Consider the facts


Gold Member
Feb 19, 2012
Israel makes peace offerings to Palestinians & receives jihad's & intifadas in return.

Israel builds a security fence so the Palestinians can remain in Israel & they call it "an apartheid wall."

Israel concedes Jew free land to the Palestinians & they reward Israel with rocket missiles.

Now the Palestinians want Israel to give them their own Palestinian State in israel. Don't that beat all?
Jordan gave the Palestinians Black September. Bingo! Not a single Palestinian complaint & Jordan has achieved a lasting peace from the Palestinians. When will Israel ever learn?

Israel makes peace offerings to Palestinians & receives jihad's & intifadas in return.

Israel builds a security fence so the Palestinians can remain in Israel & they call it "an apartheid wall."

Israel concedes Jew free land to the Palestinians & they reward Israel with rocket missiles.

Now the Palestinians want Israel to give them their own Palestinian State in israel. Don't that beat all?
Diplomacy with Iran and Syria will turn out just as it did with Rwanda...
Obama to Israel: Postpone any Iran attack
Mar 02, 2012 - President Obama says he will ask Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday to postpone any military plans to attack Iran and give sanctions more time to curb Tehran's nuclear ambitions.
Obama also told The Atlantic that, if necessary, he will order the U.S. military to destroy Iran's nuclear program if it refuses to forgo the means to making nuclear weapons. "I think that the Israeli government recognizes that, as president of the United States, I don't bluff," Obama said in an interview. "I also don't, as a matter of sound policy, go around advertising exactly what our intentions are," Obama added. "But I think both the Iranian and the Israeli governments recognize that when the United States says it is unacceptable for Iran to have a nuclear weapon, we mean what we say."

Obama meets with Netanyahu on Monday, the day after the president addresses the pro-Israeli lobbying group AIPAC. As reported by Jeffrey Goldberg of The Atlantic, Obama said "all options are on the table" with regard to Iran, but the "military component" is the last one. Obama said sanctions have put Iran into a "world of hurt," and could force it to change its nuclear plans.

A nuclear-armed Iran is unacceptable because it would increase the threat to Israel and trigger an arms race in an already-volatile region of the world. Another goal of Monday's meeting at the White House: Smoothing the sometimes rocky relationship between Obama and Netanyahu. Obama said he and the prime minister "can be very frank with each other, very blunt with each other, very honest with each other. For the most part, when we have differences, they are tactical and not strategic."

Obama also disputed Republican claims on the campaign trail that he has not been sufficiently supportive of Israel. "Every single commitment I have made to the state of Israel and its security, I have kept," Obama told the Atlantic. "Why is it that despite me never failing to support Israel on every single problem that they've had over the last three years, that there are still questions about that?"

Diplomacy with Iran and Syria will turn out just as it did with Rwanda...
Obama to Israel: Postpone any Iran attack
Mar 02, 2012 - President Obama says he will ask Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday to postpone any military plans to attack Iran and give sanctions more time to curb Tehran's nuclear ambitions.
Obama also told The Atlantic that, if necessary, he will order the U.S. military to destroy Iran's nuclear program if it refuses to forgo the means to making nuclear weapons. "I think that the Israeli government recognizes that, as president of the United States, I don't bluff," Obama said in an interview. "I also don't, as a matter of sound policy, go around advertising exactly what our intentions are," Obama added. "But I think both the Iranian and the Israeli governments recognize that when the United States says it is unacceptable for Iran to have a nuclear weapon, we mean what we say."

Obama meets with Netanyahu on Monday, the day after the president addresses the pro-Israeli lobbying group AIPAC. As reported by Jeffrey Goldberg of The Atlantic, Obama said "all options are on the table" with regard to Iran, but the "military component" is the last one. Obama said sanctions have put Iran into a "world of hurt," and could force it to change its nuclear plans.

A nuclear-armed Iran is unacceptable because it would increase the threat to Israel and trigger an arms race in an already-volatile region of the world. Another goal of Monday's meeting at the White House: Smoothing the sometimes rocky relationship between Obama and Netanyahu. Obama said he and the prime minister "can be very frank with each other, very blunt with each other, very honest with each other. For the most part, when we have differences, they are tactical and not strategic."

Obama also disputed Republican claims on the campaign trail that he has not been sufficiently supportive of Israel. "Every single commitment I have made to the state of Israel and its security, I have kept," Obama told the Atlantic. "Why is it that despite me never failing to support Israel on every single problem that they've had over the last three years, that there are still questions about that?"


And Netanyahu will tell Obama that tough talk is just not enough, that it is time for him to grow a pair and declare exactly what red lines he will not allow Iran to cross and what would trigger a US use of military force.
Nejad has clearly stated that Iran will continue its nuclear development program. And that he will wipe out Israel. And there are some people who actually want Israel to do nothing at all. Gosh I wonder what they would want the USA to do if some foreign nation announced they were building a nuclear program & they will wipe out the USA?
Netanyahu should call Nejad & thank him for giving Israel a place & a reason to send their nukes for a little visit. Let Nejad worry about the USA & Israel instead of the other way around.
Nejad has clearly stated that Iran will continue its nuclear development program. And that he will wipe out Israel. And there are some people who actually want Israel to do nothing at all. Gosh I wonder what they would want the USA to do if some foreign nation announced they were building a nuclear program & they will wipe out the USA?

Not much of a student of history are you. Seems to me that Nikita Khruscheve did exactly that when he headed up the USSR. Our play of waiting out his bluff seems to have paid off pretty well !
Hiya Patrick! Had we "waited it out" as you suggest, the USA would still be a British colony. Hitler would have ruled the world. And Japan would not be our ally & trading partner. You want to wait it out with someone who vows to kill you? Be my guest.

Nejad has clearly stated that Iran will continue its nuclear development program. And that he will wipe out Israel. And there are some people who actually want Israel to do nothing at all. Gosh I wonder what they would want the USA to do if some foreign nation announced they were building a nuclear program & they will wipe out the USA?

Not much of a student of history are you. Seems to me that Nikita Khruscheve did exactly that when he headed up the USSR. Our play of waiting out his bluff seems to have paid off pretty well !
Jordan gave the Palestinians Black September. Bingo! Not a single Palestinian complaint & Jordan has achieved a lasting peace from the Palestinians. When will Israel ever learn?

When they all pack up and go home to Noo Yawk :eusa_whistle:
Israel makes peace offerings to Palestinians & receives jihad's & intifadas in return.

Israel builds a security fence so the Palestinians can remain in Israel & they call it "an apartheid wall."

Israel concedes Jew free land to the Palestinians & they reward Israel with rocket missiles.

Now the Palestinians want Israel to give them their own Palestinian State in israel. Don't that beat all?

Sorry, you mentioned something about facts but you forgot to post any :(

Can you try again?
Yeah well, so tell us what I said here that is not a fact. 'Atta boy!

Israel makes peace offerings to Palestinians & receives jihad's & intifadas in return.

Israel builds a security fence so the Palestinians can remain in Israel & they call it "an apartheid wall."

Israel concedes Jew free land to the Palestinians & they reward Israel with rocket missiles.

Now the Palestinians want Israel to give them their own Palestinian State in israel. Don't that beat all?

Sorry, you mentioned something about facts but you forgot to post any :(

Can you try again?
A large majority of Palestinains residing in Israel are not pleased with Israel's failed Zionist agenda of peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions so they can remain in Israel. Time for Israel to free the Palestinians by finding an incentive to offer the surrounding Arab countries to grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands.
A large majority of Palestinains residing in Israel are not pleased with Israel's failed Zionist agenda of peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions so they can remain in Israel. Time for Israel to free the Palestinians by finding an incentive to offer the surrounding Arab countries to grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands.
Perhaps Syria should consider paying the Palis to return. The way Assad is killing off the opposition, he could increase the population and gain more voters.
This Arab Spring stuff is something else. Muslim terrorists killing Muslim terrorists in record numbers within their own countries. What greater contribution to peace, mankind & civilization? LONG LIVE THE ARAB SPRING.

A large majority of Palestinains residing in Israel are not pleased with Israel's failed Zionist agenda of peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions so they can remain in Israel. Time for Israel to free the Palestinians by finding an incentive to offer the surrounding Arab countries to grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands.
Perhaps Syria should consider paying the Palis to return. The way Assad is killing off the opposition, he could increase the population and gain more voters.
Another fact to consider is that even to this day the Israeli's say they want peace. And yet they still refuse to turn over all their nukes, fighter jets, tanks & all other sophisticated weaponry to the noble life loving, peace loving Palestinians to protect Israel. Oh well, thats Zionism for you.
Nejad has clearly stated that Iran will continue its nuclear development program. And that he will wipe out Israel. And there are some people who actually want Israel to do nothing at all. Gosh I wonder what they would want the USA to do if some foreign nation announced they were building a nuclear program & they will wipe out the USA?

Not much of a student of history are you. Seems to me that Nikita Khruscheve did exactly that when he headed up the USSR. Our play of waiting out his bluff seems to have paid off pretty well !
Welcome to the asylum, PatCat. When did you get out of jail?
Does anyone know where Epsilon Delta has so suddenly disappeared to? What did I say that isn't true here?

Israel makes peace offerings to Palestinians & receives jihad's & intifadas in return.

Israel builds a security fence so the Palestinians can remain in Israel & they call it "an apartheid wall."

Israel concedes Jew free land to the Palestinians & they reward Israel with rocket missiles.

Now the Palestinians want Israel to give them their own Palestinian State in israel. Don't that beat all?

Sorry, you mentioned something about facts but you forgot to post any :(

Can you try again?
A large majority of Palestinains residing in Israel are not pleased with Israel's failed Zionist agenda of peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions so they can remain in Israel. Time for Israel to free the Palestinians by finding an incentive to offer the surrounding Arab countries to grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands.
Then they must ask JORDAN, which took most of the Palestinian LAND.

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