Conspiracy Theorist Rachel Maddow CRIES ON AIR Over Mueller Report ..

But he hasn't recommended anything.
Have you seen the report? Like I said, he may not recommend anything because he can't indict, so he passed it off to the other districts. I won't pretend to know. What I do know, is what the statute says about conspiracy to attack the US in a presidential election, and that his campaign did exactly that.
^^^^^^^this one up there has bad TDS. Mercy! may be the worst TDS case on this site?

Wikileaks? Russia? Hackers? Whats the difference? How is it "collusion" to ask for release of hacked emails during a campaign rally?

Obstruction of Justice is destroying evidence. Comey is not yet destroyed. Crooked hillary destroyed evidence.
Because it was with Russians. That is open collusion with a foreign adversary.

Then how come 25 MILLION dollars and investigations going almost 2 years disagree with you? Mueller says no collusion. The house investigation committee said no collusion, but YOU, a bastion of truth in a well of lies, says there was.

Do you realize how ridiculous you sound right now and how bad you're embarrassing yourself?

Get ready for Mass suicides.

Snap, Cackle, and Pop

Liberal degenerates would rather drag America into a suicidal pit and cackle down at us as we freefall because we never did anything to take all power away from those insidious freaks by blocking their sneaky manipulation of the unguarded paths to that destination.
Aww the poor little dumb bitch got a reality check and couldnt handle it. Me feels so sorry for her and the millions of morons that are democrats. They cried like babys when trump got elected and now that mueller isnt doing what they want they are crying again. I fear the next election will result in thier heads popping like the aliens in mars attacks.
California will have a real mess to clean up

There won't be a mess. There is nothing in their heads to make a mess. Maybe a couple dust bunnies.
Populists: Manifest Destiny
New Age Sewage: Many Fuzzy Dust Bunnies
I'm pretty sure that the American public is going to get tired of paying for investigation after investigation after they spent 25 million dollars and got a tax evader from 15 years ago who is 70 years old and ABSOLUTELY nothing on the president.

The more investigations they do and prove Trump innocent the better he looks so I do encourage you to keep doing them. It'll sure up 4 more years in 2020.
They got sick of all the Clinton bashing too and elected bush instead of gore and trump instead of Clinton.

The last Clinton President was a great president. We were fools not to elect another one
I guess it's really hard for Mueller to indict anyone for collusion considering its not a crime.
No, but conspiracy is. Which is what happened.

Conspiracy to do what? Win an election? That's his biggest crime.
Conspiracy with the Trump campaign to go to a meeting at Trump Tower with Russians to get dirt on Clinton with stolen emails. That meeting happened. And when it was revealed, they lied about it telling the world it was about adoptions. That is a conspiracy to attack the US in a presidential election using a foreign adversary. Mueller cannot indict that crime, but Congress can review it to make sure Trump is not above the law. The same holds true with obstruction of justice.

Setup by Beast-Obammy. Bait not taken. They shut down meeting ASAP.
I guess it's really hard for Mueller to indict anyone for collusion considering its not a crime.
No, but conspiracy is. Which is what happened.

You can't have conspiracy to commit a non-crime, moron.

Its not illegal to meet with the Russians. It's not illegal to use them to get dirt on Hillary.
To try and get dirt on Clinton with Russians it most certainly is.

Citizens meet with a Russian citizen? Not a crime at all. Beast bought foreign false info. Thars' your crime.
I'm pretty sure that the American public is going to get tired of paying for investigation after investigation after they spent 25 million dollars and got a tax evader from 15 years ago who is 70 years old and ABSOLUTELY nothing on the president.

The more investigations they do and prove Trump innocent the better he looks so I do encourage you to keep doing them. It'll sure up 4 more years in 2020.
Death Valley Days

This twenty-Mueller-team Borax has bored and annoyed me as much as a long ride choking on dust down a trail full of twigs, ruts, cactus, roadrunners, and spooky optical illusions. I know few relevant facts about this pet rock of the stoned hippie-hasbeen Democrats, but then neither does anybody else.
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"Wahh, we want to be serfs" Say the leftarded indoctrinated masses. They don't realize that this country was founded on the antithesis of that.

They could always emigrate to the country whose asses we kicked up out of here to achieve their news/ Marxist education system induced dream of them being a serf.

Don't want to own property? Serf!

Don't want to be productive and still get by? Serf!

Want to be ruled over? Serf!

Serf's up, dudes and dudettes.

Wake up before you find yourself being a slave to a merciless government.
Don't believe the propaganda on your iPhone/Android.
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Conspiracy Theorist Rachel Maddow CRIES ON AIR Over Mueller Report and Announcement That There Will Be No More Indictments
(full title)

Conspiracy Theorist Rachel Maddow CRIES ON AIR Over Mueller Report and Announcement That There Will Be No More Indictments (VIDEO)
3/22/19 By Cassandra Fairbanks
MSNBC’s top Russiagate conspiracy theorist Rachel Maddow burst into tears on Friday — after the past two years of her reporting was revealed to be nonsense. On Friday, it was revealed that there would be no more indictments from Robert Mueller’s office, sealed or otherwise, which completely contradicts the tall tales that she has been selling her viewers. Barely holding it together, Maddow emotionally explained that she is on a fishing trip in Tennessee and came into a studio — despite having had the day off. Clinging to absolutely anything to avoid apologizing for her bogus reporting, Maddow claimed that Mueller turning in his completed report is “the start of something, not the end of something.”

MAXIMUM Schadenfreude here!
Progressive Marxist Socialist Leftists have so much hate, negative energy, bad karma and dark conscience because of the perspectives the fraud stream and social media have created, nurtured and tailored.
CNN and MSNBC have a major problem. 80% of their content for past two years has been Russia, Russia, Russia. What will they talk about now?
I am pleased so far, but will be more relieved when Hillary is indicted. She is a clear and present danger to everyone. Dying in prison for Hillary. in the electric chair or IV cocktail is more appropriate for her hundreds of intentional crimes.
As a reference as to how far into space the Democratic party has gone, Trump was for years, a Democrat. I am not sure he is actually a bona fide Republican to this day. The Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats are a perfidious group just as Lenin, Stalin and Mao ideology has taught them.
These meltdowns are all amusing but they won’t mean a thing till these fools get intimate with a red scarf and a doorknob.
Conspiracy Theorist Rachel Maddow CRIES ON AIR Over Mueller Report and Announcement That There Will Be No More Indictments
(full title)

Conspiracy Theorist Rachel Maddow CRIES ON AIR Over Mueller Report and Announcement That There Will Be No More Indictments (VIDEO)
3/22/19 By Cassandra Fairbanks
MSNBC’s top Russiagate conspiracy theorist Rachel Maddow burst into tears on Friday — after the past two years of her reporting was revealed to be nonsense. On Friday, it was revealed that there would be no more indictments from Robert Mueller’s office, sealed or otherwise, which completely contradicts the tall tales that she has been selling her viewers. Barely holding it together, Maddow emotionally explained that she is on a fishing trip in Tennessee and came into a studio — despite having had the day off. Clinging to absolutely anything to avoid apologizing for her bogus reporting, Maddow claimed that Mueller turning in his completed report is “the start of something, not the end of something.”

MAXIMUM Schadenfreude here!
Progressive Marxist Socialist Leftists have so much hate, negative energy, bad karma and dark conscience because of the perspectives the fraud stream and social media have created, nurtured and tailored.
CNN and MSNBC have a major problem. 80% of their content for past two years has been Russia, Russia, Russia. What will they talk about now?
I am pleased so far, but will be more relieved when Hillary is indicted. She is a clear and present danger to everyone. Dying in prison for Hillary. in the electric chair or IV cocktail is more appropriate for her hundreds of intentional crimes.
As a reference as to how far into space the Democratic party has gone, Trump was for years, a Democrat. I am not sure he is actually a bona fide Republican to this day. The Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats are a perfidious group just as Lenin, Stalin and Mao ideology has taught them.
These meltdowns are all amusing but they won’t mean a thing till these fools get intimate with a red scarf and a doorknob.
It's not a nothingburger! It's not a nothingburger!
It's a nothingburger with cheese!

But he hasn't recommended anything.
Have you seen the report? Like I said, he may not recommend anything because he can't indict, so he passed it off to the other districts. I won't pretend to know. What I do know, is what the statute says about conspiracy to attack the US in a presidential election, and that his campaign did exactly that.
Odd mueller sad it didnt happen but you must have mad talents like deputy dog
I'm pretty sure that the American public is going to get tired of paying for investigation after investigation after they spent 25 million dollars and got a tax evader from 15 years ago who is 70 years old and ABSOLUTELY nothing on the president.

The more investigations they do and prove Trump innocent the better he looks so I do encourage you to keep doing them. It'll sure up 4 more years in 2020.
They got sick of all the Clinton bashing too and elected bush instead of gore and trump instead of Clinton.

The last Clinton President was a great president. We were fools not to elect another one
Well one thing is right you were fools
Conspiracy Theorist Rachel Maddow CRIES ON AIR Over Mueller Report and Announcement That There Will Be No More Indictments
(full title)

Conspiracy Theorist Rachel Maddow CRIES ON AIR Over Mueller Report and Announcement That There Will Be No More Indictments (VIDEO)
3/22/19 By Cassandra Fairbanks
MSNBC’s top Russiagate conspiracy theorist Rachel Maddow burst into tears on Friday — after the past two years of her reporting was revealed to be nonsense. On Friday, it was revealed that there would be no more indictments from Robert Mueller’s office, sealed or otherwise, which completely contradicts the tall tales that she has been selling her viewers. Barely holding it together, Maddow emotionally explained that she is on a fishing trip in Tennessee and came into a studio — despite having had the day off. Clinging to absolutely anything to avoid apologizing for her bogus reporting, Maddow claimed that Mueller turning in his completed report is “the start of something, not the end of something.”

MAXIMUM Schadenfreude here!
Progressive Marxist Socialist Leftists have so much hate, negative energy, bad karma and dark conscience because of the perspectives the fraud stream and social media have created, nurtured and tailored.
CNN and MSNBC have a major problem. 80% of their content for past two years has been Russia, Russia, Russia. What will they talk about now?
I am pleased so far, but will be more relieved when Hillary is indicted. She is a clear and present danger to everyone. Dying in prison for Hillary. in the electric chair or IV cocktail is more appropriate for her hundreds of intentional crimes.
As a reference as to how far into space the Democratic party has gone, Trump was for years, a Democrat. I am not sure he is actually a bona fide Republican to this day. The Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats are a perfidious group just as Lenin, Stalin and Mao ideology has taught them.
These meltdowns are all amusing but they won’t mean a thing till these fools get intimate with a red scarf and a doorknob.

I have to say....of all the left wing tears I have been enjoying....over ice, in a frosted mug........maddow's are really some of the best....tasty, tasty, goody good left wing tears of anger, frustration, rage.....great over ice...
Yes, I remember, didn't he go to jail for that?

Oh wait ... he didn't.
There was no investigation back then. So, you do admit it is collusion then. Thanks!

If that makes you happy, sure, why not?

Now, remember that you can't do a frakking thing about it.
You're going to stamp your feet, hold your breath, and scream at mummy until the next election and get President Trump re-elected.

Knowing that you believe he's gotten away with it is far more gratifying that you realizing there was no collusion.
How do you know we can't do anything about it? You just admitted to Trump committing a crime. Did Mueller indict? Not that we know of? The indictment maybe under seal? Mueller may have passed it off to the other districts to avoid a conflict of interest involving the opinion that a sitting president cannot be indicted? We really don't know? Maybe he will be impeached for something you just admitted to? Who knows? Mueller maybe just passing it all off to the other districts because he knows Trump was trying to fire him?

But, what's gratifying for me is, you admitted to it. And what is informative about it, is the fact that you are a traitor to this country, because you think he got away with an illegal election through the help of a foreign adversary who we had sanctions against, and you don't care. Believe me, we aren't surprised. It's what you and your ilk have become. You are admitting to cheer leading for a criminal colluding with a foreign power against the US. You are a traitor to this country.
Oh, goodness! A crime? A crime would be an it, wouldn’t it? I mean a big IT! The music’s stopped I guess, huh? So just for the benefit of your fellow numbskkulls, what exactly was the crime?
There were many crimes committed that weren't indicted. At least not yet. For example, why didn't Mueller indict Don Jr. for lying to Congress about the Trump Tower meeting? Answer, because, seeing that Mueller cannot indict a sitting president, indicting Jr. would have gotten out in front the conspiracy and obstruction cases. So, it probably got handed down to SDNY. Trump and junior have yet to be indicted for the same crimes Cohen is going to prison for with the campaign finance charges. Why is that? They are either under seal, or will be handed down at the conclusion of all the investigations because of the multiple crimes involved. We still haven't investigated Manafort with the polling data scandal where hev gave the Russians polling data. Jr. is tied to Manafort and Manafort is tied to Jr. The same thing holds true about Roger Stone and the revealed emails to Wikileaks to help them coordinate activities with Russia. Why didn't Mueller lump all those crimes together? Answer, because Mueller's scope of inquiry was limited. It's up to other law enforcement to pick up the other parts of the investigation. There is a tremendous amount of criminal evidence, but it has to be tied together, and that was never Mueller's job.

Unfortunately, this thing is just getting started.
Bozo, do try to follow along.

You posted, “You just admitted to Trump committing a crime.” And I asked what crime that might be? To which you started some alleged crimes bullshit, but never answered the question.

Here’s the 0-1 pitch on the way...What was the crime?
I love how the demwits are running with Mueller saying that "no collusion but hes not exonerated of obstruction." Um, yes he is. This is nothing more than a cheap political stunt, a cheap shot, at the president. It's no different than when a prosecutor loses in a jury trial and tells the media "the defendant was not found innocent, he was found not guilty." It's the same fucking thing. Either you're guilty or not guilty. This shuts the door on collusion and obstruction. If he obstructed, how come the investigation ended with Meullers report? Who did he obstruct? 2800 subpoenas, 1.4 million documents doesn't sound like obstruction to me.

Mueller is a crooked son of a bitch that participated in this bullshit investigation rather than calling it from the start. 13 democrats who hated Trump were in charge of this investigation that took 22 months. One of those worked as a lawyer for the Clinton Foundation. If there had been ANYTHING remotely bad about the president we would have heard about it.

He's clear. Get over it, demwits.

Oh yea, one more thing. How do you explain Jerome Corsi, who was offered a plea deal by Mueller that he refused to take, and then was not even indicted?? WTF WAS THAT ABOUT? Why the fuck would you offer a plea deal to someone that you don't charge with a crime???

I wonder how many of those others took a plea out of fear rather than guilt. We know at least one stood up to that son of a bitch and won.
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every time i see him i get a tingles in my legs

I just might be a flamin fag

LMAO Good Lord.

He sure doesn't like reality.

What a flaming idiot.
There was no investigation back then. So, you do admit it is collusion then. Thanks!

If that makes you happy, sure, why not?

Now, remember that you can't do a frakking thing about it.
You're going to stamp your feet, hold your breath, and scream at mummy until the next election and get President Trump re-elected.

Knowing that you believe he's gotten away with it is far more gratifying that you realizing there was no collusion.
How do you know we can't do anything about it? You just admitted to Trump committing a crime. Did Mueller indict? Not that we know of? The indictment maybe under seal? Mueller may have passed it off to the other districts to avoid a conflict of interest involving the opinion that a sitting president cannot be indicted? We really don't know? Maybe he will be impeached for something you just admitted to? Who knows? Mueller maybe just passing it all off to the other districts because he knows Trump was trying to fire him?

But, what's gratifying for me is, you admitted to it. And what is informative about it, is the fact that you are a traitor to this country, because you think he got away with an illegal election through the help of a foreign adversary who we had sanctions against, and you don't care. Believe me, we aren't surprised. It's what you and your ilk have become. You are admitting to cheer leading for a criminal colluding with a foreign power against the US. You are a traitor to this country.
Oh, goodness! A crime? A crime would be an it, wouldn’t it? I mean a big IT! The music’s stopped I guess, huh? So just for the benefit of your fellow numbskkulls, what exactly was the crime?
There were many crimes committed that weren't indicted. At least not yet. For example, why didn't Mueller indict Don Jr. for lying to Congress about the Trump Tower meeting? Answer, because, seeing that Mueller cannot indict a sitting president, indicting Jr. would have gotten out in front the conspiracy and obstruction cases. So, it probably got handed down to SDNY. Trump and junior have yet to be indicted for the same crimes Cohen is going to prison for with the campaign finance charges. Why is that? They are either under seal, or will be handed down at the conclusion of all the investigations because of the multiple crimes involved. We still haven't investigated Manafort with the polling data scandal where hev gave the Russians polling data. Jr. is tied to Manafort and Manafort is tied to Jr. The same thing holds true about Roger Stone and the revealed emails to Wikileaks to help them coordinate activities with Russia. Why didn't Mueller lump all those crimes together? Answer, because Mueller's scope of inquiry was limited. It's up to other law enforcement to pick up the other parts of the investigation. There is a tremendous amount of criminal evidence, but it has to be tied together, and that was never Mueller's job.

Unfortunately, this thing is just getting started.
Bozo, do try to follow along.

You posted, “You just admitted to Trump committing a crime.” And I asked what crime that might be? To which you started some alleged crimes bullshit, but never answered the question.

Here’s the 0-1 pitch on the way...What was the crime?

Motive to conspire with a foreign power, that was not inditable based on a technicality. That's it. They could never confirm if the lawyer was working as a government employee or not. Information had floated around during this entire investigation that she was not, then she was. Based on that lack of evidence, Trump got off on that technicality. That said, the conspiracy did in fact happen. All one needs to do is read the statute, if you understand simple statutes.

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