CONSUMER Legalized marijuana linked to a sharp rise in car crashes

I've actually had guys I know look me right in the eye and say they are more alert and driver "better" after a six pack or so.

I'm sure pot heads feel EXACTLY the matter what reality is.

You must not know very many pot heads then. There are a lot of us out there who won't drive while stoned.

Don't. And don't say it's safe.
At least you seem responsible.
get stoned at home and stay home. I couldn't care less.
But when some high (or drunk) jackass gets behind the wheel and is a threat to me ...I don't take kindly.
Especially if I'm on a motorcycle.
yea how many times have i been doing 70-75 on the freeway and some fucking guy on a motorcycle passes between me and another car and leaves us in the dust and passes other cars just as are you bikers more or less dangerous than a pot smoker?.......
I've actually had guys I know look me right in the eye and say they are more alert and driver "better" after a six pack or so.

I'm sure pot heads feel EXACTLY the matter what reality is.

You must not know very many pot heads then. There are a lot of us out there who won't drive while stoned.
well he was talking about 16 year olds....

My view is that it should not be available or sold to those under the age of 21. The way CO has it working seems to be a pretty solid business model.

And yeah, I know................if cannabis is legal, some kids will get adults to buy it for them. But, they already do it with alcohol, and the legal age for that is 21.
Currently, they don't have an accurate way of determining if someone is impaired or not, because THC stays in the body long after the intoxicating effects have gone away.

That’s fine. The fact that the individual has used a substance containing THC in the past should be sufficient evidence of a total lack of values, morals and character sufficient to see them executed on the spot.
people with your mindset should be used on the gun range as targets....
Marijuana will be legal for adults in this nation before my 60th birthday. And you pricks will probably be consumers.

It w never be legal on my property or in my car. Nor will I associate with those who use it.
who the fuck would want to hang with you?....

Good point. He doesn't drink, smoke, and seems to have a pretty unfriendly attitude towards life in general.
well anyone who has said they would rather live in the dark ages and live to a ripe old age of maybe 30,would be a pretty depressing person to converse with....look at the shit he says here in this forum........
Marijuana will be legal for adults in this nation before my 60th birthday. And you pricks will probably be consumers.

It w never be legal on my property or in my car. Nor will I associate with those who use it.
who the fuck would want to hang with you?....

Good point. He doesn't drink, smoke, and seems to have a pretty unfriendly attitude towards life in general.
well anyone who has said they would rather live in the dark ages and live to a ripe old age of maybe 30,would be a pretty depressing person to converse with....look at the shit he says here in this forum........

That fucker derives joy from the suffering ( real or USMB imagined ) of others.

He’s an old fucker who doesn’t want poor people to live long lives. Must be out of compassion.
Marijuana will be legal for adults in this nation before my 60th birthday. And you pricks will probably be consumers.

It w never be legal on my property or in my car. Nor will I associate with those who use it.
who the fuck would want to hang with you?....

Good point. He doesn't drink, smoke, and seems to have a pretty unfriendly attitude towards life in general.
well anyone who has said they would rather live in the dark ages and live to a ripe old age of maybe 30,would be a pretty depressing person to converse with....look at the shit he says here in this forum........

That fucker derives joy from the suffering ( real or USMB imagined ) of others.

He’s an old fucker who doesn’t want poor people to live long lives. Must be out of compassion.
he has said some pretty strange shit......
Good point. He doesn't drink, smoke, and seems to have a pretty unfriendly attitude towards life in general.

Life is not about fun or joy. It’s about Right and Wrong. The few who choose to associate themselves with me and live up to expectations, find a fast friend who I will be there and have their back in the darkest momiof life and give freely of almost anything I have in a time of need.
When you factor in the likelyhood that victims of automobile accidents aren't usually tested for marijuana the way they are tested for alcohol impairment you can probably double the percentage. It's ironic that suburban and urban mothers who wouldn't dare drink a beer or take a shot of bourbon during the day might take a toke of the nefarious weed to calm their nerves because the liberal establishment says it's cool and good for them..
Big surprise. Get ready for higher car insurance rates , thanks to potheads.
Canada, get ready.

About 14 percent of drivers under the influence of pot had a child in their vehicle.

California Highway Patrol officers investigate the scene of a multi-car crash on Interstate 880 in Fremont, Calif. Several people were killed in a multi-car crash that closed several lanes of a major San Francisco Bay highway and officials say the driver suspected of causing it was under the influence of marijuana.Joseph Geha / AP file

There has been an increase by up to 6 percent in the number of highway crashes in four of the states where the recreational use of marijuana has been legalized, according to a pair of new studies.

The new reports do not prove there’s a direct risk caused by the use of marijuana among motorists, but they raise caution flags, especially since there is no easy way to test drivers to be sure if they are, in fact, under the influence of THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, said David Harkey, president of the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety’s Highway Loss Data Institute.

“It’s certainly early in the game,” Harkey told NBC News. But, he warned, “We’re seeing a trend in the wrong direction.”

Legalized marijuana linked to a sharp rise in car crashes
Get ready for more demagoguery and lies from the authoritarian right.
who would want to hang with the biggest buzzkill on the board?

Not many, but a select few. Several in the law enforcement community, a couple high school and college educators, and the rest are either political Conservatives and/or self-defense or survivalist types.
The pot head responses in this thread are hysterical. The logic is so fucked.... one jerkoff talking about eating sugar to negate the effects of the THC and then saying that he never drives when he's stoned! Oy.... you can't even make this shit up.:fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed:

Irrelavent comments are ghey
then you better get me first shot,because you wont get a second shot....just keep that in mind....

I will, don’t worry. Fair warning... shoot high. If I’m on the range there’s about a 90% chance I’m wearing a vest (level IIA)

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