the bill....and then some!!

Has he announced he's running?

Fat boy is running. He's losing a lot of weight too. I bet he'll be down to 250 by the time primaries start.

Link to his announcement.

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