Controversial South Park episode shows Donald Trump being raped and murdered

South Park isn't a left wing cartoon.

what the fuck is it then?? every fucking person involved in producing that shit hole of a "cartoon" is a left wing fanatic :asshole:!!!!!
the more you lefttards deny this fact makes you all a bunch of fucking hypocrites. :up:

Dude did you read the article linked in the OP for the whole show's synopsis? It ends with Mr. Garrison pairing up with Bruce "Caitlyn" Jenner as his running mate for the Oval Office. Remember that Mr. Garrison had that ordeal with transgender surgery to "Mrs. Garrison" and back Obviously Southpark is gearing up to feature a spoof on BOTH sides of the aisle as we approach election 2016. And I for one am preparing to SCREAM with laughter.

Remember, it's only a cartoon. And I love it when they weave Canadians into it. I've never understood their beef with Canadians but they are relentless in teasing them. A friend of mine once said that he thought that maybe one time Matt Stone and Trey Parker went to Canada and were treated rudely or something; which is hard to imagine. I think it was the opposite. Maybe they found a vacuum of rudeness and tried to run with it to show America in stark contrast. Canada is the perfect grey matte to paint the absurdity of the US boy do they.

Their concept of Canadian sensibilities-to-a-fault, their split heads and square-wheeled cars (my personal are just priceless. :lmao:
Considering the episode about that one singer who's head exploded, this "Intro to their spoof on the 2016 election" is tame by comparison.
If it does not support the "GOP", it is leftard.

So, get in line you damn Libertarians!! You are either with the Republicans or you are an Obama d--k sucker!:dev3:
South Park isn't a left wing cartoon.

what the fuck is it then?? every fucking person involved in producing that shit hole of a "cartoon" is a left wing fanatic :asshole:!!!!!
the more you lefttards deny this fact makes you all a bunch of fucking hypocrites. :up:

Dude did you read the article linked in the OP for the whole show's synopsis? It ends with Mr. Garrison pairing up with Bruce "Caitlyn" Jenner as his running mate for the Oval Office. Remember that Mr. Garrison had that ordeal with transgender surgery to "Mrs. Garrison" and back Obviously Southpark is gearing up to feature a spoof on BOTH sides of the aisle as we approach election 2016. And I for one am preparing to SCREAM with laughter.

Remember, it's only a cartoon. And I love it when they weave Canadians into it. I've never understood their beef with Canadians but they are relentless in teasing them. A friend of mine once said that he thought that maybe one time Matt Stone and Trey Parker went to Canada and were treated rudely or something; which is hard to imagine. I think it was the opposite. Maybe they found a vacuum of rudeness and tried to run with it to show America in stark contrast. Canada is the perfect grey matte to paint the absurdity of the US boy do they.

Their concept of Canadian sensibilities-to-a-fault, their split heads and square-wheeled cars (my personal are just priceless. :lmao:
Considering the episode about that one singer who's head exploded, this "Intro to their spoof on the 2016 election" is tame by comparison.

Do you think they could be funny, and most time they are, and limit it to something other then rape and murder? Really? It is BS what they did and they should be made to pay.
South Park isn't a left wing cartoon.

what the fuck is it then?? every fucking person involved in producing that shit hole of a "cartoon" is a left wing fanatic :asshole:!!!!!
the more you lefttards deny this fact makes you all a bunch of fucking hypocrites. :up:

Dude did you read the article linked in the OP for the whole show's synopsis? It ends with Mr. Garrison pairing up with Bruce "Caitlyn" Jenner as his running mate for the Oval Office. Remember that Mr. Garrison had that ordeal with transgender surgery to "Mrs. Garrison" and back Obviously Southpark is gearing up to feature a spoof on BOTH sides of the aisle as we approach election 2016. And I for one am preparing to SCREAM with laughter.

Remember, it's only a cartoon. And I love it when they weave Canadians into it. I've never understood their beef with Canadians but they are relentless in teasing them. A friend of mine once said that he thought that maybe one time Matt Stone and Trey Parker went to Canada and were treated rudely or something; which is hard to imagine. I think it was the opposite. Maybe they found a vacuum of rudeness and tried to run with it to show America in stark contrast. Canada is the perfect grey matte to paint the absurdity of the US boy do they.

Their concept of Canadian sensibilities-to-a-fault, their split heads and square-wheeled cars (my personal are just priceless. :lmao:
Considering the episode about that one singer who's head exploded, this "Intro to their spoof on the 2016 election" is tame by comparison.

Do you think they could be funny, and most time they are, and limit it to something other then rape and murder? Really? It is BS what they did and they should be made to pay.

This is the cartoon that had aliens anal probing children. Give it a rest.
South Park isn't a left wing cartoon.

what the fuck is it then?? every fucking person involved in producing that shit hole of a "cartoon" is a left wing fanatic :asshole:!!!!!
the more you lefttards deny this fact makes you all a bunch of fucking hypocrites. :up:

Dude did you read the article linked in the OP for the whole show's synopsis? It ends with Mr. Garrison pairing up with Bruce "Caitlyn" Jenner as his running mate for the Oval Office. Remember that Mr. Garrison had that ordeal with transgender surgery to "Mrs. Garrison" and back Obviously Southpark is gearing up to feature a spoof on BOTH sides of the aisle as we approach election 2016. And I for one am preparing to SCREAM with laughter.

Remember, it's only a cartoon. And I love it when they weave Canadians into it. I've never understood their beef with Canadians but they are relentless in teasing them. A friend of mine once said that he thought that maybe one time Matt Stone and Trey Parker went to Canada and were treated rudely or something; which is hard to imagine. I think it was the opposite. Maybe they found a vacuum of rudeness and tried to run with it to show America in stark contrast. Canada is the perfect grey matte to paint the absurdity of the US boy do they.

Their concept of Canadian sensibilities-to-a-fault, their split heads and square-wheeled cars (my personal are just priceless. :lmao:
Considering the episode about that one singer who's head exploded, this "Intro to their spoof on the 2016 election" is tame by comparison.

Do you think they could be funny, and most time they are, and limit it to something other then rape and murder? Really? It is BS what they did and they should be made to pay.

This is the cartoon that had aliens anal probing children. Give it a rest.

unnamed cartoon kids. Real live people is different. Get a freakin' morals
South Park isn't a left wing cartoon.

what the fuck is it then?? every fucking person involved in producing that shit hole of a "cartoon" is a left wing fanatic :asshole:!!!!!
the more you lefttards deny this fact makes you all a bunch of fucking hypocrites. :up:

Dude did you read the article linked in the OP for the whole show's synopsis? It ends with Mr. Garrison pairing up with Bruce "Caitlyn" Jenner as his running mate for the Oval Office. Remember that Mr. Garrison had that ordeal with transgender surgery to "Mrs. Garrison" and back Obviously Southpark is gearing up to feature a spoof on BOTH sides of the aisle as we approach election 2016. And I for one am preparing to SCREAM with laughter.

Remember, it's only a cartoon. And I love it when they weave Canadians into it. I've never understood their beef with Canadians but they are relentless in teasing them. A friend of mine once said that he thought that maybe one time Matt Stone and Trey Parker went to Canada and were treated rudely or something; which is hard to imagine. I think it was the opposite. Maybe they found a vacuum of rudeness and tried to run with it to show America in stark contrast. Canada is the perfect grey matte to paint the absurdity of the US boy do they.

Their concept of Canadian sensibilities-to-a-fault, their split heads and square-wheeled cars (my personal are just priceless. :lmao:
Considering the episode about that one singer who's head exploded, this "Intro to their spoof on the 2016 election" is tame by comparison.

Do you think they could be funny, and most time they are, and limit it to something other then rape and murder? Really? It is BS what they did and they should be made to pay.

This is the cartoon that had aliens anal probing children. Give it a rest.

unnamed cartoon kids. Real live people is different. Get a freakin' morals

Cartman isn't unnamed, he's one of the main characters. Bono was literally a piece of shit. Barbara Streisand was a monster, Al Gore was obsessed by Manbearpig and was ridiculed heavily for his views on global warming and effeminate lisp. All celebrities are treated pretty bad (with the exception of Robert Johnson). So what, Donald Trump took it in the ass and was killed off in a cartoon, it doesn't matter.

Then again, Donald Trump is a professional victim so, why wouldn't his fanboys be too.
South Park isn't a left wing cartoon.

what the fuck is it then?? every fucking person involved in producing that shit hole of a "cartoon" is a left wing fanatic :asshole:!!!!!
the more you lefttards deny this fact makes you all a bunch of fucking hypocrites. :up:

Dude did you read the article linked in the OP for the whole show's synopsis? It ends with Mr. Garrison pairing up with Bruce "Caitlyn" Jenner as his running mate for the Oval Office. Remember that Mr. Garrison had that ordeal with transgender surgery to "Mrs. Garrison" and back Obviously Southpark is gearing up to feature a spoof on BOTH sides of the aisle as we approach election 2016. And I for one am preparing to SCREAM with laughter.

Remember, it's only a cartoon. And I love it when they weave Canadians into it. I've never understood their beef with Canadians but they are relentless in teasing them. A friend of mine once said that he thought that maybe one time Matt Stone and Trey Parker went to Canada and were treated rudely or something; which is hard to imagine. I think it was the opposite. Maybe they found a vacuum of rudeness and tried to run with it to show America in stark contrast. Canada is the perfect grey matte to paint the absurdity of the US boy do they.

Their concept of Canadian sensibilities-to-a-fault, their split heads and square-wheeled cars (my personal are just priceless. :lmao:
Considering the episode about that one singer who's head exploded, this "Intro to their spoof on the 2016 election" is tame by comparison.

Do you think they could be funny, and most time they are, and limit it to something other then rape and murder? Really? It is BS what they did and they should be made to pay.
How does the left wing get away with such stuff as this? Just imagine if this were done concerning Mrs. Clinton.

South Park shows Trump being brutally raped to death

Controversial South Park episode shows Donald Trump being raped and murdered: Show attacks tycoon's run for President, his immigration policies and then kills him off in shocking final scene

  • South Park launched vicious attack on Trump and his election policies
  • Shows character Mr Garrison pledging to 'f***' illegal immigrants to death
  • Promise is in reference to Trump's real-world zero-tolerance approach
  • Also brands Trump a 'brash a*******' and a 'joke' that got out of hand
  • Garrison also pledges to build a wall between the U.S. and Canada
  • But when Canada beats him to it, he travels into the country before carrying out his sick rape threat on Trump himself
  • Trump campaign declined to comment on the show

Read more: South Park shows Trump being brutally raped to death
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Earth to bugwits, its a cartoon, and its art, and a parody.

Let Kirk Cameron make a movie where he kills off Jesus, you know the first real hippie liberal.

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