Constitutionally the easiest way to make Trump go away

The smell of far right and alt right angst is still in the air, despite Trump's minority EV victory.

Why is that? :)

No, it was a majority EV win.

270 plus equals majority nitwit.
Nope, a minority EV win acknowledges more people voting for Clinton than any white ever for president. He is a minority president, that the mainstream of his own party hates.
Trump is a disgrace to the country and to the office of the Presidency. Above all he's set a precedent in campaigning that no one wants to continue. It does not matter what he does going forward - he's already soiled himself. The Republicans know that - it will not be long before he is removed.
Your duty, reader: review the 25th Amendment.

Pence and a majority of the cabinet heads write McConnell and Ryan telling them in their opinion Trump is no longer capable of performing the duties of the President.

Study Sections 3 and 4 carefully, trumpkins and trumpkinettes. 25th Amendment

Buh bye, Trump.
Quitting your bellyaching, then finding a real candidate to run against him in four years, would be far easier.
Your duty, reader: review the 25th Amendment.

Pence and a majority of the cabinet heads write McConnell and Ryan telling them in their opinion Trump is no longer capable of performing the duties of the President.

Study Sections 3 and 4 carefully, trumpkins and trumpkinettes. 25th Amendment

Buh bye, Trump.
Quitting your bellyaching, then finding a real candidate to run against him in four years, would be far easier.

It will be hard to find a candidate willing to stoop as low as Trump. Most have too much self respect - and that's saying a lot since we're talking about politicians.
Your duty, reader: review the 25th Amendment.

Pence and a majority of the cabinet heads write McConnell and Ryan telling them in their opinion Trump is no longer capable of performing the duties of the President.

Study Sections 3 and 4 carefully, trumpkins and trumpkinettes. 25th Amendment

Buh bye, Trump.
Hopefully, there is a 25th amendment, section 3 and 4 to the Constitution of US Message board that would enable all to say: Bye bye Jake.
Nooooo! I want to see how far he will melt down by Jan 20th.
I am indestructible, as all you wussy snow flakes know, as you simply come and go.
looking at your posting numbers I would also guess you are unemployed, I really suspect government hand outs now, would explain so much,
Now lets look at those numbers, you break down to 1564 posts per month, wich is 52 a day
I thought I was excesive but I am unable to meet your standards, I only have roughly 487 per month or 16 per day.
How do you do it?

Judging by the frequency and the importance of his posts, one must come to conclude that his meals come from food stamps,. his shelter comes courtesy of his mother's generosity for allowing to use her basement, and his ideology comes from Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin with ample sprinkling by Hitler and Bernie Sanders and Hussain Obama.

Supported by your astute application of simple mathematics.
Your duty, reader: review the 25th Amendment.

Pence and a majority of the cabinet heads write McConnell and Ryan telling them in their opinion Trump is no longer capable of performing the duties of the President.

Study Sections 3 and 4 carefully, trumpkins and trumpkinettes. 25th Amendment

Buh bye, Trump.
Quitting your bellyaching, then finding a real candidate to run against him in four years, would be far easier.
Why? Trump is going to get a chance from his opposition just like Obama did from his opponents. Either he cooperates with Congress and the American people, he is going to ask "why did I do this?"
Your duty, reader: review the 25th Amendment.

Pence and a majority of the cabinet heads write McConnell and Ryan telling them in their opinion Trump is no longer capable of performing the duties of the President.

Study Sections 3 and 4 carefully, trumpkins and trumpkinettes. 25th Amendment

Buh bye, Trump.
Hopefully, there is a 25th amendment, section 3 and 4 to the Constitution of US Message board that would enable all to say: Bye bye Jake.
Nooooo! I want to see how far he will melt down by Jan 20th.
I am indestructible, as all you wussy snow flakes know, as you simply come and go.
looking at your posting numbers I would also guess you are unemployed, I really suspect government hand outs now, would explain so much,
Now lets look at those numbers, you break down to 1564 posts per month, wich is 52 a day
I thought I was excesive but I am unable to meet your standards, I only have roughly 487 per month or 16 per day.
How do you do it?

Judging by the frequency and the importance of his posts, one must come to conclude that his meals come from food stamps,. his shelter comes courtesy of his mother's generosity for allowing to use her basement, and his ideology comes from Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin with ample sprinkling by Hitler and Bernie Sanders and Hussain Obama. Supported by your astute application of simple mathematics.
If you make your living by using logic, you are nearly dead living in the gutters eating out of garbage cans. You have learned to spell names, I see, but if you life depended on knowing what they were and their philosophies, well, you would not be here. FJO, you are as silly as most of the far and alt right who simply think what they believe are facts.

Your guy is going to govern the way the majority of the people and Congress want, or he won't be President for long.
Your duty, reader: review the 25th Amendment.

Pence and a majority of the cabinet heads write McConnell and Ryan telling them in their opinion Trump is no longer capable of performing the duties of the President.

Study Sections 3 and 4 carefully, trumpkins and trumpkinettes. 25th Amendment

Buh bye, Trump.
Buh bye, Trump demtards are too much!

Guess what?
Shit, maybe that was the plan all along, who the fuck knows.

All I know is this, Pence is not just a conservative...
He is an extreme conservative...looney if ya ask me

If they boot Trump and make pence PotUS, that's even better !
What will it take to make you idiots understand?
Trump won because we were and are, anti Hillary, anti dems...
anti government bullshit, from both parties and all politicians.

I'm fucking tired of dealing with all lopsided agendas!
Whether its coming from the left or the right.
They fucking work for us, not the other way around.
Its supposed to be, meeting in the middle based on the majority
concerning real issues which ultimately effect everyone.

Not, caving into the minority concerning their issues,
concerning lifestyle, morality and entitlement mentality,
which is forced on the majority to accept.

Things would be great if responsibility and accountability,
were the backbone and guiding principles of this country.

Is it any wonder why our government is out of control?

If a woman wants an abortion, let her pay for it,
If abortion, as a women's right, were to be overturned,
then I suggest women start being more responsible

If you're on welfare, and can't support the kids you have,
then, you shouldn't continue producing children you can't afford,
and need to look for a job, then a second, to take care of
what is your responsibility, not everyone elses

There are people who need help getting back on their feet,
and there are those who want handouts so they sit on their lazy ass...

The wealthy (this goes for Trump)and corporate america,
should be paying their fair share in taxes, but I am against
distributing the wealth of the overtaxed average worker!

If johny wants to become Janey...have at it.
But, for the government to waste time and money,
addressing issues that has nothing to do with,
the welfare of the country and its people, is an abuse of power.

Creating ridiculous gender laws
so you can use a different designated bathroom,
is a gross abuse of power and utterly ridiculous!

Squat in a bush and pretend its a fucking tree!

Enough of this politically correct nonsense!
If I want to say, God bless you, when somebody sneezes,
that's my right, if you don't like it, too fucking bad!
You say it the way you want and vice versa.

On and on it goes, you get the gist of it.

Just remember, be careful what you wish for,
cause the grass isn't always greener on the other side of the fence!
tryingtokeepitreal, real Republicans much prefer Pence. You get that, don't you? The great majority of American would be happier for that.
You are melting, dude. Trump either works with the system or the system destroys him.

Yeah guess again, they want to keep their seats, and the backlash would remove them all from office and replace them, do you not know why your lying thieving scum liberal messiahs lost yet. Because they are only relevant in New York, California, and a few other hotbed of scum states. The people who pay all of the bills are tired of being slapped by worthless shit of the earth and labeled as some inhuman sect to make them appear irrelevant. Next election when the senatorial races come up, the dims will lose all but 1 or 2 seats and the Democrats (MY PARTY) will vote with the Republicans against the dimocrats (your party) and the house will go to at least a 2/3 majority of Republicans.
Why? Trump is going to get a chance from his opposition just like Obama did from his opponents. Either he cooperates with Congress and the American people, he is going to ask "why did I do this?"
STFU and find a primary candidate, or one in your party, to run against him in 2020.

Those are the easiest options.
Hopefully, there is a 25th amendment, section 3 and 4 to the Constitution of US Message board that would enable all to say: Bye bye Jake.
Nooooo! I want to see how far he will melt down by Jan 20th.
I am indestructible, as all you wussy snow flakes know, as you simply come and go.
looking at your posting numbers I would also guess you are unemployed, I really suspect government hand outs now, would explain so much,
Now lets look at those numbers, you break down to 1564 posts per month, wich is 52 a day
I thought I was excesive but I am unable to meet your standards, I only have roughly 487 per month or 16 per day.
How do you do it?

Judging by the frequency and the importance of his posts, one must come to conclude that his meals come from food stamps,. his shelter comes courtesy of his mother's generosity for allowing to use her basement, and his ideology comes from Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin with ample sprinkling by Hitler and Bernie Sanders and Hussain Obama. Supported by your astute application of simple mathematics.[/QUOTE

If you make your living by using logic, you are nearly dead living in the gutters eating out of garbage cans. You have learned to spell names, I see, but if you life depended on knowing what they were and their philosophies, well, you would not be here. FJO, you are as silly as most of the far and alt right who simply think what they believe are facts.

Your guy is going to govern the way the majority of the people and Congress want, or he won't be President for long.

As a retired computer programmer/systems analyst, I DID make my living using logic.

As a self taught programmer/systems analyst I never had to worry about student loans.

As a former resident of a former Soviet satellite _- now FREE - country, I know how to spell themes of your mentors.

As an immigrant who had to learn English while working (unlike YOU) the fact I can spell better than you, should not be a surprise to anyone.

I take your comment of being silly as a well deserved compliment.

And, lastly, I don't care who your president is. I am Canadian, who knows more about your country than you ever will.
You are melting, dude. Trump either works with the system or the system destroys him.

Yeah guess again, they want to keep their seats, and the backlash would remove them all from office and replace them, do you not know why your lying thieving scum liberal messiahs lost yet. Because they are only relevant in New York, California, and a few other hotbed of scum states. The people who pay all of the bills are tired of being slapped by worthless shit of the earth and labeled as some inhuman sect to make them appear irrelevant. Next election when the senatorial races come up, the dims will lose all but 1 or 2 seats and the Democrats (MY PARTY) will vote with the Republicans against the dimocrats (your party) and the house will go to at least a 2/3 majority of Republicans.
yeah, guess again, 12melting. Real Republicans and antTrumpers have a huge majority when it comes to opposing Trump popularly and congressionally. You have no idea of the avalanche that is gathering to slam down on the Trumpers in 2018.
You are melting, dude. Trump either works with the system or the system destroys him.

Yeah guess again, they want to keep their seats, and the backlash would remove them all from office and replace them, do you not know why your lying thieving scum liberal messiahs lost yet. Because they are only relevant in New York, California, and a few other hotbed of scum states. The people who pay all of the bills are tired of being slapped by worthless shit of the earth and labeled as some inhuman sect to make them appear irrelevant. Next election when the senatorial races come up, the dims will lose all but 1 or 2 seats and the Democrats (MY PARTY) will vote with the Republicans against the dimocrats (your party) and the house will go to at least a 2/3 majority of Republicans.
yeah, guess again, 12melting. Real Republicans and antTrumpers have a huge majority when it comes to opposing Trump popularly and congressionally. You have no idea of the avalanche that is gathering to slam down on the Trumpers in 2018.
The smell of far right and alt right angst is still in the air, despite Trump's minority EV victory.

Why is that? :)

No, it was a majority EV win.

270 plus equals majority nitwit.
Nope, a minority EV win acknowledges more people voting for Clinton than any white ever for president. He is a minority president, that the mainstream of his own party hates.

You are a strange lil fella.

The way we elect a president is by a majority of electors.

Nothing else matters.

Get a civics lesson.

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