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Why Political Correctness Isn't Of The Right, Only The Left...

A perfect example of conservative political correctness is the hysterical outrage that has erupted in recent years on the Right over the idea that certain people in certain places might choose to use the expression 'Happy Holidays' instead of 'Merry Christmas'.
That's not political correctness...it's cultural and historical accurateness.

Why? Because Christmas isn't a holiday?
The objection mainly focuses on Lefties making a big stink about it and pressuring companies to not express Christianity.

If this idiocy was simply restricted to Lefties practicing what they preach, no one would care. It's the thought control efforts that Lefties launch that get under people's skin.
A perfect example of conservative political correctness is the hysterical outrage that has erupted in recent years on the Right over the idea that certain people in certain places might choose to use the expression 'Happy Holidays' instead of 'Merry Christmas'.
That's not political correctness...it's cultural and historical accurateness.

The only holiday in the holiday season between Thanksgiving and New Year's is Christmas? Are you sure that's historically accurate?

Say what you will about Mac1958, but you hafta admit that he always makes some good points. :badgrin:

This damn new board. I keep hitting "reply" when I want to hit "edit".

Then I have a whole new post saying the same thing I already said.

Well, at least that post brought some calm to all the partisan bullshit for a moment.



Say what you will about Mac1958, but you hafta admit that he always makes some good points. :badgrin:

This damn new board. I keep hitting "reply" when I want to hit "edit".

Then I have a whole new post saying the same thing I already said.

Well, at least that post brought some calm to all the partisan bullshit for a moment.



Funny. You think you need to make a mistake in order to make a whole new post saying the same thing you have already said. Classic.
This is a lol at "political correctness" it's origins in the Frankfurt school of Marxism and why it cannot be claimed that the " right"/conservatives engage in it...

Rightwing Political Correctness John C. Wright s Journal

Asking why there is no such thing as a “Political Correctness” among the Conservatives is the same as asking why there are totalitarian regimes of the Left, but no totalitarian regimes of the Right. Left means ‘totalitarian’ and Right means ‘Limited Government’. The reason why there are totalitarian regimes of the Left, but no totalitarian regimes of the Right is because a totalitarian regime is totalitarian by definition, whereas a totalitarian regime limited and circumscribed by a series of checks and balances, enumerated powers, and prevented from acting in areas protected by a Bill of Rights is a logical contradiction in terms.

(Oh, yes, I know the Leftroids define the term ‘Right’ to include fascists and absolute monarchies and military dictators, and they call ‘conservative’ whoever is in power no matter his political philosophy, but this is an unconvincing lie I will not pause to refute, any more than I would refute that noon is midnight.)

The reason why there is no such thing as a “Political Correctness” among the Conservatives is that Conservatism is a political theory of limited government & the Rights of Man, not an ideology serving as a substitute religion absorbing all aspects of life.

One of the things outside the power of the limited government is the power to define true and false. We conservatives believe truth is true and that lying is a sin. Our politicians lie, but they break the code they claim to uphold when doing so.

This is in sharp, obvious, stark contrast to Political Correctness. The name ‘Political Correctness’ MEANS you define your truth according to what your leaders say is true. Before the revolution these leaders are the newsmen and revolutionaries and masterminds, the intellectuals and academics whose books you read and whose thoughts you parrot. They define true and false, not reality.

The reason why there is no such thing as a “Political Correctness” among the Conservatives is that “Political Correctness” is nothing but anti-conservatism.

The thing conservatives want to conserve is civilization, with the specific elements of Christian morality, Adam Smith economics, Anglo-American law culminating in the US Constitution, which limits the government’s power in the name of the Rights of Man. The thing Political Correctness wants to destroy is civilization, specifically to replace Christian morality with situational ethics and sexual perversion, Adam Smith economics with state-run fascist corporatism, Anglo-American law with the worship of a Glorious Leader untrammeled by any limits, logical or legal. The two are diametric opposites.
Confirmation bias grips the brain of the average con.
Actually, dumbass, political correctness is what's brought about the words Happy Holidays, so as not to have offended whiny Far Lefties like yourself who've felt slighted by the words Merry Christmas.


I don't think anyone here would argue when I say that I'm a Far Leftie...one of the farthest. Merry Christmas doesn't offend me. In fact, I challenge you to find a case where it offended anyone. People say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas, not because anyone was ever offended, but because they WANT to be more inclusive. They are being the consummate capitalists by giving customers an atmosphere they can be comfortable in. Those that say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas are also being good Christians.
I say Merry Christmas hundreds of times each year. Not once does the image of Jesus enter my mind. I'm thinking Santa Claus and happy kids. I'm thinking time with family and good food. It's a great holiday.

I'm thinking all that good stuff. I'm not thinking of some virgin having god's baby.....setting off thousands of years of bloody religious strife.

Merry Christmas everyone!
I say Merry Christmas hundreds of times each year. Not once does the image of Jesus enter my mind. I'm thinking Santa Claus and happy kids. I'm thinking time with family and good food. It's a great holiday.

I'm thinking all that good stuff. I'm not thinking of some virgin having god's baby.....setting off thousands of years of bloody religious strife.

Merry Christmas everyone!
And Happy Festivus for the rest of us!
setting off thousands of years of bloody religious strife.

That's why atheism is so much better than religion...when they murdered close to 100 million people around the world, from Russia, to China, vietnam, laos, Cambodia, Germany, the rest of Europe...they were far more efficient...they murdered 100 million people from 1917 to the 1970s...now that is efficiency...got to love those atheists...they ruled the 20th century...you know...modern times vs. the worst of religious persecution happening in the middle ages...and the atheists are the ones coddling muslim extremism today...funny how that works out...
As much as I (accurately) scream about PC from the Left, they don't own 100% of the market. Maybe 98%.

This story about the Air Force and saying "under God" would be an example from the Right. The Dixie Chicks (okay, long time ago, I know). Wasn't there another story about someone being kicked out of a town hall or city council meeting a few days ago for pissing off the conservatives there?

It happens now and then, but the Left does have it down to an art. It's become essentially genetic at this point.

Unfortunate. We'd be better off if we could openly discuss issues without intimidation and "consequences".

It is what it is.


Mac, there's no such thing as conservative/libertarian political correctness. The very idea is absurd as the essence of pc is institutionalized collectivism, cultural and sociopolitical conformity ultimately predicated on normative relativism. This nation was founded on the assertion that God, not the state, is the Source and Guarantor of human rights, and the assertions of free-association are not the stuff of pc.

As I have written elsewhere on this forum:

. . . what is the Marxist to do when in fact the working class is a culturally heterogeneous component of production whose standard of living has dramatically improved under capitalism?

Well, its constituents must be programmed from early childhood to disregard the discriminations of common logic and eschew the conventions of common morality. But not only that, they must be protected from the economic depredations of false consciousness. Hence, they must be made to think of themselves as the victims of those who own the means of production and all that surplus value.

Toss that fishing pole in the lake and hand 'em a pitchfork.

In other words, make 'em dumb as dirt. Manageable drones. Turn 'em into sexual degenerates bereft of familial affections/allegiances: the Marcusean polymorphous perversity of the Frankfurt School of Critical Theory. Hence, the intellectual and moral mediocrity and uniformity of relativism with a chip on its shoulder. This is cultural Marxism in a nutshell, more commonly known today as political correctness or multiculturalism. As economic Marxism is the deconstruction of the actualities of the factors of production and the expropriation of the means of production, cultural Marxism is the deconstruction of Western culture, of the influences of Christianity especially, and the expropriation of ideas and expression.

. . . Since the theory of Marxism is necessarily true by definition, i.e., that all of history is a struggle between the powerful and the oppressed progressively moving toward that overwhelming conclusion of a stateless Utopia, the uncooperative regressions of history must be due to the false signals or the misdirection of human culture obscuring the proletariat's view of its true interests. Marx was aware of the extant cultural hindrances, of course, but it was a group of German communists who in the 1920's established a think tank and, initially, based on the definitive observations of Marxist theorists Gyorgy Lukacs of Hungary ("Who will save us from Western civilization?") and Antonio Gramsci of Italy, contrived a systematic methodology for expropriating culture. The founding members of the school were Max Horkheimer, Friedrich Pollack, Otto Kirchheimer, Erich Fromm, Franz Neumann, Leo Lowenthal, Theodor Adorno and Herbert Marcuse who joined the group in 1932 with his Neo-Freudian theory of sexual liberation as a component of the proletariat's cultural revolution against the benighted tribal tradition of the biological family.

. . . Comprehensively, this is revolution by another means, the subversion of thought and morality, and the suppression of opposing views. The enlightened would artificially expedite the actualization of the object of the historical dialectic. Oh, the irony! In the 1930's, the members of the Frankfort School of Critical Theory fled Nazi Germany for America and set up shop at Columbia University.

The origination and the history of cultural Marxism is well-documented.​
I fail to see how this relates to the Frankfurt School? Could you point me to a specific text? Also, Marx never wrote about political correctness, and harbored plenty of racist and all around discriminatory views.

See post #30. The full context of that excerpt includes the following, which precedes the contents of post #30. In other words, read the following and then post #30, in that order, in you'll have the whole picture along with the connection:


In Theories of Surplus Value Marx conceded that the middleclass was actually growing under capitalism, not disappearing as he had previously held in The Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital, and more honest Marxist theorists have since conceded that the working class is not a culturally homogeneous, but a culturally heterogeneous component of production comprised of competing interests, and one that has become increasingly economically mobile under capitalism from generation to generation. Strike (1) those fallacious critiques of capitalism, the guts of dialectic materialism, insofar as they pertain to the allegedly historical antagonism between the oppressed proletariat and the exploitative bourgeoisie, (2) the abject stupidity of "from each according to his ability to each according to his need" and (3) the conceptualization of surplus value as an injustice or a problem to be solved, if not by bargaining than by compulsory wealth redistribution: what more must the world endure at the hands of this debacle before we toss it into the ash heap of history and move on?
Marxists disregard the rise in wages over time under capitalism as industries reinvest surplus value and grow. They gloss over the destructive results of over-bargaining industries into stagnation and bankruptcy.

Take a close look at Detroit.

Marx moralistically imagined surplus value to be the unpaid surplus labor of the working class. But surplus value is in fact the stuff of reinvestment and growth, the startup costs of producing new products and services, future wage increases, more jobs of varying expertise and levels of compensation despite increased automation, improved living standards, strategic surpluses, which are essentially production costs, as they must be maintained and replaced. The latter are not distributable profit. And don't forget about the public infrastructure and the all those public services, for good or bad. Don't forget about all that governmentally funded research, the scientific, medical and technological advances thereof. Don't forget about the exploration of space and the oceans, and the scientific, medical and technological advances thereof. All these things in addition to the strictly business concerns of the private sector were paid for by capitalist systems . . . way beyond what any communist system could ever dream of. China and Russia, for example, had to change or fade away in the wake of the West's dominance.

That's the complex reality and the magic of capitalism, but in the stagnant, make believe world of Marxism, that zero-sum-game fantasy, surplus value is merely the accumulation and centralization of transferable capital and power. Hence, the supposed fatal flaw or irresolvable contradiction of capitalism, namely, the falling profits-unemployment crisis of over-accumulation.

Nonsense. Aside from the cyclical corrections against over-production, the only entities known to sane men to cause or exacerbate economic downturns is the overbearing governments of corrupt and tyrannical factions. In recent history, this supposed Achilles' heel of capitalism is in fact the wrecking ball of economic collectivism: the punitive taxation, regulation or nationalization of the means of production. Businesses that don't continuously innovate and grow, stagnant, shrink and die. Businesses besieged by overbearing governments go elsewhere and take their jobs with them or die.

Privately owned surplus value is the economic lifeblood of the developed world. It's not a horded and withheld commodity. It's not a limited commodity either. . . .
"Wait a minute! Stop right there, Mister! Material resources are finite," the unimaginative rube of the zero-sum-game mentality hysterically exclaims.

. . . Human ingenuity—the essence of technological innovation, ever-increasing efficiency—is not finite! Privately owned surplus value is readily attainable for all the world, but for the meddling of corrupt and oppressive regimes. It is this factor that eludes the Marxist . . . or does he simply turn a blind eye on the obvious resolution of the supposed contradiction of capitalism? Pretend not to see it?

I'm not kidding. In every rendition of the supposed problem of over-accumulated capital I've ever read, the Marxist author invariably claims that this critique has never been satisfactorily answered by free-market theorists. The factor of human ingenuity and its effects on production capital have been understood for at least two centuries. Marxism is sheer political ideology posing as an economic science propagated by rank sociopaths. If this supposed flaw of capitalism were real, capitalism would have universally collapsed long before now. In the meantime, the only economic paradigm that has collapsed every time it's been tried is communism precisely because it stifles the very factor its theorists obtusely disregard: human incentive and ingenuity.

In any event, what is the Marxist to do when in fact the working class is a culturally heterogeneous component of production . . . (Post #30).​
A perfect example of conservative political correctness is the hysterical outrage that has erupted in recent years on the Right over the idea that certain people in certain places might choose to use the expression 'Happy Holidays' instead of 'Merry Christmas'.

Actually, dumbass, political correctness is what's brought about the words Happy Holidays, so as not to have offended whiny Far Lefties like yourself who've felt slighted by the words Merry Christmas.


Why are conservatives trying to force people to say Merry Christmas?

you of course have that backwards. I can't recall any push to force people not to say "Happy Holidays"
A perfect example of conservative political correctness is the hysterical outrage that has erupted in recent years on the Right over the idea that certain people in certain places might choose to use the expression 'Happy Holidays' instead of 'Merry Christmas'.
thats not being Politically correct....the people saying "happy Holidays" are the example....

But the people who complain about "Happy Holidays" are being PC. It's an example of why the term doesn't really have any meaning anymore, since both sides engage in it.
A perfect example of conservative political correctness is the hysterical outrage that has erupted in recent years on the Right over the idea that certain people in certain places might choose to use the expression 'Happy Holidays' instead of 'Merry Christmas'.

Actually, dumbass, political correctness is what's brought about the words Happy Holidays, so as not to have offended whiny Far Lefties like yourself who've felt slighted by the words Merry Christmas.


Why are conservatives trying to force people to say Merry Christmas?

just Conservatives?....come out here and i will show you lots of Liberals who dont and wont buy that PC bullshit either....
A perfect example of conservative political correctness is the hysterical outrage that has erupted in recent years on the Right over the idea that certain people in certain places might choose to use the expression 'Happy Holidays' instead of 'Merry Christmas'.
thats not being Politically correct....the people saying "happy Holidays" are the example....

But the people who complain about "Happy Holidays" are being PC. It's an example of why the term doesn't really have any meaning anymore, since both sides engage in it.
you are being PC when you say something different then what has been said because you dont want to "offend" someone.....not bitching about someone who gives in and becomes PC....
politically correct
agreeing with the idea that people should be careful to not use language or behave in a way that could offend a particular group of people......
A perfect example of conservative political correctness is the hysterical outrage that has erupted in recent years on the Right over the idea that certain people in certain places might choose to use the expression 'Happy Holidays' instead of 'Merry Christmas'.
thats not being Politically correct....the people saying "happy Holidays" are the example....

But the people who complain about "Happy Holidays" are being PC. It's an example of why the term doesn't really have any meaning anymore, since both sides engage in it.

The term for the left's cultural agenda has no meaning anymore?

How convenient and how very false and despicable that claim is.
A perfect example of conservative political correctness is the hysterical outrage that has erupted in recent years on the Right over the idea that certain people in certain places might choose to use the expression 'Happy Holidays' instead of 'Merry Christmas'.
thats not being Politically correct....the people saying "happy Holidays" are the example....

But the people who complain about "Happy Holidays" are being PC. It's an example of why the term doesn't really have any meaning anymore, since both sides engage in it.
you are being PC when you say something different then what has been said because you dont want to "offend" someone.....not bitching about someone who gives in and becomes PC....
politically correct
agreeing with the idea that people should be careful to not use language or behave in a way that could offend a particular group of people......

Aren't conservatives offended by "Happy Holidays"? Certainly seems that way since we get posts about the "War on Christmas" every year. I think there's actually more offense taken on the right than on the left, so I feel you're incorrect on this point.
Actually, dumbass, political correctness is what's brought about the words Happy Holidays, so as not to have offended whiny Far Lefties like yourself who've felt slighted by the words Merry Christmas.


I don't think anyone here would argue when I say that I'm a Far Leftie...one of the farthest. Merry Christmas doesn't offend me. In fact, I challenge you to find a case where it offended anyone. People say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas, not because anyone was ever offended, but because they WANT to be more inclusive. They are being the consummate capitalists by giving customers an atmosphere they can be comfortable in. Those that say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas are also being good Christians.

Well, that is the good idea but I once worked for a woman who refused to allow us to say "Merry Christmas" in the office. If we slipped in front of her, we were corrected.
A perfect example of conservative political correctness is the hysterical outrage that has erupted in recent years on the Right over the idea that certain people in certain places might choose to use the expression 'Happy Holidays' instead of 'Merry Christmas'.

Actually, dumbass, political correctness is what's brought about the words Happy Holidays, so as not to have offended whiny Far Lefties like yourself who've felt slighted by the words Merry Christmas.


Why are conservatives trying to force people to say Merry Christmas?

I couldn't care less what your dumbass calls it, or if you are too stupid to celebrate. That's YOUR choice. however, don't tell the rest of America what they can or can't do, or believe in.
A perfect example of conservative political correctness is the hysterical outrage that has erupted in recent years on the Right over the idea that certain people in certain places might choose to use the expression 'Happy Holidays' instead of 'Merry Christmas'.
thats not being Politically correct....the people saying "happy Holidays" are the example....

But the people who complain about "Happy Holidays" are being PC. It's an example of why the term doesn't really have any meaning anymore, since both sides engage in it.
you are being PC when you say something different then what has been said because you dont want to "offend" someone.....not bitching about someone who gives in and becomes PC....
politically correct
agreeing with the idea that people should be careful to not use language or behave in a way that could offend a particular group of people......

Aren't conservatives offended by "Happy Holidays"? Certainly seems that way since we get posts about the "War on Christmas" every year. I think there's actually more offense taken on the right than on the left, so I feel you're incorrect on this point.

It doesn't offend me in the least. However, when an establishment instructs their employees to ONLY say "Happy Holidays" or "Season Greetings" - they have seen the last of MY business.

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