cOnTeMpt !


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
If only a showing of the 1963 Movie starring French sexpot
Bridgette Bardot and seldom acknowledged american tough guy
Jack Palance.
No! I'm talkin real Contempt.The kind that discombobulates
common sense and thereby corrupting both Law & Order and
any vestige of decency.The Political persuation of Contempt.
One party feels it has a right to Rage and Revenge by using Lawfare
and lies in order to paint their opposition { Trump and MAGA }
as if near nazi-like.Trump voters literally treated like dirt on
a near hourly basis.
Now the level of Trump derangement syndrome is going
fast & furious.Faster than a Russ Meyers chickie pooh flick.
- Faster,Pussycat! Kill! Kill! - { 1965 }
Which could mean most anything today.
Kill the MAGA Movement by killing it's leader.
How novel.Like s'not.
Yet that is where one Party has taken us.Down some yellow
brick road of snotrag bullies like them Demobrats.

" The Crowd plays the tyrant,when it is not in fear. "
Envy,mockery,contempt,anger,revenge, and the other
affects which are related to hatred or arise from it,
Baruch Spinoza { Dutch philosopher }

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