Conservatives vs Liberals

Andylusion, please STFU. Christians justified slavery, Jim Crow and now evangelicals embrace what is called racial ideology.
A conservative believes something only when he sees it.

A liberal sees something only when he believes it.

A conservative makes things up and believes what they have made up no matter how many times they get shown it's wrong. Liberals don't do that.

And all you can do is write


You are a left winger...not a liberal.

Not by a long shot.

I wrote more than "Bullshit" in that quote.
You don't know how right you are.

For once.

I've been right most of the time I post.

And your attempt at sarcasm failed miserably.
I break it down like this - In today's society, conservatives are smart and liberals are stupid. It's as simple as that. I believe the stupidity of liberals is mostly as a result of being brainwashed by our hideously biased media. The conservatives are able to see that over 90% of the news from our media is FAKE news. The liberals can't see this because they are so SEVERELY brainwashed.

Yes that is the answer and trump voters proves this with higher net worth
“Conservatives vs Liberals”

Conservatives are, for the most part, reactionary authoritarian ideologues fearful of, and hostile to, diversity, inclusion, and beneficial change; they seek to compel conformity and punish dissent.

Liberals are not reactionary authoritarian ideologues, they are neither fearful of, nor hostile to, diversity, inclusion, and beneficial change; they do not seek to compel conformity or punish dissent.

Wrong dead wrong
I break it down like this - In today's society, conservatives are smart and liberals are stupid. It's as simple as that. I believe the stupidity of liberals is mostly as a result of being brainwashed by our hideously biased media. The conservatives are able to see that over 90% of the news from our media is FAKE news. The liberals can't see this because they are so SEVERELY brainwashed.

This is hitting the nail on the head !!

And soon conservatives will force a logic test for voting
I was a Democrat when I was younger...then I began to follow common sense more and more as I got older. Republican now.

Never been a party man. I was fortunate to be trained in classical liberalism by my patents, the schools I attended and the times in which I grew up. I have never been Democrat, though I did support many of them for various reasons decades ago.

Never again.

A classical liberal is a conservative who was dragged kicking and screaming into the 20th Century, and isn't ready to leave it yet.

Conservatives should acknowledge the Constitution was a liberal document for the day.

Classical liberalism is a political ideology and a branch of liberalism which advocates civil liberties under the rule of law with an emphasis on economic freedom, which places primary emphasis on securing the freedom of the individual by limiting the power of the government. It was favored by the Founding Fathers and was the primary influence on the founding of this country.

Modern liberalism has become the religion of the collective, steeped in Marxism and its variants, which places its emphasis on the success of various group identities over the rights of individuals and granting control of all aspects of human life and the economy into the hands of an all-powerful government.

In other words, totalitarianism. We ain't buying it here.

Conservatism is marked by its devotion to the status quo or the status quo ante. Liberalism is not. What you're trying to label as classical liberalism is an attitude that says, 'I'll change this much, but not more." It's conservative at its heart.
Utterly ignorant. Definitions of conservatism you find online are ignorant.

The object of the conservative is not to preserve any status quo but rather to preserve first principles.

How does that work? What are your "first principles"? When were they established? Were they ever the status quo?
I was a Democrat when I was younger...then I began to follow common sense more and more as I got older. Republican now.

The polls shows this exactly

Shows more conservative as the age rises

Which proves conservatism was learned to be the best system

This polling fact also proves how utterly crooked educators are for not telling the students and the media with lying

This is why trump must bring martial law and set up a new govt where only the wise votes
Liberals are not reactionary authoritarian ideologues, they are neither fearful of, nor hostile to, diversity, inclusion, and beneficial change; they do not seek to compel conformity or punish dissent.

This fails as a rectal cranial inversion fallacy.

The statists who call themselves liberals are all too eager to use the government to compel conformity and punish dissent. They love that shit.
Never been a party man. I was fortunate to be trained in classical liberalism by my patents, the schools I attended and the times in which I grew up. I have never been Democrat, though I did support many of them for various reasons decades ago.

Never again.

A classical liberal is a conservative who was dragged kicking and screaming into the 20th Century, and isn't ready to leave it yet.

Conservatives should acknowledge the Constitution was a liberal document for the day.

Classical liberalism is a political ideology and a branch of liberalism which advocates civil liberties under the rule of law with an emphasis on economic freedom, which places primary emphasis on securing the freedom of the individual by limiting the power of the government. It was favored by the Founding Fathers and was the primary influence on the founding of this country.

Modern liberalism has become the religion of the collective, steeped in Marxism and its variants, which places its emphasis on the success of various group identities over the rights of individuals and granting control of all aspects of human life and the economy into the hands of an all-powerful government.

In other words, totalitarianism. We ain't buying it here.

Conservatism is marked by its devotion to the status quo or the status quo ante. Liberalism is not. What you're trying to label as classical liberalism is an attitude that says, 'I'll change this much, but not more." It's conservative at its heart.
Utterly ignorant. Definitions of conservatism you find online are ignorant.

The object of the conservative is not to preserve any status quo but rather to preserve first principles.

How does that work? What are your "first principles"? When were they established? Were they ever the status quo?
Read the Declaration of Independence, adopted in 1776. That would be our charter document - the one establishing our sovereignty.

And then stop asking stupid questions.
A classical liberal is a conservative who was dragged kicking and screaming into the 20th Century, and isn't ready to leave it yet.

Conservatives should acknowledge the Constitution was a liberal document for the day.

Classical liberalism is a political ideology and a branch of liberalism which advocates civil liberties under the rule of law with an emphasis on economic freedom, which places primary emphasis on securing the freedom of the individual by limiting the power of the government. It was favored by the Founding Fathers and was the primary influence on the founding of this country.

Modern liberalism has become the religion of the collective, steeped in Marxism and its variants, which places its emphasis on the success of various group identities over the rights of individuals and granting control of all aspects of human life and the economy into the hands of an all-powerful government.

In other words, totalitarianism. We ain't buying it here.

Conservatism is marked by its devotion to the status quo or the status quo ante. Liberalism is not. What you're trying to label as classical liberalism is an attitude that says, 'I'll change this much, but not more." It's conservative at its heart.
Utterly ignorant. Definitions of conservatism you find online are ignorant.

The object of the conservative is not to preserve any status quo but rather to preserve first principles.

How does that work? What are your "first principles"? When were they established? Were they ever the status quo?
Read the Declaration of Independence, adopted in 1776. That would be our charter document - the one establishing our sovereignty.

And then stop asking stupid questions.

That would have been status quo ante then.

Words do have meaning. Understanding those meanings is the opposite of ignorance.
Classical liberalism is a political ideology and a branch of liberalism which advocates civil liberties under the rule of law with an emphasis on economic freedom, which places primary emphasis on securing the freedom of the individual by limiting the power of the government. It was favored by the Founding Fathers and was the primary influence on the founding of this country.

Modern liberalism has become the religion of the collective, steeped in Marxism and its variants, which places its emphasis on the success of various group identities over the rights of individuals and granting control of all aspects of human life and the economy into the hands of an all-powerful government.

In other words, totalitarianism. We ain't buying it here.

Conservatism is marked by its devotion to the status quo or the status quo ante. Liberalism is not. What you're trying to label as classical liberalism is an attitude that says, 'I'll change this much, but not more." It's conservative at its heart.
Utterly ignorant. Definitions of conservatism you find online are ignorant.

The object of the conservative is not to preserve any status quo but rather to preserve first principles.

How does that work? What are your "first principles"? When were they established? Were they ever the status quo?
Read the Declaration of Independence, adopted in 1776. That would be our charter document - the one establishing our sovereignty.

And then stop asking stupid questions.

That would have been status quo ante then.

Words do have meaning. Understanding those meanings is the opposite of ignorance.
Yep. Just like a libtard to want to abandon our first principles.

Surely you at least see what I mean by saying that conservatives want to preserve our first principles. Surely you must, for you have just identified a major difference between liberals and conservatives.
Conservatism is marked by its devotion to the status quo or the status quo ante. Liberalism is not. What you're trying to label as classical liberalism is an attitude that says, 'I'll change this much, but not more." It's conservative at its heart.
Utterly ignorant. Definitions of conservatism you find online are ignorant.

The object of the conservative is not to preserve any status quo but rather to preserve first principles.

How does that work? What are your "first principles"? When were they established? Were they ever the status quo?
Read the Declaration of Independence, adopted in 1776. That would be our charter document - the one establishing our sovereignty.

And then stop asking stupid questions.

That would have been status quo ante then.

Words do have meaning. Understanding those meanings is the opposite of ignorance.
Yep. Just like a libtard to want to abandon our first principles.

Surely you at least see what I mean by saying that conservatives want to preserve our first principles. Surely you must, for you have just identified a major difference between liberals and conservatives.

I haven't said I wanted to abandon anything, but pretend I did, if it helps you. Why must I see what you can't explain?
Utterly ignorant. Definitions of conservatism you find online are ignorant.

The object of the conservative is not to preserve any status quo but rather to preserve first principles.

How does that work? What are your "first principles"? When were they established? Were they ever the status quo?
Read the Declaration of Independence, adopted in 1776. That would be our charter document - the one establishing our sovereignty.

And then stop asking stupid questions.

That would have been status quo ante then.

Words do have meaning. Understanding those meanings is the opposite of ignorance.
Yep. Just like a libtard to want to abandon our first principles.

Surely you at least see what I mean by saying that conservatives want to preserve our first principles. Surely you must, for you have just identified a major difference between liberals and conservatives.

I haven't said I wanted to abandon anything, but pretend I did, if it helps you. Why must I see what you can't explain?
I'm not pretending anything, Libtard. You're the one who thinks that the DoI embodies a status quo ante.
How does that work? What are your "first principles"? When were they established? Were they ever the status quo?
Read the Declaration of Independence, adopted in 1776. That would be our charter document - the one establishing our sovereignty.

And then stop asking stupid questions.

That would have been status quo ante then.

Words do have meaning. Understanding those meanings is the opposite of ignorance.
Yep. Just like a libtard to want to abandon our first principles.

Surely you at least see what I mean by saying that conservatives want to preserve our first principles. Surely you must, for you have just identified a major difference between liberals and conservatives.

I haven't said I wanted to abandon anything, but pretend I did, if it helps you. Why must I see what you can't explain?
I'm not pretending anything, Libtard. You're the one who thinks that the DoI embodies a status quo ante.

I asked you if your first principles were ever the status quo. You subsequently brought up the DoI. Pay attention. You're just babbling.
Read the Declaration of Independence, adopted in 1776. That would be our charter document - the one establishing our sovereignty.

And then stop asking stupid questions.

That would have been status quo ante then.

Words do have meaning. Understanding those meanings is the opposite of ignorance.
Yep. Just like a libtard to want to abandon our first principles.

Surely you at least see what I mean by saying that conservatives want to preserve our first principles. Surely you must, for you have just identified a major difference between liberals and conservatives.

I haven't said I wanted to abandon anything, but pretend I did, if it helps you. Why must I see what you can't explain?
I'm not pretending anything, Libtard. You're the one who thinks that the DoI embodies a status quo ante.

I asked you if your first principles were ever the status quo. You subsequently brought up the DoI. Pay attention. You're just babbling.
Of course they were the status quo. The founders didn't just pull first principles out of the air.

Conservatives want to preserve these principles. Libtatds do not. To a libtard, as you confirm, these principles are previously existing principles.
Liberals are compelled by their EMOTIONS.

Conservatives are compelled by the FACTS.

So liberals who think they're smarter than everyone else and what their emotions drive them to believe is a just cause, they are the most dangerous people on the planet. Because they can't just look the other way if they see or hear something they don't like. Oh no, they need to shut it down and shut it up. They need to make it go away.

Conservatives on the other hand, if they see or hear something they don't like, they'll do their best to simply ignore it, and won't let it bother them unless it starts to directly effect their life.

That is the biggest difference between leftists and conservatives, among many others.

Another major difference is, liberals are cultist style members of group think and speak.
Conservatives are mainly individualists.
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That would have been status quo ante then.

Words do have meaning. Understanding those meanings is the opposite of ignorance.
Yep. Just like a libtard to want to abandon our first principles.

Surely you at least see what I mean by saying that conservatives want to preserve our first principles. Surely you must, for you have just identified a major difference between liberals and conservatives.

I haven't said I wanted to abandon anything, but pretend I did, if it helps you. Why must I see what you can't explain?
I'm not pretending anything, Libtard. You're the one who thinks that the DoI embodies a status quo ante.

I asked you if your first principles were ever the status quo. You subsequently brought up the DoI. Pay attention. You're just babbling.
Of course they were the status quo. The founders didn't just pull first principles out of the air.

Conservatives want to preserve these principles. Libtatds do not. To a libtard, as you confirm, these principles are previously existing principles.

Your devotion to a previous status quo is noted, and it fits the accepted definition of conservative - you know, the definition you find ignorant.

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