Conspiracy Theorist Who Quit the Cult

Bring me yer booty and grog ye scallywag!
it's booty ye wants? well seadog, you can kiss the gunner's daughter !

Aye! It's yer booty me wants. Hands the wench over ye booty and save your swashbucklin er ta the gallows ye go with the sproggs!

Yo-ho-ho and pass me ye rum.
I'll see ye in davy jones locker for I gives up me booty to a tosspot such as ye!
take the wench, always another in port royal.!
aye!this rum be grand!
it's booty ye wants? well seadog, you can kiss the gunner's daughter !

Aye! It's yer booty me wants. Hands the wench over ye booty and save your swashbucklin er ta the gallows ye go with the sproggs!

Yo-ho-ho and pass me ye rum.
I'll see ye in davy jones locker for I gives up me booty to a tosspot such as ye!
take the wench, always another in port royal.!
aye!this rum be grand!

Just a sec I need to Scroogle "tosspot" and see what you called me.

Bring me yer booty and grog ye scallywag!
it's booty ye wants? well seadog, you can kiss the gunner's daughter !

Aye! It's yer booty me wants. Hands the wench over ye booty and save your swashbucklin er ta the gallows ye go with the sproggs!

Yo-ho-ho and pass me ye rum.

Avast there matey! (Swings in from yardarm with saber between his teeth.) Take ye filthy hands off that fair wench's booty or I'll run ye through with me pigsticker!
it's booty ye wants? well seadog, you can kiss the gunner's daughter !

Aye! It's yer booty me wants. Hands the wench over ye booty and save your swashbucklin er ta the gallows ye go with the sproggs!

Yo-ho-ho and pass me ye rum.
I'll see ye in davy jones locker for I gives up me booty to a tosspot such as ye!
take the wench, always another in port royal.!
aye!this rum be grand!

Well shiver me timbers that was a scurvy dog!
it's booty ye wants? well seadog, you can kiss the gunner's daughter !

Aye! It's yer booty me wants. Hands the wench over ye booty and save your swashbucklin er ta the gallows ye go with the sproggs!

Yo-ho-ho and pass me ye rum.

Avast there matey! (Swings in from yardarm with saber between his teeth.) Take ye filthy hands off that fair wench's booty or I'll run ye through with me pigsticker!
that be no pig sticker ,it a pin with no sting!
Aye! It's yer booty me wants. Hands the wench over ye booty and save your swashbucklin er ta the gallows ye go with the sproggs!

Yo-ho-ho and pass me ye rum.

Avast there matey! (Swings in from yardarm with saber between his teeth.) Take ye filthy hands off that fair wench's booty or I'll run ye through with me pigsticker!
that be no pig sticker ,it a pin with no sting!

Many a cur without a limb or an eye made the same mistake as ye, wee laddie! En garde!
that be no pig sticker ,it a pin with no sting!

Many a cur without a limb or an eye made the same mistake as ye, wee laddie! En garde!
for but one reason you caught them in their cups! have at ye...!

Ye are on dry land but ye are staggering like it was a gale, me hearty! Ya couldna hit tha side of a barn from tha inside with a swing like that. Take another and I might catch cold from tha breeze.
Many a cur without a limb or an eye made the same mistake as ye, wee laddie! En garde!
for but one reason you caught them in their cups! have at ye...!

Ye are on dry land but ye are staggering like it was a gale, me hearty! Ya couldna hit tha side of a barn from tha inside with a swing like that. Take another and I might catch cold from tha breeze.
you swaggering sot! my spanish steel will rip ye from topsail to foredeck!
So who is Charlie Veitch you ask? Good question. In the real world he's a nothing: a bobble-head doll. But in the loony CT Movement he was good buddies with the movement's royalty ... that is until he had an epiphany, realized he was a CT sheeple, and threw himself on the floor screaming, "I was duped." He sounds like an idiot even as he posts his mea culpa but some of what he says is rational and logical and the reaction of the CT Movement reveals all one needs to know about the insecure asswipes who populate that cult.

The 9/11 conspiracy theorist who changed his mind - Telegraph

Charlie Veitch had nothing to do with 9/11 truth and is a creepy pedofile
So who is Charlie Veitch you ask? Good question. In the real world he's a nothing: a bobble-head doll. But in the loony CT Movement he was good buddies with the movement's royalty ... that is until he had an epiphany, realized he was a CT sheeple, and threw himself on the floor screaming, "I was duped." He sounds like an idiot even as he posts his mea culpa but some of what he says is rational and logical and the reaction of the CT Movement reveals all one needs to know about the insecure asswipes who populate that cult.

The 9/11 conspiracy theorist who changed his mind - Telegraph

Charlie Veitch had nothing to do with 9/11 truth and is a creepy pedofile
So who is Charlie Veitch you ask? Good question. In the real world he's a nothing: a bobble-head doll. But in the loony CT Movement he was good buddies with the movement's royalty ... that is until he had an epiphany, realized he was a CT sheeple, and threw himself on the floor screaming, "I was duped." He sounds like an idiot even as he posts his mea culpa but some of what he says is rational and logical and the reaction of the CT Movement reveals all one needs to know about the insecure asswipes who populate that cult.

The 9/11 conspiracy theorist who changed his mind - Telegraph

Charlie Veitch had nothing to do with 9/11 truth and is a creepy pedofile

spam much ?
The dirty little secret is that the 9-11 conspiracy theory isn't just a jumble of findings and theories from true believers. The 9-11 conspiracy is a left wing political tool promoted mostly by the hate America crowd and slurped up like pablum by low information lefties. The problem for lefties is that they are stuck with the realization that the Clinton Administration would have to be knee deep in the conspiracy so they have to dance around the political side and they end up looking like jerks.
The dirty little secret is that the 9-11 conspiracy theory isn't just a jumble of findings and theories from true believers. The 9-11 conspiracy is a left wing political tool promoted mostly by the hate America crowd and slurped up like pablum by low information lefties. The problem for lefties is that they are stuck with the realization that the Clinton Administration would have to be knee deep in the conspiracy so they have to dance around the political side and they end up looking like jerks.

you make no sense ...and are completely uniformed
The dirty little secret is that the 9-11 conspiracy theory isn't just a jumble of findings and theories from true believers. The 9-11 conspiracy is a left wing political tool promoted mostly by the hate America crowd and slurped up like pablum by low information lefties. The problem for lefties is that they are stuck with the realization that the Clinton Administration would have to be knee deep in the conspiracy so they have to dance around the political side and they end up looking like jerks.

you make no sense ...and are completely uniformed
classic eots dodge!
So who is Charlie Veitch you ask? Good question. In the real world he's a nothing: a bobble-head doll. But in the loony CT Movement he was good buddies with the movement's royalty ... that is until he had an epiphany, realized he was a CT sheeple, and threw himself on the floor screaming, "I was duped." He sounds like an idiot even as he posts his mea culpa but some of what he says is rational and logical and the reaction of the CT Movement reveals all one needs to know about the insecure asswipes who populate that cult.

The 9/11 conspiracy theorist who changed his mind - Telegraph

Charlie Veitch had nothing to do with 9/11 truth and is a creepy pedofile

Once again Eots demonstrates his gullibility! :lol:

Charlie Veitch, the 9/11 Conspiracy Theorist Who Realized He Was Duped

Charlie Veitch’s Times Square video provoked such aggressively negative responses from Truth Movement followers, who sent him messages telling him to rot in hell, that he was simply a pawn and that he was paid to do it. Within days, he was renounced by his friends and sent death threats. An email had been sent to his followers, claiming to be from Veitch and falsely admitting that he was a pedophile: a message that ultimately reached his mother, causing her utter distress.

the trolls are getting so desperate having their ases handed to them on a plater here everyday that they are making threads liek this knowing they cant counter facts anymore to fell good abouut themselves.

which is whys say it-aka dawgshit sock puppet,created this thread.

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