Conservatives waking up to climate change

It's the only answer required as to how we went from a nation of doers to an army of ignorant cynics committed to stop progress in any form.

Somebody organized the know nothings.
It's the only answer required as to how we went from a nation of doers to an army of ignorant cynics committed to stop progress in any form.

Somebody organized the know nothings.

Welcome to the DNC comrade. There will be extra bread for you today for being a compliant citizen.
It's the only answer required as to how we went from a nation of doers to an army of ignorant cynics committed to stop progress in any form.

Somebody organized the know nothings.

Welcome to the DNC comrade. There will be extra bread for you today for being a compliant citizen.

DemoCCCPrat Party Welcomes you!
The question is why would anyone organize the know nothings? The answer is that they are so easily fooled that the profits are enormous. Billions. And it can be done by those with zero education and very limited cognitive skills. If there wasn't demand for entertainers and politicians, the cult leaders would be unemployable.
The question is why would anyone organize the know nothings? The answer is that they are so easily fooled that the profits are enormous. Billions. And it can be done by those with zero education and very limited cognitive skills. If there wasn't demand for entertainers and politicians, the cult leaders would be unemployable.

Chump change. The criminals pushing this fraud are after TRILLIONS you imbecile!
The question is why would anyone organize the know nothings? The answer is that they are so easily fooled that the profits are enormous. Billions. And it can be done by those with zero education and very limited cognitive skills. If there wasn't demand for entertainers and politicians, the cult leaders would be unemployable.

Chump change. The criminals pushing this fraud are after TRILLIONS you imbecile!

No question that the necessary retooling of the world's energy infrastructure is full of opportunity.

For engineers, capitalists and doers.

Scientists however have always struggled for funding in all fields. It's a necessary part of their job.

But science has nothing to do with you.

You are all about being a loyal minion to politicians and political entertainers. And you provide them the source of their billions.

You signed up for the gift, you thought, of being right. But you bought a pig in a poke and got royally screwed.

It happens.

Get over it.
The question is why would anyone organize the know nothings? The answer is that they are so easily fooled that the profits are enormous. Billions. And it can be done by those with zero education and very limited cognitive skills. If there wasn't demand for entertainers and politicians, the cult leaders would be unemployable.

Chump change. The criminals pushing this fraud are after TRILLIONS you imbecile!

No question that the necessary retooling of the world's energy infrastructure is full of opportunity.

For engineers, capitalists and doers.

Scientists however have always struggled for funding in all fields. It's a necessary part of their job.

But science has nothing to do with you.

You are all about being a loyal minion to politicians and political entertainers. And you provide them the source of their billions.

You signed up for the gift, you thought, of being right. But you bought a pig in a poke and got royally screwed.

It happens.

Get over it.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Opportunity! What a laugh! Opportunity only for those who pay the politicians to pass the legislation to make the "opportunity" a necessity.

Retooling the infrastructure of the world would make a very, very small group very, very rich and more to the point all powerful. Makes Hitler's Germany or Stalin's USSR seem like a party in comparison.
Chump change. The criminals pushing this fraud are after TRILLIONS you imbecile!

No question that the necessary retooling of the world's energy infrastructure is full of opportunity.

For engineers, capitalists and doers.

Scientists however have always struggled for funding in all fields. It's a necessary part of their job.

But science has nothing to do with you.

You are all about being a loyal minion to politicians and political entertainers. And you provide them the source of their billions.

You signed up for the gift, you thought, of being right. But you bought a pig in a poke and got royally screwed.

It happens.

Get over it.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Opportunity! What a laugh! Opportunity only for those who pay the politicians to pass the legislation to make the "opportunity" a necessity.

Retooling the infrastructure of the world would make a very, very small group very, very rich and more to the point all powerful. Makes Hitler's Germany or Stalin's USSR seem like a party in comparison.

Who it makes rich is of no consequence any more than who were made rich by oil and autos and trains and the Internet is.

What matters is that it is the least expensive alternative available to mankind.
The criminals pushing this fraud are after TRILLIONS you imbecile!

Why would Conservatives do that?

Has this question ever been addressed?

It's not conservatives silly person. It is elitists who are the ones buying and selling politicians all the time, as the socialists so like to point out. In this case they are correct.
No question that the necessary retooling of the world's energy infrastructure is full of opportunity.

For engineers, capitalists and doers.

Scientists however have always struggled for funding in all fields. It's a necessary part of their job.

But science has nothing to do with you.

You are all about being a loyal minion to politicians and political entertainers. And you provide them the source of their billions.

You signed up for the gift, you thought, of being right. But you bought a pig in a poke and got royally screwed.

It happens.

Get over it.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Opportunity! What a laugh! Opportunity only for those who pay the politicians to pass the legislation to make the "opportunity" a necessity.

Retooling the infrastructure of the world would make a very, very small group very, very rich and more to the point all powerful. Makes Hitler's Germany or Stalin's USSR seem like a party in comparison.

Who it makes rich is of no consequence any more than who were made rich by oil and autos and trains and the Internet is.

What matters is that it is the least expensive alternative available to mankind.

Actually, yes it does. When you use government to MAKE the fossil fuels much more expensive due to legislation....that is not legit. If the planet were to follow your model of infrastructure replacement how many do you think will die and how many do you think will be driven from middle class to poverty...all because of a few people wanting to control the economy of the world?
Westwall -

Right. So the wealthy elite "buy and sell" Conservative politicians, who then order fake research from Conservative scientists, and they all pretend climate change is real.

And oil kills only 4,500 birds a year, except when 3.5 million die in Canada.

You don't believe this, Westwall. It makes you look silly, and you don't believe it.
:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Opportunity! What a laugh! Opportunity only for those who pay the politicians to pass the legislation to make the "opportunity" a necessity.

Retooling the infrastructure of the world would make a very, very small group very, very rich and more to the point all powerful. Makes Hitler's Germany or Stalin's USSR seem like a party in comparison.

Who it makes rich is of no consequence any more than who were made rich by oil and autos and trains and the Internet is.

What matters is that it is the least expensive alternative available to mankind.

Actually, yes it does. When you use government to MAKE the fossil fuels much more expensive due to legislation....that is not legit. If the planet were to follow your model of infrastructure replacement how many do you think will die and how many do you think will be driven from middle class to poverty...all because of a few people wanting to control the economy of the world?

It doesn't matter because there's no choice. It's driven both by the consequences, precipitation redistribution and rising sea level into our cities, and the declining supplies vs rising demand for fossil fuels. We can no longer afford them and it will take many decades to get off of them.

We have to move on.
Who it makes rich is of no consequence any more than who were made rich by oil and autos and trains and the Internet is.

What matters is that it is the least expensive alternative available to mankind.

Actually, yes it does. When you use government to MAKE the fossil fuels much more expensive due to legislation....that is not legit. If the planet were to follow your model of infrastructure replacement how many do you think will die and how many do you think will be driven from middle class to poverty...all because of a few people wanting to control the economy of the world?

It doesn't matter because there's no choice. It's driven both by the consequences, precipitation redistribution and rising sea level into our cities, and the declining supplies vs rising demand for fossil fuels. We can no longer afford them and it will take many decades to get off of them.

We have to move on.

None of which have been shown to be true. None. You guys flap your gums and tell us the sky is falling and it never does. For over 30 years and innumerable "tipping points" your little meme has failed.
Classic Westwall!!

None of which have been shown to be true. None. You guys flap your gums and tell us the sky is falling and it never does

So the Arctic Ice is not in freefall, melting much faster than predicted.

So 97% of glaciers are not melting?

Sea levels are not rising.

2012 was not the hottest year in US history.

All of the 15 hottest years on record do not occur within the past 18 years.

Really, man, isn't about time you gave up this game and posted something you actually believe?
Clayton -

The problem for those who make scientific policies based on politics is that the real world will always intervene.

2012 saw the US suffer catastrophic droughts and the hottest year on record. Farmers are suffering, and many farming groups are well aware of what kind of future they face. Crops like wine/grapes, cotton, cattle, fruit and vegetables are all very vulnerable to drought, floods and increased winds; not only directly but through secondary costs such as increased usage of water for irrigation, increased need for wind breaks, flood control, animal shelters etc etc.

Ultimately, it is likely farmers who will force the GOP to face up to the realities they are dealing with every day.

2012 wasn't the hottest year on record, and everything else you claimed was equally wrong. the incidence of drought is not increasing.

"The sky is falling! The sky is falling!"
Climate Change is a scam designed to get you to accept higher taxes and less freedom of choice.

Understanding climate change is very easy -

Basically ALL scientists and ALL scientific organisations agree that human activity impacts the climate.

Wrong. Not all scientists agree. Scientific organizations are gangs of toadies who owe their careers to government. Of course the support any policy favored by the government.

Many right-wing politicians (largely in the US) do not agree that human activity impacts the climate.

Which group do you think are more likely to be right?

Definitely it wouldn't be the group that babbles incessantly about "consensus." Anyone who believes "consensus" is part of science is an ignoramus who should be ignored.
2012 wasn't the hottest year on record,

Actually, yes, it was the hottest year in US history,which is what I stated. Should we be surprised that you did not know that?

Temperatures across the continental United States soared in 2012 to an all-time high, making last year the warmest year on record for the country by a wide margin, scientists say.

2012: Hottest Year on Record for Continental U.S.

Everything else I posted can be checked and confirmed in about five minutes. We both know you won't.
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Classic Westwall!!

None of which have been shown to be true. None. You guys flap your gums and tell us the sky is falling and it never does

So the Arctic Ice is not in freefall, melting much faster than predicted.

So 97% of glaciers are not melting?

Sea levels are not rising.

2012 was not the hottest year in US history.

All of the 15 hottest years on record do not occur within the past 18 years.

Really, man, isn't about time you gave up this game and posted something you actually believe?

In order......Absolutely not. The Arctic is at it's highest level of sea ice in several years and is already setting records for number of days below zero for the year. EPIC FAIL.

Don't know. The "studies" that that claim was made from has been shown to have very little actual science in it.

Sea levels are maybe rising, but once again if they are it is such a small level that it is basically un-measurable.

No, 2012 was NOT the hottest year on record in the US. Hansen (you know the guy who actually tells us how hot it is) states that 2012 was NINTH hottest, and that figure is questionable based on his history of raw data falsification. EPIC FAIL

According to ALL AGW SUPPORTING GROUPS the global temperature has remained static for the last 15 to 17 years. EPIC FAIL

Really man, isn't it about time you actually did some more current research instead of regurgitating this ancient crap?

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