Conspiracy Theorist Rachel Maddow CRIES ON AIR Over Mueller Report ..

Did you make me a sammich?
You don't get to eat a Sammich because you haven't done your home work yet, and something tells me you aren't going to do it;

Really? Then explain to me how Trump asking Russia to go find the 30,000 emails is not an act of Collusion with Russia?

How about an apple pie then?
Children will play, but that's as far as they go.

Well, that ain't even true either.

You're on a roll.
Really? Then explain to me how Trump asking Russia to go find the 30,000 emails is not an act of Collusion with Russia?
If I kept posting this all day, we know I would be.[/QUOTE]

You already lost the debate in here.
I got a notch on my belt to prove it.
So, stop acting like a parrot.
"A bad day for the enemies of America"

The Hillary camp, the Democrats, and the MEDIA promoted the lies of Russian collusion as fact, not conjecture. It has now been revealed as having no basis in fact. The Dems, Media and Hillary need to be held accountable. They are criminals an illegal coup attempt.
The FBI confirmed much of it through the Dossier. How can it be a lie? Christopher Steele, the Man Behind the Trump Dossier
The Hillary camp, the Democrats, and the MEDIA promoted the lies of Russian collusion as fact, not conjecture. It has now been revealed as having no basis in fact. The Dems, Media and Hillary need to be held accountable. They are criminals an illegal coup attempt.
The FBI confirmed much of it through the Dossier. How can it be a lie? Christopher Steele, the Man Behind the Trump Dossier
Nothing has been confirmed .
You have no evidence
It never gets old ...

I don't understand why the crying. Today every American, liberal and conservative, should be filled with joy to know our President did not collude with Russia. How horrible that would be?

Tell me liberal's, aren't you delighted with the news?
Yes, limited to Russia, and he indicted 37 people connected to Russia within the last year, not 14 years ago.

If it was limited to Russia why is Manafort doing prison time for tax evasion? Since when can the gov't open investigations on everyone with ties to Russia? Since when is that a crime?

Would you be man enough to just admit it once, just once, that you were wrong?
I just explained that from another post. Come on man, stop acting like you are in grade school. Limited in scope until the criminal leads took the investigation to other crimes. Law enforcement isn't going to ignore other crimes, while working through another. Get it together boss. You are way behind informatively.

Man up! Stop crying!!


Liberal/Progressives (Democrats) and the Media (Democrats) don't want America to succeed, or be great. They want it to fail in order to gain the Democrat's power. That is all the care about, one party Democrat rule. They are like little children who aren't getting their way so throw tantrums. Sorry Democrats. You LOSE. AGAIN. Get used to it. Maybe try to be American for a change.
The Hillary camp, the Democrats, and the MEDIA promoted the lies of Russian collusion as fact, not conjecture. It has now been revealed as having no basis in fact. The Dems, Media and Hillary need to be held accountable. They are criminals an illegal coup attempt.
The FBI confirmed much of it through the Dossier. How can it be a lie? Christopher Steele, the Man Behind the Trump Dossier
Nothing has been confirmed .
You have no evidence
I presented the proof. Debunk that proof.
It never gets old ...
I don't understand why the crying. Today every American, liberal and conservative, should be filled with joy to know our President did not collude with Russia. How horrible that would be?

Tell me liberal's, aren't you delighted with the news?
The proof that Trump colluded with Russia was already proven back in 2016; Make the case that it isn't true. I've asked this two or three times, and no one can prove it isn't collusion.
The proof that Trump colluded with Russia was already proven back in 2016; Make the case that it isn't true.

Yes, I remember, didn't he go to jail for that?

Oh wait ... he didn't.
You don't get to eat a Sammich because you haven't done your home work yet, and something tells me you aren't going to do it;

Really? Then explain to me how Trump asking Russia to go find the 30,000 emails is not an act of Collusion with Russia?

How about an apple pie then?
Children will play, but that's as far as they go.

Well, that ain't even true either.

You're on a roll.
Really? Then explain to me how Trump asking Russia to go find the 30,000 emails is not an act of Collusion with Russia?
If I kept posting this all day, we know I would be.

You already lost the debate in here.
I got a notch on my belt to prove it.
So, stop acting like a parrot.
You are losing, by not debunking my claim of collusion. If you can't produce evidence my claim is not collusion, then I just proved collusion. It's that simple. You lose.
The proof that Trump colluded with Russia was already proven back in 2016; Make the case that it isn't true.

Yes, I remember, didn't he go to jail for that?

Oh wait ... he didn't.

There was no investigation back then. So, you do admit it is collusion then. Thanks!

If that makes you happy, sure, why not?

Now, remember that you can't do a frakking thing about it.
You're going to stamp your feet, hold your breath, and scream at mummy until the next election and get President Trump re-elected.

Knowing that you believe he's gotten away with it is far more gratifying that you realizing there was no collusion.
If I were any one of the RW freaks posting in this thread, I’d have at least a shred of dignity left, and I’d tell the OP to fuck off. I’d never click on another one of his threads.

What makes you keep taking it?
The proof that Trump colluded with Russia was already proven back in 2016; Make the case that it isn't true.

Yes, I remember, didn't he go to jail for that?

Oh wait ... he didn't.

There was no investigation back then. So, you do admit it is collusion then. Thanks!

If that makes you happy, sure, why not?

Now, remember that you can't do a frakking thing about it.
You're going to stamp your feet, hold your breath, and scream at mummy until the next election and get President Trump re-elected.

Knowing that you believe he's gotten away with it is far more gratifying that you realizing there was no collusion.

How do you know we can't do anything about it? You just admitted to Trump committing a crime. Did Mueller indict? Not that we know of? The indictment maybe under seal? Mueller may have passed it off to the other districts to avoid a conflict of interest involving the opinion that a sitting president cannot be indicted? We really don't know? Maybe he will be impeached for something you just admitted to? Who knows? Mueller maybe just passing it all off to the other districts because he knows Trump was trying to fire him?

But, what's gratifying for me is, you admitted to it. And what is informative about it, is the fact that you are a traitor to this country, because you think he got away with an illegal election through the help of a foreign adversary who we had sanctions against, and you don't care. Believe me, we aren't surprised. It's what you and your ilk have become. You are admitting to cheer leading for a criminal colluding with a foreign power against the US. You are a traitor to this country.
If I were any one of the RW freaks posting in this thread, I’d have at least a shred of dignity left, and I’d tell the OP to fuck off. I’d never click on another one of his threads.

What makes you keep taking it?
No dignity!
Because it's all they do; lie.
That is all you have done is lie.

You lied about the Covington Catholic boys and all of the associated videos

You lied about Cohen and porny Daniels.

You lied about Mueller.

You are a proven liar about Rico

You are a proven liar about impeachable offenses

You are a moral coward a liar and a punk with no integrity
Do you feel better after that childish rant? Now instead of doing the “whatabout” tactic to distract from the topic at hand how about you address the fact that the OP was a straight up lie? You see that don’t you?
That was no rant BOY it was facts about a lying sack of shit who you side with and you can provide no evidence to the contrary

It was the topic at hand till you tried to change it so shut up sit down and be silent while the adults correct your fellow brats
The OP is a lie about Maddow. You can’t admit it is a lie so instead you try and point the finger back at your opponents. That’s weak. Do better.
And bwk changed the subject from maddow to trump and has been caught lying

Conversations do that and you jumped in to change the topic from your ass licking bitch buddy bwk who has been trashed and proven a liar

Now run along boy
I replied to the OP and this thread has spun off my reponse. I didn’t jump into your conversation with BKW. But nice try yet again to turn the tables and lash out instead of owning your bullshit.

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