Cop refuses to work Gay Pride parade

Drive a tank through the parade? Whoa, whoa, whoa! Look, I don't like homos much myself..but come on now. If you are tired of the gay agenda, then we need to work against it by legal means & peaceful means. And in the end they are human beings, mentally ill human beings, but human beings nonetheless.

You folks sound just as mentally sick as the homos you're talking about.

I just defended gays.....I feel dirty.
Drive a tank through the parade? Whoa, whoa, whoa! Look, I don't like homos much myself..but come on now. If you are tired of the gay agenda, then we need to work against it by legal means & peaceful means. And in the end they are human beings, mentally ill human beings, but human beings nonetheless.

You folks sound just as mentally sick as the homos you're talking about.

I just defended gays.....I feel dirty.

Avoid James Baldwin, you would not enjoy his work as do I.
Drive a tank through the parade? Whoa, whoa, whoa! Look, I don't like homos much myself..but come on now. If you are tired of the gay agenda, then we need to work against it by legal means & peaceful means. And in the end they are human beings, mentally ill human beings, but human beings nonetheless.

You folks sound just as mentally sick as the homos you're talking about.

I just defended gays.....I feel dirty.

When those that are intent on destroying your family and way of life you fight back with all means. So far the ballot box has been taken from us...not much left to means are being used up quite fast as well.

They are not hurting you, so suck it up and get on with your life.
Tank is to damn slow...need something faster once the first few dozen are taken out they will scatter.

It is nice to know how much you hate your fellow human beings.
I hate most people. You will get over it. Or cry about it. Of no concern to me.

When those that are intent on destroying your family and way of life you fight back with all means. So far the ballot box has been taken from us...not much left to means are being used up quite fast as well.

They are not hurting you, so suck it up and get on with your life.

Actually they are hurting the entire country. They are pushing their propaganda on school children getting their "lifestyle" taught in schools and taught as it being normal. They should ALL be locked away in mental health facilities and given the treatment they need. Not allowed to walk around holding parades half naked and in some cases naked with children around or allowed to clog up the system with idiotic lawsuits to "marry" when they can already marry. Marriage is 1 man and 1 woman no one is stopping them from marrying.
Relax, it's going to be national very soon. It's moving like lightening.
You know, it's really sad that there has to be people who feel that they are so much more superior than others. That they can, in effect, even vote against minority citizens where it concerns their human and civil rights and that is just plain WRONG as many have espoused! For people who do not understand or even try to understand the strife, scorn, hate, intolerance, prejudice, and discrimination these folks go through daily and to be a public servant on top of that and refuse to work at a parade just because it involves LGBT citizens is simply Outrageous!

If, on the other hand, it could be proven that Gay and Lesbian citizens do not work, do not pay their taxes, do not vote, do not have or adopt children and raise them then there might be a conversation but under the circumstances they do all of those things and even more. And they are far more compassionate than their straight counterparts could ever be. And surely homophobes do not think for a moment that anyone who is Gay or Lesbian would simply choose to be that way and be subjected to unmerciful scorn and hate by those who think themselves superior to them, do they? Surely not, on the other hand, what we are seeing surely makes one believe differently doesn't it. Homophobia, unfortunately, is still alive and well and the proof of the pudding is in the eating as you can plainly see from these discussions. It is Shameful To Discriminate Against Others. Simply Shameful!
Drive a tank through the parade? Whoa, whoa, whoa! Look, I don't like homos much myself..but come on now. If you are tired of the gay agenda, then we need to work against it by legal means & peaceful means. And in the end they are human beings, mentally ill human beings, but human beings nonetheless.

You folks sound just as mentally sick as the homos you're talking about.

I just defended gays.....I feel dirty.

Look at that! A nutter issues a false equivalence. That never happens!
[quoted=MaryL;9230607]We have sooo much freedom in this country, we can't can't exercise it for fear we might offend the fleeting staus quo.

Really. What freedom can't you exercise?

Let say this...questioning this whole homosexual rights thing, is met with with such vitriol, it is daunting.You knew what I meant, so don't play that game.

So none. You can't actually come up with a freedom you can't exercise.

Nobody has taken away your right to be a homophobic bigot. You still can. You won't get jailed for it. Other people CAN take umbrage with things you say or the campaigns you contribute to and you may have to suffer the non government consequences of being a bigoted jerk. Good.
Officer says he didn't refuse to work pride parade

As I figured police department is lying about what REALLY happened. I hope he sues the sons of bitches for slander.

How can stating he refused to work at a GAY pride parade be slander if gay Americans are as perverted as you claim? Oh, first he said he was fired for not leading security in front the parade, then said he "stepped down". If he resigned, no problem. :eusa_whistle:
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He was put on administrative leave for asking for a different spot in the parade..he never asked to not have the assignment so OBVIOUSLY he did follow the rules of the job. The dyke spokeswoman lied.

Obviously, no heterosexual in the US makes errors or lies. And every LE disciplined has a superior with ulterior motives. :eusa_whistle:

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