Conservatives should join protests against Starbucks Union-busting policies.


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
Here is the breaking news.

The Starbucks Union is launching a 13 cities bus tour to highlight Starbucks Coffee's anti-Union tactics ...

...and IMO conservatives should 100% join the protests.

If a corporation advances woke policies...they should be held to those standards.

Demand Starbucks adhere to the ideology they espouse. Join with Liberals and Progressives to protest Starbucks at every opportunity.

The NLRB has already found Starbucks in violation of Union-Busting laws.

"The Workers United union plans to hand out flyers during a 13-city bus tour to customers with a QR code that takes them to a sign-up sheet to organize their own protests during a "national 'Adopt-a-Store' day of action" on Aug. 7, according to copies of the flyers seen by Reuters."


"The union's tour has two legs: one travels through the Midwest, South and East, while a second leg will run up the Pacific coast, arriving in Seattle around Aug. 7, the union said."

Here is the breaking news.

The Starbucks Union is launching a 13 cities bus tour to highlight Starbucks Coffee's anti-Union tactics ...

...and IMO conservatives should 100% join the protests.

If a corporation advances woke policies...they should be held to those standards.

Demand Starbucks adhere to the ideology they espouse. Join with Liberals and Progressives to protest Starbucks at every opportunity.

The Left and their woke corporations don't have to follow the law, or had you not noticed?

The Law is for the little people
The Left and their woke corporations don't have to follow the law, or had you not noticed?

The Law is for the little people
Exactly. Rules for thee...but not for me.

The absolutely best outcome here is for BOTH parties to get exactly what they want.

Starbucks gets their progressive utopia, the employees get their union and a "living wage" for serving coffee ... A workers paradise... for several months ...until the company implodes...and Conservatives get to help destroy the virtue signaling faux-progressive Starbucks corporation, reenforce 'get woke, go broke' AND earn "see, I told ya so" privileges for years to come.

Worst case scenario for conservatives is Starbucks busts the unions despite huge protests and is abandoned by the progressives... which is almost as good.
Here is the breaking news.

The Starbucks Union is launching a 13 cities bus tour to highlight Starbucks Coffee's anti-Union tactics ...

...and IMO conservatives should 100% join the protests.

If a corporation advances woke policies...they should be held to those standards.

Demand Starbucks adhere to the ideology they espouse. Join with Liberals and Progressives to protest Starbucks at every opportunity.

Starbucks is a corporation. The only thing republicans will do is vote to give them more power and tax breaks.
Starbucks is a corporation. The only thing republicans will do is vote to give them more power and tax breaks.
No one votes to give them power lol.... but Ummm Tax breaks?... that's how they are able to hire and invest in more coffee shops where they and their employees will pay even more taxes dummy... if you did anything good for society other than suckle the nations teet you might get a tax break too.....
Holy shit. 13 years on a board about politics, and you don't know anything about politics.
Listen... what is it you want?... do you want the treasury to receive more money so it can pay the nations bills?... or do you want to get even with someone that is doing better in life than you are?... those are your only real two choices... taxing corporations more always means less money for our treasury.....
Listen... what is it you want?... do you want the treasury to receive more money so it can pay the nations bills?... or do you want to get even with someone that is doing better in life than you are?... those are your only real two choices... taxing corporations more always means less money for our treasury.....
I want a country whose 3 branches and all state governments are not owned by corporations. Voting to get even is a republican thing, and is literally the entire platform of the MAGA movement.
I want a country whose 3 branches and all state governments are not owned by corporations. Voting to get even is a republican thing, and is literally the entire platform of the MAGA movement.
So do I.... Then take the money out of elections... public funding on elections only... no more rich donors and have mandated free debate time on primetime TV and radio....
Then take the money out of elections... public funding on elections only... no more rich donors and free debate time on primetime TV and radio....
I can't tell if your serious, because the effort to make that impossible has been led by republicans for decades.
I can't tell if your serious, because the effort to make that impossible has been led by republicans for decades.
That effort is made impossible by both sides not one of them wants to give up that kind of money or power... see the reason we can't get it done is because we have been divided by the very people who want big money politics... maybe if you would stop demonizing your fellow citizen we could get a step closer... remember the media wants big money elections even more than politicians do... most of it flows to them via ads and click bait on Trump for example.... so maybe give up your hatred for MAGA long enough to work together against the swamp in DC.... and lets make life better in the USA for all of us....

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