Cop refuses to work Gay Pride parade

Why should people relax? Lets see what faggots are doing

1. Destroying the very definition of marriage or at least trying to
2.Destroying privately owned businesses who refuse to follow the degenerates sick line of thinking
3.Using propaganda to infiltrate media,politics,education and are brainwashing an entire generation of school children into believing this filth is normal and OK

Give me 1 good reason why WE should stick with legal means when the ballot box and the judicial system have already been destroyed and aren't working...not a lot left to do. Either LET them destroy families and an entire generation of children OR fight back. They want to make a big scene down here in the south,go ahead but remember we fought against kids being forced into integrated jungles called public schools and we will fight back against this filth being introduced in schools,churches,courthouses,private businesses as well. We are the land of the Klan and don't take kindly to scum and filth trying to destroy a nice place. Step on us while we are down thinking you have won will be a very very stupid mistake...kicking mud in people's face and flaunting your filthy mental disease is not a good way to make people accept you.

Well, that's the point, isn't it? To understand the way America is today, you only have to understand the "rule of law". We are not being subjucated by guns and storm troopers - no. We are being made slaves to "the law" that is being bent and twisted to suit these "attorneys" who were educated by communist pigs.

They seek to "turn" the country by using their perverted ideas into "law" that they then flaunt those "laws" in our faces. It's a revolution - without firing a shot.

That's why when you hear that goofy fuck C.Clayton Jones tell us about the "law" remember, he is telling us about our 'chains". It's wonderful for him to state that we "simply need to change the law" but he laughs at that prospect. WE, the PEOPLE, are no longer in the process - we are victims of the "process".

How many times have the people of Kalifornia voted AGAINST gay marriage? 5? 6? yet some asshole "judge" decides that by "using the LAW" he can nullify the will of the "People" in favor of a small group of perverts. THAT, my friend is slavery.

Welcome to the "Brave New World" Rosebud. . Isn't it great?? :cuckoo:
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