Conservatives, if you must be outraged, at least be INFORMED and outraged


VIP Member
Nov 17, 2013
Then, people like me can be on your side. This is not a new video, but it is an important reminder to those of you (or those of us) who bash Obama today. Because every time I hear someone bashing Obama today, a suspicion naturally comes to mind (and that suspicion is justified) that the basher may be just a troll of the two party circus, if you know what I mean...

[ame=]George Bush and King Abdullah Kissing and Holding Hands - YouTube[/ame]

Now, regardless of what anyone says, I consider Saudi Arabia to be an ally of the governing body that is in power in USA - what the OFFICIAL stand is might be different, I am talking about what officially IS.

[ame=]President Obama & King Adbullah Meet at the White House - YouTube[/ame]

Report: Saudis sent death-row inmates to fight Syria
Oh brother.


Yet it was obama that destroyed our relationship with Saudi Arabia and ended an alliance that existed since 1932.

Where we had a friend we now have an enemy. That is officially. The Sauds also took Qtar, Kuwait and the UAE with them.
So Bush doing things poorly means Obama can do things worse... what kind of logic is that?
So Bush doing things poorly means Obama can do things worse... what kind of logic is that?

That's easy with democrats - they justify THEIR bad behavior by pointing to other bad behavior.

It's what they do. It's what they have always done and it's what they will always do.

It's George's fault. That justifies it.
Then, people like me can be on your side. This is not a new video, but it is an important reminder to those of you (or those of us) who bash Obama today. Because every time I hear someone bashing Obama today, a suspicion naturally comes to mind (and that suspicion is justified) that the basher may be just a troll of the two party circus, if you know what I mean...

George Bush and King Abdullah Kissing and Holding Hands - YouTube

Now, regardless of what anyone says, I consider Saudi Arabia to be an ally of the governing body that is in power in USA - what the OFFICIAL stand is might be different, I am talking about what officially IS.

President Obama & King Adbullah Meet at the White House - YouTube

Report: Saudis sent death-row inmates to fight Syria

We are outraged because we are informed. If you were informed you too would be outraged.
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As much as I hate to point this out yet again Bush has not been President since January 20th 2009. And FYI Bush's mistakes do not excuse or justify Obama's.
We are outraged because we are informed. If you were informed you too would be outraged.
You still do not get it, but at least you are not trying to sound smart like some others here, so I will explain it to you:

Scenario 1. A chicken can be outraged at the other chicken, because he is informed that the other chicken ate his food.
Scenario 2. A chicken can be outraged at the big guy with the big head, because he is informed that he forgot to feed him

If you can see the difference, you are probably smarter than most other people on this thread.
As much as I hate to point this out yet again Bush has not been President since January 20th 2009. And FYI Bush's mistakes do not excuse or justify Obama's.
I can only guess you are referring to some democrats here, but who I have no clue.
The outrage is anyone believing you actually would be on anyone's side.
Thank you! it's like seeing a dolphin in a desert ocean. nice to meet you. it is quite obvious that none of the responders to this thread read past the first line, because other way, they surely would have seen my second video in the big box of Obama doing the same thing and not assumed that I am his supporter.
Bush did very well. He put together a coalition of 140 countries as our allies to go into Iraq and Afganistan. obama didn't get any Americans to go into Libya to rescue other Americans. He alienated every friendly country in the middle east. Brazil ejected our ambassador. The president of Brazil refused to even meet with our dunce in chief. Germany told him his spying was risking that relationship and so did France. obama betrayed our alliances with Egypt, Israel and now Japan.

The word Bush doesn't have the same knee jerk it once had Bush is now more popular than obama.

Excellent post. Don't mind politico, he's an idiot to say the least. Unfortunately too many conservatives viewed George W. Bush as a good guy simply because he had the letter "R" by his name. Left-wingers are natural born imbeciles, they hate on Bush because of the "R" by his name, but lefties are too dumb to realize Bush was one of them; a socialist.

My inferring that Bush is a socialist is not just my conclusion, the leftist Huffington Post proclaimed Bush a socialist

Cenk Uygur: George Bush Becomes a Socialist

Even Barack Obama in an interview referred to Bush as a socialist:

Barack Obama: George W. Bush is a socialist ? Telegraph Blogs

The Bush family is truly an evil family going all the way back to Prescott Bush. That's a whole story in and of itself, so I will stick to George W. Bush. Under GWB, prior to Obama, we saw the largest increase in government size and spending since Lyndon B. Johnson. It was George W. Bush who pressured through the authoritarian-statist, anti-American - Anti-Patriot Act. Oh, I'm not done yet it - was under Bush the following happened:

Tried in every possible way to grant amnesty to illegals

Allowed easy access for trucking companies out of Mexico to rob America trucking companies of jobs. On 09/06/07, Bush opened the roads to Mexican trucks and drivers.

Eliminated patient privacy rights in medical records

His No Child Left Behind was a mirror image of Goals 2000

He was part of the anti-1st Amendment Campaign finance reform

While in Mexico in March 2003, Bush approved the largest foreign aid spending in U.S. history.

Bush stated how English should not be the official language of the U.S. because it causes divisiveness.

Then of course it, was Bush who raped American sovereignty on March 23, 2005 by partnering with then Mexican president Vincente Fox and Canadian Prime Minister, Paul Martin to launch the Security and Prosperity Partnership...the North American Union. The Bush family is truly evil, just like Barack Obama and the Clinton family.

If the GOP establishment should rig the election for either Jeb Bush, Chris Christie or some other traitor like them to be the GOP nominee in '16, I hope people do research on that candidate and see them for who they are.
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If dupes didn't have misinformation, they wouldn't have any information at all...see sig para 3...etc etc etc

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