consumer confidendce is rising, time to create a crisis republicans


Diamond Member
May 10, 2007

The preliminary sentiment reading for September increased to 57.8 from 55.7 in August. The August reading was the lowest level since November 2008 with Washington’s protracted debt-ceiling negotiations taking a toll on consumers.

“The mood of Americans remains dark so far this month, but not as dark as in August. Not that they can be blamed. Their country lost its triple A status (although it was one major ratings agency, not all), recession fears continue to reverberate, house prices aren’t improving, and neither are job prospects,” wrote Jennifer Lee, senior economist at BMO Capital Markets, in a research note.
When things were starting to look better in the eary parts of this year you snuffed out the recovery with a debt ceiling stunt.

What will you do this time?
Oh good does that mean you will stop the antics to ruin the recovery?

That would be great.
Oh good does that mean you will stop the antics to ruin the recovery?

That would be great.

You are in Trouble! Wait... Let me get help. Help!....

Defibrillation is a common treatment for life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias, ventricular fibrillation and pulseless ventricular tachycardia. Defibrillation consists of delivering a therapeutic dose of electrical energy to the affected heart with a device called a defibrillator. This depolarizes a critical mass of the heart muscle, terminates the arrhythmia, and allows normal sinus rhythm to be reestablished by the body's natural pacemaker, in the sinoatrial node of the heart. Defibrillators can be external, transvenous, or implanted, depending on the type of device used or needed. Some external units, known as automated external defibrillators (AEDs), automate the diagnosis of treatable rhythms, meaning that lay responders or bystanders are able to use them successfully with little, or in some cases no training at all.

Defibrillation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Everyone stand clear! .....
I would hardly think news of the double dip recession from the weasel Geithner himself is going to help confidence levels.

There is absolutely no reason for conservatives to do anything. Mr O has that handled, he'll bring down any little confidence rise right quickly.
No No No , your other tactic guys.

Not the personal insults for facts you can not defeat.

The other one , You know where you place party over country and manufacture some crisis that throws gas on a fire that is about to smolder out.

Like the debt ceiling manufactued crisis.

You know where you ruin the hopes of millions of Americans and cause job losses.
Are you out of your mind TM?

Reuters Poll: Economists Warn of Second Recession

Chances the United States will lapse into another recession rose over the past month to nearly one in three as the economy faces a number of road blocks that could derail already weak growth, a Reuters poll showed on Wednesday.

The consensus among economists for the probability of another U.S. recession in the next 12 months rose to 31 percent from 25 percent in the August Reuters poll.

The last time economists predicted a similar chance of recession was four years ago, in September 2007. One year later, investment bank Lehman Brothers collapsed and Western economies plunged into the Great Recession.

Read more: Reuters Poll: Economists Warn of Second Recession
Important: Can you afford to Retire? Shocking Poll Results
Oh come on, you can do better than just repeteing lasst months bad numbers.

You know like the dbt ceiling thing.

Where you make up out of NOTHING a crisis that distroys any progress the country was making towards jobs and where you ruin peoples lives for poltical gain.

I guess you figured out it harmed your party too huh?

Hense the republican appproval numbers on recent polls
Oh good does that mean you will stop the antics to ruin the recovery?

That would be great.

You are in Trouble! Wait... Let me get help. Help!....

Defibrillation is a common treatment for life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias, ventricular fibrillation and pulseless ventricular tachycardia. Defibrillation consists of delivering a therapeutic dose of electrical energy to the affected heart with a device called a defibrillator. This depolarizes a critical mass of the heart muscle, terminates the arrhythmia, and allows normal sinus rhythm to be reestablished by the body's natural pacemaker, in the sinoatrial node of the heart. Defibrillators can be external, transvenous, or implanted, depending on the type of device used or needed. Some external units, known as automated external defibrillators (AEDs), automate the diagnosis of treatable rhythms, meaning that lay responders or bystanders are able to use them successfully with little, or in some cases no training at all.

Defibrillation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Everyone stand clear! .....

(kicks out power cord):eusa_shhh:
When things were starting to look better in the eary parts of this year you snuffed out the recovery with a debt ceiling stunt.

What will you do this time?

The crisis will come when the payroll tax goes up and unemployment benefits end.
Yeah that would help to cancel Christmas for a WHOLE bunch of people including the Corporations

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