Conservatives: Meet YOUR Candidate

They have their differences but they all for agree on at least one approach to governance.

Decreasing taxes on the wealthy and paying for that by imposing austerity in social services.

And that is basically all the GOP stands for now, far as I can tell.

When they tell us they will make a smaller government, I just don't believe them.

The Republicans have never decreased the size of government, neither have they ever gotten government out of the hair of the PEOPLE.

Corporations and very wealthy people, yes, there will be more FREEDOM for those types, but for the average American, they will continue to tighten the noose around our necks. If you doubt that just look at how the all but 43 Republicans GOP Reps voted on NDAA

But when they tell us (not in so many words but by their policy proposals) let market forces kill Americans, there I actually think they're more or less telling us the truth of their policies.

The only GOPer who is saying anything that is somewhat different is Ron Paul, but he too is on board with the policies that will kill Americans via market forces.

Really from my POV there isn't one of them that is -- policitically speaking -- worth a festering pimple on my ass.
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Does anyone seriously think that anyone other than Romney will take the GOP nomination?

And does that mean that Romney is the candidate that best represents their views? More so than Perry, Gingrich, Santorum or Cain?

Fading Gingrich falls behind in polls - Yahoo! News

NO, he doesn't.

But I think the GOP establishment has fallen for the siren song of "electability". ROmney's "electable", even though the only person he's ever beaten is a non-entity named Shannon O'Brien in 2002.

(Incidently for the last few weeks, I've inaccurately identified his opponent in the 2002 race as "Jan Swift". Jane Swift was his predecessor as acting governor, but she didn't run again. Oddly, not one Romney supporter corrected my error, that's how unimportant and a non-entity she was. And he still had to spend 7 million to do it!)

He's been beaten By Ted Kennedy, didn't even show up to the fight with Devall Patrick, got beat down by Mike Huckabee and then John McCain, and now he's struggling with Newt Gingrich, of all people. But he's going to really stand a chance against Obama, the guy who got the most votes by a Democrat since LBJ.

It's like saying that he got beat up by Carrot top. Barely won a fight with Pee-wee Herman. Ran away from a fight with Andy Dick. Got rolled in the next fight with Tom Cruise.

But don't worry, he won a fight once against Pee-Wee. He's ready to take on Evander Hollyfeild now.
I've seen a difference in Romney in the last couple of debates. He needs a speech coach. and a debate coach. This practices has been good for him.

I'm still Anybody But Obama..
I've seen a difference in Romney in the last couple of debates. He needs a speech coach. and a debate coach. This practices has been good for him.

I'm still Anybody But Obama..

Well, that's your perogative.

I'm anybody but Romney. Just because they put a slicker package on him doesn't make him any better.
Well, SC has picked the Pres nominee going back to Nixon.

Based on that streak, it would be foolish to assume Romney.

I really don't like any of them. Cain and Johnson were my biggest hopes.
Does anyone seriously think that anyone other than Romney will take the GOP nomination?

And does that mean that Romney is the candidate that best represents their views? More so than Perry, Gingrich, Santorum or Cain?

Fading Gingrich falls behind in polls - Yahoo! News

Fiscally Herman Cain is the best candidate but he is a liar. The first few women that he worked with that claimed he "harrassed" them? No, that had little or no credibility with me. The woman he did have an affair with as it has been common knowledge here forever Cain is a whorre hound. And he lied.
Gingrich is all over the place as usual with his kooky moon colony BS. And his baggage runs deep in west Georgia and his #s with women are pitiful.
Santorum uses the Bible to promote government.
So Romney is the man. We could do a hell of a lot worse.
Does anyone seriously think that anyone other than Romney will take the GOP nomination?

And does that mean that Romney is the candidate that best represents their views? More so than Perry, Gingrich, Santorum or Cain?

Fading Gingrich falls behind in polls - Yahoo! News

Fiscally Herman Cain is the best candidate but he is a liar. The first few women that he worked with that claimed he "harrassed" them? No, that had little or no credibility with me. The woman he did have an affair with as it has been common knowledge here forever Cain is a whorre hound. And he lied.
Gingrich is all over the place as usual with his kooky moon colony BS. And his baggage runs deep in west Georgia and his #s with women are pitiful.
Santorum uses the Bible to promote government.
So Romney is the man. We could do a hell of a lot worse.

NOt really.

Weird Religion
Slimy businss practices
Creepy personality like an undertaker.

I'm just not seeing how sacrificing issues you care about really is mollified by picking a guy with all these strikes against him.

He'll beat Newt because the whole of the GOP establishment is coming down on his side. The last time I saw something like this was when Pat Buchanan won the NH Primary in 1996, and the whole of the GOP establishment got behind Bob Dole and beat the hell out of the guy.

But Dole was a shitty candidate. I knew it was over for him when he resigned from the Senate and then bragged about all the government programs he got put into place.
Cain supporters are now able to rest easy as the dummy they got behind can no longer make an ass of himself in debates and interviews.
Does anyone seriously think that anyone other than Romney will take the GOP nomination?

And does that mean that Romney is the candidate that best represents their views? More so than Perry, Gingrich, Santorum or Cain?

Fading Gingrich falls behind in polls - Yahoo! News

Fiscally Herman Cain is the best candidate but he is a liar. The first few women that he worked with that claimed he "harrassed" them? No, that had little or no credibility with me. The woman he did have an affair with as it has been common knowledge here forever Cain is a whorre hound. And he lied.
Gingrich is all over the place as usual with his kooky moon colony BS. And his baggage runs deep in west Georgia and his #s with women are pitiful.
Santorum uses the Bible to promote government.
So Romney is the man. We could do a hell of a lot worse.

NOt really.

Weird Religion
Slimy businss practices
Creepy personality like an undertaker.

I'm just not seeing how sacrificing issues you care about really is mollified by picking a guy with all these strikes against him.

He'll beat Newt because the whole of the GOP establishment is coming down on his side. The last time I saw something like this was when Pat Buchanan won the NH Primary in 1996, and the whole of the GOP establishment got behind Bob Dole and beat the hell out of the guy.

But Dole was a shitty candidate. I knew it was over for him when he resigned from the Senate and then bragged about all the government programs he got put into place.

"Weird, slimy and creepy" are what grade school kids call their opponents in a race for 5th grade class President.
Bob Dole is a war hero wounded in action, hit by Kraut machine gun fire and barely lived. He supported the civil rights bill and he voted AGAINST Johnson's War on Poverty.
Dole did brag about the government programs he put into place. He backed numerous handicapped workers bills, building requirements and different eligibility requirements for food stamps.
Romney will beat Newt because THE VOTERS will vote for him in the primaries.
How else does one get beat other than AT THE POLLS?
I've heard it described as the "long, slow march to Mittdom" :lol:

You'll notice that Fox has been falling in line behind Romney...some grudgingly.

Newt, the angry little attack muffin, has turned on them lately. Bad dog to bite the hand that feeds the GOP.
is it just me or is it totally crazy that the only candidate that wants to seriously address our debt issues, right now when they're the worst, is the only candidate that the republicans won't nominate?
is it just me or is it totally crazy that the only candidate that wants to seriously address our debt issues, right now when they're the worst, is the only candidate that the republicans won't nominate?

Buddy Roemer?
Does anyone seriously think that anyone other than Romney will take the GOP nomination?

And does that mean that Romney is the candidate that best represents their views? More so than Perry, Gingrich, Santorum or Cain?

Fading Gingrich falls behind in polls - Yahoo! News

Fiscally Herman Cain is the best candidate but he is a liar. The first few women that he worked with that claimed he "harrassed" them? No, that had little or no credibility with me. The woman he did have an affair with as it has been common knowledge here forever Cain is a whorre hound. And he lied.
Gingrich is all over the place as usual with his kooky moon colony BS. And his baggage runs deep in west Georgia and his #s with women are pitiful.
Santorum uses the Bible to promote government.
So Romney is the man. We could do a hell of a lot worse.

You can pretty much make the same arguments about Gingrich. :eusa_angel: Who claims he is not an 'insider'... and yet, he's the one who came from the US congress - and, during his time there, did jack shit to stop insider trading. Gingrich can go screw whatever female he deems appropriate.... but I don't see him screwing the American people as President.... cuz he's never gonna be the President.
Does anyone seriously think that anyone other than Romney will take the GOP nomination?

And does that mean that Romney is the candidate that best represents their views? More so than Perry, Gingrich, Santorum or Cain?

Fading Gingrich falls behind in polls - Yahoo! News

Fiscally Herman Cain is the best candidate but he is a liar. The first few women that he worked with that claimed he "harrassed" them? No, that had little or no credibility with me. The woman he did have an affair with as it has been common knowledge here forever Cain is a whorre hound. And he lied.
Gingrich is all over the place as usual with his kooky moon colony BS. And his baggage runs deep in west Georgia and his #s with women are pitiful.
Santorum uses the Bible to promote government.
So Romney is the man. We could do a hell of a lot worse.

You can pretty much make the same arguments about Gingrich. :eusa_angel: Who claims he is not an 'insider'... and yet, he's the one who came from the US congress - and, during his time there, did jack shit to stop insider trading. Gingrich can go screw whatever female he deems appropriate.... but I don't see him screwing the American people as President.... cuz he's never gonna be the President.

Carrollton is in West Georgia and that is where Newt taught at West Georgia College. Surprisingly, they recruited me back then and a good friend of mine went there and now works for Southwire there and his wife works at the University as it is now.
They do not like Newt Gingrich out there now, still to this day. The church they went to had a food drive when the first divorce went down for Jackie. Now Newt was young and dumb and word was he was very upset and unsure as what to do. He did come around a few weeks later with all of the $$ he could muster up and did what was right but the political stink never goes away. West Georgia politics is entrenched with the legacy of Tom Murphy, speaker of the Ga. House for ever who died a few years ago. A Democrat. He hated Gingrich and he was a DixieCrat. His influence stretched statewide but had power across state lines also into Alabama from the $$ in Boaz and Albertville all the way down to Dothan in east Alabama in national polling. Gingrich will have a hard, a very hard time in west Georgia from Summerville to Columbus and eastern Alabama. Lot of $$$ in those areas, old time $$$.
Newt would torch Obama in any debate big time and would be a fine President. However, the Democrat American public are about as dumbed down as it gets. I have been a Romney supporter from the word go and he will get the moderate female vote. My sister backed Obama, borderline as she almost voted McCain, and now she will vote for Romney.
Female moderates will win this election and the Republican insiders know it.

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