Conservatives mock ‘Bring Back Our Girls’ hashtag

Lol did the subhumans read Moochelle's hash tag and give up the girls? No did they even read it? Lol of course not, its complete nonsense for stupid people.

And another bent out of shape, deeply disturbed, dittohead chimes in. :lol:

My, how they are mad as hell.

:lol: how am I mad? Just find it comical and pathetic if your treasonous hero was a man he'd of acted weeks ago in secret he's a joke.

Your foul-mouth and name-calling give you away. Not to mention your superficial concern with the girls when all you actually are concerned with is viciously attacking Michelle President Obama while politically using the girls as cover as usual.
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And another bent out of shape, deeply disturbed, dittohead chimes in. :lol:

My, how they are mad as hell.

:lol: how am I mad? Just find it comical and pathetic if your treasonous hero was a man he'd of acted weeks ago in secret he's a joke.

Your foul-mouth and name-calling give you away. Not to mention your superficial concern with the girls when all you actually are concerned with is viciously attacking Michelle President Obama as usual.

It's time for you and Queen Michelle to be dropped off in Nigeria armed with only your hashtags. Let us all know how it goes. Bon Voyage. ;)
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It's reality. Do you actually believe your fellow Anti-Constitution Communist wankers are gonna do it? I bet you do. Man, how delusional. Leave it to our brave Pro-2nd Amendment Conservative men & women in our Military. They'll get these girls home safe.


Have your brave, gun-toting, pro-2nd amendment conservative men and women saved the girls and brought them home safe yet?

Have you Anti-Constitution Communist assholes? Didn't think so. Leave this to the real Americans. You assholes are out of your depth.

I ask again. Have your brave, gun-toting, pro-2nd amendment conservative men and women saved the girls and brought them home safe yet?


Well? WTF? Were waiting.
'Evil gun-toting Pro-2nd Amendment Conservatives' protect you and this Nation. Who did you think did that? Your fellow Anti-Constitution Communist jerks? Well, think again.

There are lots and lots of liberal families in the military, so get over yourself. No sane person here is falling for your stupid trolling.

Most are not. Most are good Pro-2nd Amendment Conservative Americans. That's who make up most of our Military. They're the ones who will save these girls. And they're the ones even you jerks call when you're in a pinch. Trust me, it will not be you Anti-Constitution Communist wingnuts who save these girls. Bet on that.

When? When will your brown-shirts save them?
There are lots and lots of liberal families in the military, so get over yourself. No sane person here is falling for your stupid trolling.

Most are not. Most are good Pro-2nd Amendment Conservative Americans. That's who make up most of our Military. They're the ones who will save these girls. And they're the ones even you jerks call when you're in a pinch. Trust me, it will not be you Anti-Constitution Communist wingnuts who save these girls. Bet on that.

When? When will your brown-shirts save them?

Our brave men & women in uniform are not 'brown-shirts.' Only a twisted Communist idiot would claim that. Shame on you.

Have your brave, gun-toting, pro-2nd amendment conservative men and women saved the girls and brought them home safe yet?

Have you Anti-Constitution Communist assholes? Didn't think so. Leave this to the real Americans. You assholes are out of your depth.

I ask again. Have your brave, gun-toting, pro-2nd amendment conservative men and women saved the girls and brought them home safe yet?


Well? WTF? Were waiting.

I ask again: have your brave hashtags saved anybody -- ever?

We're waiting.
Most are not. Most are good Pro-2nd Amendment Conservative Americans. That's who make up most of our Military. They're the ones who will save these girls. And they're the ones even you jerks call when you're in a pinch. Trust me, it will not be you Anti-Constitution Communist wingnuts who save these girls. Bet on that.

When? When will your brown-shirts save them?

Our brave men & women in uniform are not 'brown-shirts.' Only a twisted Communist idiot would claim that. Shame on you.

No they are not.

But your... "brave, gun-toting, pro-2nd amendment conservative men and women" are.

I ask again. Have your "brave, gun-toting, pro-2nd amendment conservative men and women" saved the girls and brought them home safe yet?

No? Just as I thought so you big mouth asshole. :D
When? When will your brown-shirts save them?

Our brave men & women in uniform are not 'brown-shirts.' Only a twisted Communist idiot would claim that. Shame on you.

No they are not.

But your... "brave, gun-toting, pro-2nd amendment conservative men and women" are.

No. THEY aren't either. Words have meaning to honest people. Not so much to assholes like you, though.

I ask again. Have your "brave, gun-toting, pro-2nd amendment conservative men and women" saved the girls and brought them home safe yet?

* * * *

And I ask YOU yet again: have your brave hashtags saved anybody -- ever?
When? When will your brown-shirts save them?

Our brave men & women in uniform are not 'brown-shirts.' Only a twisted Communist idiot would claim that. Shame on you.

No they are not.

But your... "brave, gun-toting, pro-2nd amendment conservative men and women" are.

I ask again. Have your "brave, gun-toting, pro-2nd amendment conservative men and women" saved the girls and brought them home safe yet?

No? Just as I thought so you big mouth asshole. :D

Brave gun-toting Pro-2nd Amendment Conservative men and women make up most of our Military. They protect you and this nation. You Anti-Constitution Communist wankers aren't capable of that. They'll be saving these girls while you hide behind your keyboard tweeting more stupid meaningless shite. So just remember to thank our good Conservative Soldiers. Even you wankers should be able to muster that.
Have you Anti-Constitution Communist assholes? Didn't think so. Leave this to the real Americans. You assholes are out of your depth.

I ask again. Have your brave, gun-toting, pro-2nd amendment conservative men and women saved the girls and brought them home safe yet?


Well? WTF? Were waiting.

I ask again: have your brave hashtags saved anybody -- ever?

We're waiting.

Stay tuned dittohead, stay tuned.

Now I ask you... Have your brave, gun-toting, pro-2nd amendment conservative men and women saved the girls and brought them home safe yet?

Our brave men & women in uniform are not 'brown-shirts.' Only a twisted Communist idiot would claim that. Shame on you.

No they are not.

But your... "brave, gun-toting, pro-2nd amendment conservative men and women" are.

I ask again. Have your "brave, gun-toting, pro-2nd amendment conservative men and women" saved the girls and brought them home safe yet?

No? Just as I thought so you big mouth asshole. :D

Brave gun-toting Pro-2nd Amendment Conservative men and women make up most of our Military. They protect you and this nation. You Anti-Constitution Communist wankers aren't capable of that. They'll be saving these girls while you hide behind your keyboard tweeting more stupid meaningless shite. So just remember to thank our good Conservative Soldiers. Even you wankers should be able to muster that.

True, there are probably a few conservative brown-shirts in our military but not as many as you fantasize about you twit.

The overwhelming majority of our brave troops are honored to serve under their Commander in Chief, President Obama.

Too bad for you traitor dittoheads.

Yes it is. :lol:

Thanks for playing the game so well you stupid fucking dittoheads. :D

The #awareness campaign has worked magnificently. Thank you Michelle!

#awareness campaign has worked magnificently. ??

Say What?

The kids got freed?


That's great.

They should hashtag that news.

Unless it's just you being a dishonest twat again, of course.
I ask again. Have your brave, gun-toting, pro-2nd amendment conservative men and women saved the girls and brought them home safe yet?


Well? WTF? Were waiting.

I ask again: have your brave hashtags saved anybody -- ever?

We're waiting.

Stay tuned dittohead, stay tuned.

Now I ask you... Have your brave, gun-toting, pro-2nd amendment conservative men and women saved the girls and brought them home safe yet?


Thanks for the input Dimocrap.....:muahaha:
I ask again. Have your brave, gun-toting, pro-2nd amendment conservative men and women saved the girls and brought them home safe yet?


Well? WTF? Were waiting.

I ask again: have your brave hashtags saved anybody -- ever?

We're waiting.

Stay tuned dittohead, stay tuned.

Now I ask you... Have your brave, gun-toting, pro-2nd amendment conservative men and women saved the girls and brought them home safe yet?


(A) Kiddierocks employs a term (dittohead) that is not applicable to me. But the moron is just a moron, so it's of no consequence.

(B) If by "stay tuned" you are admitting that never in the history of EVER has hashtag anything ever accomplished the saving of anybody from anything, then you are at long last starting to sneak up on honesty.

Gun toting men and women have historically saved lots of hostages and victims in the past.

If nobody has yet saved the poor girls you hastag libbies are wailing over, or if those poor victims never do get saved, your "point" remains valueless.

Guns HAVE saved people. Hashtag liberalism has never accomplished any such thing. It never will. It's feel good bullshit for pussies like you who are determined never to lift an actual finger if there's potentially a "cost" involved.

(C) You remain a clueless pussy and a bad joke. You are without value.


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