Cool idea....

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Originally posted by acludem
I don't hear Kerry calling for end to the War on Drugs, Jim, do you? I sure wish he would, but he won't. As for the rest, of course I'm going to agree with Kerry, I'm a Democrat.


Believe it or not, I also support the end to the drug wars, we just will never be able to win.

God bless America and our good President!
Originally posted by acludem
I don't hear Kerry calling for end to the War on Drugs, Jim, do you? I sure wish he would, but he won't. As for the rest, of course I'm going to agree with Kerry, I'm a Democrat.

No, I don't. When Kerry speaks I hear "Blah Blah Blah" - just like when I read your posts!

So tell me, you going to come back to the other thread and claim Bush appointed all the 9/11 commissioners again, and make yourself look stupid again?
Originally posted by Hobbit
If I were president...

1) Promote whoever had the idea of blasting heavy metal and insults at the Iraqi insurgents.

2) Tell the average Iraqi citizens to help us clean out their country before we just decide to start drafting them into their military.

3) Impose federal laws protecting the integrity of news sources. IOW, make laws that would fine acredited news sources for lying and such.

4) Begin impeachment proceedings against all activist judges.

5) Begin impeachment proceedings for all judges who attempt to bypass minimum sentencing laws.

6) Put federal restrictions on grade school indoctrination (i.e. the heavy environmentalist hippy crap my generation had to put up with)

7) Close up the seive that is the Mexican border until Ziploc would be jealous, then tell the Mexican government that every citizen who steps one toe over the border will be shot on sight.

8) Do the same to Canada until they actually show a little responsibility towards terrorism.

9) Prohibit any governmental candidate from recieving campaign donations. All campaign funds will come from the government, giving an equal playing field. All media outlets that are not paid for by the candidates must give each candidate equal representation if requested.

10) Throw Gavin Newsom in jail.

11) Impose a federal prohibition on the rights of criminals to sue for injuries sustained during the commission of a crime.

12) Tell the U.N. they can cram their policies until they figure out that we're sovreign over our own nation.

13) Withdraw all of our troops and opinions from those who state that they do not want them. Then withdraw our support as well and use the funds to pay off the national debt.

14) Strategically place buckets of pig lard around every airplane flying to or from a U.S. city, and make sure that at least one is visible from every seat.

15) Tell special interest groups to !@#$ off.

16) Impose absolute federal limits on drawing welfare unless you are physically unable to do anything that you can be paid for.

17) Tell minorities to get their own jobs and money and that if they don't get them, it's not because they're a minority, it's because they suck.

18) All people who make statements directly against America, rather than just the current administration, will be deported to a country determined by previous behavior. e.g. Those showing support for Hamas will be deported to the West Bank. Those showing support for Al-Qaida will be deported to a hole in the ground in Afghanistan until they are shot for being a terrorist. Michael Moore will be deported to France. Jane Fonda will be deported to Vietnam.

19) Poor people who complain will be given a well-paying job and appropriate clothes. If they can't cut it, then they can't say they weren't given a fair shot and should shut up.

20) The court system will be redesigned around the revolutionary new concept of prosecuting criminals and sorting them out from the innocent, rather than the current model based around political statements.

21) Atheism would be removed as a state-sponsored religion. No religion would be taught, but all would be allowed to be heard.

Ok, there's my presidency so far.

MOST OF YOUR POLICIES ROCK! However, throwing Gavin Newsome in jail will only make him a marytar, de DON'T want that. Also, this nation's Christians roots and traditions must be protected at ALL costs. Those are my only problems with your list. Everything else is great.

God bless America and our good President!
Originally posted by acludem
Oh, let me a couple of things to my list, I would repeal all minimum sentencing guidelines and begin impeachment proceedings against all right-wing conservative activist judges who try and circumvent the Constitution, so we would need three new Supreme Court justices because Scalia, Thomas and Rehnquist would all be gone. Also, I would remove "under God" from the pledge of allegience, and "In God We Trust" from all currency because it is both unconstitutional and sacriligious.



God bless America and our good President!
Originally posted by Gop guy
MOST OF YOUR POLICIES ROCK! However, throwing Gavin Newsome in jail will only make him a marytar, de DON'T want that. Also, this nation's Christians roots and traditions must be protected at ALL costs. Those are my only problems with your list. Everything else is great.

God bless America and our good President!

Still, it's better than letting Newsom just get away with it. As for the traditional values, I'm all for protecting that, which is why I'm for eliminating state-sponsored atheism. I just didn't list anything specific up there.
Originally posted by Hobbit
Still, it's better than letting Newsom just get away with it. As for the traditional values, I'm all for protecting that, which is why I'm for eliminating state-sponsored atheism. I just didn't list anything specific up there.

Oh ok
How would i do things...Good question.

1)Start making preparations for Iran and Syria.

2)Cut taxes on gas and promote oil exploration in the United States.

3)Fight for judges who interpret the Constitution as its written

4)Annex Mexico, create about 20 more states from it. thereby ending the illegal immigration problem and making our southern boarder much smaller and easier to guard and allowing businesses more oportunities for investment.

5)Pull any and all support for a Palestinian state until they stop using terrorism and let Israel off its leash with full permission to annex the land terrorism doesnt end.

6)Do an audit of the federal government. Senator Daschle says there is tons of money in the budget that he doesnt know where it goes to, well i want to find out and then use to build up the military and fix the education program. and then give the rest back to the people. God only asks us to volenteer 10% there is no way in hell the government should be demanding 30%.

7)Repeal McCain Feingold and put in force a campaign finance law that says anyone can donate as much as they want to anyone they want as long as there is full disclosure of who does what so if there is any corruption the people can vote the corrupters out of office rather than trying to end free speech to end corruption in politics.
Originally posted by acludem
A few things I would do as President:

1. Develop a strategy to finish our work in Iraq as quickly as possible and with the fewest casualties possible.
What do you think we're doing now?

6. Move to secure Medicare and Social Security

If you secure it the way it is now there won't be anything there when you need it.

Dude we know who you are. You don't need to sign your name....unlesss you're really.....................
Danny Krane

had to, sorry
Originally posted by Avatar4321
How would i do things...Good question.

1)Start making preparations for Iran and Syria.

2)Cut taxes on gas and promote oil exploration in the United States.

3)Fight for judges who interpret the Constitution as its written

4)Annex Mexico, create about 20 more states from it. thereby ending the illegal immigration problem and making our southern boarder much smaller and easier to guard and allowing businesses more oportunities for investment.

5)Pull any and all support for a Palestinian state until they stop using terrorism and let Israel off its leash with full permission to annex the land terrorism doesnt end.

6)Do an audit of the federal government. Senator Daschle says there is tons of money in the budget that he doesnt know where it goes to, well i want to find out and then use to build up the military and fix the education program. and then give the rest back to the people. God only asks us to volenteer 10% there is no way in hell the government should be demanding 30%.

7)Repeal McCain Feingold and put in force a campaign finance law that says anyone can donate as much as they want to anyone they want as long as there is full disclosure of who does what so if there is any corruption the people can vote the corrupters out of office rather than trying to end free speech to end corruption in politics.

Were you being for real when you said all that? If so.... I CANNOT BEGIN TO PUT INTO WORDS HOW MUCH YOU RULE!

God bless.
Originally posted by Gop guy
Were you being for real when you said all that? If so.... I CANNOT BEGIN TO PUT INTO WORDS HOW MUCH YOU RULE!

God bless.

Totally. Although I am not sure how feasible the annexation of Mexico would be. But since it seems most of them are already voting with their feet it wouldnt be too tough. just might cost alot.
We've had this discussion before, but I'll say it again. THIS IS NOT A CHRISTIAN NATION! Our founders absolutely wanted a separation of church and state. Church-state issues are exactly what led some of the first people from England to settle here. When our country was founded there were Catholics, Protestants, Jews, and even Muslims already here. It is absolutely incorrect to say that this was founded as a Christian nation. The majority of those who were involved in the formation would've told you they subscribed to some form of Christianity, but they were from many different denominations. John Adams was a Unitarian Universalist, Madison, Franklin and Jefferson were Deists, Washington was Episcopalian. There were Presbyterians, Lutherans, Methodists, and Baptists, too. They wrote a separation of Church and state into the first amendment to the Constitution, specifically prohibiting Congress from establishing a state religion. I believe they also meant to prevent Congress from endorsing any religion over another at all. Jefferson and Madison successfully fought a bill in Virginia that would've given special tax breaks to Christian clergy. Thomas Jefferson's epitaph even mentions that he was the author of Virginia's statute for religious Freedom.

This is not, has not, and I hope will never be a Christian nation. If it becomes a Christian theocracy in the tradition of Iran's Islamic Theocracy, which is exactly what people like Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell and John Ashcroft want, I'm outta here.

Dude, presbyterian, baptist, catholics, lutherans, and episcopalian are sects of Christianity.

Danny Krane
Originally posted by acludem
Our founders absolutely wanted a separation of church and state.

Why didn't they say so, then? You won't find the phrase,"Seperation of church and state" anywhere in the Constitution. You will, however, find references to being endowed by our Creator, and other theocratic horseshit like that.

Originally posted by acludem
They wrote a separation of Church and state into the first amendment to the Constitution, specifically prohibiting Congress from establishing a state religion.

They did this to protect the church from the state, not the other way around. They came here seeking freedom of religion, not freedom from religion. And they certainly didn't come here to have their religious freedoms trampled by a hateful, atheistic state.

Originally posted by acludem
If it becomes a Christian theocracy in the tradition of Iran's Islamic Theocracy, which is exactly what people like Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell and John Ashcroft want, I'm outta here.

Will you be car-pooling with Alec Baldwin?
Originally posted by Bern80
Dude, presbyterian, baptist, catholics, lutherans, and episcopalian are sects of Christianity.


Catholocism is NOT a form of Christianity.

It is pure and simple: a cult.

The catholics MAY have a relationship with Christ as scripture would dictate contrary to catholocisms teachings or practices, but catholocism as mandated and listed under their own doctrine is NOT Christianity.
The first amendment was written to protect the church from the state and vice versa. Jefferson and Madison were both dedicated to separation of church and state. In a representative democracy, in any free country, religion must be kept entirely separate from the government. Otherwise you end up with Iran. I realize to some of you, having a theocracy like Iran is an attractive proposition.

Originally posted by acludem
The first amendment was written to protect the church from the state and vice versa.

Come on, Acludem. Try to think like a founding father for a minute. From his viewpoint (incidentally, a viewpoint born of religious persecution), what conceivable harm could the church bring to the state?! Think about the entire thrust of the US Constitution. The STATE is the monster here.

Originally posted by acludem
Jefferson and Madison were both dedicated to separation of church and state. In a representative democracy, in any free country, religion must be kept entirely separate from the government. Otherwise you end up with Iran. I realize to some of you, having a theocracy like Iran is an attractive proposition.

That is nothing but baseless, unfounded fearmongering. If you truly believe that, I pity you.
Originally posted by acludem

In a representive democracy, in any free country, religion must be kept entirely separate from the government.

How? By having every vestige of religious belief hounded out of public life by a hateful, atheistic state? You'd have been a barrel of laughs at the framing of the Constitution. From whom do we derive our inalienable rights-Madeline Murray O'Hare?
In a free country, the state should remain NEUTRAL on religion. That doesn't mean atheistic, that means neutral, meaning no opinion or preference.

That is exactly what our founders intended. And what harm can a church do to the state? Have you ever heard of the Inquisition? How about the Crusades? Perhaps maybe you've heard of the Ayatollahs in Iran? All cases where church took over the state and turned it into a theocracy.

Originally posted by acludem
In a free country, the state should remain NEUTRAL on religion. That doesn't mean atheistic, that means neutral, meaning no opinion or preference.

That is exactly what our founders intended. And what harm can a church do to the state? Have you ever heard of the Inquisition? How about the Crusades? Perhaps maybe you've heard of the Ayatollahs in Iran? All cases where church took over the state and turned it into a theocracy.


Catholocism and Islam are cults, and one is an embodiment of terrorism while the other is the embodiment of ego. -Man claiming to BE God.

If you want an example in the other direction, look at Judaism and Israel. However, you are right in only 1 respect. The Constitution clearly dictates no government sponsored or sanctified religion. In other words, a judge may put a voodoo doll on his bench, or hang the Ten Commandments. That is the individual's right. The government cannot also demand either taken down. That would be infringement -forbidden under the Constitution.

BUT......As we all know, all of the documents clarify the highest authority-God, gave us the format of our governmental Constitution, and it is in Him we trust and look up to in regard to the HIGHER authority.

So while the letter of the law would dictate no religios mandate or preference or adjustment AGAINST such, the idea is that all law is to be made keeping God's will in mind.

Wether you like it or not, that is clearly scriptural, AND DOCUMENTED by wording of naming and referring to our creator in the original founding documents.
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