Cop refuses to work Gay Pride parade

^^^ If homosexuals work and patronize Chick Fil A, its their choice.

What kind of Christian uses god as a passive aggressive weapon? A freakish one. You are bittersweet, looney tunes.
I don't use the Lord as a weapon of any form. I am only pointing what it is that I believe.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. Oh and I grew out of watching cartoons years ago. :) :) :)
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Cop refuses to work Gay Pride parade

Fire him.

Just like the pharmacist who won't fill prescriptions he disagrees with.

that's that tolerance and freedom to chose

you people are vicious and somehow believe everyone need to bow to....all this, even damanding he be fired, over one lousy parade
we still have choices in this country and homosexual aren't anymore special than the rest of in country...most people would shrugged their shoulders, maybe say few cuss words under breath and moved with next who work it

by noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, it has to MAKE A HEADLINE STROY
this stuff is turing people offwith this whining and DEMANDING people be fired for not doing a frikken parade, or baking a cake, etxx

AND then they wonder why more people won't accept them

their own fault,
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We have sooo much freedom in this country, we can't can't exercise it for fear we might offend the fleeting staus quo.
[quoted=MaryL;9230607]We have sooo much freedom in this country, we can't can't exercise it for fear we might offend the fleeting staus quo.

Really. What freedom can't you exercise?

Let say this...questioning this whole homosexual rights thing, is met with with such vitriol, it is daunting.You knew what I meant, so don't play that game.
[quoted=MaryL;9230607]We have sooo much freedom in this country, we can't can't exercise it for fear we might offend the fleeting staus quo.

Really. What freedom can't you exercise?

Let say this...questioning this whole homosexual rights thing, is met with with such vitriol, it is daunting.You knew what I meant, so don't play that game.

You don't discuss homosexual rights because you can't stand debate/people not agreeing with you? Sounds like you're the one that's closed-minded.
The cop refused to work at the Gay Pride parade cause he didn't want the other homosexuals to recognize him :)
If someone refuses to perform their job, and the request being made of them is lawful and is in their job description, they should be fired.

oh but of course you all would find that just peachy because he wants to op of working a stupid much for our freedoms to choose and choices..

maybe you be fired from being an attorney FOR oh hell we can make up something and JUST BECAUSE
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QWB admits he is a far right wing weirdo: OK.

QWB says he is anti-authoritarian, yet he is willing to use Big Government against his political enemies. That makes his a Progressive.

QWB that twists up his narrative in nonsense.

Who knew QWB is your identical twin!

I rescheduled your therapy appointment, Henry. Really, try to get through your denial stage.
If someone refuses to perform their job, and the request being made of them is lawful and is in their job description, they should be fired.

oh but of course you al would find that just peachy because he wants to op of working a stupid much our freedoms to choose and choices..

maybe you be fired from being an attorney, well JUST BECAUSE

Stephanie, you do not have a constitutional right to be a cop, you don't have a constitutional right to decide when and where and how you will work as a cop.

Quit the whining.
[quoted=MaryL;9230607]We have sooo much freedom in this country, we can't can't exercise it for fear we might offend the fleeting staus quo.

Really. What freedom can't you exercise?

Let say this...questioning this whole homosexual rights thing, is met with with such vitriol, it is daunting.You knew what I meant, so don't play that game.

What right are you unable to exercise? You are questioning this "whole homosexual rights thing" at this very moment. Are you not?
[quoted=MaryL;9230607]We have sooo much freedom in this country, we can't can't exercise it for fear we might offend the fleeting staus quo.

Really. What freedom can't you exercise?

Let say this...questioning this whole homosexual rights thing, is met with with such vitriol, it is daunting.You knew what I meant, so don't play that game.

You don't discuss homosexual rights because you can't stand debate/people not agreeing with you? Sounds like you're the one that's closed-minded.

What fun. A nutter confused by another nutter's inability to use the quote function. Isn't life a hoot!?
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^^^ If homosexuals work and patronize Chick Fil A, its their choice.

What kind of Christian uses god as a passive aggressive weapon? A freakish one. You are bittersweet, looney tunes.
I don't use the Lord as a weapon of any form. I am only pointing what it is that I believe.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. Oh and I grew out of watching cartoons years ago. :) :) :)

Ironic post is ironic. :)
Freedom of speach is what the USMB is all about. But I fear the backlash of honesty. Of all the rights we have, I don't think the constitution covers sexual perversity as a civil right, heaven forfend we bring that up. Homosexuals have REALY poisoned the well here and bought out populalr sentiment. Please, why did plebeian Americans just become so homo friendlly in the last 15 years ?
This is no surprise. The list of those attacked by the system that insists on pushing degeneracy continues to grow and will do so until either we are destroyed or they are.

Don't worry. We'll let you degenerates stick around. But you still can't marry sheep.
Crack jokes my boy....funny time will be over before ya know it...I hope it makes what the Klan did look tame once the time comes to clean America up.

Extremists come & go in the US, you also shall pass.

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