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consevative correctness

Self reliant, liberal, welfare
Personal freedom, liberal, only if I agree
Respect for others, liberal, yeah what do you call a successful black man
Protect your family, liberal, yeah the way Brown was raised. Opposite
Help your neighbor, liberal, burn and loot!
wake up Dorothy! you're having that KKK dream again.
That would also be the democrat party. Sorry in liberalism there is no freedom.
Liberalism is what founded this nation dumbass.
Is that why liberals are ashamed of our founding fathers?
What asshole told you that, and why are you so stupid that you believed them?
Why does Obama say he needs to transform america? You suck him off, so you agree.
wake up Dorothy! you're having that KKK dream again.
That would also be the democrat party. Sorry in liberalism there is no freedom.
Liberalism is what founded this nation dumbass.
Is that why liberals are ashamed of our founding fathers?
What asshole told you that, and why are you so stupid that you believed them?
Why does Obama say he needs to transform america? You suck him off, so you agree.
Stop being a child and up your game, or go watch TV.
Self reliant, liberal, welfare
Personal freedom, liberal, only if I agree
Respect for others, liberal, yeah what do you call a successful black man
Protect your family, liberal, yeah the way Brown was raised. Opposite
Help your neighbor, liberal, burn and loot!
wake up Dorothy! you're having that KKK dream again.
That would also be the democrat party. Sorry in liberalism there is no freedom.
Liberalism is what founded this nation dumbass.
Is that why liberals are ashamed of our founding fathers?
What asshole told you that, and why are you so stupid that you believed them?
Many liberals like to derogate and dismiss our Founders who owned slaves. The same way right wingers like to dismiss Martin Luther King's achievements because he was a serial adulterer.
The only PC people I find these days are these little reactionaries. Say Sarah Palin is a moron and you'd swear they thought you just called the Virgin Mary a whore.

It depends on the context. I questioned why the same group of women who didn't agree with Hillary Clinton targeted in sexist ways by the media would jump to do the very same when it came to Sarah Palin.

Ironically, it seems the people most offended by the targeting of Palin were all on board with doing that to Hillary!

It seems the people least offended by how the media targeted either one, didn't participate in either case. Go figure.
Palin is good for two things, three if she'll take it up the ass. Hillary can be president, if she wants to be that is.

Thank you for proving the point.
wake up Dorothy! you're having that KKK dream again.
That would also be the democrat party. Sorry in liberalism there is no freedom.
Liberalism is what founded this nation dumbass.
Is that why liberals are ashamed of our founding fathers?
What asshole told you that, and why are you so stupid that you believed them?
Many liberals like to derogate and dismiss our Founders who owned slaves. The same way right wingers like to dismiss Martin Luther King's achievements because he was a serial adulterer.
Name them? Oh right, you can't. Carry on.
That would also be the democrat party. Sorry in liberalism there is no freedom.
Liberalism is what founded this nation dumbass.
Is that why liberals are ashamed of our founding fathers?
What asshole told you that, and why are you so stupid that you believed them?
Many liberals like to derogate and dismiss our Founders who owned slaves. The same way right wingers like to dismiss Martin Luther King's achievements because he was a serial adulterer.
Name them? Oh right, you can't. Carry on.
I see. You are the only person on this forum who has never heard a left winger use the ownership of slaves to derogate our Founders.
Palin is good for two things, three if she'll take it up the ass. Hillary can be president, if she wants to be that is.

I think Palin's already taken enough.
Bashing people doesn't do a damn thing to improve the country.

At least she made leeway by cracking down on some of the good ol' boy
crony career politics that was entrenched in Alaska.

It didn't fix everything; the oil interests still take precedent over environmental protections.
But her work and progress was underreported and underrated, while the media just jumps on the Tina Fey bandwagon
as the attention span of the public will allow.

As for Hillary, if she were serious about uniting women from both parties to reform politics and govt,
I might support that from her or any candidate willing to work with ALL parties and quit this partisan bullying and bashing.

I really wanted a pair of candidates from BOTH parties, and hope 2016 America might finally be able to pull that off.
How can you represent an entire nation by taking turns fighting to dominate either the executive or legislative branches.

It makes more sense to start grooming and hiring, appointing and electing leaders who can work with all parties,
similar to working with all religions instead of letting one dominate by majority rule while the others wait their turn.
makes no sense in a country that is supposed to represent and protect all people equally regardless of beliefs.

If your beliefs get to be imposed if they have the majority vote, that's not equal protection or representation.
It's discrimination based on the beliefs of whichever party has the majority or control.
If you happen to align with that, the you have your beliefs unequally protected over the other party's beliefs and their members.

At some point people will figure out
that if this isn't fair to treat religions this way,
then why are we allowing political beliefs to be imposed by law and majority rule
to the exclusion of other beliefs. I am hoping people from both parties will figure it out and agree on better approaches!

We'll see if Hillary is smart and capable enough of working with others to change this,
or if it is going to take someone else with that insight and initiative.

It can't be TOO impossible to understand, because I figured it out over 20 years ago what was wrong with the system.
Surely someone with both parties will have the insight to see that something needs to change here
if we are going to represent the liberal Democrats and conservative Republicans equally across the country
instead of expecting only one party slate of candidates and agenda to cover all of America's interests and beliefs. Please.
"If original intent included the sadism and degradation of human slavery, then original intent is a legal and moral standard that can be consigned to the ash heap of human history. Hardcore conservatives and libertarians who continue to parse the origins of the Constitutions under the guise of returning to a more perfect American union are on a fool’s journey to decay and dishonor."

David Simon.
Conservative correctness
Self reliant
Personal freedom
Respect for others
Protect your family
Help your neighbor
those are exactly the same as liberal values..
holy shit! you're a closet liberal!
Self reliant, liberal, welfare
Personal freedom, liberal, only if I agree
Respect for others, liberal, yeah what do you call a successful black man
Protect your family, liberal, yeah the way Brown was raised. Opposite
Help your neighbor, liberal, burn and loot!
wake up Dorothy! you're having that KKK dream again.
That would also be the democrat party. Sorry in liberalism there is no freedom.
Liberalism is what founded this nation dumbass.

Yes, classical liberalism or libertarian. They were not draconian statist/progressive idiots. Don't try to equate yourselves to them.
Conservative correctness
Self reliant
Personal freedom
Respect for others
Protect your family
Help your neighbor
those are exactly the same as liberal values..
holy shit! you're a closet liberal!
Self reliant, liberal, welfare
Personal freedom, liberal, only if I agree
Respect for others, liberal, yeah what do you call a successful black man
Protect your family, liberal, yeah the way Brown was raised. Opposite
Help your neighbor, liberal, burn and loot!
wake up Dorothy! you're having that KKK dream again.
That would also be the democrat party. Sorry in liberalism there is no freedom.
Liberalism is what founded this nation dumbass.
No, not really liberals started your bullshit in the 60's, and it's been down hill ever since.
wake up Dorothy! you're having that KKK dream again.
That would also be the democrat party. Sorry in liberalism there is no freedom.
Liberalism is what founded this nation dumbass.
Is that why liberals are ashamed of our founding fathers?
What asshole told you that, and why are you so stupid that you believed them?
Many liberals like to derogate and dismiss our Founders who owned slaves. The same way right wingers like to dismiss Martin Luther King's achievements because he was a serial adulterer.
Serial adulterer, alcoholic, plagiarizer and embezzler.
That would also be the democrat party. Sorry in liberalism there is no freedom.
Liberalism is what founded this nation dumbass.
Is that why liberals are ashamed of our founding fathers?
What asshole told you that, and why are you so stupid that you believed them?
Many liberals like to derogate and dismiss our Founders who owned slaves. The same way right wingers like to dismiss Martin Luther King's achievements because he was a serial adulterer.
Serial adulterer, alcoholic, plagiarizer and embezzler.
And a negro to boot! But then that's just being redundant, amiright?
"Political correctness", in spite of all the bullshit you read on the web, was a term first coined by Mao Zedong during the Cultural Revolution. That's when 10 year-old "progressives" turned in their mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, and uncles because they weren't toadying the party line, whereupon local gangs of communists would club these people to death. Conservatively, 20 million died during the Cultural Revolution. Rudolph Rummell estimated the number to be 32 million.
the award for the best supporting line of bullshit in a thread go's to .....

I'm sure you're one of those ignorant lefty mouthpieces who doesn't believe the Holocaust happened either.
those are exactly the same as liberal values..
holy shit! you're a closet liberal!
Self reliant, liberal, welfare
Personal freedom, liberal, only if I agree
Respect for others, liberal, yeah what do you call a successful black man
Protect your family, liberal, yeah the way Brown was raised. Opposite
Help your neighbor, liberal, burn and loot!
wake up Dorothy! you're having that KKK dream again.
That would also be the democrat party. Sorry in liberalism there is no freedom.
Liberalism is what founded this nation dumbass.

Yes, classical liberalism or libertarian. They were not draconian statist/progressive idiots. Don't try to equate yourselves to them.
Liberalism then is liberalism now dumbass, we are just 230 years smarter and the times have changed. And they were nothing like Libertarians, who are little more than selfish children.
those are exactly the same as liberal values..
holy shit! you're a closet liberal!
Self reliant, liberal, welfare
Personal freedom, liberal, only if I agree
Respect for others, liberal, yeah what do you call a successful black man
Protect your family, liberal, yeah the way Brown was raised. Opposite
Help your neighbor, liberal, burn and loot!
wake up Dorothy! you're having that KKK dream again.
That would also be the democrat party. Sorry in liberalism there is no freedom.
Liberalism is what founded this nation dumbass.
No, not really liberals started your bullshit in the 60's, and it's been down hill ever since.
What you believe are lies, flat out.
"with all the conservative whining about political correctness being a democrat's invention"

Actually it's a myth contrived by the right, the consequence of conservatives' fear of diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty.

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