Cop refuses to work Gay Pride parade

I love how everyone who is condemning the cop knows exactly what it is he refused to do, even though there is zip out there from either side, yet they insist that everyone is innocent until proven guilty when the subject of Bowe Bergdahl comes up.

Cute. This is a philosophical discussion. Nobody here really cares about the subject police officer. For a smart sure don't catch on.

You really don't care about a fellow human being.

Good to know.
I love how everyone who is condemning the cop knows exactly what it is he refused to do, even though there is zip out there from either side, yet they insist that everyone is innocent until proven guilty when the subject of Bowe Bergdahl comes up.

Cute. This is a philosophical discussion. Nobody here really cares about the subject police officer. For a smart sure don't catch on.

You really don't care about a fellow human being.

Good to know.

I suggest that you write President Clinton and ask him what he thinks about this issue. You need some guidance.

Your country? When did this become your country? This is our country and the rest of us don't have to shut up because you don't like it. We don't have to roll over because you can't deal with people being free. You have a problem with that, then leave. Please don't let the door hit you in the ass.

Did it ever occur to you that the reason gays became so vocal is exactly what you just said? You can only push people so far and they will fight back. I suppose you think only you should be able to stand up for your freedoms. If so, go stick it where the sun don't shine.
Yes my country. Did faggots settle this country? NO because there was no such thing as this mental disease back then. But today its not considered a mental disease just something you are born with. Straight White People BUILT this country or we SUPERVISED the building of it while the lesser beings did the labor because we are smarter and more resourceful than the rest. Not need to argue with me the only time you will win is inside your own head or among the other degenerates.

You don't think any of those who helped found this country were gay?

Besides L'Enfant, and Gehring and arguably, Hamilton?
QWB admits he is a far right wing weirdo: OK.

QWB says he is anti-authoritarian, yet he is willing to use Big Government against his political enemies. That makes his a Progressive.

QWB twists up his narrative in nonsense.

The police spokesman was very clear why the officer would not work the assignment. And the spokesman says those who do choose do loose.

Do you have a single example of me using big government against my enemies? Didn't think so.

You duck the cop issue, so you lose. Yes, he chose not to work because the parade was gay. He can fuck off and become a security guard.

Yes, you have said repeatedly you would use Big Government to deny civil liberties to those you oppose.

Since you do it all the time, I will point it out the next time you do it.
Oh we can't have this ! Time to string this hate filled cop up and display his body at the town square !

Cop refuses to work at gay pride parade in Utah

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — A Salt Lake City police officer has been placed on leave after refusing an assignment to work at a gay pride parade.

The officer was among about 30 officers assigned to provide traffic control and security for the annual Utah Pride Parade on Sunday in Salt Lake City, said department spokeswoman Lara Jones.

"We don't tolerate bias and bigotry in the department, and assignments are assignments ... To allow personal opinion to enter into whether an officer will take a post is not something that can be tolerated in a police department," Jones told KSL.

She declined comment on the officer's reason for refusing the assignment.

The officer, whose name was not released, is on paid administrative leave pending the outcome of an internal affairs investigation.

Utah Pride Center spokeswoman Deann Armes said her group is pleased with the department's stance and thinks officers should undergo sensitivity training before joining the force.

"Our goal is to make sure that police training and certification includes policies and oaths to ensure that all officers are committed to providing equal service and treatment of all citizens. Clearly, bigotry is alive and well," Armes said in a statement.

Police Chief Chris Burbank has marched in the parade in the past, and three deputy chiefs will march Sunday while he is out of town.

The department also will have a community outreach and recruitment booth at the pride festival, Jones said, and participates in a standing committee to address public safety issues relating to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender residents.

"We have gay men and women that serve in the police department," Jones told The Salt Lake Tribune. "One officer's situation does not reflect the vast majority of officers that work in the Salt Lake City Police Department and certainly not Chief Burbank's."

Cop refuses to work at gay pride parade in Utah

Good for the Cop. He will no doubt be fired, but good for him standing up against these perverts.
Supporter no. I think he was the best president since I was born but that ain't saying much.
I don't need to hide from anyone or anything this is mine and my people's country bud. We don't hide we fight back and we let the scum and degenerates know they ain't welcome. Inside my head is an AWESOME place...come take a look.

Which is why a heterosexual,homogeneous country is best. :)

But I do not fit the "profile":eek:
What are you?

Yes my country. Did faggots settle this country? NO because there was no such thing as this mental disease back then. But today its not considered a mental disease just something you are born with. Straight White People BUILT this country or we SUPERVISED the building of it while the lesser beings did the labor because we are smarter and more resourceful than the rest. Not need to argue with me the only time you will win is inside your own head or among the other degenerates.

You don't think any of those who helped found this country were gay?

Doubt it. Mental Disease is more of a consequence of chemicals in our food,air and water. They had things pure as can be back then.

:rofl: :rofl: keep on with those thoughts. :D
I love how everyone who is condemning the cop knows exactly what it is he refused to do, even though there is zip out there from either side, yet they insist that everyone is innocent until proven guilty when the subject of Bowe Bergdahl comes up.

Cute. This is a philosophical discussion. Nobody here really cares about the subject police officer. For a smart sure don't catch on.

You really don't care about a fellow human being.

Good to know.

Try harder.
But I do not fit the "profile":eek:
What are you?
You don't think any of those who helped found this country were gay?

Doubt it. Mental Disease is more of a consequence of chemicals in our food,air and water. They had things pure as can be back then.

:rofl: :rofl: keep on with those thoughts. :D

Though Von Steuben was not native to the colonies, he proved invaluable to Washington. Note also, Washington did not enforce sodomy laws in the military, in almost all cases. The always ambitious Burr sought out "sodomites" to discredit Washington.
If he doesn't want to do his job, he shouldn't have taken the job.

I'm no fan of gay anything, but I expect cops to do their job. He couldve asked to be placed on the outer perimeter so he wouldn't have to be in the thick of it.

Sometimes we have to deal with stuff we don't like in a country that upholds freedom of expression & speech.
If he doesn't want to do his job, he shouldn't have taken the job.

I'm no fan of gay anything, but I expect cops to do their job. He couldve asked to be placed on the outer perimeter so he wouldn't have to be in the thick of it.

Sometimes we have to deal with stuff we don't like in a country that upholds freedom of expression & speech.

If he doesn't want to do his job, he shouldn't have taken the job.

I'm no fan of gay anything, but I expect cops to do their job. He couldve asked to be placed on the outer perimeter so he wouldn't have to be in the thick of it.

Sometimes we have to deal with stuff we don't like in a country that upholds freedom of expression & speech.

Why not just put homosexual cops out there? They are used to seeing the filth and garbage of society so do that instead. I bet this cop was picked SPECIFICALLY because he was against it and they wanted him gone...

I bet you don't have a clue to anything.

Cop Bozo was on the duty roster, wanted off, was told no.

End of story.
Why not just put homosexual cops out there? They are used to seeing the filth and garbage of society so do that instead. I bet this cop was picked SPECIFICALLY because he was against it and they wanted him gone...

There is always an agenda with you people.
If he doesn't want to do his job, he shouldn't have taken the job.

I'm no fan of gay anything, but I expect cops to do their job. He couldve asked to be placed on the outer perimeter so he wouldn't have to be in the thick of it.

Sometimes we have to deal with stuff we don't like in a country that upholds freedom of expression & speech.


Empty words from a person that hates someone because of their race.
Why not just put homosexual cops out there? They are used to seeing the filth and garbage of society so do that instead. I bet this cop was picked SPECIFICALLY because he was against it and they wanted him gone...
Probably because there isn't enough gay cops in the SLPD? I'm sure what one's there are on the force jumped at the assignment.

Also, Maybe the top brass thought the gay cops would get distracted & join the celebrations? I don't know, but it comes with the's not serve & protect for straight folks only.
QWB admits he is a far right wing weirdo: OK.

QWB says he is anti-authoritarian, yet he is willing to use Big Government against his political enemies. That makes his a Progressive.

QWB twists up his narrative in nonsense.

The police spokesman was very clear why the officer would not work the assignment. And the spokesman says those who do choose do loose.

Do you have a single example of me using big government against my enemies? Didn't think so.

You duck the cop issue, so you lose. Yes, he chose not to work because the parade was gay. He can fuck off and become a security guard.

Yes, you have said repeatedly you would use Big Government to deny civil liberties to those you oppose.

Since you do it all the time, I will point it out the next time you do it.

I am not ducking anything, as soon as someone tells me what is actually going on I will from a valid opinion based on the facts.

Since you are the one that insists that people can be forced to attend weddings, parades, and all sorts of other events, how am I the one using the government to discriminate?
No, the case that firefighters won involved requiring them to PARTICIPATE. I have written about police protection of the KKK in my town, black officers were there also.
Public service employees do indeed have a right to religious accommodation, and be excused from specific tasks. For instance, in Sept 2013 some police officers were excused from working at the gay parade in Columbia South Carolina because the event was in conflict with their faith. Religious accommodation can go ahead provided it does not pose undue hardship to the department. It is up to the employee to inquire prior to accepting the job.

Yes, as I have posted. Perhaps he can receive unemployment, if he can prove his absence would have no impact on the department. If so, he was unnecessary in any event, now gone.:D
He would obviously be patrolling the streets elsewhere, so his absence from working the gay parade would not cause any hardship for the department, but his absence from the police force would as they'd wind up shorthanded.

It's all a matter of making arrangements with the department beforehand in regards to religious accommodation rights.
Man! You religious nutbags are never happy! You already get special consideration by having your fantasies included in the public accommodation laws to begin with.

Is that enough? NOOOOOOOO! You have to flaunt it and shove it down our throats all the time! All you care about is pushing your agenda on others. Especially children!

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