Convenient store stand-your-ground shooter charged

Aug 23, 2019 - We're doing live updates in the manslaughter trial of Michael Drejka, ... of the interview in which Drejka says he was “slightly dazed” when he .

On July 26, Michael Drejka shot and killed Markeis McGlockton in a Clearwater, Florida parking lot. Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri declined to charge Drejka, citing the state’s “Stand Your Ground” law. Outrage ensued.

It was just an argument over a parking spot, some say, hinting that the whole thing is Drejka’s fault in the first place because he has a reputation for arguing about parking spots.

Drejka’s presumptive belief that shooting McGlockton was “necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm” (as the “Stand Your Ground” law requires), they claim, was obviously not “reasonable” (as the law also requires). They want Drejka charged with murder. Some want the law allegedly protecting his conduct repealed.

They’re wrong. Drejka’s belief that he was in danger of “imminent death or great bodily harm” was clearly reasonable, the law was clearly applicable and his actions were clearly taken in self-defense. The video tells the story — not completely, of course, but with a measure of clarity.

Britany Jacobs pulls into the parking lot of Circle A Food Store. Even with several non-handicapped parking spaces available, she pulls into a handicapped-only spot. Her boyfriend (McGlockton) and their son exit the car and enter the store.

A short time later, Drejka pulls up, exits his own vehicle, steps behind Jacobs’s car to look at her plate, then begins to verbally remonstrate with her about illegally (and rudely) using a parking spot reserved for the handicapped.

McGlockton exits the store. Jacobs exits her car — whether to attack Drejka herself, or to distract him while McGlockton attacks, or for some other reason, is unclear. In any case, Drejka is still speaking to Jacobs and seemingly unaware of McGlockton’s presence when McGlockton knocks him to the ground.

At this point, Drejka is on his knees and likely dazed. He’s just been violently assaulted, by surprise, out of the blue, by someone he didn’t even know was there. His actual assailant and a second potential assailant are on their feet and may be preparing to do him more violence. He has neither a duty to retreat nor the ability to do so if he wants to.

It’s about five seconds from the time McGlockton attacks Drejka to the moment that Drejka shoots McGlockton. In that five seconds, Drejka has to determine whether or not he is at risk of “imminent death or great bodily harm” and act accordingly. His assessment, whether correct or not, is obviously within reason.

“Stand Your Ground” isn’t about cases in which the victim has 10 minutes to make a decision while watching a known serial killer approach from afar, wearing a hockey mask, chainsaw in one hand and severed head of his last victim in the other. “Stand Your Ground” is about cases in which a victim has to make a difficult and almost certainly life-changing decision, in a very short time frame, and under extreme pressure.

Michael Drejka’s decision to defend himself wasn’t improper.

Markeis McGlockton’s decision to commit assault was the T.L.Knapp

Thomas L. Knapp (Twitter: @thomaslknapp) is director and senior news analyst at the William Lloyd Garrison Center for Libertarian Advocacy Journalism ( He lives and works in north central Florida.
It wasn't a stand your ground case. You said so yourself. And that op/ed was published before all the facts were known.

'I don't need any of this spotlight' | Michael Drejka on debate over deadly Clearwater shooting

FULL TRANSCRIPT: Michael Drejka's jailhouse interview with 10News' Reginald Roundtree

Wherein Michaels says he was stunned by the attack on him by the black dude- McGlockten
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Justice may get served in the case of man being shot defending his girlfriend that parked in handicap spot.

White man charged with fatally shooting black man in Florida | My Connection from Cox
The man in question did not use common sense in the incident. There are rules when to us a gun or knife in protection. Step over that line and you will be arrest and charged.

Speaking of common sense....people who live in glass houses should not throw rocks if you get my drift.

The March 1983 issue of SWAT Magazine contained an article titled How CLOSE is TOO Close? by Dennis Tueller, a Salt Lake City Police Officer. The article is generally credited for first establishing the importance of the “reactionary gap” within Law Enforcement circles. The article addressed Tueller’s own experimentation, which determined that the average healthy adult male can cover a distance of seven yards (21 feet) in about 1.5 seconds.

(remembering the black thug impaired with 2 drugs known to cause aggression and with a criminal history of previous assault----was only l2 ft. from drejka) when he was shot.

The Tueller Drill Myth: Why The 21 Foot Rule Isn’t a Rule At All

Anyhow..................Drejka Analysis: When the Tueller Drill’s Corrupted

Wrongful conviction in Florida!
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After all this time ---with over ten thousand hits.....this thread is suddenly moved?

Anyone care to explain that?
Who was Markeis MacGlockten....the black dude who got killed in Clearwater, fl.

Markeis Mcglockton Mugshot | 06/25/08 Florida Arrest

I realize of course that most responding to this thread are liberals.....i have a couple of questions for any of you actually believe in self defense?

Next would any of you feel in fear of your life after having been shoved down by McGlocken and then when you raise see this hovering over you.............

would you be scared?

Of course you know he has a criminal history of assault...but drejka did not know that. Should not drejka just have begged for his life instead of taking his pistol out....ya know tried to de-escalate the whole thing?
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Drejka probably agrees now it was a very bad idea to confront multiple people over parking in handicap spaces.
Drejka probably agrees now it was a very bad idea to confront multiple people over parking in handicap spaces.

Not a good idea but nothing illegal about it.

The big lesson to be learned here is to avoid black people.

The politicians will punish you if you get into a conflict with in the notion that blacks are always innocent and to be protected as an endangerd species is.... (for lack of a better term)...the law of the land.

Due to the tinted windows drejka did not know that anyone was in the soon as the black woman rolled down her window and went off on him he should have walked away...but being from delaware and not knowing much about blacks and obviously also politically clueless he fell into the trap of trying to reason logically with a jungle critter and then that critters partner came out and assaulted him.

After legally defending his life...the politicians conspired to arrest him, bring him to trial and send him to prison. A tragic case but one that need not have happened if drejka had been more politically astute as cannot expect justice today if you get into a conflict with a African....there is a double standard always at play now....wherein political correctness rules and their narrative always is that blacks are innocent victims...even if they cuss you, threaten you and assault you.

According to the legal system should ignore all that and run away or else you will face the wrath of the media and the political establishment.
Drejka probably agrees now it was a very bad idea to confront multiple people over parking in handicap spaces.

Not a good idea but nothing illegal about it.

The big lesson to be learned here is to avoid black people.

The politicians will punish you if you get into a conflict with in the notion that blacks are always innocent and to be protected as an endangerd species is.... (for lack of a better term)...the law of the land.

Due to the tinted windows drejka did not know that anyone was in the soon as the black woman rolled down her window and went off on him he should have walked away...but being from delaware and not knowing much about blacks and obviously also politically clueless he fell into the trap of trying to reason logically with a jungle critter and then that critters partner came out and assaulted him.

After legally defending his life...the politicians conspired to arrest him, bring him to trial and send him to prison. A tragic case but one that need not have happened if drejka had been more politically astute as cannot expect justice today if you get into a conflict with a African....there is a double standard always at play now....wherein political correctness rules and their narrative always is that blacks are innocent victims...even if they cuss you, threaten you and assault you.

According to the legal system should ignore all that and run away or else you will face the wrath of the media and the political establishment.
"The big lesson to be learned here is to avoid black people."

Oh? Waa the last person Drejka pulled his gun on black?
Drejka probably agrees now it was a very bad idea to confront multiple people over parking in handicap spaces.

Not a good idea but nothing illegal about it.

The big lesson to be learned here is to avoid black people.

The politicians will punish you if you get into a conflict with in the notion that blacks are always innocent and to be protected as an endangerd species is.... (for lack of a better term)...the law of the land.

Due to the tinted windows drejka did not know that anyone was in the soon as the black woman rolled down her window and went off on him he should have walked away...but being from delaware and not knowing much about blacks and obviously also politically clueless he fell into the trap of trying to reason logically with a jungle critter and then that critters partner came out and assaulted him.

After legally defending his life...the politicians conspired to arrest him, bring him to trial and send him to prison. A tragic case but one that need not have happened if drejka had been more politically astute as cannot expect justice today if you get into a conflict with a African....there is a double standard always at play now....wherein political correctness rules and their narrative always is that blacks are innocent victims...even if they cuss you, threaten you and assault you.

According to the legal system should ignore all that and run away or else you will face the wrath of the media and the political establishment.
"The big lesson to be learned here is to avoid black people."

Oh? Waa the last person Drejka pulled his gun on black?

That remains to be seen...if he lives to get out of prison and what he does then?

However, for the black thug with a criminal history of assault...drejka was definitely the last person he will ever assault.

Drejka did society a huge favor....removing from the midst of decent folks a violent thug who no doubt would have continued to express his proclivity for violence in various and sundry ways.
Drejka probably agrees now it was a very bad idea to confront multiple people over parking in handicap spaces.

Not a good idea but nothing illegal about it.

The big lesson to be learned here is to avoid black people.

The politicians will punish you if you get into a conflict with in the notion that blacks are always innocent and to be protected as an endangerd species is.... (for lack of a better term)...the law of the land.

Due to the tinted windows drejka did not know that anyone was in the soon as the black woman rolled down her window and went off on him he should have walked away...but being from delaware and not knowing much about blacks and obviously also politically clueless he fell into the trap of trying to reason logically with a jungle critter and then that critters partner came out and assaulted him.

After legally defending his life...the politicians conspired to arrest him, bring him to trial and send him to prison. A tragic case but one that need not have happened if drejka had been more politically astute as cannot expect justice today if you get into a conflict with a African....there is a double standard always at play now....wherein political correctness rules and their narrative always is that blacks are innocent victims...even if they cuss you, threaten you and assault you.

According to the legal system should ignore all that and run away or else you will face the wrath of the media and the political establishment.
"The big lesson to be learned here is to avoid black people."

Oh? Waa the last person Drejka pulled his gun on black?

That remains to be seen...if he lives to get out of prison and what he does then?

However, for the black thug with a criminal history of assault...drejka was definitely the last person he will ever assault.

Drejka did society a huge favor....removing from the midst of decent folks a violent thug who no doubt would have continued to express his proclivity for violence in various and sundry ways.
That doesn't remain to be seen. It already happened. McGlockton was not the first person he pulled his gun on. So was the last person black?
The Drejka case was certainly a miscarriage of “justice”. Authorities weren’t even inclined to charge him, based on the evidence at hand. It was only after media uproar, and political posturing that this case even went forward. The state capitulated to the mob, justice be damned. One thing is for sure; if the man on the ground had been a uniformed police officer, this story wouldn’t have gotten 2 minutes on the local news...
Drejka probably agrees now it was a very bad idea to confront multiple people over parking in handicap spaces.

Not a good idea but nothing illegal about it.

The big lesson to be learned here is to avoid black people.

The politicians will punish you if you get into a conflict with in the notion that blacks are always innocent and to be protected as an endangerd species is.... (for lack of a better term)...the law of the land.

Due to the tinted windows drejka did not know that anyone was in the soon as the black woman rolled down her window and went off on him he should have walked away...but being from delaware and not knowing much about blacks and obviously also politically clueless he fell into the trap of trying to reason logically with a jungle critter and then that critters partner came out and assaulted him.

After legally defending his life...the politicians conspired to arrest him, bring him to trial and send him to prison. A tragic case but one that need not have happened if drejka had been more politically astute as cannot expect justice today if you get into a conflict with a African....there is a double standard always at play now....wherein political correctness rules and their narrative always is that blacks are innocent victims...even if they cuss you, threaten you and assault you.

According to the legal system should ignore all that and run away or else you will face the wrath of the media and the political establishment.
"The big lesson to be learned here is to avoid black people."

Oh? Waa the last person Drejka pulled his gun on black?

That remains to be seen...if he lives to get out of prison and what he does then?

However, for the black thug with a criminal history of assault...drejka was definitely the last person he will ever assault.

Drejka did society a huge favor....removing from the midst of decent folks a violent thug who no doubt would have continued to express his proclivity for violence in various and sundry ways.
That doesn't remain to be seen. It already happened. McGlockton was not the first person he pulled his gun on. So was the last person black?

It has never been proven that drejka ever pulled his gun on anyone before...which is irrelevant anyhow.....just heresay crap from some teens who thought it was cute to go around flipping people off.

drejka is still alive and there is a possibility he may someday get out of prison...though a slim chance of that due to his age and health problems.

But if he does...he may seek vengance.
Drejka probably agrees now it was a very bad idea to confront multiple people over parking in handicap spaces.

Not a good idea but nothing illegal about it.

The big lesson to be learned here is to avoid black people.

The politicians will punish you if you get into a conflict with in the notion that blacks are always innocent and to be protected as an endangerd species is.... (for lack of a better term)...the law of the land.

Due to the tinted windows drejka did not know that anyone was in the soon as the black woman rolled down her window and went off on him he should have walked away...but being from delaware and not knowing much about blacks and obviously also politically clueless he fell into the trap of trying to reason logically with a jungle critter and then that critters partner came out and assaulted him.

After legally defending his life...the politicians conspired to arrest him, bring him to trial and send him to prison. A tragic case but one that need not have happened if drejka had been more politically astute as cannot expect justice today if you get into a conflict with a African....there is a double standard always at play now....wherein political correctness rules and their narrative always is that blacks are innocent victims...even if they cuss you, threaten you and assault you.

According to the legal system should ignore all that and run away or else you will face the wrath of the media and the political establishment.
"The big lesson to be learned here is to avoid black people."

Oh? Waa the last person Drejka pulled his gun on black?

That remains to be seen...if he lives to get out of prison and what he does then?

However, for the black thug with a criminal history of assault...drejka was definitely the last person he will ever assault.

Drejka did society a huge favor....removing from the midst of decent folks a violent thug who no doubt would have continued to express his proclivity for violence in various and sundry ways.
That doesn't remain to be seen. It already happened. McGlockton was not the first person he pulled his gun on. So was the last person black?

It has never been proven that drejka ever pulled his gun on anyone before...which is irrelevant anyhow.....just heresay crap from some teens who thought it was cute to go around flipping people off.

drejka is still alive and there is a possibility he may someday get out of prison...though a slim chance of that due to his age and health problems.

But if he does...he may seek vengance.
Of course it was. In the Interview you posted, he even talks about how police took his gun after that.
The Drejka case was certainly a miscarriage of “justice”. Authorities weren’t even inclined to charge him, based on the evidence at hand. It was only after media uproar, and political posturing that this case even went forward. The state capitulated to the mob, justice be damned. One thing is for sure; if the man on the ground had been a uniformed police officer, this story wouldn’t have gotten 2 minutes on the local news...

Yes no doubt about that. Hopefully the appeal process will rectify this tragedy.

You are correct...outside african political operatives managed to stir up some protests and the media immediately jumped in to lend their support to bring political pressure on the Clearwater politicians who immediately caved in to protect their financial pointed out before....Clearwater a tourist town and thus heavily dependent on tourism for their economy were extremely vulnurable to being threatened with a boycott.
Not a good idea but nothing illegal about it.

The big lesson to be learned here is to avoid black people.

The politicians will punish you if you get into a conflict with in the notion that blacks are always innocent and to be protected as an endangerd species is.... (for lack of a better term)...the law of the land.

Due to the tinted windows drejka did not know that anyone was in the soon as the black woman rolled down her window and went off on him he should have walked away...but being from delaware and not knowing much about blacks and obviously also politically clueless he fell into the trap of trying to reason logically with a jungle critter and then that critters partner came out and assaulted him.

After legally defending his life...the politicians conspired to arrest him, bring him to trial and send him to prison. A tragic case but one that need not have happened if drejka had been more politically astute as cannot expect justice today if you get into a conflict with a African....there is a double standard always at play now....wherein political correctness rules and their narrative always is that blacks are innocent victims...even if they cuss you, threaten you and assault you.

According to the legal system should ignore all that and run away or else you will face the wrath of the media and the political establishment.
"The big lesson to be learned here is to avoid black people."

Oh? Waa the last person Drejka pulled his gun on black?

That remains to be seen...if he lives to get out of prison and what he does then?

However, for the black thug with a criminal history of assault...drejka was definitely the last person he will ever assault.

Drejka did society a huge favor....removing from the midst of decent folks a violent thug who no doubt would have continued to express his proclivity for violence in various and sundry ways.
That doesn't remain to be seen. It already happened. McGlockton was not the first person he pulled his gun on. So was the last person black?

It has never been proven that drejka ever pulled his gun on anyone before...which is irrelevant anyhow.....just heresay crap from some teens who thought it was cute to go around flipping people off.

drejka is still alive and there is a possibility he may someday get out of prison...though a slim chance of that due to his age and health problems.

But if he does...he may seek vengance.
Of course it was. In the Interview you posted, he even talks about how police took his gun after that.

The police did not take his gun. That is why he was able to rid this world of a black thugh with a criminal history of assault.

You give too much credence to some juvenile delinquents out looking for thrills and trouble....flipping people off, driving crazy etc.
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"The big lesson to be learned here is to avoid black people."

Oh? Waa the last person Drejka pulled his gun on black?

That remains to be seen...if he lives to get out of prison and what he does then?

However, for the black thug with a criminal history of assault...drejka was definitely the last person he will ever assault.

Drejka did society a huge favor....removing from the midst of decent folks a violent thug who no doubt would have continued to express his proclivity for violence in various and sundry ways.
That doesn't remain to be seen. It already happened. McGlockton was not the first person he pulled his gun on. So was the last person black?

It has never been proven that drejka ever pulled his gun on anyone before...which is irrelevant anyhow.....just heresay crap from some teens who thought it was cute to go around flipping people off.

drejka is still alive and there is a possibility he may someday get out of prison...though a slim chance of that due to his age and health problems.

But if he does...he may seek vengance.
Of course it was. In the Interview you posted, he even talks about how police took his gun after that.

The police did not take his gun. That is why he was able to rid this world of a black thugh with a criminal history of assault.
Moron, I didn't say they didn't give it back.

He describes how he emptied it before they took it.
That remains to be seen...if he lives to get out of prison and what he does then?

However, for the black thug with a criminal history of assault...drejka was definitely the last person he will ever assault.

Drejka did society a huge favor....removing from the midst of decent folks a violent thug who no doubt would have continued to express his proclivity for violence in various and sundry ways.
That doesn't remain to be seen. It already happened. McGlockton was not the first person he pulled his gun on. So was the last person black?

It has never been proven that drejka ever pulled his gun on anyone before...which is irrelevant anyhow.....just heresay crap from some teens who thought it was cute to go around flipping people off.

drejka is still alive and there is a possibility he may someday get out of prison...though a slim chance of that due to his age and health problems.

But if he does...he may seek vengance.
Of course it was. In the Interview you posted, he even talks about how police took his gun after that.

The police did not take his gun. That is why he was able to rid this world of a black thugh with a criminal history of assault.
Moron, I didn't say they didn't give it back.

He describes how he emptied it before they took it.

bwaaaaaaaaaaa dumb-ass ---examining the weapon is not taking it.
That doesn't remain to be seen. It already happened. McGlockton was not the first person he pulled his gun on. So was the last person black?

It has never been proven that drejka ever pulled his gun on anyone before...which is irrelevant anyhow.....just heresay crap from some teens who thought it was cute to go around flipping people off.

drejka is still alive and there is a possibility he may someday get out of prison...though a slim chance of that due to his age and health problems.

But if he does...he may seek vengance.
Of course it was. In the Interview you posted, he even talks about how police took his gun after that.

The police did not take his gun. That is why he was able to rid this world of a black thugh with a criminal history of assault.
Moron, I didn't say they didn't give it back.

He describes how he emptied it before they took it.

bwaaaaaaaaaaa dumb-ass ---examining the weapon is not taking it.
Call it what you want. They took it after he pulled it on someone... was that person black?

It has never been proven that drejka ever pulled his gun on anyone before...which is irrelevant anyhow.....just heresay crap from some teens who thought it was cute to go around flipping people off.

drejka is still alive and there is a possibility he may someday get out of prison...though a slim chance of that due to his age and health problems.

But if he does...he may seek vengance.
Of course it was. In the Interview you posted, he even talks about how police took his gun after that.

The police did not take his gun. That is why he was able to rid this world of a black thugh with a criminal history of assault.
Moron, I didn't say they didn't give it back.

He describes how he emptied it before they took it.

bwaaaaaaaaaaa dumb-ass ---examining the weapon is not taking it.
Call it what you want. They took it after he pulled it on someone... was that person black?

You need to use the correct terminolgy....they just looked at it after some juvenile delinquents claimed he waved a gun at them from his car after they flipped him off.

just proof he did what they claimed...he was not arrested.

You also are attempting to portray him as a racist when there is nothing in his history to indicate that.

He grew up in Delaware....they do not have enough blacks there for anyone to learn to be racist about.

His cluelessness regarding Africans is a big reason he is where he is today.

He did not know you cannot have a logical conversation with a hyped up Negroid Woman who hates white folks.

If he had been racist...he would not have bothered to try and tell a Negro woman that she should not be parking in a handicap spot...he would have understood that such are too ignorant to try and communicate with. He would have just walked away.
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Of course it was. In the Interview you posted, he even talks about how police took his gun after that.

The police did not take his gun. That is why he was able to rid this world of a black thugh with a criminal history of assault.
Moron, I didn't say they didn't give it back.

He describes how he emptied it before they took it.

bwaaaaaaaaaaa dumb-ass ---examining the weapon is not taking it.
Call it what you want. They took it after he pulled it on someone... was that person black?

You need to use the correct terminolgy....they just looked at it after some juvenile delinquents claimed he waved a gun at them from his car after they flipped him off.

just proof he did what they claimed...he was not arrested.

You also are attempting to portray him as a racist when there is nothing in his history to indicate that.

He grew up in Delaware....they do not have enough blacks there for anyone to learn to be racist about.

His cluelessness regarding Africans is a big reason he is where he is today.

He did not know you cannot have a logical conversation with a hyped up Negroid Woman who hates white folks.

If he had been racist...he would not have bothered to try and tell a Negro woman that she should not be parking in a handicap spot...he would have understood that such are too ignorant to try and communicate with. He would have just walked away.
How is asking you if they were black painting him as a racist? I'm measuring your racism, not his.

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