Conspiracy Theorist Rachel Maddow CRIES ON AIR Over Mueller Report ..

The proof that Trump colluded with Russia was already proven back in 2016; Make the case that it isn't true.

Yes, I remember, didn't he go to jail for that?

Oh wait ... he didn't.

There was no investigation back then. So, you do admit it is collusion then. Thanks!

If that makes you happy, sure, why not?

Now, remember that you can't do a frakking thing about it.
You're going to stamp your feet, hold your breath, and scream at mummy until the next election and get President Trump re-elected.

Knowing that you believe he's gotten away with it is far more gratifying that you realizing there was no collusion.

How do you know we can't do anything about it? You just admitted to Trump committing a crime. Did Mueller indict? Not that we know of? The indictment maybe under seal? Mueller may have passed it off to the other districts to avoid a conflict of interest involving the opinion that a sitting president cannot be indicted? We really don't know? Maybe he will be impeached for something you just admitted to? Who knows? Mueller maybe just passing it all off to the other districts because he knows Trump was trying to fire him?

But, what's gratifying for me is, you admitted to it. And what is informative about it, is the fact that you are a traitor to this country, because you think he got away with an illegal election through the help of a foreign adversary who we had sanctions against, and you don't care. Believe me, we aren't surprised. It's what you and your ilk have become. You are admitting to cheer leading for a criminal colluding with a foreign power against the US. You are a traitor to this country.

The election was legal and fair

No evidence exists of anything impeachable and no evidence was ever presented

You'll still be crying about it when Invanka is elected
You never debate or say anything of value, so why show up?
Yes, I remember, didn't he go to jail for that?

Oh wait ... he didn't.
There was no investigation back then. So, you do admit it is collusion then. Thanks!

If that makes you happy, sure, why not?

Now, remember that you can't do a frakking thing about it.
You're going to stamp your feet, hold your breath, and scream at mummy until the next election and get President Trump re-elected.

Knowing that you believe he's gotten away with it is far more gratifying that you realizing there was no collusion.
How do you know we can't do anything about it? You just admitted to Trump committing a crime. Did Mueller indict? Not that we know of? The indictment maybe under seal? Mueller may have passed it off to the other districts to avoid a conflict of interest involving the opinion that a sitting president cannot be indicted? We really don't know? Maybe he will be impeached for something you just admitted to? Who knows? Mueller maybe just passing it all off to the other districts because he knows Trump was trying to fire him?

But, what's gratifying for me is, you admitted to it. And what is informative about it, is the fact that you are a traitor to this country, because you think he got away with an illegal election through the help of a foreign adversary who we had sanctions against, and you don't care. Believe me, we aren't surprised. It's what you and your ilk have become. You are admitting to cheer leading for a criminal colluding with a foreign power against the US. You are a traitor to this country.


I didn't know it was possible to cram that much bullshit into such a small space.
I've paid attention to the posts you've addressed to me, and they all seem to have one thing in common. They are primarily, informatively bankrupt from any intelligent debatable material. You show up here trolling pretty good, but that's about it. A Harvard debate team member, you are not.
Wrong you evade and run because my posts are factual and irrefutable.

The burden is not on me it is on you and you have absolutely failed to provide any evidence whatsoever
This makes you a liar.

One cannot debate when an uneducated fool claims to have presented proof but is shown and proven to be a liar.
Yes, I remember, didn't he go to jail for that?

Oh wait ... he didn't.
There was no investigation back then. So, you do admit it is collusion then. Thanks!

If that makes you happy, sure, why not?

Now, remember that you can't do a frakking thing about it.
You're going to stamp your feet, hold your breath, and scream at mummy until the next election and get President Trump re-elected.

Knowing that you believe he's gotten away with it is far more gratifying that you realizing there was no collusion.
How do you know we can't do anything about it? You just admitted to Trump committing a crime. Did Mueller indict? Not that we know of? The indictment maybe under seal? Mueller may have passed it off to the other districts to avoid a conflict of interest involving the opinion that a sitting president cannot be indicted? We really don't know? Maybe he will be impeached for something you just admitted to? Who knows? Mueller maybe just passing it all off to the other districts because he knows Trump was trying to fire him?

But, what's gratifying for me is, you admitted to it. And what is informative about it, is the fact that you are a traitor to this country, because you think he got away with an illegal election through the help of a foreign adversary who we had sanctions against, and you don't care. Believe me, we aren't surprised. It's what you and your ilk have become. You are admitting to cheer leading for a criminal colluding with a foreign power against the US. You are a traitor to this country.
The election was legal and fair

No evidence exists of anything impeachable and no evidence was ever presented

You'll still be crying about it when Invanka is elected
You never debate or say anything of value, so why show up?
I stated absolute facts which you cannot refute

I would love to debate but the evidence massively crushed you and all you do is lie like the imature brat you are.

You have no evidence
There was no investigation back then. So, you do admit it is collusion then. Thanks!

If that makes you happy, sure, why not?

Now, remember that you can't do a frakking thing about it.
You're going to stamp your feet, hold your breath, and scream at mummy until the next election and get President Trump re-elected.

Knowing that you believe he's gotten away with it is far more gratifying that you realizing there was no collusion.
How do you know we can't do anything about it? You just admitted to Trump committing a crime. Did Mueller indict? Not that we know of? The indictment maybe under seal? Mueller may have passed it off to the other districts to avoid a conflict of interest involving the opinion that a sitting president cannot be indicted? We really don't know? Maybe he will be impeached for something you just admitted to? Who knows? Mueller maybe just passing it all off to the other districts because he knows Trump was trying to fire him?

But, what's gratifying for me is, you admitted to it. And what is informative about it, is the fact that you are a traitor to this country, because you think he got away with an illegal election through the help of a foreign adversary who we had sanctions against, and you don't care. Believe me, we aren't surprised. It's what you and your ilk have become. You are admitting to cheer leading for a criminal colluding with a foreign power against the US. You are a traitor to this country.
The election was legal and fair

No evidence exists of anything impeachable and no evidence was ever presented

You'll still be crying about it when Invanka is elected
You never debate or say anything of value, so why show up?
I stated absolute facts which you cannot refute

I would love to debate but the evidence massively crushed you and all you do is lie like the imature brat you are.

You have no evidence
Boss, you aren't worth my time. You never say, debate, or post links proving any points. You're boring, and I am unmoved by anything you say, because you never say anything. See you later.
If that makes you happy, sure, why not?

Now, remember that you can't do a frakking thing about it.
You're going to stamp your feet, hold your breath, and scream at mummy until the next election and get President Trump re-elected.

Knowing that you believe he's gotten away with it is far more gratifying that you realizing there was no collusion.
How do you know we can't do anything about it? You just admitted to Trump committing a crime. Did Mueller indict? Not that we know of? The indictment maybe under seal? Mueller may have passed it off to the other districts to avoid a conflict of interest involving the opinion that a sitting president cannot be indicted? We really don't know? Maybe he will be impeached for something you just admitted to? Who knows? Mueller maybe just passing it all off to the other districts because he knows Trump was trying to fire him?

But, what's gratifying for me is, you admitted to it. And what is informative about it, is the fact that you are a traitor to this country, because you think he got away with an illegal election through the help of a foreign adversary who we had sanctions against, and you don't care. Believe me, we aren't surprised. It's what you and your ilk have become. You are admitting to cheer leading for a criminal colluding with a foreign power against the US. You are a traitor to this country.
The election was legal and fair

No evidence exists of anything impeachable and no evidence was ever presented

You'll still be crying about it when Invanka is elected
You never debate or say anything of value, so why show up?
I stated absolute facts which you cannot refute

I would love to debate but the evidence massively crushed you and all you do is lie like the imature brat you are.

You have no evidence
Boss, you aren't worth my time. You never say, debate, or post links proving any points. You're boring, and I am unmoved by anything you say, because you never say anything. See you later.
I post facts.

I need no links when your posts are nothing more than delusion which they are.

You have presented two links neither of which has a speck of evidence and yet you keep repeating the same claims

One needs no evidence to debate nothing and prove it to be nothing.

You have nothing and no evidence.

The mueller report has crushed you and humiliated you just as other evidence has done so in other threads when you lied.
The indictment maybe under seal? Mueller may have passed it off to the other districts to avoid a conflict of interest involving the opinion that a sitting president cannot be indicted? We really don't know? Maybe he will be impeached for something you just admitted to? Who knows?

Keep on clutching ...

Do you feel better after that childish rant? Now instead of doing the “whatabout” tactic to distract from the topic at hand how about you address the fact that the OP was a straight up lie? You see that don’t you?
That was no rant BOY it was facts about a lying sack of shit who you side with and you can provide no evidence to the contrary

It was the topic at hand till you tried to change it so shut up sit down and be silent while the adults correct your fellow brats
The OP is a lie about Maddow. You can’t admit it is a lie so instead you try and point the finger back at your opponents. That’s weak. Do better.
And bwk changed the subject from maddow to trump and has been caught lying

Conversations do that and you jumped in to change the topic from your ass licking bitch buddy bwk who has been trashed and proven a liar

Now run along boy
I replied to the OP and this thread has spun off my reponse. I didn’t jump into your conversation with BKW. But nice try yet again to turn the tables and lash out instead of owning your bullshit.
You most certainly did jump in and tried to spin it boy

You did not even respond until your sweetie got cornered fact you little bitch so shut the fuck up
Read the thread dumbass... I responded to the OP and asked why he lied about Maddow crying when she clear did not in the videos of her show, somebody responded and said all the Trump people lie. You then went on an emotional off topic rant calling the Left liars and here we are. YOu lose, go to bed
Conspiracy Theorist Rachel Maddow CRIES ON AIR Over Mueller Report and Announcement That There Will Be No More Indictments
(full title)

Conspiracy Theorist Rachel Maddow CRIES ON AIR Over Mueller Report and Announcement That There Will Be No More Indictments (VIDEO)
3/22/19 By Cassandra Fairbanks
MSNBC’s top Russiagate conspiracy theorist Rachel Maddow burst into tears on Friday — after the past two years of her reporting was revealed to be nonsense. On Friday, it was revealed that there would be no more indictments from Robert Mueller’s office, sealed or otherwise, which completely contradicts the tall tales that she has been selling her viewers. Barely holding it together, Maddow emotionally explained that she is on a fishing trip in Tennessee and came into a studio — despite having had the day off. Clinging to absolutely anything to avoid apologizing for her bogus reporting, Maddow claimed that Mueller turning in his completed report is “the start of something, not the end of something.”

MAXIMUM Schadenfreude here!
Progressive Marxist Socialist Leftists have so much hate, negative energy, bad karma and dark conscience because of the perspectives the fraud stream and social media have created, nurtured and tailored.
CNN and MSNBC have a major problem. 80% of their content for past two years has been Russia, Russia, Russia. What will they talk about now?
I am pleased so far, but will be more relieved when Hillary is indicted. She is a clear and present danger to everyone. Dying in prison for Hillary. in the electric chair or IV cocktail is more appropriate for her hundreds of intentional crimes.
As a reference as to how far into space the Democratic party has gone, Trump was for years, a Democrat. I am not sure he is actually a bona fide Republican to this day. The Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats are a perfidious group just as Lenin, Stalin and Mao ideology has taught them.
These meltdowns are all amusing but they won’t mean a thing till these fools get intimate with a red scarf and a doorknob.
Just to be clear, Mueller's narrow window of investigation and no more indictments mean one thing; there are more indictments coming, farmed out in another district. There are no more Russian indictments by Mueller. It doesn't mean there are no more indictments, or indictments concerning a conspiracy with Russia in SDNY, the New York district or the Eastern district of Virginia. I don't think the Trumpers understand how this works.

We can easily explain no more indictments because of Mueller's limited scope. Remember, because of this opinion, that isn't actually a policy, is telling us that Mueller cannot indict a sitting president. That's up to the SDNY, NY, Eastern district, or Congress. There is nothing in the Constitution that restricts that decision.

So, we should have always known, that the indictments by Mueller on Trump, would have never materialized anyway. Which is why everything that could be indicted, was farmed out to other districts. As a matter of fact, Mueller has been farming out the whole time.

This investigation hasn't even reached the half way point yet, because of the RICO nature of the whole investigation.


Limited scope? He was supposed to be looking into Russian collusion and he wound up indicting people for tax fraud from 14 years ago. LOL
Yes, limited to Russia, and he indicted 37 people connected to Russia within the last year, not 14 years ago. If Mueller is standing by the opinion that Trump cannot be indicted, then yes, he is done. Mueller just happened to run into other crimes by his other associates they arrested them for. Judging by the seventeen investigations into Trump, I have no doubt that his financial crimes will end up being worse, and will tie him straight to Russia.

And remember, Trump has colluded with Russia in plain sight. No one needs a Mueller report to know that. The two impediments for Mueller was the opinion of not indicting a sitting president, and the fact that Mueller was forced to farm out the rest of the investigation because of the threat of being fired.

And one last thing, we have the Stone trial in the fall, and the polling data Manafort handed off to the Russians that is still on going. Both of those crimes are tied directly to Trump and Russia that were obviously farmed to other districts.

It's over, twit. A big ole nuthin burger just like we told you idiot loons
It never gets old ...

Those tears are sweeter than honey.

Imagine how twisted up with hate you would have to be in order to cry because POTUS is innocent.
It's so easy to find conspiracies to collude with Russia by way of the Trump campaign, even a cave man could do it. Forget Mueller. Just watch David Corn make an excellent observation of admission for a conspiracy to collude, through Paul Manaforts interview. It's amazing to find out just how easy it is to prove Trump knew everything.

The evidence of collusion is wide spread in our own public domain with Russia. We don't need Mueller. I said this a long time ago.

This would have been proven before the election. Maybe we all are being played. Yet I still do not see why Trump is a stooge of Putin.
Yes, I remember, didn't he go to jail for that?

Oh wait ... he didn't.
There was no investigation back then. So, you do admit it is collusion then. Thanks!

If that makes you happy, sure, why not?

Now, remember that you can't do a frakking thing about it.
You're going to stamp your feet, hold your breath, and scream at mummy until the next election and get President Trump re-elected.

Knowing that you believe he's gotten away with it is far more gratifying that you realizing there was no collusion.
How do you know we can't do anything about it? You just admitted to Trump committing a crime. Did Mueller indict? Not that we know of? The indictment maybe under seal? Mueller may have passed it off to the other districts to avoid a conflict of interest involving the opinion that a sitting president cannot be indicted? We really don't know? Maybe he will be impeached for something you just admitted to? Who knows? Mueller maybe just passing it all off to the other districts because he knows Trump was trying to fire him?

But, what's gratifying for me is, you admitted to it. And what is informative about it, is the fact that you are a traitor to this country, because you think he got away with an illegal election through the help of a foreign adversary who we had sanctions against, and you don't care. Believe me, we aren't surprised. It's what you and your ilk have become. You are admitting to cheer leading for a criminal colluding with a foreign power against the US. You are a traitor to this country.


I didn't know it was possible to cram that much bullshit into such a small space.
I've paid attention to the posts you've addressed to me, and they all seem to have one thing in common. They are primarily, informatively bankrupt from any intelligent debatable material. You show up here trolling pretty good, but that's about it. A Harvard debate team member, you are not.

Thank you. I'm proud of my trolling abilities.

You should follow my lead cuz you ain't as good as you think you are.
The proof that Trump colluded with Russia was already proven back in 2016; Make the case that it isn't true.

Yes, I remember, didn't he go to jail for that?

Oh wait ... he didn't.

There was no investigation back then. So, you do admit it is collusion then. Thanks!

If that makes you happy, sure, why not?

Now, remember that you can't do a frakking thing about it.
You're going to stamp your feet, hold your breath, and scream at mummy until the next election and get President Trump re-elected.

Knowing that you believe he's gotten away with it is far more gratifying that you realizing there was no collusion.

How do you know we can't do anything about it? You just admitted to Trump committing a crime. Did Mueller indict? Not that we know of? The indictment maybe under seal? Mueller may have passed it off to the other districts to avoid a conflict of interest involving the opinion that a sitting president cannot be indicted? We really don't know? Maybe he will be impeached for something you just admitted to? Who knows? Mueller maybe just passing it all off to the other districts because he knows Trump was trying to fire him?

But, what's gratifying for me is, you admitted to it. And what is informative about it, is the fact that you are a traitor to this country, because you think he got away with an illegal election through the help of a foreign adversary who we had sanctions against, and you don't care. Believe me, we aren't surprised. It's what you and your ilk have become. You are admitting to cheer leading for a criminal colluding with a foreign power against the US. You are a traitor to this country.

Oh, goodness! A crime? A crime would be an it, wouldn’t it? I mean a big IT! The music’s stopped I guess, huh? So just for the benefit of your fellow numbskkulls, what exactly was the crime?
I wonder if she'll cry when Hillary and her deep state co conspirators start getting arrested. What could be better than public hangings of the deep staters, televised live on FOX, with split screen reaction shots from the CNN and MSNBC newsrooms. Priceless

Hillary could take an axe to a busload of school kids and not get arrested.

That fucking bitch is bullet proof.

That's why we should burn her.

A bucket of water should do the trick
The proof that Trump colluded with Russia was already proven back in 2016; Make the case that it isn't true.

Yes, I remember, didn't he go to jail for that?

Oh wait ... he didn't.

There was no investigation back then. So, you do admit it is collusion then. Thanks!

If that makes you happy, sure, why not?

Now, remember that you can't do a frakking thing about it.
You're going to stamp your feet, hold your breath, and scream at mummy until the next election and get President Trump re-elected.

Knowing that you believe he's gotten away with it is far more gratifying that you realizing there was no collusion.

How do you know we can't do anything about it? You just admitted to Trump committing a crime. Did Mueller indict? Not that we know of? The indictment maybe under seal? Mueller may have passed it off to the other districts to avoid a conflict of interest involving the opinion that a sitting president cannot be indicted? We really don't know? Maybe he will be impeached for something you just admitted to? Who knows? Mueller maybe just passing it all off to the other districts because he knows Trump was trying to fire him?

But, what's gratifying for me is, you admitted to it. And what is informative about it, is the fact that you are a traitor to this country, because you think he got away with an illegal election through the help of a foreign adversary who we had sanctions against, and you don't care. Believe me, we aren't surprised. It's what you and your ilk have become. You are admitting to cheer leading for a criminal colluding with a foreign power against the US. You are a traitor to this country.

Oh, goodness! A crime? A crime would be an it, wouldn’t it? I mean a big IT! The music’s stopped I guess, huh? So just for the benefit of your fellow numbskkulls, what exactly was the crime?

There were many crimes committed that weren't indicted. At least not yet. For example, why didn't Mueller indict Don Jr. for lying to Congress about the Trump Tower meeting? Answer, because, seeing that Mueller cannot indict a sitting president, indicting Jr. would have gotten out in front the conspiracy and obstruction cases. So, it probably got handed down to SDNY. Trump and junior have yet to be indicted for the same crimes Cohen is going to prison for with the campaign finance charges. Why is that? They are either under seal, or will be handed down at the conclusion of all the investigations because of the multiple crimes involved. We still haven't investigated Manafort with the polling data scandal where hev gave the Russians polling data. Jr. is tied to Manafort and Manafort is tied to Jr. The same thing holds true about Roger Stone and the revealed emails to Wikileaks to help them coordinate activities with Russia. Why didn't Mueller lump all those crimes together? Answer, because Mueller's scope of inquiry was limited. It's up to other law enforcement to pick up the other parts of the investigation. There is a tremendous amount of criminal evidence, but it has to be tied together, and that was never Mueller's job.

Unfortunately, this thing is just getting started.
There was no investigation back then. So, you do admit it is collusion then. Thanks!

If that makes you happy, sure, why not?

Now, remember that you can't do a frakking thing about it.
You're going to stamp your feet, hold your breath, and scream at mummy until the next election and get President Trump re-elected.

Knowing that you believe he's gotten away with it is far more gratifying that you realizing there was no collusion.
How do you know we can't do anything about it? You just admitted to Trump committing a crime. Did Mueller indict? Not that we know of? The indictment maybe under seal? Mueller may have passed it off to the other districts to avoid a conflict of interest involving the opinion that a sitting president cannot be indicted? We really don't know? Maybe he will be impeached for something you just admitted to? Who knows? Mueller maybe just passing it all off to the other districts because he knows Trump was trying to fire him?

But, what's gratifying for me is, you admitted to it. And what is informative about it, is the fact that you are a traitor to this country, because you think he got away with an illegal election through the help of a foreign adversary who we had sanctions against, and you don't care. Believe me, we aren't surprised. It's what you and your ilk have become. You are admitting to cheer leading for a criminal colluding with a foreign power against the US. You are a traitor to this country.


I didn't know it was possible to cram that much bullshit into such a small space.
I've paid attention to the posts you've addressed to me, and they all seem to have one thing in common. They are primarily, informatively bankrupt from any intelligent debatable material. You show up here trolling pretty good, but that's about it. A Harvard debate team member, you are not.

Thank you. I'm proud of my trolling abilities.

You should follow my lead cuz you ain't as good as you think you are.
An uniformative lead such as yours, ain't my style.

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