conspiracy vs coincidence


Apr 15, 2010
it seems to me that it is has become easier and easier to dismiss just about anything as just another silly conspiracy theory by the mentally unbalanced.

the author, robert anton wilson, gave what seemed to me the most reasonable argument in favor of looking past the standard spin on events when he stated that world-shaping events rarely occur by accident or at the hand of only one man.

the mozarts and einsteins of the world are the exception. most things that happen, require the concerted actions of more than one person, which by definition, is a conspiracy.

he goes on to assert that conspiracy is what makes the world go round --- that all corporations are conspiracies by their very nature --- totally open and above board, but a conspiracy.

he also made some brilliant observations about secret conspiracies. he says that the most important aspect of planning a secret operation is the development of a cover story to protect the principals in the event of exposure. mark lane calls that "plausible deniability"

it just seems highly improbable to me that every high profile assassination in the united states was a random act by a nut acting alone. too easy.

it has also become too easy to just write off anybody's arguments suggesting a conspiracy to be nuts.
it seems to me that it is has become easier and easier to dismiss just about anything as just another silly conspiracy theory by the mentally unbalanced.

the author, robert anton wilson, gave what seemed to me the most reasonable argument in favor of looking past the standard spin on events when he stated that world-shaping events rarely occur by accident or at the hand of only one man.

the mozarts and einsteins of the world are the exception. most things that happen, require the concerted actions of more than one person, which by definition, is a conspiracy.

he goes on to assert that conspiracy is what makes the world go round --- that all corporations are conspiracies by their very nature --- totally open and above board, but a conspiracy.

he also made some brilliant observations about secret conspiracies. he says that the most important aspect of planning a secret operation is the development of a cover story to protect the principals in the event of exposure. mark lane calls that "plausible deniability"

it just seems highly improbable to me that every high profile assassination in the united states was a random act by a nut acting alone. too easy.

it has also become too easy to just write off anybody's arguments suggesting a conspiracy to be nuts.

great post.Yeah Mark lane in his book Plausible Denial does an outstanding job of showing how governments invent a cover story to protect their story they sell to the american people such as 9/11,the kennedy assassination,oklahoma city,ect ect and how its planned in such secrecy with nothing written down so that the top players involved can claim plausible deniability.

What cracks me up about many of the official conspiracy theory apologists for 9/11 is many of them dont even know what a conspiracy means.:lol::lol: I have seen many of them say 9/11 was not a conspiracy.:lol:cracks me up on their ignorance because even if you accept the official theory of the governments that 19 muslins were behind the attacks,9/11 IS a conspiracy because there were twoo or more people involved.therefore since at least two people were involved,its a conspiracy.:lol::cuckoo: the official version isnt like the kennedy assassination were the governments version was it was some lone nut involved.Now in THAT case it would be appropritate to say it wasnt a conspiracy if you buy into the fairy tales of the warren commission that oswald was the lone assassin.

what cracks me up about the people who accept the government versions of 9/11 and the kennedy assassination is that in both cases,to accept them,you have to say that the laws of physics that scientists have gone by for thousands of years now no longer applies anymore.:lol:

The government labels people who dont accept the official versions of their cases conspiracy theorists,will to accept their version of events in both cases,you got to be a "COINCIDENCE THEORIST." because to accept it you got to believe in all these bizarre wierd coincidences that people have bought into.:lol:

oh and welcome to USMB.
thanks for digging my brain fart.

we've been getting bushwhacked. ike called the shot and we have just bellied up to the bar with them.

poppy bush and his pals have been putting it over on us since dealey plaza.

he was in dallas that day and he allegedly made a few million off some insurance underwriting paper on the wtc that he bought shortly before 9/11.

even the day that it happened was likely to have been chosen carefully for the psychological effect on americans already mentally conditioned to associate those numbers with emergency.
thanks for digging my brain fart.

we've been getting bushwhacked. ike called the shot and we have just bellied up to the bar with them.

poppy bush and his pals have been putting it over on us since dealey plaza.

he was in dallas that day and he allegedly made a few million off some insurance underwriting paper on the wtc that he bought shortly before 9/11.

even the day that it happened was likely to have been chosen carefully for the psychological effect on americans already mentally conditioned to associate those numbers with emergency.

so very true.what people dont get is Bush sr is a dictater.He has been running the country since his days of Vice President Under Reagan.Him and Clinton have been long time buddies dating back to at least the early 80's.While Clinton was president,he was getting his orders from Bush same with Bush jr.

Politicians from different partys are like pro wrestlers,in the ring they pretend to hate each other but outside the ring they are buddy buddy chums who hang out for a few beers together.same with politicians.Clinton has been photographed golfing and fishing with the Bush's.Matter of fact Barbara Bush has said he is like a second son to her and you are so right,Poppy Bush was heavily involved in the Kennedy assassination.That was his reward for his involvement.First CIA director,then the oval office.

btw what did you mean in your first sentence there?
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brain fart?

a post that is at least built around an original idea as opposed to a whack and cut job done on an article or video.
saddam was behind the OKC bombing.... not the usa.

Yup. It turns out that during interrogation he also fessed up to 9/11, the Lockerbie Bombing, the Lindbergh kidnapping, the attempted assisination of Pope John Paul II, The Bolshevik Revolution, and the great potato famine, plus he took full responsibility for the TV show CHIP's being pulled off the air, basically ending Eric Estrada's acting career.

And some people say waterboarding isn't effective.
it probably wouldn't surprise me to learn that somebody was covertly running saddam right up until the day they pulled him from his hole.

well that tells me all i need to know about your ability to separate reality from paranoid delusions.
it probably wouldn't surprise me to learn that somebody was covertly running saddam right up until the day they pulled him from his hole.

well that tells me all i need to know about your ability to separate reality from paranoid delusions.
i suppose i have to respond to this ad hominem fallacyif i want this thread to
progress, no?

i am trained in hard sciences. i have also worked and played in the streets across america for over 50 years. i have been eyewitness to news events that were not always reported the way they appeared to me. i've interviewed dozens of other eyewitnesses who made similar observations.

one of the main premises in this discussion is the role the media play to misinform the masses to further the agenda the entities who like to delude themselves into believing they are in control of the resources of this world.

i know that if pressed, i can produce documents readily available online that chronicle saddam's rise to power and poppy bush's involvement in that. it isn't a very big leap to not be surprised if somebody was working him right up until the time he was captured.
it isn't a very big leap to not be surprised if somebody was working him right up until the time he was captured.
yes it is.

can you give a reason?

do you have verifiable information confirming when cia field operators were withdrawn from contact with saddam and his inner circle?

i dont need a reason. its your stupid fucking theory. you need to back it up. its not up to me to prove your stupid fucking delusional bullshit.
yes it is.

can you give a reason?

do you have verifiable information confirming when cia field operators were withdrawn from contact with saddam and his inner circle?

i dont need a reason. its your stupid fucking theory. you need to back it up. its not up to me to prove your stupid fucking delusional bullshit.

congratulations, you just flunked out. your level of understanding is much to low to even access the knowledge bases i am offering to share here.

this is not my theory. the saddam hussein regime was constructed by poppy bush and the CIA. i have seen the proof. i know government employees who have access to the inside skinny and not the internet horseshit you ninnies spew. i have no idea when the CIA stopped running saddam and his thugs. that's what i was asking you if you knew.

you will now be treated with all the respect a little punk ass bitch troll like you deserves.

you are out of your league with me fizzbot.

you will humiliate yourself if you fuck with me too hard.
can you give a reason?

do you have verifiable information confirming when cia field operators were withdrawn from contact with saddam and his inner circle?

i dont need a reason. its your stupid fucking theory. you need to back it up. its not up to me to prove your stupid fucking delusional bullshit.

congratulations, you just flunked out. your level of understanding is much to low to even access the knowledge bases i am offering to share here.

this is not my theory. the saddam hussein regime was constructed by poppy bush and the CIA. i have seen the proof. i know government employees who have access to the inside skinny and not the internet horseshit you ninnies spew. i have no idea when the CIA stopped running saddam and his thugs. that's what i was asking you if you knew.

you will now be treated with all the respect a little punk ass bitch troll like you deserves.

you are out of your league with me fizzbot.

you will humiliate yourself if you fuck with me too hard.

hey jackass. you said its not a big leap to think the cia controlled saddam right up until he was caught.

its a huge fucking leap.

prove me wrong, assface. :cuckoo:
i dont need a reason. its your stupid fucking theory. you need to back it up. its not up to me to prove your stupid fucking delusional bullshit.

congratulations, you just flunked out. your level of understanding is much to low to even access the knowledge bases i am offering to share here.

this is not my theory. the saddam hussein regime was constructed by poppy bush and the CIA. i have seen the proof. i know government employees who have access to the inside skinny and not the internet horseshit you ninnies spew. i have no idea when the CIA stopped running saddam and his thugs. that's what i was asking you if you knew.

you will now be treated with all the respect a little punk ass bitch troll like you deserves.

you are out of your league with me fizzbot.

you will humiliate yourself if you fuck with me too hard.

hey jackass. you said its not a big leap to think the cia controlled saddam right up until he was caught.

its a huge fucking leap.

prove me wrong, assface. :cuckoo:

Saddam was controlled right up to the point when he asked and recieved permission to invade Kuiatt. He was hung to make sure he never told what really happened.
i dont need a reason. its your stupid fucking theory. you need to back it up. its not up to me to prove your stupid fucking delusional bullshit.

congratulations, you just flunked out. your level of understanding is much to low to even access the knowledge bases i am offering to share here.

this is not my theory. the saddam hussein regime was constructed by poppy bush and the CIA. i have seen the proof. i know government employees who have access to the inside skinny and not the internet horseshit you ninnies spew. i have no idea when the CIA stopped running saddam and his thugs. that's what i was asking you if you knew.

you will now be treated with all the respect a little punk ass bitch troll like you deserves.

you are out of your league with me fizzbot.

you will humiliate yourself if you fuck with me too hard.

hey jackass. you said its not a big leap to think the cia controlled saddam right up until he was caught.

its a huge fucking leap.

prove me wrong, assface. :cuckoo:

you lose sonny. i don't take orders from people like you. if you can get a grip on your toilet tongue and be a little more respectful, i'll see what i can do about retrieving the photo of poppy and saddam when they closed the deal for you. i don't have proper clearance to get the really good shit and i don't hack into those kinds of systems. certainly not to validate myself to someone like you.

adults don't use the kind of language you do and i only debate with children when there's money and a panel of judges involved.

go play with the other trolls and let somebody who wants to learn something take a shot in here.

i'm busy and don't feel like wasting time with a punk-ass misinformed know-it-all bitch with an ax to grind.
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