Conservatives told the truth about Biden. Democrats failed to listen.


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
“If I were a Democrat, I’d be furious right now.”

Democrats are a Jim Jones cult. They blindly follow their leaders no matter how insane the message is. No free thought occurs at any time. The laughable reaction after the debate was spectacularly hilarious as the lemmings realized they had just jumped off a cliff.

“If I were a Democrat, I’d be furious right now.”

Democrats are a Jim Jones cult. They blindly follow their leaders no matter how insane the message is. No free thought occurs at any time. The laughable reaction after the debate was spectacularly hilarious as the lemmings realized they had just jumped off a cliff.

Democrat followers are "UNBURDENED" by reality. It's so much easier to just slurp up whatever their Democrat leaders spoon out.
Democrat followers are "UNBURDENED" by reality. It's so much easier to just slurp up whatever their Democrat leaders spoon out.
They have cast off the burdens of what has been. :uhoh3:

Does that mean pretty much ignore all history, er wut? :dunno:
They have cast off the burdens of what has been. :uhoh3:

Does that mean pretty much ignore all history, er wut? :dunno:
Just priming the pump to DENY all the damage Biden has done and claim to be not responsible for any of it. Already word is Kamala will do a 2008 Obama, lie and claim to be a centrist then turn hard left after the election if she wins.
Just priming the pump to DENY all the damage Biden has done and claim to be not responsible for any of it. Already word is Kamala will do a 2008 Obama, lie and claim to be a centrist then turn hard left after the election if she wins.
So far, Kamala has made no policy statements. None of us know what she will do...

But the top Dems are hogging all the seats in her wagon, and the little dumasses in the general population aren't even asking.

We're gonna have Kammie as the Dem nominee... just because.
So far, Kamala has made no policy statements. None of us know what she will do...

But the top Dems are hogging all the seats in her wagon, and the little dumasses in the general population aren't even asking.

We're gonna have Kammie as the Dem nominee... just because.
No, both Schumer and Jeffries claimed (incredibly) that the selection of Kamala was a bottom up grass roots effort, not a top down decision. Let that whopper lie sink in before responding.
Dimocrats all across this nation, and the ones even here on these boards all told us it was fake news, when we started pointing out how Biden was looking and acting lost and confused, and in obvious cognitive decline.
Never forget that!
Dimocrats all across this nation, and the ones even here on these boards all told us it was fake news, when we started pointing out how Biden was looking and acting lost and confused, and in obvious cognitive decline.
Never forget that!
Nobody lied about Biden. A look of incredulity while listening to a man lie for 90 minutes is different than looking lost and confused. Meanwile you guys support an insane liar who is actually suffering from dementia.
Nobody lied about Biden. A look of incredulity while listening to a man lie for 90 minutes is different than looking lost and confused. Meanwile you guys support an insane liar who is actually suffering from dementia.
Thing is, when Democrats have to lie, distort and deliberately make false statements, reasonable people have to wonder why.

Whatever it si must be catching... top level Dems all have the same problem.
Thing is, when Democrats have to lie, distort and deliberately make false statements, reasonable people have to wonder why.

Whatever it si must be catching... top level Dems all have the same problem.
Trump does all that.
Just priming the pump to DENY all the damage Biden has done and claim to be not responsible for any of it. Already word is Kamala will do a 2008 Obama, lie and claim to be a centrist then turn hard left after the election if she wins.
And you’re a racist for not voting for her.
Uh, she's been in public office for a long time, captain.
Democrats all lied and covered up for Biden's dementia just like they lie and cover for the laptop and diary.

Democrats are compromised.

Democrats are owned and operated by the WEF

Democrats = WEF

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