consumer confidence rose

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Jus think if the republicans were helping the economy instead of trying to kill the recovery
Do Democrats finally own the economy?

Can we get you on record to that effect?
Did you even read it? There are 285 cities in the US with populations over 100,000 and Bloomberg bases it's wild claim of a rise of 9.3% in real estate values on a selected 20 cities. Later on in the report it seems that real estate values have increased about 1%. Meanwhile the most important indication of economic growth the "Business Barometer" fell from 52% to 48%.
Less employed
Less jobs
Less pay for jobs

So naturally Government (now under Obama) spends hundreds of billions on re-creating a housing boom. Yes everyone needs to pay more for housing when everyone makes less and has less, not to mention the massive surplus of housing. It's odd how much Obama is destroying an entire generation of peoples lives just like FDR did. Better people starve in the streets due to Government paying farmers to burn and not grow food than have lower food costs due to an abundance of food.

It's crazy how predictable this all is, considering we have thousands of years of society to base it on.

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