Convenient store stand-your-ground shooter charged

Yep. Liberals say he backed away. He backed away MAYBE A FOOT. He had just knocked that old man to the ground and was still facing him. 3 seconds later he gets hot lead in his chest.

Stand your ground buddy.

3 seconds is a long time
The victim is six feet away and backing away

Once the gun was drawn, he was no longer being threatened

Horse think 6' is a far distance bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa some monkeys arms are dat long boyo hehheh Here is how the 3 secs. thingie woiks second to draw the weapon, two sec to aim and fire. and the perp runs...threat ended. got dat?

The gun was already drawn
The bullet takes a split second to travel six feet
You know your views on so-called racism makes that word racist meaningless?

Show me a stand your ground case with a black man standing his ground against a white man
Marissa Alexander case - Wikipedia Black woman.
20 year sentence for firing a warning shot

In Florida, you better make sure you kill them

No one has been sentenced and no one will be....these commentators on here that think that were the same ones who thought Z would get convicted. They just do not know the law. The only way either Z or this guy in clearwater could be convicted is if the jury chooses to ignore the law on self defense like Florida has done now twice...bowing to political pressure. Again....this case in Clearwater just like the Z affair is nothing more than a show trial to appease the media .
We shall see

The jurors will have to put themselves in the shooters position and ask if they would have opened fire

The jurors have one task and one task decide if the shooter was in reasonable fear of his life? No reasonable person can say he was not. He had been knocked to the ground and if he had not been able to use deadly force he would have been at the mercy of his attacker and no one knows what the black man would have done. He had a history of assault and battery.

Show me a stand your ground case with a black man standing his ground against a white man
Marissa Alexander case - Wikipedia Black woman.
20 year sentence for firing a warning shot

In Florida, you better make sure you kill them

No one has been sentenced and no one will be....these commentators on here that think that were the same ones who thought Z would get convicted. They just do not know the law. The only way either Z or this guy in clearwater could be convicted is if the jury chooses to ignore the law on self defense like Florida has done now twice...bowing to political pressure. Again....this case in Clearwater just like the Z affair is nothing more than a show trial to appease the media .
We shall see

The jurors will have to put themselves in the shooters position and ask if they would have opened fire

The defense legal team will have a field day with this one. The State of Florida will once again be embarassed....bringing charges against a obviously innocent man who was forced to defend himself with deadly force as was his legal right.
He was not forced to defend himself

Once the gun was drawn, he was in control of the situation

Show me a stand your ground case with a black man standing his ground against a white man
Marissa Alexander case - Wikipedia Black woman.
20 year sentence for firing a warning shot

In Florida, you better make sure you kill them

No one has been sentenced and no one will be....these commentators on here that think that were the same ones who thought Z would get convicted. They just do not know the law. The only way either Z or this guy in clearwater could be convicted is if the jury chooses to ignore the law on self defense like Florida has done now twice...bowing to political pressure. Again....this case in Clearwater just like the Z affair is nothing more than a show trial to appease the media .
We shall see

The jurors will have to put themselves in the shooters position and ask if they would have opened fire

The jurors have one task and one task decide if the shooter was in reasonable fear of his life? No reasonable person can say he was not. He had been knocked to the ground and if he had not been able to use deadly force he would have been at the mercy of his attacker and no one knows what the black man would have done. He had a history of assault and battery.
Very true

Is it reasonable that a man six feet away was able to cover the distance while the gun was drawn on him?

At what time does the man on the ground have control of the confrontation?
This has nothing to do with legal has to do with politically correct aspects only.

Ya'll just don't get it do you?

If a BLACK man hits or shoves a WHITE man, for any reason, there is no every situation, the white guy DESERVES the abuse ,the black man is justified.
It's all part of reparations ya know.

Now, if a white man so much as calls a black man a ******, the white man may be shot dead on the spot. No trial needed. Justice served.

However, there is no situation in which a white guy can defend himself against a black guy. Totally PC and unacceptable. See above.

It is all about preserving the myth of black victimhood....why is that so important that they would lynch a innocent man in order to preserve the myth?....simply because billions of dollars are at stake....all the handout programs to the blacks is based on the myth that they are victims of white racism.
This has nothing to do with legal has to do with politically correct aspects only.

Ya'll just don't get it do you?

If a BLACK man hits or shoves a WHITE man, for any reason, there is no every situation, the white guy DESERVES the abuse ,the black man is justified.
It's all part of reparations ya know.

Now, if a white man so much as calls a black man a ******, the white man may be shot dead on the spot. No trial needed. Justice served.

However, there is no situation in which a white guy can defend himself against a black guy. Totally PC and unacceptable. See above.

It is all about preserving the myth of black victimhood....why is that so important that they would lynch a innocent man in order to preserve the myth?....simply because billions of dollars are at stake....all the handout programs to the blacks is based on the myth that they are victims of white racism.
20 year sentence for firing a warning shot

In Florida, you better make sure you kill them

No one has been sentenced and no one will be....these commentators on here that think that were the same ones who thought Z would get convicted. They just do not know the law. The only way either Z or this guy in clearwater could be convicted is if the jury chooses to ignore the law on self defense like Florida has done now twice...bowing to political pressure. Again....this case in Clearwater just like the Z affair is nothing more than a show trial to appease the media .
We shall see

The jurors will have to put themselves in the shooters position and ask if they would have opened fire

The jurors have one task and one task decide if the shooter was in reasonable fear of his life? No reasonable person can say he was not. He had been knocked to the ground and if he had not been able to use deadly force he would have been at the mercy of his attacker and no one knows what the black man would have done. He had a history of assault and battery.
Very true

Is it reasonable that a man six feet away was able to cover the distance while the gun was drawn on him?

At what time does the man on the ground have control of the confrontation?

He never had control until the perp was shot. Just waving a gun around does not automatically grant control. Many cases have proven that. Pulling a gun on some folks makes them even angrier and more violent. Oh you can claim and many do that the black guy was done the moment the gun came into view....perhaps or perhaps not...would a reasonable person be willing to bet their life on that? Some might but the the critical fact in this case is did the shooter believe his life was in danger or (many overlook this) did he fear he was in danger of grievious bodily harm...either one enables a person to legally use deadly force from preventing either from happening.
The difference between manslaughter and murder is the intention to kill. Drejka clearly intended to kill. But the state lost the Zimmerman case to a 2nd degree murder charge and didn’t want to overcharge Drejka.

Nonsense....if he intended to kill he would have shot him at least twice....he just wanted to protect his life. after the black guy got shot he took off running....threat was then over.
Bullshit. You aim and shoot someone in the chest and you are attempting to kill them. One shot is all it takes.

Which is why cops often empty their magazines. One good shot, maybe. A bunch, for sure.

The guideline if you really want to kill someone is what is called a 'double tap'

The key is to be sure before you fire the first shot

You have just been knocked to the ground...what can you be sure of? Absolutely be sure of anything he would have to be able to predict what someone who had knocked him to the ground would do next? Maybe a psychic could do that? What the white guy knew was that he was in fear of his life and thus he did what he felt like he had to do...which is perfectly legal under the law of self defense.

Also, the stand your ground law is not applicable in this case. He was on the ground and in no position to flee.
If they had chosen to convict Zimmerman of manslaughter, this guy would probably have gotten the message and known better not to confront people while armed. The other guy would still be alive.

The real lesson in this episode is never assault anyone. Yet the black guy did that twice. In the first case he was arrested for assault and battery but the case for some reason was dropped and thus he got away with the first one...did that embolden him to do it certainly did not make him hesitate in this case. He rushed out of the store and knocked the guy down without even bothering to try and figure out what was going on. Very stupid and he paid the price.
According to Florida law McGlockton commited a battery offense at the time he pushed Drejka.

- Battery Under Florida Law:

1. Any actual and intentional touching or striking of another person against that person’s will (non-consensual), or
2. The intentional causing of bodily harm to another person.

However, the question is does Drejka's reaction fall under "Stand Your Ground".

- A stand-your-ground law (sometimes called "line in the sand" or "no duty to retreat" law) is a justification in a criminal case, whereby defendants can "stand their ground" and use force without retreating, in order to protect and defend themselves or others against threats or perceived threats. An example is where there is no duty to retreat from any place where they have a lawful right to be, and that they may use any level of force if they reasonably believe the threat rises to the level of being an imminent and immediate threat of serious bodily harm and/or death. In Dawkins v. State the court describes "[T]he 'stand your ground' law... provide that a person has a right to expect absolute safety in a place they have a right to be, and may use deadly force to repel an intruder... for a person to be justified in using deadly force, the person must not be 'engaged in unlawful activity".[1]

My personal opinion... Drejka should be in jail for what he did. Based on the video his life didn't appear to be in danger and it didn't look like McGlockton intended serious bodily harm. It depends on how well a lawyer can argue and convince a jury of Stand Your Ground. But I would also argue that Drejka created the situation by confronting McGlockton and his family over a parking spot.

Absolute nonsense. You have no analytical ability whatsoever. Now perhaps you are just letting your bias overrule any common sense you might have but either are in error.

First of all you have the benefit of hind-sight which is always 20/20 but in real life the white fellow was on the ground and at the mercy of his attacker. A swift kick to the head could have killed him or given him brain damage. Many cases of people being beaten to death and often with no good reason. Those violently inclined often get a high from causing bodily harm and there is no real reason to belive he would have stopped his assault other than the fact the white guy whipped out a pistol. Geez what a shock that must have been...I almost feel sorry for the guy. Then he gets shot....his last though was probably something like this: damn that guy looked so harmless.

Show me a stand your ground case with a black man standing his ground against a white man
Junk Bonds, not Junk Laws!

Any gang member can Stand His Ground on his own turf.

They do it all the time

Any confrontation in which someone is armed can meet the standard of stand your ground
this guy is lucky the girlfriend didn't have a gun, and stand her ground against an armed Man, threatening her.

You are not onlyl a liar, you are a damned indication whatsoever the white guy was threatening the black g/f. Talking to people is not threatning.
According to the girlfriend, he was not just “talking,” he was yelling and cursing.

The g/f is what is known as a 'prejudicial witness' despite the fact that blacks are known never to lie. yeh right. hehheh

Anyhow there are more credible reports that say the black woman is the one who went ballistic. But in reality it makes no crime to yell, scream or curse.
You think blacks would learn to stop attacking innocent whites after the Travvy incident. But now we have 2 thugs as worm food.

Works for me!
20 year sentence for firing a warning shot

In Florida, you better make sure you kill them

No one has been sentenced and no one will be....these commentators on here that think that were the same ones who thought Z would get convicted. They just do not know the law. The only way either Z or this guy in clearwater could be convicted is if the jury chooses to ignore the law on self defense like Florida has done now twice...bowing to political pressure. Again....this case in Clearwater just like the Z affair is nothing more than a show trial to appease the media .
We shall see

The jurors will have to put themselves in the shooters position and ask if they would have opened fire

The jurors have one task and one task decide if the shooter was in reasonable fear of his life? No reasonable person can say he was not. He had been knocked to the ground and if he had not been able to use deadly force he would have been at the mercy of his attacker and no one knows what the black man would have done. He had a history of assault and battery.
Very true

Is it reasonable that a man six feet away was able to cover the distance while the gun was drawn on him?

At what time does the man on the ground have control of the confrontation?

He never had control until the perp was shot. Just waving a gun around does not automatically grant control. Many cases have proven that. Pulling a gun on some folks makes them even angrier and more violent. Oh you can claim and many do that the black guy was done the moment the gun came into view....perhaps or perhaps not...would a reasonable person be willing to bet their life on that? Some might but the the critical fact in this case is did the shooter believe his life was in danger or (many overlook this) did he fear he was in danger of grievious bodily harm...either one enables a person to legally use deadly force from preventing either from happening. I get it
You can’t have control until the other guy is dead

Gotta kill him to be sure
Junk Bonds, not Junk Laws!

Any gang member can Stand His Ground on his own turf.

They do it all the time

Any confrontation in which someone is armed can meet the standard of stand your ground
this guy is lucky the girlfriend didn't have a gun, and stand her ground against an armed Man, threatening her.

You are not onlyl a liar, you are a damned indication whatsoever the white guy was threatening the black g/f. Talking to people is not threatning.
According to the girlfriend, he was not just “talking,” he was yelling and cursing.

The g/f is what is known as a 'prejudicial witness' despite the fact that blacks are known never to lie. yeh right. hehheh

Anyhow there are more credible reports that say the black woman is the one who went ballistic. But in reality it makes no crime to yell, scream or curse.
What credible reports?
No one has been sentenced and no one will be....these commentators on here that think that were the same ones who thought Z would get convicted. They just do not know the law. The only way either Z or this guy in clearwater could be convicted is if the jury chooses to ignore the law on self defense like Florida has done now twice...bowing to political pressure. Again....this case in Clearwater just like the Z affair is nothing more than a show trial to appease the media .
We shall see

The jurors will have to put themselves in the shooters position and ask if they would have opened fire

The jurors have one task and one task decide if the shooter was in reasonable fear of his life? No reasonable person can say he was not. He had been knocked to the ground and if he had not been able to use deadly force he would have been at the mercy of his attacker and no one knows what the black man would have done. He had a history of assault and battery.
Very true

Is it reasonable that a man six feet away was able to cover the distance while the gun was drawn on him?

At what time does the man on the ground have control of the confrontation?

He never had control until the perp was shot. Just waving a gun around does not automatically grant control. Many cases have proven that. Pulling a gun on some folks makes them even angrier and more violent. Oh you can claim and many do that the black guy was done the moment the gun came into view....perhaps or perhaps not...would a reasonable person be willing to bet their life on that? Some might but the the critical fact in this case is did the shooter believe his life was in danger or (many overlook this) did he fear he was in danger of grievious bodily harm...either one enables a person to legally use deadly force from preventing either from happening. I get it
You can’t have control until the other guy is dead

Gotta kill him to be sure

The law of self defense which all states have and it is very similar in just about every state allows a person who is in reasonable fear of their life or of great bodily harm to use deadly force. Now why do you think so many states have this law that justifies the use of deadly force? you believe everyone has the right to defend themselves?

I do not know where you got this term 'control' from. The law of self defense says nothing about control. However you come up with this term as in why do you use it is not applicable or relevant to the law of self defense.

I think your problem is either you do not believe in the law of self defense and or you do not even believe folks have the right to defend themselves or some combination therof. It could be you just do not believe in the use of deadly force in any situation. Or, perhaps you simply cannot empathize with someone whose life is in danger?

Let me put it to you bluntly....if you were in a situation where you believed your life was in danger or you believed you might suffer grievious bodily harm....would you use deadly force?
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McGlockton's approach cost him his life, his generation lacks communication skills, to say the least. He should have tried to communicate with Drejka first, instead he escalated the issue with violence. Drejka has no business with CHL and this is what happens when someone is carrying and thinks he's the law. His life was not in danger, nor was he experiencing extreme bodily harm.

Both acted wrong, in the end the Stand Your Ground Law will more than likely protect the shooter, but he has to live with it the rest of his life...
McGlockton's approach cost him his life, his generation lacks communication skills, to say the least. He should have tried to communicate with Drejka first, instead he escalated the issue with violence. Drejka has no business with CHL and this is what happens when someone is carrying and thinks he's the law. His life was not in danger, nor was he experiencing extreme bodily harm.

Both acted wrong, in the end the Stand Your Ground Law will more than likely protect the shooter, but he has to live with it the rest of his life...

How easy it is for some sitting in the comfort of their home watching a video of a guy being assaulted to say 'oh his life was not in danger'. You do not know that as in you do not know nor does anyone else know what might have happened as in-- what the black guy might have done if he had not got shot. Then you go on and say 'this is what happens when someone is carrying and thinks he is the law.' Pure speculation on your part as in you have no idea what Drejka thought or what he thinks.

Then you further demonstrate your ignorance of the law by saying 'nor was he experiencing extreme bodily harm' laughable. What you need to do is to look up the law on self defense in florida before coming on here and demonstrating your ignorance.


Pretty damned simply but you somehow seem to be unable to understand that.....geez where do these ignorants come from? This board is saturated with them.
McGlockton's approach cost him his life, his generation lacks communication skills, to say the least. He should have tried to communicate with Drejka first, instead he escalated the issue with violence. Drejka has no business with CHL and this is what happens when someone is carrying and thinks he's the law. His life was not in danger, nor was he experiencing extreme bodily harm.

Both acted wrong, in the end the Stand Your Ground Law will more than likely protect the shooter, but he has to live with it the rest of his life...

How easy it is for some sitting in the comfort of their home watching a video of a guy being assaulted to say 'oh his life was not in danger'. You do not know that as in you do not know nor does anyone else know what might have happened as in-- what the black guy might have done if he had not got shot. Then you go on and say 'this is what happens when someone is carrying and thinks he is the law.' Pure speculation on your part as in you have no idea what Drejka thought or what he thinks.

Then you further demonstrate your ignorance of the law by saying 'nor was he experiencing extreme bodily harm' laughable. What you need to do is to look up the law on self defense in florida before coming on here and demonstrating your ignorance.


Pretty damned simply but you somehow seem to be unable to understand that.....geez where do these ignorants come from? This board is saturated with them.

Mac TheKnife, a legend in his own mind...

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