Consider The Impact Of A 2020 Democrat Victory

Bernie as a candidate won't win a state and some of you snowflakes are posting these scare posts. Unreal. Socialism had no popularity in america.

Now that is just dumb. A Dem is going to win Cali, Ill, NY,Mass and a couple others no matter who they run. That is the nature of our country today.
If Bernie wins, I expect at least a 2000 point fall right away. Maybe more.

I plan on cashing in on my i.r.a. if there is even the tiniest chance he might win.
LOL. You silly cons never learn. The libs said the same when Donnie won. Silly cons probably said this when Ears won.
Well, first of all, I am not a "silly con". I am an independent.

Your drivel only went down hill from there.

are you one of those "independents" that always votes for the same party, and it is not the independent party?
I voted for Clinton twice and Obama the first time around, but you sure shouldn't let that prevent you from being stupid, now, k?


and now all of a sudden the Dems are going to crash the system...weird.
Of the two of us, only one is not a mindless drone.

If you are incapable of distinguishing between an extremist socialist and a moderate Democrat like Bill Clinton, you have no business talking politics, child.

How ironic that you level charges against me as being some sort of party line guy and then turn around and show that you are exactly that beyond all question.

Are there no mirrors in your trailer park little fella?
You are not alone by a longshot. Many will invest elsewhere. Europe's dalliance with wealth taxes made clear that smart money will go where the grass is greener which is why so many are currently invested in America. Wealthy socialists may beg to be taxed into abject poverty but rational people do not.

A 20% drop could easily turn into a rout which will destroy trillions in wealth, millions of jobs and businesses, and our prosperity. Pretty much full-on Venezuela.
What could be better for the economy that opening up the borders to untold millions of immigrants, paying for their health care and guaranteeing them welfare for life?

Oh, and I think there was some free beer involved in the plan, too.
Sounds like a fine plan for American prosperity and if there's free beer count me in. :beer:
Beer and pizza are two of the natural food groups.
Of the two of us, only one is not a mindless drone.

If you are incapable of distinguishing between an extremist socialist and a moderate Democrat like Bill Clinton, you have no business talking politics, child.

How ironic that you level charges against me as being some sort of party line guy and then turn around and show that you are exactly that beyond all question.

Are there no mirrors in your trailer park little fella?

It is the primaries, everyone has to tack hard left to get votes, it is mostly meaningless. Seems someone as "enlightened" as you would understand this. :113:
Of the two of us, only one is not a mindless drone.

If you are incapable of distinguishing between an extremist socialist and a moderate Democrat like Bill Clinton, you have no business talking politics, child.

How ironic that you level charges against me as being some sort of party line guy and then turn around and show that you are exactly that beyond all question.

Are there no mirrors in your trailer park little fella?

It is the primaries, everyone has to tack hard left to get votes, it is mostly meaningless. Seems someone as "enlightened" as you would understand this. :113:
And Trump is certain to let any Democrat Socialist Party hack off that hook. :cool:

Even Biden recognizes that Trump will successfully use their own promises to beat them. He said President Donald Trump would slap Sanders’ “democratic socialist” label on every Democratic candidate on the ballot in 2020 -- damaging Democrats’ hopes of also winning control of the Senate.

Klobuchar says she'd be concerned about having a Democratic socialist at the top of the ticket
Of the two of us, only one is not a mindless drone.

If you are incapable of distinguishing between an extremist socialist and a moderate Democrat like Bill Clinton, you have no business talking politics, child.

How ironic that you level charges against me as being some sort of party line guy and then turn around and show that you are exactly that beyond all question.

Are there no mirrors in your trailer park little fella?

It is the primaries, everyone has to tack hard left to get votes, it is mostly meaningless. Seems someone as "enlightened" as you would understand this. :113:
And Trump is certain to let any Democrat Socialist Party hack off that hook. :cool:

Even Biden recognizes that Trump will successfully use their own promises to beat them. He said President Donald Trump would slap Sanders’ “democratic socialist” label on every Democratic candidate on the ballot in 2020 -- damaging Democrats’ hopes of also winning control of the Senate.

Klobuchar says she'd be concerned about having a Democratic socialist at the top of the ticket

Bernie is the exception to the rule, he has always been this far left
You are not alone by a longshot. Many will invest elsewhere. Europe's dalliance with wealth taxes made clear that smart money will go where the grass is greener which is why so many are currently invested in America. Wealthy socialists may beg to be taxed into abject poverty but rational people do not.

A 20% drop could easily turn into a rout which will destroy trillions in wealth, millions of jobs and businesses, and our prosperity. Pretty much full-on Venezuela.
What could be better for the economy that opening up the borders to untold millions of immigrants, paying for their health care and guaranteeing them welfare for life?

Oh, and I think there was some free beer involved in the plan, too.
Sounds like a fine plan for American prosperity and if there's free beer count me in. :beer:
Beer and pizza are two of the natural food groups.

A glass of beer or wine is actually good for your health. A pizza with vegetables is better for you than canned goods. Its all relative but better than the govt telling you that eating the four food groups is healthy.
It's neat to see this much diversity in the election. Trump will win easily but the diversity in the election is the sign of a healthy nation. Everyone buying into only one mindset ensures the nation cannot survive.
Of the two of us, only one is not a mindless drone.

If you are incapable of distinguishing between an extremist socialist and a moderate Democrat like Bill Clinton, you have no business talking politics, child.

How ironic that you level charges against me as being some sort of party line guy and then turn around and show that you are exactly that beyond all question.

Are there no mirrors in your trailer park little fella?

It is the primaries, everyone has to tack hard left to get votes, it is mostly meaningless. Seems someone as "enlightened" as you would understand this. :113:
And Trump is certain to let any Democrat Socialist Party hack off that hook. :cool:

Even Biden recognizes that Trump will successfully use their own promises to beat them. He said President Donald Trump would slap Sanders’ “democratic socialist” label on every Democratic candidate on the ballot in 2020 -- damaging Democrats’ hopes of also winning control of the Senate.

Klobuchar says she'd be concerned about having a Democratic socialist at the top of the ticket

Bernie is the exception to the rule, he has always been this far left
He is dragging the Dems with him, much to the detriment of the party and this country.

Payne: Sanders Is Trying to ‘Damage and Destroy’ Democratic Party
Of the two of us, only one is not a mindless drone.

If you are incapable of distinguishing between an extremist socialist and a moderate Democrat like Bill Clinton, you have no business talking politics, child.

How ironic that you level charges against me as being some sort of party line guy and then turn around and show that you are exactly that beyond all question.

Are there no mirrors in your trailer park little fella?

It is the primaries, everyone has to tack hard left to get votes, it is mostly meaningless. Seems someone as "enlightened" as you would understand this. :113:
Bernie hasn't been saying anything new. He has always been a communist. It's just that his screed is more appealing now because the entire party has drifted so far leftwards

Believe me, child, and I realize you are probably too young to remember, but do you REALLY think Bill Clinton was touting open borders, free health care for illegal immigrants, apologizing to terrorists, demanding men had unlimited access to women's bathrooms and all the rest of that crazy shit?

All that matters to you is whether there is an R or a D next to a name.
Bernie hasn't been saying anything new. He has always been a communist. It's just that his screed is more appealing now because the entire party has drifted so far leftwards

Believe me, child, and I realize you are probably too young to remember, but do you REALLY think Bill Clinton was touting open borders, free health care for illegal immigrants, apologizing to terrorists, demanding men had unlimited access to women's bathrooms and all the rest of that crazy shit?

The whole country has moved left since the days of Clinton. Clinton was further right than many of today's Repubs.

All that matters to you is whether there is an R or a D next to a name.

you got that right, if they have an (R) or a (D) they will not get my vote.
If Bernie wins, I expect at least a 2000 point fall right away. Maybe more. I plan on cashing in on my i.r.a. if there is even the tiniest chance he might win.
LOL. You silly cons never learn. The libs said the same when Donnie won...
Incorrect. The libs said they were packing and leaving the US. What both Sanders and Warren promise to impose by executive order will undo our economy and prosperity. I know it, economists know it, investors know it, and the American people know it.

Sanders leaves CBS anchor dumbfounded when he says he's winging it; 'nobody knows' what plan costs
O'Donnell interrupted, “You don’t know how much your plan costs?” she asked.
“You don’t know, nobody knows, this is impossible,” Sanders said dismissively.
As expected, you’re not informed.
Paul Krugman, who predicted 'global recession' under Trump, admits economy is 'strong'
If Bernie wins, I expect at least a 2000 point fall right away. Maybe more. I plan on cashing in on my i.r.a. if there is even the tiniest chance he might win.
LOL. You silly cons never learn. The libs said the same when Donnie won...
Incorrect. The libs said they were packing and leaving the US. What both Sanders and Warren promise to impose by executive order will undo our economy and prosperity. I know it, economists know it, investors know it, and the American people know it.

Sanders leaves CBS anchor dumbfounded when he says he's winging it; 'nobody knows' what plan costs
O'Donnell interrupted, “You don’t know how much your plan costs?” she asked.
“You don’t know, nobody knows, this is impossible,” Sanders said dismissively.
As expected, you’re not informed.
Paul Krugman, who predicted 'global recession' under Trump, admits economy is 'strong'
Wrong about what exactly? One need not be a Nobel Prize economist to know the US economy is currently strong and that any Dem would destroy our prosperity if given the opportunity. BTW, Krugman isn't the brightest guy in any room:

Paul Krugman: Trump will bring global recession
If Bernie wins, I expect at least a 2000 point fall right away. Maybe more. I plan on cashing in on my i.r.a. if there is even the tiniest chance he might win.
LOL. You silly cons never learn. The libs said the same when Donnie won...
Incorrect. The libs said they were packing and leaving the US. What both Sanders and Warren promise to impose by executive order will undo our economy and prosperity. I know it, economists know it, investors know it, and the American people know it.

Sanders leaves CBS anchor dumbfounded when he says he's winging it; 'nobody knows' what plan costs
O'Donnell interrupted, “You don’t know how much your plan costs?” she asked.
“You don’t know, nobody knows, this is impossible,” Sanders said dismissively.
As expected, you’re not informed.
Paul Krugman, who predicted 'global recession' under Trump, admits economy is 'strong'
Wrong about what exactly? One need not be a Nobel Prize economist to know the US economy is currently strong and that any Dem would destroy our prosperity if given the opportunity. BTW, Krugman isn't the brightest guy in any room:

Paul Krugman: Trump will bring global recession
Wrong about lefties saying Trump would crash the economy, just like you are claiming Bernie will.
I find NBC to be pretty useless but their biz channel - CNBC - has to avoid fake news status because unlike their sister stations, the claims they make must be based on reality. Anyway, there is a growing consensus that any Dem Prez would significantly damage the gains Americans have enjoyed during Trump's presidency. It's clear the changes that Sanders and Warren have promised to impose by executive order would cripple economic growth but even Steyer, Biden, and Petey Butt are certain to raise taxes in an effort to satisfy their party's loonier lefties. Bottom line? We just can't afford Democrats … period.

Tudor Jones says the stock market will 'definitely decline' if a Democrat wins the 2020 election
Billionaire investor Paul Tudor Jones told CNBC on Wednesday that the stock market will turn south if any Democrat wins the 2020 presidential election, regardless of the differences in their policy proposals.

“I think the stock market will definitely decline because that will assume that it’s going to be accompanied by a raise in taxes,” Jones said on “Squawk Box.”
I don't think we have to worry about a Dem winning the election in November. NONE of their candidates have a realistic chance of defeating Trump.
I find NBC to be pretty useless but their biz channel - CNBC - has to avoid fake news status because unlike their sister stations, the claims they make must be based on reality. Anyway, there is a growing consensus that any Dem Prez would significantly damage the gains Americans have enjoyed during Trump's presidency. It's clear the changes that Sanders and Warren have promised to impose by executive order would cripple economic growth but even Steyer, Biden, and Petey Butt are certain to raise taxes in an effort to satisfy their party's loonier lefties. Bottom line? We just can't afford Democrats … period.

Tudor Jones says the stock market will 'definitely decline' if a Democrat wins the 2020 election
Billionaire investor Paul Tudor Jones told CNBC on Wednesday that the stock market will turn south if any Democrat wins the 2020 presidential election, regardless of the differences in their policy proposals.

“I think the stock market will definitely decline because that will assume that it’s going to be accompanied by a raise in taxes,” Jones said on “Squawk Box.”
I don't think we have to worry about a Dem winning the election in November. NONE of their candidates have a realistic chance of defeating Trump.
Now that’s funny too. Why? Because lefties said the same thing about crooked Hillary.

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