Cop refuses to work Gay Pride parade

QWB admits he is a far right wing weirdo: OK.

QWB says he is anti-authoritarian, yet he is willing to use Big Government against his political enemies. That makes his a Progressive.

QWB that twists up his narrative in nonsense.

The police spokesman was very clear why the officer would not work the assignment. And the spokesman says those who does choose does loose.

Do you have a single example of me using big government against my enemies?

Didn't think so.
Crack jokes my boy....funny time will be over before ya know it...I hope it makes what the Klan did look tame once the time comes to clean America up.

Worry about cleaning up yourself, sweetie.

Freedom of speach is what the USMB is all about. But I fear the backlash of honesty. Of all the rights we have, I don't think the constitution covers sexual perversity as a civil right, heaven forfend we bring that up. Homosexuals have REALY poisoned the well here and bought out populalr sentiment. Please, why did plebeian Americans just become so homo friendlly in the last 15 years ?

If this cop were a Muslim, and he refused based on his beliefs, I wonder if the City, or the lefty's here would have the same level of outrage that they would if the cop were a Christian and or a Mormon who was refusing due to beliefs ?

I sincerely doubt it.
Only extremists I see are the homosexual extremists and their allies destroying the very fabric of America. Oh indeed I will pass as every life does at some point. But eventually and I do hope its while I am still young enough to fight and help America will experience a revolution,war,uprising whatever you want to call it that will be the biggest most bloody fight ever seen. The propaganda was bringing people around to the fags point of view slowly but surely but yall jumped the gun and are now using judicial tyranny to get things your way and are showing the people of this country that voting and talking does no good because it can just be tossed aside on a whim of some faggot loving judge. Only thing left to use is the tools the 2nd amendment gave us every right to use when the government gets out of control and no longer represents America and as I see it its only representing a tiny fraction of people with its latest moves.

Dude wants to shoot someone badly. What is he waiting for?
If this cop were a Muslim, and he refused based on his beliefs, I wonder if the City, or the lefty's here would have the same level of outrage that they would if the cop were a Christian and or a Mormon who was refusing due to beliefs ?

I sincerely doubt it.

I don't doubt it. His job is crowd control....why is he not able to do his job? Maybe he should find a new one.
If this cop were a Muslim, and he refused based on his beliefs, I wonder if the City, or the lefty's here would have the same level of outrage that they would if the cop were a Christian and or a Mormon who was refusing due to beliefs ?

I sincerely doubt it.

Bullshit. If......then......bullshit. How many posts will we have in this thread with an "if....then.....bullshit" theme.

Try harder.
If this cop were a Muslim, and he refused based on his beliefs, I wonder if the City, or the lefty's here would have the same level of outrage that they would if the cop were a Christian and or a Mormon who was refusing due to beliefs ?

I sincerely doubt it.

Bullshit. If......then......bullshit. How many posts will we have in this thread with an "if....then.....bullshit" theme.

Try harder.

Be fair. If bullshit is all they've got, then bullshit is all they can use.
Me? I just want my country back LL. I won't be the one that initiates whatever happens but better be damn sure I will take part in it. You push people too far and they will either break or fight back.

I suggest that you write President Clinton and ask him what he thinks about this issue. You need some guidance.
I love how everyone who is condemning the cop knows exactly what it is he refused to do, even though there is zip out there from either side, yet they insist that everyone is innocent until proven guilty when the subject of Bowe Bergdahl comes up.
Me? I just want my country back LL. I won't be the one that initiates whatever happens but better be damn sure I will take part in it. You push people too far and they will either break or fight back.

Your country? When did this become your country? This is our country and the rest of us don't have to shut up because you don't like it. We don't have to roll over because you can't deal with people being free. You have a problem with that, then leave. Please don't let the door hit you in the ass.

Did it ever occur to you that the reason gays became so vocal is exactly what you just said? You can only push people so far and they will fight back. I suppose you think only you should be able to stand up for your freedoms. If so, go stick it where the sun don't shine.
I love how everyone who is condemning the cop knows exactly what it is he refused to do, even though there is zip out there from either side, yet they insist that everyone is innocent until proven guilty when the subject of Bowe Bergdahl comes up.

Cute. This is a philosophical discussion. Nobody here really cares about the subject police officer. For a smart sure don't catch on.
Me? I just want my country back LL. I won't be the one that initiates whatever happens but better be damn sure I will take part in it. You push people too far and they will either break or fight back.

I suggest that you write President Clinton and ask him what he thinks about this issue. You need some guidance.

Me? I just want my country back LL. I won't be the one that initiates whatever happens but better be damn sure I will take part in it. You push people too far and they will either break or fight back.

Your country? When did this become your country? This is our country and the rest of us don't have to shut up because you don't like it. We don't have to roll over because you can't deal with people being free. You have a problem with that, then leave. Please don't let the door hit you in the ass.

Did it ever occur to you that the reason gays became so vocal is exactly what you just said? You can only push people so far and they will fight back. I suppose you think only you should be able to stand up for your freedoms. If so, go stick it where the sun don't shine.
Yes my country. Did faggots settle this country? NO because there was no such thing as this mental disease back then. But today its not considered a mental disease just something you are born with. Straight White People BUILT this country or we SUPERVISED the building of it while the lesser beings did the labor because we are smarter and more resourceful than the rest. Not need to argue with me the only time you will win is inside your own head or among the other degenerates.

Why the LOL? Aren't you a supporter of president Clinton? I think he could help you with this lapse in judgement.
Me? I just want my country back LL. I won't be the one that initiates whatever happens but better be damn sure I will take part in it. You push people too far and they will either break or fight back.

I suggest that you write President Clinton and ask him what he thinks about this issue. You need some guidance.

Me? I just want my country back LL. I won't be the one that initiates whatever happens but better be damn sure I will take part in it. You push people too far and they will either break or fight back.

Your country? When did this become your country? This is our country and the rest of us don't have to shut up because you don't like it. We don't have to roll over because you can't deal with people being free. You have a problem with that, then leave. Please don't let the door hit you in the ass.

Did it ever occur to you that the reason gays became so vocal is exactly what you just said? You can only push people so far and they will fight back. I suppose you think only you should be able to stand up for your freedoms. If so, go stick it where the sun don't shine.
Yes my country. Did faggots settle this country? NO because there was no such thing as this mental disease back then. But today its not considered a mental disease just something you are born with. Straight White People BUILT this country or we SUPERVISED the building of it while the lesser beings did the labor because we are smarter and more resourceful than the rest. Not need to argue with me the only time you will win is inside your own head or among the other degenerates.

I don't need to argue with the truly stupid. But you live in your little fantasy world. Hide under your bed because you may see someone who doesn't look like you. Use that little icon so you can pretend you actually have a pair. Nothing I can say to you can possibly be worse than being stuck inside your skull.
Only extremists I see are the homosexual extremists and their allies destroying the very fabric of America. Oh indeed I will pass as every life does at some point. But eventually and I do hope its while I am still young enough to fight and help America will experience a revolution,war,uprising whatever you want to call it that will be the biggest most bloody fight ever seen. The propaganda was bringing people around to the fags point of view slowly but surely but yall jumped the gun and are now using judicial tyranny to get things your way and are showing the people of this country that voting and talking does no good because it can just be tossed aside on a whim of some faggot loving judge. Only thing left to use is the tools the 2nd amendment gave us every right to use when the government gets out of control and no longer represents America and as I see it its only representing a tiny fraction of people with its latest moves.

Us, they, them.....that is what is hurting America, divisions.

Yes my country. Did faggots settle this country? NO because there was no such thing as this mental disease back then. But today its not considered a mental disease just something you are born with. Straight White People BUILT this country or we SUPERVISED the building of it while the lesser beings did the labor because we are smarter and more resourceful than the rest. Not need to argue with me the only time you will win is inside your own head or among the other degenerates.

Why the LOL? Aren't you a supporter of president Clinton? I think he could help you with this lapse in judgement.
Supporter no. I think he was the best president since I was born but that ain't saying much.
I don't need to hide from anyone or anything this is mine and my people's country bud. We don't hide we fight back and we let the scum and degenerates know they ain't welcome. Inside my head is an AWESOME place...come take a look.

Only extremists I see are the homosexual extremists and their allies destroying the very fabric of America. Oh indeed I will pass as every life does at some point. But eventually and I do hope its while I am still young enough to fight and help America will experience a revolution,war,uprising whatever you want to call it that will be the biggest most bloody fight ever seen. The propaganda was bringing people around to the fags point of view slowly but surely but yall jumped the gun and are now using judicial tyranny to get things your way and are showing the people of this country that voting and talking does no good because it can just be tossed aside on a whim of some faggot loving judge. Only thing left to use is the tools the 2nd amendment gave us every right to use when the government gets out of control and no longer represents America and as I see it its only representing a tiny fraction of people with its latest moves.

Us, they, them.....that is what is hurting America, divisions.

Which is why a heterosexual,homogeneous country is best. :)

But I do not fit the "profile":eek:
Me? I just want my country back LL. I won't be the one that initiates whatever happens but better be damn sure I will take part in it. You push people too far and they will either break or fight back.

I suggest that you write President Clinton and ask him what he thinks about this issue. You need some guidance.

Me? I just want my country back LL. I won't be the one that initiates whatever happens but better be damn sure I will take part in it. You push people too far and they will either break or fight back.

Your country? When did this become your country? This is our country and the rest of us don't have to shut up because you don't like it. We don't have to roll over because you can't deal with people being free. You have a problem with that, then leave. Please don't let the door hit you in the ass.

Did it ever occur to you that the reason gays became so vocal is exactly what you just said? You can only push people so far and they will fight back. I suppose you think only you should be able to stand up for your freedoms. If so, go stick it where the sun don't shine.
Yes my country. Did faggots settle this country? NO because there was no such thing as this mental disease back then. But today its not considered a mental disease just something you are born with. Straight White People BUILT this country or we SUPERVISED the building of it while the lesser beings did the labor because we are smarter and more resourceful than the rest. Not need to argue with me the only time you will win is inside your own head or among the other degenerates.

You don't think any of those who helped found this country were gay?

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