Conservatives mock ‘Bring Back Our Girls’ hashtag

Looks like Reagan wasn't the only Log Cabin Republican attracted to Conservative men in drag... :eek:


Democrats go for the real thing!



An acknowledged photoshop by the 2 digit IQ'd subversives, and a bad ne, at that!!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:


Lol hash tag is for superficial people wanting to act like they matter or care its so pathetic.

Glad to see the hash tag has got your panties in a wad also. You just joined the club. We love it that you wing-nuts are so disturbed. :lol:
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Lol did the subhumans read Moochelle's hash tag and give up the girls? No did they even read it? Lol of course not, its complete nonsense for stupid people.
Are the girls safe yet????

Don't know yet because according to Paulitician... "our brave, gun-toting, pro-2nd amendment conservative troops are going to be the ones who save will the girls".

I suggest you ask him. :D

It's reality. Do you actually believe your fellow Anti-Constitution Communist wankers are gonna do it? I bet you do. You're that delusional. Leave it to our brave Pro-2nd Amendment Conservative men & women in our Military. They'll get these girls home safe.
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Lol did the subhumans read Moochelle's hash tag and give up the girls? No did they even read it? Lol of course not, its complete nonsense for stupid people.

And another bent out of shape, deeply disturbed, dittohead chimes in. :lol:

My, how they are mad as hell.
The OP and Queen Michelle should head over to Nigeria armed with only their hashtags. We'll see how that turns out for em. ;)
Lol did the subhumans read Moochelle's hash tag and give up the girls? No did they even read it? Lol of course not, its complete nonsense for stupid people.

And another bent out of shape, deeply disturbed, dittohead chimes in. :lol:

My, how they are mad as hell.

:lol: how am I mad? Just find it comical and pathetic if your treasonous hero was a man he'd of acted weeks ago in secret he's a joke.
Are the girls safe yet????

Don't know yet because according to Paulitician... "our brave, gun-toting, pro-2nd amendment conservative troops are going to be the ones who save will the girls".

I suggest you ask him. :D

It's reality. Do you actually believe your fellow Anti-Constitution Communist wankers are gonna do it? I bet you do. Man, how delusional. Leave it to our brave Pro-2nd Amendment Conservative men & women in our Military. They'll get these girls home safe.


Have your brave, gun-toting, pro-2nd amendment conservative men and women saved the girls and brought them home safe yet?
Oh, fer fux's sakes, get off yer g-ddamned high horse, yer gonna get a nose bleed up there. Poor thing.

'Evil gun-toting Pro-2nd Amendment Conservatives' protect you and this Nation. Who did you think did that? Your fellow Anti-Constitution Communist jerks? Well, think again.

There are lots and lots of liberal families in the military, so get over yourself. No sane person here is falling for your stupid trolling.

Most are not. Most are good Pro-2nd Amendment Conservative Americans. That's who make up most of our Military. They're the ones who will save these girls. And they're the ones even you jerks call when you're in a pinch. Trust me, it will not be you Anti-Constitution Communist wingnuts who save these girls. Bet on that.
Don't know yet because according to Paulitician... "our brave, gun-toting, pro-2nd amendment conservative troops are going to be the ones who save will the girls".

I suggest you ask him. :D

It's reality. Do you actually believe your fellow Anti-Constitution Communist wankers are gonna do it? I bet you do. Man, how delusional. Leave it to our brave Pro-2nd Amendment Conservative men & women in our Military. They'll get these girls home safe.


Have your brave, gun-toting, pro-2nd amendment conservative men and women saved the girls and brought them home safe yet?

Have you Anti-Constitution Communist assholes? Didn't think so. Leave this to the real Americans. You assholes are out of your depth.

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