Cop refuses to work Gay Pride parade

Protection is not participation.

No, no religious exemption exists for an employee not to work during a gay parade.

At least four of the working huge male motorcycle cops today I saw at the parade were wearing the pink neck scarves attesting to their homosexuality.

We live two blocks from the parade route. Beautiful day for the parade, with tens of thousands down town for the event.

There are some police forces that grant exemptions for these types of events. This city does not, the rules are the rules, whether it's gay parade or KKK parade.

I don't think the police should show support, they are neutral.
He should not be required to "march" in the parade; if he was ordered to provide security, and refused, his firing is justified. Two separate issues.

Well, the thing is, you have no idea what the issues here are, so you should stop pretending you have the answers.

In other words, you know nothing of the litigation involving firefighters who refused to PARTICIPATE in a Gay Pride march. Thanks for admitting you do not understand EMPLOYMENT law.

No, I am saying you have no idea why the police officer refused the assignment. I am also saying I don't know why he did it. I really want to know more before I decide whether to back him or not. Some of the comments on the news sites are saying he was told to march in the parade, and that he refused. If that is true, I support him 100%. Given Jake's claim that he actually worked the parade last year, which I find about as credible as I do the claim that the moon is made of green cheese, I really want to know what is going on before I stake out a position.
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thats not how it works either

No shit Sherlock.

Give the boy a gold star.

yeah but undercover work isnt the samething as covering a no

Was that what he refused to do? Because, as far as I can tell, not a single story actually has the details anywhere. All I know is that the department is investigating him because he refused an assignment, with absolutely no idea what the scope of that assignment was. Some of the local commenters on the newspaper are claiming he reufused to march in the parade, which is entirely different from refusing to provide security for said parade.

You are the one that likes to pretend you are smart, why are you jumping to the conclusion that this guy is wrong? Is it because he has nothing to do with Obama, so it is safe to jump to the conclusion that he is guilty? Or do you have actual information that I haven't seen?
He has an assignment - you cannot pick and choose your jobs when you are a cop.

No, but they say they don't tolerate 'bias and bigotry' yet show little regard for his viewpoints.

Lets theorize.

Let's say a bunch of straight people did a parade like that. The officer is gay. He says "I refuse to do it." Just what would happen then? He would most likely be given another assignment.

I guarantee people here would admonish the department for forcing this gay officer to work at a straight pride parade. Or, conversely people would be applauding them for showing acceptance.

In other words, they can't say they are against bias and bigotry. Essentially bigotry is a hostile and indifferent attitude to those who hold an opposing viewpoint. Bias is when and only when the shoe is on the other foot and you grant this proverbial gay officer a reprieve.

Under those conditions, the cop should be fired for refusing to do his job. Requiring a police officer to serve everyone without bias is not bias. If a cop can't do that, then the cop should put down his badge because he can't do his job.
Quantam Windbag writes in part, "The thing is Jake, you have no idea what it is he objected to, or why, yet, like all the other radical lefties, you are just assuming he refused it because he hates gays, even though you made the claim that he worked the same event last year."

Let's clear the playing field.

You are far right, not mainstream.

I am mainstream, not far left.

I do know what the issue was, and you don't.

Yet you in your Big Government progressive right wing way spouts off not knowing what he is talking about and once again looks stupid.

Yup, that is you, to a T.

Yes, let us clear the playing field.

I never claimed to be mainstream in any post on this forum. I have repeatedly argued against the government, against wars, against the death penalty, and for individual freedom. According to Jake, that makes me far right. According to most testing scales I am actually anti authoritarian.

If you go back through this thread I never once took a position defending the officer, nor did I take one supporting him. I don't know the details,, and have called others on jumping to conclusions. According to Jake, this makes me pro big government because I am spouting nonsense about something I know nothing about.

Jake claims this makes him mainstream.
Will be interesting to see what the police union has to say about.

I'm sure someone is frantically checking to be sure the individual's dues are all paid up and that he has made all the mandatory "suggested" contributions to The Democrat Party's favourites for mayor, city council, etc.

Look for a position - it could go either way - when that Herculean task is accomplished.
QWB admits he is a far right wing weirdo: OK.

QWB says he is anti-authoritarian, yet he is willing to use Big Government against his political enemies. That makes his a Progressive.

QWB that twists up his narrative in nonsense.

The police spokesman was very clear why the officer would not work the assignment. And the spokesman says those who does choose does loose.
I don't even believe the claim. BS story to create the illusion, again, the gays just can't catch a break and those embracing hating on the religious are just so special
^^^ Yes, they would and you may not believe in the Lord, but I do and as long as I have the right to speak of him, I will. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

^^^ Yes, they would and you may not believe in the Lord, but I do and as long as I have the right to speak of him, I will. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


What kind of Christian uses god as a passive aggressive weapon? A freakish one. You are bittersweet, looney tunes. people work at and patronize Chic-Fil-A.
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