Cop In Chicago Shot Negro. Was It Murder?

Well, 16 shots is overkill..........but he was jacked-up on PCP and not following intructions and had a knife and was walking down a 4 lane street after breaking into I say involuntary manslaughter.

But that's just me.
I really hope the DA uses that argument because it's so easily defeated. Don't believe me?

How many shots is "reasonable" when you're in fear for your life and defending it? Let's put a number on that. 5? 6? And then if somebody is able to exercise such calculating, on the spot judgment, are they really in fear for their lives?

People in fear for their lives tend to empty the clip at the threat. There isn't enough bullets in the world.
If someone breaks into my house, I shoot until they are down. Anything after that, a homeowner can be charged in many states with murder if ballistic tests show that you continued to plug them after they are down.
Do you have any test cases for your weird theory? Ballistics don't reveal whether or not a person was still a threat even on the ground. And "many states" have Castle Doctrine laws to make it difficult for homeowners defending their homes to be charged with murder, which is why it never happens.
If someone breaks into my house, I shoot until they are down. Anything after that, a homeowner can be charged in many states with murder if ballistic tests show that you continued to plug them after they are down.
And then they pull a gun and shoot your ass?

You are another libtard, thank you for showing up.

You're welcome.

Also, not a Libtard..........just have common sense when protecting myself and don't wanna be charged with murder while doing it. But be my guest, plug away once an intruder is down if you ever have the misfortune to encounter a situation.

Thanks for responding........
Then wise up and realize that the only advantage a handgun has on a knife is range. A knife within 20 feet is more deadly than a gun, and a knockout punch within three feet is decisive.
Well, 16 shots is overkill..........but he was jacked-up on PCP and not following intructions and had a knife and was walking down a 4 lane street after breaking into I say involuntary manslaughter.

But that's just me.

The guy was a criminal with a knife. Given all of the other crimes going on in the city committed by negros, I wouldn't even call it mansalughter. I would call it doing your job.

His prior was a pot charge. BFD!
You may have seen the thing on the news yesterday where a cop in Chicago was charged with shooting down a negro about a year ago. Was it murder? Well the negro had a knife. Before the cop who shot him showed up, there were other police around. No doubt there had been many calls by the police there for the negro to drop the knife. Which the negro obviously ignored. Well when the other cop showed up and blasted him, the negro didn't ignore that. That wasn't murder. That was a cop in a virtual war zone taking out the trash. Besides, maybe the negro was just trying to commit suicide by cop. Or maybe it thought that if it survived, it could sue the city for a shitload of money because of excessive force. Just as many other negros do when they fail to obey lawful orders. What do you think.
A negro? Like you are trying to reduce a man's humanity?
If someone breaks into my house, I shoot until they are down. Anything after that, a homeowner can be charged in many states with murder if ballistic tests show that you continued to plug them after they are down.
And then they pull a gun and shoot your ass?

You are another libtard, thank you for showing up.

You're welcome.

Also, not a Libtard..........just have common sense when protecting myself and don't wanna be charged with murder while doing it. But be my guest, plug away once an intruder is down if you ever have the misfortune to encounter a situation.

Thanks for responding........
Then wise up and realize that the only advantage a handgun has on a knife is range. A knife within 20 feet is more deadly than a gun, and a knockout punch within three feet is decisive.
If, the person on the receiving end allows an open window of vulnerability...
If someone breaks into my house, I shoot until they are down. Anything after that, a homeowner can be charged in many states with murder if ballistic tests show that you continued to plug them after they are down.
And then they pull a gun and shoot your ass?

You are another libtard, thank you for showing up.

You're welcome.

Also, not a Libtard..........just have common sense when protecting myself and don't wanna be charged with murder while doing it. But be my guest, plug away once an intruder is down if you ever have the misfortune to encounter a situation.

Thanks for responding........
Then wise up and realize that the only advantage a handgun has on a knife is range. A knife within 20 feet is more deadly than a gun, and a knockout punch within three feet is decisive.

You disappoint me. I thought you were more rational than what you've been posting in this thread. I guess I was wrong.
Well, 16 shots is overkill..........but he was jacked-up on PCP and not following intructions and had a knife and was walking down a 4 lane street after breaking into I say involuntary manslaughter.

But that's just me.
I really hope the DA uses that argument because it's so easily defeated. Don't believe me?

How many shots is "reasonable" when you're in fear for your life and defending it? Let's put a number on that. 5? 6? And then if somebody is able to exercise such calculating, on the spot judgment, are they really in fear for their lives?

People in fear for their lives tend to empty the clip at the threat. There isn't enough bullets in the world.

Sorry. Only jackhole idiots who can't handle the heat empty a clip in McDonalds' circumstance. Resume your fake video 'shooter game' and please stay out of the 'real world'.
looks like the first couple of shots knocked the kid down and he was on the ground . No reason to keep plugging the kid . The kid was STOPPED and lying on the street Bucs .

What is all this "kid" shit. Inless the suspect was clearly a child, he was fair game.
17 year old is a kid , call him a kid criminal / thug and that ok with me . Call him anything you like but that's not the issue . Issue is that he was dropped and laying on the the ground after a coupla hits and that's when the shooting should have stopped because the 'kid' was STOPPED . And even stopping him with gunfire is questionable as no ones life was in danger as the 'kid' was running and veering away from the cops 'Freemind' .

This kind of thing is happening way too often. Total overkill. The cops are supposed to serve and protect us.

Maybe with all the shootings and murders that occur in Chicago each year, they figure that it's time to step up the gameplan from simply "protect and serve."
not an individual cops decision to make , heck , thats not the USA or Chicagos governments decision to make Freemind .

The negro was a criminal involved in criminal behavior. Even if he didn't have a knife, he deserved to die. He needed to be killed. I think the cop should have put in a new clip and empty that one directly into his head to make sure he was dead. Fuck those worthless monkey scum. If they don't like the way White people treat them, they don't need to be around White people. And I wish all to hell that they weren't.
Most here know I am a major supporter of LEOs, but in this case the officer stepped so far beyond the line of Justice and Decency that there can be no defense of his actions.

The only reason the officer stopped at 16 shots is that his weapon ran out of ammo. I'd be willing to bet he "dry pulled" the trigger (repeatedly pulling the trigger on an rmpty gun) several times as well.

Even IF there was a,reason to have fired (I dont believe there was), the suspect was disabled by the second or third shot. There was no need for another dozen (poorly aimed) shots

Only two things can reasonably be considered as the source of this...... Malice (the specific desire to kill) or Blood Lust (a loss of mental faculties brought on by the adrenaline rush of combat). Neither are acceptable in a LEO. If it was Malice, he's guilty of Murder 1. If it was Blood Lust, he's guilty of a slightly lesser crime.

I'm glad he's been charged with Murder 1. Niw the Jury will have a full slate of options available to them when they determine what he's guilty of.

My only regret is that cops don't carry flamethrowers. At what point do you think the cop should have stopped pulling the trigger if that were the case.
hey Freemind :afro:, I think that you are kinda crazy !! Sounds like you have no real argument and are just emotional . You just don't like black people is my guess .
If someone breaks into my house, I shoot until they are down. Anything after that, a homeowner can be charged in many states with murder if ballistic tests show that you continued to plug them after they are down.
And then they pull a gun and shoot your ass?

You are another libtard, thank you for showing up.

You're welcome.

Also, not a Libtard..........just have common sense when protecting myself and don't wanna be charged with murder while doing it. But be my guest, plug away once an intruder is down if you ever have the misfortune to encounter a situation.

Thanks for responding........
Then wise up and realize that the only advantage a handgun has on a knife is range. A knife within 20 feet is more deadly than a gun, and a knockout punch within three feet is decisive.

You disappoint me. I thought you were more rational than what you've been posting in this thread. I guess I was wrong.
It also matters which shots were fatal. The first couple...or the follow ups. If first shots killed probably won't stick as murder because the first shots might be justified. Barely. But in court who knows.
There is no way even the first shots can be justified. The only hope vanDyke has is a temporary insanity plea. The sixteen shots could do it for him.

In my opinion he is a latent psycho who went completely out of control. I can't think of another way for a 12+ year veteran cop to unload that way. I think his level of pathological racial hatred had reached the boiling point and he went off. Started shooting and couldn't stop.

Couldn't stop? Who would want to! Police there are basically in a war zone. And they are basically soldiers in that war zone. If anybody is crazy, it is those who put them into such a position and expect them to behave like a psychoanalyst and treat the criminal like a patient lying on a couch. Or maybe we could just give every negro in the U.S. 100 million dollars. That way they would be wealthy enough to not need to commit criminal acts.
I'll say it again, I think the officer is wrong here. If they were going to shoot the guy for "imminent threat" then they should have done it when he slashed the tires on the police SUV and smashed the windshield with his knife. They did not, the only one to shoot was the guy that drove up, jumped out of his car, and unloaded on the guy. Bad shoot imo.
You may have seen the thing on the news yesterday where a cop in Chicago was charged with shooting down a negro about a year ago. Was it murder? Well the negro had a knife. Before the cop who shot him showed up, there were other police around. No doubt there had been many calls by the police there for the negro to drop the knife. Which the negro obviously ignored. Well when the other cop showed up and blasted him, the negro didn't ignore that. That wasn't murder. That was a cop in a virtual war zone taking out the trash. Besides, maybe the negro was just trying to commit suicide by cop. Or maybe it thought that if it survived, it could sue the city for a shitload of money because of excessive force. Just as many other negros do when they fail to obey lawful orders. What do you think.
Or maybe he was a sick mentally ill vet with PTSD. Or on a bad trip. We as a society say that's excessive force and murder.

Do we want to change the rules where that isn't excessive? Take a poll. No, I will.

In too many instances to mention, negros have refused to obey legitimate orders by police officers. Then the police have to use force. Under such circumstances, negros have far too often sued the police for excessive force and won. Maybe that's what this negro was up to. Which if it was, at least he won't be spending any of the money. But his worthless monkey family probably will be. For any males in it, they will probably have enough money to date a white girl.
looked to me that the kid tried to avoid the cops as he was running but was also veering away from the cops . After the first couple of hits out of 16 hits the kid was on the ground so he was STOPPED and didn't deserve more slugs because he was NO danger to anyone . Don't know if its murder but sure looked like murder to me .
Hand in pocket concealing a gun. You don't stop shooting. Matters not if he was down. Cop will walk with Chicago jury of his peers. Residents afraid to be in the southside.

If they can let OJ go, they can let the cop go.
Give the psycho a year in maximum security's general population, with "BAD COP" tattooed on his face. Problem solved.

Why would you want a White person to go to a mostly negro populated prison and be treated the same as other White people in there probably are. Just for shooting a criminal? Maybe if cops started doing that more, there would be fewer people taking the criminal path.
The dead kid was high on PCP. He had it coming anyway.

If the negro was a kid, he apparently didn't look like one. Maybe the cop should have checked his ID before he shot him. That is what most people around here seem to think. I think the cop behaved correctly. Given all the various circumstances. Also, I never heard that he was high on PCP. In my younger years, I had taken PCP qiute a few times. I never even came close to acting like that.
Well, 16 shots is overkill..........but he was jacked-up on PCP and not following intructions and had a knife and was walking down a 4 lane street after breaking into I say involuntary manslaughter.

But that's just me.
I really hope the DA uses that argument because it's so easily defeated. Don't believe me?

How many shots is "reasonable" when you're in fear for your life and defending it? Let's put a number on that. 5? 6? And then if somebody is able to exercise such calculating, on the spot judgment, are they really in fear for their lives?

People in fear for their lives tend to empty the clip at the threat. There isn't enough bullets in the world.

Sorry. Only jackhole idiots who can't handle the heat empty a clip in McDonalds' circumstance. Resume your fake video 'shooter game' and please stay out of the 'real world'.
You're an idiot.

Between the two of us, I was actually a cop. I'll end as I began.

You're an idiot.
You may have seen the thing on the news yesterday where a cop in Chicago was charged with shooting down a negro about a year ago. Was it murder? Well the negro had a knife. Before the cop who shot him showed up, there were other police around. No doubt there had been many calls by the police there for the negro to drop the knife. Which the negro obviously ignored. Well when the other cop showed up and blasted him, the negro didn't ignore that. That wasn't murder. That was a cop in a virtual war zone taking out the trash. Besides, maybe the negro was just trying to commit suicide by cop. Or maybe it thought that if it survived, it could sue the city for a shitload of money because of excessive force. Just as many other negros do when they fail to obey lawful orders. What do you think.
A negro? Like you are trying to reduce a man's humanity?
Why is it you equate being a negro with being less than human? You should get some help for your irrational, racist bigotry.

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