Constitutionally the easiest way to make Trump go away

Trump is a minority victor, nothing more, with most of America and most of Congress unhappy with him.

little nutling, he needs both to succeed. He will change or he will fail.
Jake, speak to your doctor about your Abilify dosage, is seems that it is too low
Poor little liberals, still wailing and crying over getting the most spectacular electoral defeat in living memory. Too bad they can't accept the results of the election, they way they kept demanding Trump accept them.

Your agenda was rejected out of hand, despite your candidate spending three times as much as Trump did, and with massively favored attention from the media which should have gotten her 15 or 20 more percentage points in the vote. And she lost anyway, even with all those advantages. Clearly, normal people were very much against what her agenda, her corruption, her miserable foreign and domestic policies, etc. Is there some reason we should pay attention to her backers, and their advocates such as you now?

Hopefully you will continue your squalling and sulking for a long time, so that normal Americans will be reminded why they rejected you.
Trump is a minority victor, nothing more, with most of America and most of Congress unhappy with him.
Typical liberal response. When he can't answer or refute what a conservative said, he simply ignores it and pretends it was never said.

Does he actually think he'll fool anyone into believing him, with these "LA LA LA, I CAN'T HEAR YOU I CAN'T HEAR YOU, LA LA LA" tactics? They might work in the 3rd grade.
Your duty, reader: review the 25th Amendment.

Pence and a majority of the cabinet heads write McConnell and Ryan telling them in their opinion Trump is no longer capable of performing the duties of the President.

Study Sections 3 and 4 carefully, trumpkins and trumpkinettes. 25th Amendment

Buh bye, Trump.
Good luck with that, Snowflake.

If the man who lied constantly to Americans, constantly violated the Constitution and Rule of law, victimized citizens by spying on them / using the IRS against them / helped organize violence against Trump supporters to intimidate voters, who fianced / supplied / armed / protected TERRORISTS and gave them access into Iraq, and drug the nation Un-Constitutionally to war TWICE to help TERRORISTS take over their own nations was 'capable of being President' then there is no way Trump is found 'IN-capable'.
Your duty, reader: review the 25th Amendment.

Pence and a majority of the cabinet heads write McConnell and Ryan telling them in their opinion Trump is no longer capable of performing the duties of the President.

Study Sections 3 and 4 carefully, trumpkins and trumpkinettes. 25th Amendment

Buh bye, Trump.
Hopefully, there is a 25th amendment, section 3 and 4 to the Constitution of US Message board that would enable all to say: Bye bye Jake.
Your duty, reader: review the 25th Amendment.

Pence and a majority of the cabinet heads write McConnell and Ryan telling them in their opinion Trump is no longer capable of performing the duties of the President.

Study Sections 3 and 4 carefully, trumpkins and trumpkinettes. 25th Amendment

Buh bye, Trump.
Your duty, reader: review the 25th Amendment.

Pence and a majority of the cabinet heads write McConnell and Ryan telling them in their opinion Trump is no longer capable of performing the duties of the President.

Study Sections 3 and 4 carefully, trumpkins and trumpkinettes. 25th Amendment

Buh bye, Trump.
I just honestly want to thank you for providing so much entertainment and joy with the open sharing of your serious case of butt hurt. It has been a point of great joy for many of us here.
When Trump realizes the importance of this Amendment, watch him become much closer to his heads of cabinet and the Congress.

We all know he wants to rule as a dictator.

He can't.
considering that he gets to choose supreme court justices, he can pick ones that will side with him and ignore the constitution, just like your kenyan did.
Now, once he gets that in place he will be free to rule as he wishes, and you? well, you will just have to go along with being one of his subjects. Please do not let the butt hurt get in the way of your doing your best to make him happy.
Maybe you can get the job as his royal stroker, I did hear that he was going to appoint a democrat to the position, something about them already being socially trained to take care of such matters.
We should celebrate
Hopefully, there is a 25th amendment, section 3 and 4 to the Constitution of US Message board that would enable all to say: Bye bye Jake.
Why? Various normal pundits have pointed out that we need the keep a few liberal fanatics around, just to remind us of what they're like and how bad things can get under them.

Personally I disagree. But since the next generation haven't seen them yet, the pundits may have a point.

Liberals reply heavily on normal people not remembering what he liberals have done in the past, how corrupt and power-seeking they are, how easily they lie about what they want and what they will do. Maybe we need to keep one in a glass case somewhere to display their characteristics.
Hopefully, there is a 25th amendment, section 3 and 4 to the Constitution of US Message board that would enable all to say: Bye bye Jake.
Why? Various normal pundits have pointed out that we need the keep a few liberal fanatics around, just to remind us of what they're like and how bad things can get under them.

Personally I disagree. But since the next generation haven't seen them yet, the pundits may have a point.

Liberals reply heavily on normal people not remembering what he liberals have done in the past, how corrupt and power-seeking they are, how easily they lie about what they want and what they will do. Maybe we need to keep one in a glass case somewhere to display their characteristics.
we should use hillary, that way future generations can also hear that annoying voice and self righteous indignation that goes along with their damaged brains.
Your duty, reader: review the 25th Amendment.

Pence and a majority of the cabinet heads write McConnell and Ryan telling them in their opinion Trump is no longer capable of performing the duties of the President.

Study Sections 3 and 4 carefully, trumpkins and trumpkinettes. 25th Amendment

Buh bye, Trump.
Hopefully, there is a 25th amendment, section 3 and 4 to the Constitution of US Message board that would enable all to say: Bye bye Jake.
Truth: that you far righties bit off far more than you can chew, as will your orange hero is finding out.
Your duty, reader: review the 25th Amendment.

Pence and a majority of the cabinet heads write McConnell and Ryan telling them in their opinion Trump is no longer capable of performing the duties of the President.

Study Sections 3 and 4 carefully, trumpkins and trumpkinettes. 25th Amendment

Buh bye, Trump.
Hopefully, there is a 25th amendment, section 3 and 4 to the Constitution of US Message board that would enable all to say: Bye bye Jake.
Truth: that you far righties bit off far more than you can chew, as will your orange hero is finding out.
after 8 years of your black bastard being in over his head I find it hard to believe you would have a problem with Trump
Your duty, reader: review the 25th Amendment.

Pence and a majority of the cabinet heads write McConnell and Ryan telling them in their opinion Trump is no longer capable of performing the duties of the President.

Study Sections 3 and 4 carefully, trumpkins and trumpkinettes. 25th Amendment

Buh bye, Trump.
Hopefully, there is a 25th amendment, section 3 and 4 to the Constitution of US Message board that would enable all to say: Bye bye Jake.
Truth: that you far righties bit off far more than you can chew, as will your orange hero is finding out.
after 8 years of your black bastard being in over his head I find it hard to believe you would have a problem with Trump
the "black bastard" is leaving office and the orange bastard is already in over his head. You have all bitten off far more than you can possibly imagine. Your racism will always be shoved up your ass, kid, just like the Orange Bastard has had his way with you.
Your duty, reader: review the 25th Amendment.

Pence and a majority of the cabinet heads write McConnell and Ryan telling them in their opinion Trump is no longer capable of performing the duties of the President.

Study Sections 3 and 4 carefully, trumpkins and trumpkinettes. 25th Amendment

Buh bye, Trump.
Hopefully, there is a 25th amendment, section 3 and 4 to the Constitution of US Message board that would enable all to say: Bye bye Jake.
Truth: that you far righties bit off far more than you can chew, as will your orange hero is finding out.
after 8 years of your black bastard being in over his head I find it hard to believe you would have a problem with Trump
the "black bastard" is leaving office and the orange bastard is already in over his head. You have all bitten off far more than you can possibly imagine.
so does that piss you off or something?
Your duty, reader: review the 25th Amendment.

Pence and a majority of the cabinet heads write McConnell and Ryan telling them in their opinion Trump is no longer capable of performing the duties of the President.

Study Sections 3 and 4 carefully, trumpkins and trumpkinettes. 25th Amendment

Buh bye, Trump.
Hopefully, there is a 25th amendment, section 3 and 4 to the Constitution of US Message board that would enable all to say: Bye bye Jake.
Truth: that you far righties bit off far more than you can chew, as will your orange hero is finding out.
after 8 years of your black bastard being in over his head I find it hard to believe you would have a problem with Trump
the "black bastard" is leaving office and the orange bastard is already in over his head. You have all bitten off far more than you can possibly imagine.
so does that piss you off or something?
Why? You will, of course, and your ilk be crushed again. Inevitable.
Your duty, reader: review the 25th Amendment.

Pence and a majority of the cabinet heads write McConnell and Ryan telling them in their opinion Trump is no longer capable of performing the duties of the President.

Study Sections 3 and 4 carefully, trumpkins and trumpkinettes. 25th Amendment

Buh bye, Trump.
Hopefully, there is a 25th amendment, section 3 and 4 to the Constitution of US Message board that would enable all to say: Bye bye Jake.
Nooooo! I want to see how far he will melt down by Jan 20th.
Your duty, reader: review the 25th Amendment.

Pence and a majority of the cabinet heads write McConnell and Ryan telling them in their opinion Trump is no longer capable of performing the duties of the President.

Study Sections 3 and 4 carefully, trumpkins and trumpkinettes. 25th Amendment

Buh bye, Trump.
Hopefully, there is a 25th amendment, section 3 and 4 to the Constitution of US Message board that would enable all to say: Bye bye Jake.
Nooooo! I want to see how far he will melt down by Jan 20th.
its like watching the final witch scene in the wizard of oz IM MELLLLTING. LOL
Your duty, reader: review the 25th Amendment.

Pence and a majority of the cabinet heads write McConnell and Ryan telling them in their opinion Trump is no longer capable of performing the duties of the President.

Study Sections 3 and 4 carefully, trumpkins and trumpkinettes. 25th Amendment

Buh bye, Trump.
Hopefully, there is a 25th amendment, section 3 and 4 to the Constitution of US Message board that would enable all to say: Bye bye Jake.
Truth: that you far righties bit off far more than you can chew, as will your orange hero is finding out.
after 8 years of your black bastard being in over his head I find it hard to believe you would have a problem with Trump
the "black bastard" is leaving office and the orange bastard is already in over his head. You have all bitten off far more than you can possibly imagine. Your racism will always be shoved up your ass, kid, just like the Orange Bastard has had his way with you.

Oh Noesssss!1!!!!!! WACISM. How Howwwwwible!
Your duty, reader: review the 25th Amendment.

Pence and a majority of the cabinet heads write McConnell and Ryan telling them in their opinion Trump is no longer capable of performing the duties of the President.

Study Sections 3 and 4 carefully, trumpkins and trumpkinettes. 25th Amendment

Buh bye, Trump.
Hopefully, there is a 25th amendment, section 3 and 4 to the Constitution of US Message board that would enable all to say: Bye bye Jake.
Nooooo! I want to see how far he will melt down by Jan 20th.
I am indestructible, as all you wussy snow flakes know, as you simply come and go.
Your duty, reader: review the 25th Amendment.

Pence and a majority of the cabinet heads write McConnell and Ryan telling them in their opinion Trump is no longer capable of performing the duties of the President.

Study Sections 3 and 4 carefully, trumpkins and trumpkinettes. 25th Amendment

Buh bye, Trump.

HAHAHAHAHAHAAAHAAHAAHAHAHAHAHAH, man this is the best liberal joke yet, GOOD ONE FOR SURE, then you have the REALLY hardline Backers of your Tea Party movement in charge, and the extermination by execution of all dimocrat voters in the country.
Your duty, reader: review the 25th Amendment.

Pence and a majority of the cabinet heads write McConnell and Ryan telling them in their opinion Trump is no longer capable of performing the duties of the President.

Study Sections 3 and 4 carefully, trumpkins and trumpkinettes. 25th Amendment

Buh bye, Trump.

HAHAHAHAHAHAAAHAAHAAHAHAHAHAHAH, man this is the best liberal joke yet, GOOD ONE FOR SURE, then you have the REALLY hardline Backers of your Tea Party movement in charge, and the extermination by execution of all dimocrat voters in the country.
You are melting, dude. Trump either works with the system or the system destroys him.

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