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consevative correctness

Liberalism is what founded this nation dumbass.
Is that why liberals are ashamed of our founding fathers?
What asshole told you that, and why are you so stupid that you believed them?
Many liberals like to derogate and dismiss our Founders who owned slaves. The same way right wingers like to dismiss Martin Luther King's achievements because he was a serial adulterer.
Name them? Oh right, you can't. Carry on.
I see. You are the only person on this forum who has never heard a left winger use the ownership of slaves to derogate our Founders.
Well they did own slaves, and they fucked them which is rape since livestock can't grant consent, and they also wrote All Men Are Created Equal while treating other men as property. If the truth hurts, so be it, it's still true. The were men, not gods or saints, but they were Liberal men who founded the nation using the ideals of Liberalism and there's no reason to be ashamed about that, and I'm not but you are.
"with all the conservative whining about political correctness being a democrat's invention"

Actually it's a myth contrived by the right, the consequence of conservatives' fear of diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty.

This coming from the irony impaired far left drone that uses keywords they do not understand or even believe in.
Conservative correctnessSelf reliant, Personal freedom, Respect for others, Protect your family, Help your neighbor
But they also make up phrases like death tax, partial birth abortion, homicide bomber, etc.
And showing once again how the dangerous the far left religion truly is.
You're not much for reading comprehension, are you? "Made up" is a euphemism for "the hard right are a bunch of outright liars".
Conservative correctness

Self reliant

...except for corporations on the government dole.

Personal freedom

...except for women, transgender Americans, gay Americans, and anyone else expressing his personal liberty.

Respect for others

...except for women, transgender Americans, gay Americans, immigrants, those of different faiths, or no faith at all, and anyone who dares to disagrees with conservative dogma.

Protect your family

...even at the expense of other families.

Help your neighbor

...but don't allow government to help even though the public sector is often best suited to provide that help.
Conservative correctness

Self reliant

...except for corporations on the government dole.

Personal freedom

...except for women, transgender Americans, gay Americans, and anyone else expressing his personal liberty.

Respect for others

...except for women, transgender Americans, gay Americans, immigrants, those of different faiths, or no faith at all, and anyone who dares to disagrees with conservative dogma.

Protect your family

...even at the expense of other families.

Help your neighbor

...but don't allow government to help even though the public sector is often best suited to provide that help.

you are clueless.
Conservative correctness
Self reliant
Personal freedom
Respect for others
Protect your family
Help your neighbor
those are exactly the same as liberal values..
holy shit! you're a closet liberal!
Self reliant, liberal, welfare
Personal freedom, liberal, only if I agree
Respect for others, liberal, yeah what do you call a successful black man
Protect your family, liberal, yeah the way Brown was raised. Opposite
Help your neighbor, liberal, burn and loot!
wake up Dorothy! you're having that KKK dream again.
That would also be the democrat party. Sorry in liberalism there is no freedom.
false. the only klan member today are definitely conservatives
those are exactly the same as liberal values..
holy shit! you're a closet liberal!
Self reliant, liberal, welfare
Personal freedom, liberal, only if I agree
Respect for others, liberal, yeah what do you call a successful black man
Protect your family, liberal, yeah the way Brown was raised. Opposite
Help your neighbor, liberal, burn and loot!
wake up Dorothy! you're having that KKK dream again.
That would also be the democrat party. Sorry in liberalism there is no freedom.
Liberalism is what founded this nation dumbass.
Is that why liberals are ashamed of our founding fathers?
false !

Conservative correctnessSelf reliant, Personal freedom, Respect for others, Protect your family, Help your neighbor
But they also make up phrases like death tax, partial birth abortion, homicide bomber, etc.
And showing once again how the dangerous the far left religion truly is.
You're not much for reading comprehension, are you? "Made up" is a euphemism for "the hard right are a bunch of outright liars".

Once again the irony impaired far left drones proves my comments!
That would also be the democrat party. Sorry in liberalism there is no freedom.
Liberalism is what founded this nation dumbass.
Is that why liberals are ashamed of our founding fathers?
What asshole told you that, and why are you so stupid that you believed them?
Many liberals like to derogate and dismiss our Founders who owned slaves. The same way right wingers like to dismiss Martin Luther King's achievements because he was a serial adulterer.
Serial adulterer, alcoholic, plagiarizer and embezzler.
that could describe any number of republicans
Self reliant, liberal, welfare
Personal freedom, liberal, only if I agree
Respect for others, liberal, yeah what do you call a successful black man
Protect your family, liberal, yeah the way Brown was raised. Opposite
Help your neighbor, liberal, burn and loot!
wake up Dorothy! you're having that KKK dream again.
That would also be the democrat party. Sorry in liberalism there is no freedom.
Liberalism is what founded this nation dumbass.
Is that why liberals are ashamed of our founding fathers?
false !

See how dangerous the far left religion is. They use terms and words that they do not know the meaning of and run off a programed narrative.
"Political correctness", in spite of all the bullshit you read on the web, was a term first coined by Mao Zedong during the Cultural Revolution. That's when 10 year-old "progressives" turned in their mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, and uncles because they weren't toadying the party line, whereupon local gangs of communists would club these people to death. Conservatively, 20 million died during the Cultural Revolution. Rudolph Rummell estimated the number to be 32 million.
the award for the best supporting line of bullshit in a thread go's to .....

I'm sure you're one of those ignorant lefty mouthpieces who doesn't believe the Holocaust happened either.
just like clockwork another asshat conservative makes a totally specious and bigoted comment.

The original sense of politically correct was as a term used to address mixed bodies of people so as not to offend. In 1793, Justice James Wilson in Chisholm v. Georgia used the term to distinguish between the phrases United States and people of the United States (he believed the latter to be politically correct). In 1936, H.V. Morton's In the Steps of Saint Paul referred to the term Galatians as a politically correct way to address anyone subject to Roman rule. [...]

The abbreviation PC first appeared in the New York Times in 1986.
Who coined the term politically correct Answerbag
crediting mao and all that you are trying and failing to infer
is as I stated correctly
wake up Dorothy! you're having that KKK dream again.
That would also be the democrat party. Sorry in liberalism there is no freedom.
Liberalism is what founded this nation dumbass.
Is that why liberals are ashamed of our founding fathers?
false !

See how dangerous the far left religion is. They use terms and words that they do not know the meaning of and run off a programed narrative.
just like clockwork another asshat conservative makes a totally specious and bigoted comment.
Conservative correctness
Self reliant
Personal freedom
Respect for others
Protect your family
Help your neighbor
those are exactly the same as liberal values..
holy shit! you're a closet liberal!
It's a matter of perspective.

Self reliant
Personal freedom
Respect for others
Protect your family
Help your neighbor

Every man for himself
Except when it comes to woman and gays and blacks and, well, you know.
Respect for others? As long as they are Republican, and even then and certainly not gays or blacks or......
Like the said in Texas, don't teach kids to think for themselves, or they will stop listening to you.
Help your neighbor. But only if they are the "right kind".
-Classical Liberalism vs. Modern Liberalism
What's the best way to secure everyone's mastery over his or her own destiny?
Sheldon Richman | August 12, 2012
In The Future of Liberalism (2009), Alan Wolfe writes that the true heirs to the liberalism of John Locke, Adam Smith, and Thomas Jefferson are not today’s classical liberals (libertarians), but rather the other kind of liberals, those who would use government power to assure autonomy and equality for all. Such “modern liberalism,” for Wolfe, is simply an updating of the original: In the eighteenth century, political power crushed autonomy and equality, requiring a free market as the antidote; now private corporate power under capitalism does the same, but this time the remedy is active government.
Early in his book Wolfe writes:
The core substantive principle of liberalism is this: As many people as possible should have as much say as is feasible over the direction their lives will take. Expressed in this form, liberalism, as in the days of John Locke, is committed both to liberty and to equality. . . . [Emphasis in original.]
With respect to liberty, liberals want for the person what Thomas Jefferson wanted for the country: independence. Dependency, for liberals, cripples. . . . When we have no choice but to accept someone else’s power over us, we fail to think for ourselves, are confined to conditions of existence resembling an endless struggle for survival, are unable to plan for the future, and cannot posses elementary human dignity. The autonomous life is therefore the best life. We have the potential, and are therefore responsible for realizing it, to be masters of our own destiny.
This sounds pretty good, no? Being subject to another’s arbitrary will clashes with the liberal spirit, which projects the ideal of mastery of one’s destiny even as one cooperates with others for mutual benefit.

Classical Liberalism vs. Modern Liberalism - Reason.com

remember the above when fascists like the hawk make intentional misrepresentations like this:" Yes, classical liberalism or libertarian. They were not draconian statist/progressive idiots. Don't try to equate yourselves to them."- the hawk post #31
That would also be the democrat party. Sorry in liberalism there is no freedom.
Liberalism is what founded this nation dumbass.
Is that why liberals are ashamed of our founding fathers?
false !

See how dangerous the far left religion is. They use terms and words that they do not know the meaning of and run off a programed narrative.
just like clockwork another asshat conservative makes a totally specious and bigoted comment.

And the racist/bigoted far left drone continues to rant on using far left religious programming..
-Classical Liberalism vs. Modern Liberalism
What's the best way to secure everyone's mastery over his or her own destiny?
Sheldon Richman | August 12, 2012
In The Future of Liberalism (2009), Alan Wolfe writes that the true heirs to the liberalism of John Locke, Adam Smith, and Thomas Jefferson are not today’s classical liberals (libertarians), but rather the other kind of liberals, those who would use government power to assure autonomy and equality for all. Such “modern liberalism,” for Wolfe, is simply an updating of the original: In the eighteenth century, political power crushed autonomy and equality, requiring a free market as the antidote; now private corporate power under capitalism does the same, but this time the remedy is active government.
Early in his book Wolfe writes:
The core substantive principle of liberalism is this: As many people as possible should have as much say as is feasible over the direction their lives will take. Expressed in this form, liberalism, as in the days of John Locke, is committed both to liberty and to equality. . . . [Emphasis in original.]
With respect to liberty, liberals want for the person what Thomas Jefferson wanted for the country: independence. Dependency, for liberals, cripples. . . . When we have no choice but to accept someone else’s power over us, we fail to think for ourselves, are confined to conditions of existence resembling an endless struggle for survival, are unable to plan for the future, and cannot posses elementary human dignity. The autonomous life is therefore the best life. We have the potential, and are therefore responsible for realizing it, to be masters of our own destiny.
This sounds pretty good, no? Being subject to another’s arbitrary will clashes with the liberal spirit, which projects the ideal of mastery of one’s destiny even as one cooperates with others for mutual benefit.

Classical Liberalism vs. Modern Liberalism - Reason.com

remember the above when fascists like the hawk make intentional misrepresentations like this:" Yes, classical liberalism or libertarian. They were not draconian statist/progressive idiots. Don't try to equate yourselves to them."- the hawk post #31

So the far left goes to a far left blog site that they believe without question or hesitation and thus proving my original comments.
Liberalism is what founded this nation dumbass.
Is that why liberals are ashamed of our founding fathers?
false !

See how dangerous the far left religion is. They use terms and words that they do not know the meaning of and run off a programed narrative.
just like clockwork another asshat conservative makes a totally specious and bigoted comment.

And the racist/bigoted far left drone continues to rant on using far left religious programming..
note the endless machine like Repetition of the conservative retort.
-Classical Liberalism vs. Modern Liberalism
What's the best way to secure everyone's mastery over his or her own destiny?
Sheldon Richman | August 12, 2012
In The Future of Liberalism (2009), Alan Wolfe writes that the true heirs to the liberalism of John Locke, Adam Smith, and Thomas Jefferson are not today’s classical liberals (libertarians), but rather the other kind of liberals, those who would use government power to assure autonomy and equality for all. Such “modern liberalism,” for Wolfe, is simply an updating of the original: In the eighteenth century, political power crushed autonomy and equality, requiring a free market as the antidote; now private corporate power under capitalism does the same, but this time the remedy is active government.
Early in his book Wolfe writes:
The core substantive principle of liberalism is this: As many people as possible should have as much say as is feasible over the direction their lives will take. Expressed in this form, liberalism, as in the days of John Locke, is committed both to liberty and to equality. . . . [Emphasis in original.]
With respect to liberty, liberals want for the person what Thomas Jefferson wanted for the country: independence. Dependency, for liberals, cripples. . . . When we have no choice but to accept someone else’s power over us, we fail to think for ourselves, are confined to conditions of existence resembling an endless struggle for survival, are unable to plan for the future, and cannot posses elementary human dignity. The autonomous life is therefore the best life. We have the potential, and are therefore responsible for realizing it, to be masters of our own destiny.
This sounds pretty good, no? Being subject to another’s arbitrary will clashes with the liberal spirit, which projects the ideal of mastery of one’s destiny even as one cooperates with others for mutual benefit.

Classical Liberalism vs. Modern Liberalism - Reason.com

remember the above when fascists like the hawk make intentional misrepresentations like this:" Yes, classical liberalism or libertarian. They were not draconian statist/progressive idiots. Don't try to equate yourselves to them."- the hawk post #31

So the far left goes to a far left blog site that they believe without question or hesitation and thus proving my original comments.
so reason and logic are far left qualities.
no wonder it pisses you off.

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