Contraband Bible

I didn't think you were really interested in a discussion. Run along, kid.
I didn't think you were really interested in a discussion. Run along, kid.

What are you afraid of?
What we know so far is the school's policy supports the kid, the ACLU has taken similar cases many times, no one is supporting the teacher, so what is the issue you want to address?
What was the point of the OP?
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Do you have a citation for this new bible you suggest is imminent?
A credible link that this actually exists and is to be implemented as a public school text?
It is the willingness to believe such nonsense that exemplifies the need for perceived persecution in the believer.

Has nothing to do with perceived persecution, but an adding to and taking away from the word of God, by the politically correct:

Wycliffe Bible Translators, the Summer Institute of Linguistics and Frontiers, all of which were reported producing Bible translations that remove or modify terms which they have deemed offensive to Muslims.

Involved is the removal of any references to God as “Father,” to Jesus as the “Son” or “the Son of God.” One example of such a change can be seen in an Arabic version of the Gospel of Matthew produced and promoted by Frontiers and SIL. It changes Matthew 28:19 from this:

“baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit”

to this:

“cleanse them by water in the name of Allah, his Messiah and his Holy Spirit.”

While the Bible teaches throughout about God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit, Muslims are told in the Quran that God has no children. They perceive Jesus as another prophet.

According to Joshua Lingel of i2 Ministries, “Even more dramatic a change is the Arabic and Bangla (Bangladesh) translations. In Arabic, Bible translations err by translating ‘Father’ as ‘Lord.’ ‘Guardian.’ ‘Most High’ and ‘God.” In Bangla, ‘Son of God’ is mistranslated ‘Messiah of God’ consistent with the Quran’s Isa al-Masih (Jesus the Messiah), which references the merely human Jesus.”

In response to these translations, many within the evangelical missions movement as well as many former Muslim converts and indigenous Christians from countries where these translations are being used, are indignant. After numerous appeals have been rejected, a petition has been launched to call for the end to the translations.

Thousands have signed up.

Now Wycliffe Global Alliance American consultant Mary Lederleitner, while not saying whether the new translations actually say “Cleanse them by water…”, reveals the groups are searching for the best way to communicate the truth of who God the Father is so that the truth can be understood.

It is in correlation with crap like this:

In 2007, Rick Warren, Bill Hybels and others signed the Yale Document that says that Muslims and Christians worship the same God. The Yale Document speaks of ‘one God’ when it declared ‘We applaud that A Common Word Between Us and You stresses so insistently the unique devotion to one God,’

Not only is God not the same as Allah, but if you read the Quran's description of Allah, and the Bible's description of Satan, you'll find your similarities.

So you have no evidence that this is some plot to take over American education.
Got it.

Common core is the plot to take over American education. Corrupting the Bible is designed to quell the opposition between 2 religious groups.
Chrislam will be the politically correct accepted form of religion that will be invited into our schools. As you can see, Yale has already done so. Rick Warren is a popular false prophet with that school and others.

Are you suggesting that Yale had to leave school grounds to announce this religious document they have adopted? Preacher Rick Warren wasn't told to stop reading and peddling the Book of Chrislam.
To the contrary, that preacher was invited in to form policy.

This New World religion is geared to be "non-offensive", with no exclusive way to Heaven. Christ is out, and as our President proclaimed, just work your way there. The plot extends far beyond our school system.
If someone is gifted an altered Wycliffe Bible, put it to good use. Wipe your butt with it and flush.
Got it? :eusa_angel:
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Has nothing to do with perceived persecution, but an adding to and taking away from the word of God, by the politically correct:

It is in correlation with crap like this:

In 2007, Rick Warren, Bill Hybels and others signed the Yale Document that says that Muslims and Christians worship the same God. The Yale Document speaks of ‘one God’ when it declared ‘We applaud that A Common Word Between Us and You stresses so insistently the unique devotion to one God,’

Not only is God not the same as Allah, but if you read the Quran's description of Allah, and the Bible's description of Satan, you'll find your similarities.

So you have no evidence that this is some plot to take over American education.
Got it.

Common core is the plot to take over American education. Corrupting the Bible is designed to quell the opposition between 2 religious groups.
Chrislam will be the politically correct accepted form of religion that will be invited into our schools. As you can see, Yale has already done so. Rick Warren is a popular false prophet with that school and others.

Are you suggesting that Yale had to leave school grounds to announce this religious document they have adopted? Preacher Rick Warren wasn't told to stop reading and peddling the Book of Chrislam.
To the contrary, that preacher was invited in to form policy.

This New World religion is geared to be "non-offensive", with no exclusive way to Heaven. Christ is out, and as our President proclaimed, just work your way there. The plot extends far beyond our school system.
If someone is gifted an altered Wycliffe Bible, put it to good use. Wipe your butt with it and flush.
Got it? :eusa_angel:

Yale is a private institution and has nothing to do with public education.
You have no reason to believe your paranoid vision, other than the paranoia that created it.
Got it.
Which is why I clarified what the plot is that is being directed at public school children. Common core.
Yale is a teaching institution. A place of "higher learning". That has adopted a religious policy. That they will pass down to our young adults. Common core prepares the way.

It will trickle down to our high schools, middle schools, and elementary schools. They will be taught in the class rooms and from the pulpit that anyone who doesn't agree with it are haters.
I have no paranoia. It's Bible prophecy beginning to unfold.
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Which is why I clarified what the plot is that is being directed at public school children. Common core.
Yale is a teaching institution. A place of "higher learning". That has adopted a religious policy. That they will pass down to our young adults. Common core prepares the way.

It will trickle down to our high schools, middle schools, and elementary schools. They will be taught in the class rooms and from the pulpit that anyone who doesn't agree with it are haters.
I have no paranoia. It's Bible prophecy beginning to unfold.

No, trust me.
You are extremely paranoid.
Which is why I clarified what the plot is that is being directed at public school children. Common core.
Yale is a teaching institution. A place of "higher learning". That has adopted a religious policy. That they will pass down to our young adults. Common core prepares the way.

It will trickle down to our high schools, middle schools, and elementary schools. They will be taught in the class rooms and from the pulpit that anyone who doesn't agree with it are haters.
I have no paranoia. It's Bible prophecy beginning to unfold.

No, trust me.
You are extremely paranoid.

Don't quit your day job to become a psychologist.
A FL school teacher orders 12 year-old not to read the Bible during free time.

Giovanni Rubeo, Father Speak Out on 'Fox & Friends' About Teacher Not Allowing Bible in Class | Fox News Insider

Just how ridiculous can these militant atheists go? In a few years, the kid will probably be required to read the Koran in a history class.

I wonder if the same teacher would have allowed porn or Marx's Communist Manifesto or the Humanist Manifesto.

Although I prefer to read directly from my Bible, school kids may need to find alternatives like Bible apps for their smart phones or a Kindle. The Bible is best because you can write little notes in the margins or highlight passages, etc.
Which is why I clarified what the plot is that is being directed at public school children. Common core.
Yale is a teaching institution. A place of "higher learning". That has adopted a religious policy. That they will pass down to our young adults. Common core prepares the way.

It will trickle down to our high schools, middle schools, and elementary schools. They will be taught in the class rooms and from the pulpit that anyone who doesn't agree with it are haters.
I have no paranoia. It's Bible prophecy beginning to unfold.

Why the need for conspiracy theories?
A FL school teacher orders 12 year-old not to read the Bible during free time.

Giovanni Rubeo, Father Speak Out on 'Fox & Friends' About Teacher Not Allowing Bible in Class | Fox News Insider

Just how ridiculous can these militant atheists go? In a few years, the kid will probably be required to read the Koran in a history class.

The story indicates that the kid was reading it during class time. The specifics matter a great deal in this case. If it was during class time it would be completely dismissive of the authority of the teacher and a distraction in the class. If the child wishes to read the bible rather than study the subject at hand, take him out of school and let him read his bible all day. The world needs janitors, too.
The hated ACLU has frequently gone to court to defend the rights of schoolchildren to read and carry their bibles and have prayer in school. That does not extend to the disregard of the teacher or classroom.
Knee-jerk reaction by both Fox and you. The details matter.

If the "details matter" so much to you then perhaps you ought to listen to the details. Students are permitted to read their Bibles during "free reading" time which takes place in the classroom and during school hours.
A FL school teacher orders 12 year-old not to read the Bible during free time.

Giovanni Rubeo, Father Speak Out on 'Fox & Friends' About Teacher Not Allowing Bible in Class | Fox News Insider

Just how ridiculous can these militant atheists go? In a few years, the kid will probably be required to read the Koran in a history class.

The story indicates that the kid was reading it during class time.

You didn't read the whole story or listen to the interview.

Hey now ... you know "bruce" is all about the small details. So shhhhhh!:D
A FL school teacher orders 12 year-old not to read the Bible during free time.

Giovanni Rubeo, Father Speak Out on 'Fox & Friends' About Teacher Not Allowing Bible in Class | Fox News Insider

Just how ridiculous can these militant atheists go? In a few years, the kid will probably be required to read the Koran in a history class.

The story indicates that the kid was reading it during class time. The specifics matter a great deal in this case. If it was during class time it would be completely dismissive of the authority of the teacher and a distraction in the class. If the child wishes to read the bible rather than study the subject at hand, take him out of school and let him read his bible all day. The world needs janitors, too.
The hated ACLU has frequently gone to court to defend the rights of schoolchildren to read and carry their bibles and have prayer in school. That does not extend to the disregard of the teacher or classroom.
Knee-jerk reaction by both Fox and you. The details matter.

If the "details matter" so much to you then perhaps you ought to listen to the details. Students are permitted to read their Bibles during "free reading" time which takes place in the classroom and during school hours.

If you read my follow-up posts this is already addressed.
Has nothing to do with perceived persecution, but an adding to and taking away from the word of God, by the politically correct:

It is in correlation with crap like this:

In 2007, Rick Warren, Bill Hybels and others signed the Yale Document that says that Muslims and Christians worship the same God. The Yale Document speaks of ‘one God’ when it declared ‘We applaud that A Common Word Between Us and You stresses so insistently the unique devotion to one God,’

Not only is God not the same as Allah, but if you read the Quran's description of Allah, and the Bible's description of Satan, you'll find your similarities.

So you have no evidence that this is some plot to take over American education.
Got it.

Common core is the plot to take over American education. Corrupting the Bible is designed to quell the opposition between 2 religious groups.
Chrislam will be the politically correct accepted form of religion that will be invited into our schools. As you can see, Yale has already done so. Rick Warren is a popular false prophet with that school and others.

Are you suggesting that Yale had to leave school grounds to announce this religious document they have adopted? Preacher Rick Warren wasn't told to stop reading and peddling the Book of Chrislam.
To the contrary, that preacher was invited in to form policy.

This New World religion is geared to be "non-offensive", with no exclusive way to Heaven. Christ is out, and as our President proclaimed, just work your way there. The plot extends far beyond our school system.
If someone is gifted an altered Wycliffe Bible, put it to good use. Wipe your butt with it and flush.
Got it? :eusa_angel:

Interesting. So what Common Core will attempt to do is what Constantine did when he blended the pure religion of Christianity with the pagan religions of Rome (primarily Mithraism) in order to create an acceptable, State religion. A watered down version of Christianity that became acceptable to the masses and satisfied both the pagans and the unlearned Christians of the day. All in the name of a "peaceful solution."

Fortunately, there will always be a Christian remnant that will not bow to the whims of the State. A great read on the Christians' struggle to survive is found in a very small pamphlet called "The Trail of Blood" by J. M. Carroll.

Ecclesiastes 1:9, "The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun."
So you have no evidence that this is some plot to take over American education.
Got it.

Common core is the plot to take over American education. Corrupting the Bible is designed to quell the opposition between 2 religious groups.
Chrislam will be the politically correct accepted form of religion that will be invited into our schools. As you can see, Yale has already done so. Rick Warren is a popular false prophet with that school and others.

Are you suggesting that Yale had to leave school grounds to announce this religious document they have adopted? Preacher Rick Warren wasn't told to stop reading and peddling the Book of Chrislam.
To the contrary, that preacher was invited in to form policy.

This New World religion is geared to be "non-offensive", with no exclusive way to Heaven. Christ is out, and as our President proclaimed, just work your way there. The plot extends far beyond our school system.
If someone is gifted an altered Wycliffe Bible, put it to good use. Wipe your butt with it and flush.
Got it? :eusa_angel:

Interesting. So what Common Core will attempt to do is what Constantine did when he blended the pure religion of Christianity with the pagan religions of Rome (primarily Mithraism) in order to create an acceptable, State religion. A watered down version of Christianity that became acceptable to the masses and satisfied both the pagans and the unlearned Christians of the day. All in the name of a "peaceful solution."

Fortunately, there will always be a Christian remnant that will not bow to the whims of the State. A great read on the Christians' struggle to survive is found in a very small pamphlet called "The Trail of Blood" by J. M. Carroll.

Ecclesiastes 1:9, "The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun."

Trail of Blood is a Baptist apologetic making the case for the apostolic succession of the Baptist church.
His contribution to the "one true Scotsman" canard.
Common core is the plot to take over American education. Corrupting the Bible is designed to quell the opposition between 2 religious groups.
Chrislam will be the politically correct accepted form of religion that will be invited into our schools. As you can see, Yale has already done so. Rick Warren is a popular false prophet with that school and others.

Are you suggesting that Yale had to leave school grounds to announce this religious document they have adopted? Preacher Rick Warren wasn't told to stop reading and peddling the Book of Chrislam.
To the contrary, that preacher was invited in to form policy.

This New World religion is geared to be "non-offensive", with no exclusive way to Heaven. Christ is out, and as our President proclaimed, just work your way there. The plot extends far beyond our school system.
If someone is gifted an altered Wycliffe Bible, put it to good use. Wipe your butt with it and flush.
Got it? :eusa_angel:

Interesting. So what Common Core will attempt to do is what Constantine did when he blended the pure religion of Christianity with the pagan religions of Rome (primarily Mithraism) in order to create an acceptable, State religion. A watered down version of Christianity that became acceptable to the masses and satisfied both the pagans and the unlearned Christians of the day. All in the name of a "peaceful solution."

Fortunately, there will always be a Christian remnant that will not bow to the whims of the State. A great read on the Christians' struggle to survive is found in a very small pamphlet called "The Trail of Blood" by J. M. Carroll.

Ecclesiastes 1:9, "The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun."

Trail of Blood is a Baptist apologetic making the case for the apostolic succession of the Baptist church.
His contribution to the "one true Scotsman" canard.

I realize that you're not a fan of truth but attacking it won't make it go away.
Interesting. So what Common Core will attempt to do is what Constantine did when he blended the pure religion of Christianity with the pagan religions of Rome (primarily Mithraism) in order to create an acceptable, State religion. A watered down version of Christianity that became acceptable to the masses and satisfied both the pagans and the unlearned Christians of the day. All in the name of a "peaceful solution."

Fortunately, there will always be a Christian remnant that will not bow to the whims of the State. A great read on the Christians' struggle to survive is found in a very small pamphlet called "The Trail of Blood" by J. M. Carroll.

Ecclesiastes 1:9, "The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun."

Trail of Blood is a Baptist apologetic making the case for the apostolic succession of the Baptist church.
His contribution to the "one true Scotsman" canard.

I realize that you're not a fan of truth but attacking it won't make it go away.

Your only definition of the term is anything that remotely supports your pre-conceived suppositions.
Trail of Blood is a Baptist apologetic making the case for the apostolic succession of the Baptist church.
His contribution to the "one true Scotsman" canard.

I realize that you're not a fan of truth but attacking it won't make it go away.

Your only definition of the term is anything that remotely supports your pre-conceived suppositions.

You have a bad habit of tossing evidence in the gutter then calling it gutter trash. It's a really poor way of "making your point."

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