Control of Congress


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
Under Bush we have the left claiming he had 6 years of total control 2001 to 2006.

The Republicans did not control the Senate from June 2001 to December 2002. Further when they did control the Senate it was by one vote.

The claim that Bush had complete control of the Government is simply not true.

Meanwhile Obama had complete control of the House and the Senate from 2009 to 2011. And from 2012 to present their control of the Senate has marginalized the Republican control of the House.

Reid simply refused to send to committee any bill he did not agree with from the House.

Of course when one looks at the accomplishments of Bush and Obama one sees that Bush accomplished more then Obama even during the 2 years that Obama had complete control.

Further Obama allowed Reid to prevent a budget to be approved for 5 years.
Under Bush we have the left claiming he had 6 years of total control 2001 to 2006.

The Republicans did not control the Senate from June 2001 to December 2002. Further when they did control the Senate it was by one vote.

The claim that Bush had complete control of the Government is simply not true.

Meanwhile Obama had complete control of the House and the Senate from 2009 to 2011. And from 2012 to present their control of the Senate has marginalized the Republican control of the House.

Reid simply refused to send to committee any bill he did not agree with from the House.

Of course when one looks at the accomplishments of Bush and Obama one sees that Bush accomplished more then Obama even during the 2 years that Obama had complete control.

Further Obama allowed Reid to prevent a budget to be approved for 5 years.

Is there anyone out there that is still buying the snake oil the left is selling?

That's actually a bit depressing.
Under Bush we have the left claiming he had 6 years of total control 2001 to 2006.

The Republicans did not control the Senate from June 2001 to December 2002. Further when they did control the Senate it was by one vote.

The claim that Bush had complete control of the Government is simply not true.

Meanwhile Obama had complete control of the House and the Senate from 2009 to 2011. And from 2012 to present their control of the Senate has marginalized the Republican control of the House.

Reid simply refused to send to committee any bill he did not agree with from the House.

Of course when one looks at the accomplishments of Bush and Obama one sees that Bush accomplished more then Obama even during the 2 years that Obama had complete control.

Further Obama allowed Reid to prevent a budget to be approved for 5 years.

Is there anyone out there that is still buying the snake oil the left is selling?

That's actually a bit depressing.

There are many lefties on this board that still claim Bush had 6 years of total control.
Under Bush we have the left claiming he had 6 years of total control 2001 to 2006.

The Republicans did not control the Senate from June 2001 to December 2002. Further when they did control the Senate it was by one vote.

The claim that Bush had complete control of the Government is simply not true.

Meanwhile Obama had complete control of the House and the Senate from 2009 to 2011. And from 2012 to present their control of the Senate has marginalized the Republican control of the House.

Reid simply refused to send to committee any bill he did not agree with from the House.

Of course when one looks at the accomplishments of Bush and Obama one sees that Bush accomplished more then Obama even during the 2 years that Obama had complete control.

Further Obama allowed Reid to prevent a budget to be approved for 5 years.

Is there anyone out there that is still buying the snake oil the left is selling?

That's actually a bit depressing.

There are many lefties on this board that still claim Bush had 6 years of total control.

That is technically false but to be honest it is rather irrelevant.

I realize that the dems usually use this as an excuse to remove any democrat involvement in the Iraq War but to be honest – I don’t really care that the Republicans only had control for 5 years rather than 6. Bush was still a fuck up and did terrible as a president. The republicans spent like democrats the entire time that they were in control. Everything that the right is supposed to stand for was completely thrown out the window. Larger government, more governmental control and ever increasing spending was the order of the day and that cannot be placed at the democrats feet.

The part that always gets me though is that the left is demanding that he was the worst president ever while Obama is one of the best even though the majority of Bush policy was renewed under Obama.
Is there anyone out there that is still buying the snake oil the left is selling?

That's actually a bit depressing.

There are many lefties on this board that still claim Bush had 6 years of total control.

That is technically false but to be honest it is rather irrelevant.

I realize that the dems usually use this as an excuse to remove any democrat involvement in the Iraq War but to be honest – I don’t really care that the Republicans only had control for 5 years rather than 6. Bush was still a fuck up and did terrible as a president. The republicans spent like democrats the entire time that they were in control. Everything that the right is supposed to stand for was completely thrown out the window. Larger government, more governmental control and ever increasing spending was the order of the day and that cannot be placed at the democrats feet.

The part that always gets me though is that the left is demanding that he was the worst president ever while Obama is one of the best even though the majority of Bush policy was renewed under Obama.

Not only renewed but hugely embellished.
That's what always gets you?

The only way you seem to cope with the fact that you supported an imbecile as POTUS is to pretend that the guy who replaced him is an imbecile too?

Weird people.
Most people on the left are pretty disgusted with Obama for not changing Bush's miserable policies. That is what he was elected to do. That's what he campaigned on. "Change." He didn't change anything, but we still stood a better chance with him than Mormney or McCain.
Is there anyone out there that is still buying the snake oil the left is selling?

That's actually a bit depressing.

There are many lefties on this board that still claim Bush had 6 years of total control.

That is technically false but to be honest it is rather irrelevant.

I realize that the dems usually use this as an excuse to remove any democrat involvement in the Iraq War but to be honest – I don’t really care that the Republicans only had control for 5 years rather than 6. Bush was still a fuck up and did terrible as a president. The republicans spent like democrats the entire time that they were in control. Everything that the right is supposed to stand for was completely thrown out the window. Larger government, more governmental control and ever increasing spending was the order of the day and that cannot be placed at the democrats feet.

The part that always gets me though is that the left is demanding that he was the worst president ever while Obama is one of the best even though the majority of Bush policy was renewed under Obama.

Dewd, where were you during the early Bush years?

Do you not remember that Bush was handed the biggest Market Collapse in American History? Yes, the NASDAQ Collapse was the biggest collapse -- EVER. Bigger than the Market Crash of '29.

And don't try to tell me that it was all small dot-com Companies.

The Three biggest Companies on Earth are listed on the NASDAQ. It was a MAJOR Collapse.

Bush handled that disaster so well, most people don't even remember it.

Then there was the attack on 9/11. You remember that, right?

The worst attack on American Soil since the War of 1812... Remember?

He brought the Country back from that, too.

Was Bush perfect? Hell.No.

But he was leaps and bounds better than any fucking dimocrap scumbag we have EVER had in the White House.


Most people on the left are pretty disgusted with Obama for not changing Bush's miserable policies. That is what he was elected to do. That's what he campaigned on. "Change." He didn't change anything, but we still stood a better chance with him than Mormney or McCain.

And reality is proving the far left Obama drones incorrect as you have demonstrated.

Then again McCain was for Campaign finance reform how could any reasonable person not back that? So since you were against McCain you were against campaign finance reform.
There are many lefties on this board that still claim Bush had 6 years of total control.

That is technically false but to be honest it is rather irrelevant.

I realize that the dems usually use this as an excuse to remove any democrat involvement in the Iraq War but to be honest – I don’t really care that the Republicans only had control for 5 years rather than 6. Bush was still a fuck up and did terrible as a president. The republicans spent like democrats the entire time that they were in control. Everything that the right is supposed to stand for was completely thrown out the window. Larger government, more governmental control and ever increasing spending was the order of the day and that cannot be placed at the democrats feet.

The part that always gets me though is that the left is demanding that he was the worst president ever while Obama is one of the best even though the majority of Bush policy was renewed under Obama.

Dewd, where were you during the early Bush years?

Do you not remember that Bush was handed the biggest Market Collapse in American History? Yes, the NASDAQ Collapse was the biggest collapse -- EVER. Bigger than the Market Crash of '29.

And don't try to tell me that it was all small dot-com Companies.

The Three biggest Companies on Earth are listed on the NASDAQ. It was a MAJOR Collapse.

Bush handled that disaster so well, most people don't even remember it.

Then there was the attack on 9/11. You remember that, right?

The worst attack on American Soil since the War of 1812... Remember?

He brought the Country back from that, too.

Was Bush perfect? Hell.No.

But he was leaps and bounds better than any fucking dimocrap scumbag we have EVER had in the White House.



Yes, he did those things. Unfortunately, he then went on to create the PA, massive inroads into our rights, bailed out the banks for the biggest moral hazard ever and started a war with Iraq that should never have happened. Then, because Iraq was such a wonderful place, he mired us in there for another decade to ‘help’ them establish a government that they really never wanted.

I understand there was a lot of shit that happened right out the gate but that is no excuse for the absolute shit road that he went down. He started us down this path and Obama has done nothing except continue it. I don’t give a politician a pass because his job that round was difficult. That’s what the idiot leftards do here for Obama all the damn time because the economy was crashing when he took over.

Fine – its crashing but the real question is what is he going to do to fix it. Apparently Obama is going to let the economy languish in a summer of ‘recovery’ that takes 8 years. Apparently Bush is going to put us in a permanent state of war, bail out the banks and preside over the sharpest increase in federal spending for decades. Why are you so willing to give him a pass when he was so bad? Because he is ‘your’ guy?

This latest stint in the Ukraine is an excellent example. Have you bashed Obama for his actions over this ordeal? Have you called him out for being weak or incompetent? I know MANY on the right here have done so. Of course, Bush went through the same shit with Georgia. How did that turn out?

I am guessing that the same thing is going to happen in this case as well yet the right is not bashing and did not bash Bush as far as I know over the same ordeal. They are BOTH incompetent asshats and I will not state the massive failures of either as acceptable.
That is technically false but to be honest it is rather irrelevant.

I realize that the dems usually use this as an excuse to remove any democrat involvement in the Iraq War but to be honest – I don’t really care that the Republicans only had control for 5 years rather than 6. Bush was still a fuck up and did terrible as a president. The republicans spent like democrats the entire time that they were in control. Everything that the right is supposed to stand for was completely thrown out the window. Larger government, more governmental control and ever increasing spending was the order of the day and that cannot be placed at the democrats feet.

The part that always gets me though is that the left is demanding that he was the worst president ever while Obama is one of the best even though the majority of Bush policy was renewed under Obama.

Dewd, where were you during the early Bush years?

Do you not remember that Bush was handed the biggest Market Collapse in American History? Yes, the NASDAQ Collapse was the biggest collapse -- EVER. Bigger than the Market Crash of '29.

And don't try to tell me that it was all small dot-com Companies.

The Three biggest Companies on Earth are listed on the NASDAQ. It was a MAJOR Collapse.

Bush handled that disaster so well, most people don't even remember it.

Then there was the attack on 9/11. You remember that, right?

The worst attack on American Soil since the War of 1812... Remember?

He brought the Country back from that, too.

Was Bush perfect? Hell.No.

But he was leaps and bounds better than any fucking dimocrap scumbag we have EVER had in the White House.



Yes, he did those things. Unfortunately, he then went on to create the PA, massive inroads into our rights, bailed out the banks for the biggest moral hazard ever and started a war with Iraq that should never have happened. Then, because Iraq was such a wonderful place, he mired us in there for another decade to ‘help’ them establish a government that they really never wanted.

I understand there was a lot of shit that happened right out the gate but that is no excuse for the absolute shit road that he went down. He started us down this path and Obama has done nothing except continue it. I don’t give a politician a pass because his job that round was difficult. That’s what the idiot leftards do here for Obama all the damn time because the economy was crashing when he took over.

Fine – its crashing but the real question is what is he going to do to fix it. Apparently Obama is going to let the economy languish in a summer of ‘recovery’ that takes 8 years. Apparently Bush is going to put us in a permanent state of war, bail out the banks and preside over the sharpest increase in federal spending for decades. Why are you so willing to give him a pass when he was so bad? Because he is ‘your’ guy?

This latest stint in the Ukraine is an excellent example. Have you bashed Obama for his actions over this ordeal? Have you called him out for being weak or incompetent? I know MANY on the right here have done so. Of course, Bush went through the same shit with Georgia. How did that turn out?

I am guessing that the same thing is going to happen in this case as well yet the right is not bashing and did not bash Bush as far as I know over the same ordeal. They are BOTH incompetent asshats and I will not state the massive failures of either as acceptable.

We did not have a treaty with Georgia that says we will defend them if invaded. We did not tell Georgia, if you give up your nukes we will ensure your sovereignty, we did tell Ukraine that and signed a document that binds us to it.
By the way Bush had control of both houses for 4 years not 5. And he never had the same level of control of the Senate that Obama had there were only 51 Republicans in his Senate.
Dewd, where were you during the early Bush years?

Do you not remember that Bush was handed the biggest Market Collapse in American History? Yes, the NASDAQ Collapse was the biggest collapse -- EVER. Bigger than the Market Crash of '29.

And don't try to tell me that it was all small dot-com Companies.

The Three biggest Companies on Earth are listed on the NASDAQ. It was a MAJOR Collapse.

Bush handled that disaster so well, most people don't even remember it.

Then there was the attack on 9/11. You remember that, right?

The worst attack on American Soil since the War of 1812... Remember?

He brought the Country back from that, too.

Was Bush perfect? Hell.No.

But he was leaps and bounds better than any fucking dimocrap scumbag we have EVER had in the White House.



Yes, he did those things. Unfortunately, he then went on to create the PA, massive inroads into our rights, bailed out the banks for the biggest moral hazard ever and started a war with Iraq that should never have happened. Then, because Iraq was such a wonderful place, he mired us in there for another decade to ‘help’ them establish a government that they really never wanted.

I understand there was a lot of shit that happened right out the gate but that is no excuse for the absolute shit road that he went down. He started us down this path and Obama has done nothing except continue it. I don’t give a politician a pass because his job that round was difficult. That’s what the idiot leftards do here for Obama all the damn time because the economy was crashing when he took over.

Fine – its crashing but the real question is what is he going to do to fix it. Apparently Obama is going to let the economy languish in a summer of ‘recovery’ that takes 8 years. Apparently Bush is going to put us in a permanent state of war, bail out the banks and preside over the sharpest increase in federal spending for decades. Why are you so willing to give him a pass when he was so bad? Because he is ‘your’ guy?

This latest stint in the Ukraine is an excellent example. Have you bashed Obama for his actions over this ordeal? Have you called him out for being weak or incompetent? I know MANY on the right here have done so. Of course, Bush went through the same shit with Georgia. How did that turn out?

I am guessing that the same thing is going to happen in this case as well yet the right is not bashing and did not bash Bush as far as I know over the same ordeal. They are BOTH incompetent asshats and I will not state the massive failures of either as acceptable.

We did not have a treaty with Georgia that says we will defend them if invaded. We did not tell Georgia, if you give up your nukes we will ensure your sovereignty, we did tell Ukraine that and signed a document that binds us to it.
That is a valid point. I am not trying to state that the instance are identical but they do have striking similarities. Georgia essentially set the stage for Ukraine. Russia pushed its boundaries and seen if anyone would respond to them nonchalantly and taking over foreign lands. No one really reacted and here we are – a decade later and Putin trying the same tactic. A tactic that looks (at least to me) like it is going to work.

I see a real double standard here. Don’t tell me that you don’t see it as well GySgt, the right likes to ignore many of Bush’s failures and embellish those of Obama. I understand that is going to be the case, particularly for the partisans, but that does not mean that we should accept it. I look at Obama and, quite frankly, I see Bush with a different set of rhetoric. It makes me angry because I can’t count on the republicans to pull us out of what Obama is doing – they created much of the precedent that he follows.

Really, after the bank bailouts and the PA – how are we to claim that the right wants smaller government? They don’t, not really. I can’t give them a pass here because if I do (and others) the only thing that is assured is the statist lite party will never change.
Yes, he did those things. Unfortunately, he then went on to create the PA, massive inroads into our rights, bailed out the banks for the biggest moral hazard ever and started a war with Iraq that should never have happened. Then, because Iraq was such a wonderful place, he mired us in there for another decade to ‘help’ them establish a government that they really never wanted.

I understand there was a lot of shit that happened right out the gate but that is no excuse for the absolute shit road that he went down. He started us down this path and Obama has done nothing except continue it. I don’t give a politician a pass because his job that round was difficult. That’s what the idiot leftards do here for Obama all the damn time because the economy was crashing when he took over.

Fine – its crashing but the real question is what is he going to do to fix it. Apparently Obama is going to let the economy languish in a summer of ‘recovery’ that takes 8 years. Apparently Bush is going to put us in a permanent state of war, bail out the banks and preside over the sharpest increase in federal spending for decades. Why are you so willing to give him a pass when he was so bad? Because he is ‘your’ guy?

This latest stint in the Ukraine is an excellent example. Have you bashed Obama for his actions over this ordeal? Have you called him out for being weak or incompetent? I know MANY on the right here have done so. Of course, Bush went through the same shit with Georgia. How did that turn out?

I am guessing that the same thing is going to happen in this case as well yet the right is not bashing and did not bash Bush as far as I know over the same ordeal. They are BOTH incompetent asshats and I will not state the massive failures of either as acceptable.

We did not have a treaty with Georgia that says we will defend them if invaded. We did not tell Georgia, if you give up your nukes we will ensure your sovereignty, we did tell Ukraine that and signed a document that binds us to it.
That is a valid point. I am not trying to state that the instance are identical but they do have striking similarities. Georgia essentially set the stage for Ukraine. Russia pushed its boundaries and seen if anyone would respond to them nonchalantly and taking over foreign lands. No one really reacted and here we are – a decade later and Putin trying the same tactic. A tactic that looks (at least to me) like it is going to work.

I see a real double standard here. Don’t tell me that you don’t see it as well GySgt, the right likes to ignore many of Bush’s failures and embellish those of Obama. I understand that is going to be the case, particularly for the partisans, but that does not mean that we should accept it. I look at Obama and, quite frankly, I see Bush with a different set of rhetoric. It makes me angry because I can’t count on the republicans to pull us out of what Obama is doing – they created much of the precedent that he follows.

Really, after the bank bailouts and the PA – how are we to claim that the right wants smaller government? They don’t, not really. I can’t give them a pass here because if I do (and others) the only thing that is assured is the statist lite party will never change.

Bush sent military aid to Georgia which is more than Obama is doing. Once again we did not have a binding treaty with Georgia and did not have a binding treaty that obligates the EU as well. Georgia is not Ukraine and while I would have done more in Georgia Bush was at the end of his second term.

By passing in Georgia and now passing in Ukraine we simply delay the start of WW3 by however long it takes for Putin to finally seize something no one will back off of.

This was what happened in the 30's. Hitler just kept grabbing what he wanted until he went to far. Putin will do the same unless we stand up to him.

I say we react now instead of a few years down the road when we are weaker and Russia is stronger.

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