Cop refuses to work Gay Pride parade

If an atheist cop refused to work a Billy Graham event, and was fired liberals on here would be outraged.


Lol, typical looney left response.

you made up a hypothetical and then made up the response for your opposition.

that is the definition of a straw man argument.
He has an assignment - you cannot pick and choose your jobs when you are a cop.

No, but they say they don't tolerate 'bias and bigotry' yet show little regard for his viewpoints.

Lets theorize.

Let's say a bunch of straight people did a parade like that. The officer is gay. He says "I refuse to do it." Just what would happen then? He would most likely be given another assignment.

I guarantee people here would admonish the department for forcing this gay officer to work at a straight pride parade. Or, conversely people would be applauding them for showing acceptance.

In other words, they can't say they are against bias and bigotry. Essentially bigotry is a hostile and indifferent attitude to those who hold an opposing viewpoint. Bias is when and only when the shoe is on the other foot and you grant this proverbial gay officer a reprieve.

Great points! Can you imagine if they tried to fire a gay cop for refusing to work at a straight pride parade? He's sue their asses into next year and win all day long.

Just like it's perfectly fine for all manner of "bi-curious" outreach to youth in every corner of life, including public schools....urging kids to explore the mechanics of gay this highly malleable and influential time of their lives....

...but if a gay kid wants to go straight, even if it's from memories of having been molested by a same sex perp, and he goes to a therapist for help, that therapist will lose his or her license to practice in a couple of states now.

ie; going straight to gay is not only acceptable, it's promoted and encouraged openly. Going gay to straight is akin to a felony. They'll get it there soon enough. Right now they're progressing there incrementally by threatening to de-license psychologists if they dare to help that process along.

They are behaviors. They are a cult. And until people realize this, great damage will be done to the American legal system.
Oh we can't have this ! Time to string this hate filled cop up and display his body at the town square !

Cop refuses to work at gay pride parade in Utah

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — A Salt Lake City police officer has been placed on leave after refusing an assignment to work at a gay pride parade.

The officer was among about 30 officers assigned to provide traffic control and security for the annual Utah Pride Parade on Sunday in Salt Lake City, said department spokeswoman Lara Jones.

"We don't tolerate bias and bigotry in the department, and assignments are assignments ... To allow personal opinion to enter into whether an officer will take a post is not something that can be tolerated in a police department," Jones told KSL.

She declined comment on the officer's reason for refusing the assignment.

The officer, whose name was not released, is on paid administrative leave pending the outcome of an internal affairs investigation.

Utah Pride Center spokeswoman Deann Armes said her group is pleased with the department's stance and thinks officers should undergo sensitivity training before joining the force.

"Our goal is to make sure that police training and certification includes policies and oaths to ensure that all officers are committed to providing equal service and treatment of all citizens. Clearly, bigotry is alive and well," Armes said in a statement.

Police Chief Chris Burbank has marched in the parade in the past, and three deputy chiefs will march Sunday while he is out of town.

The department also will have a community outreach and recruitment booth at the pride festival, Jones said, and participates in a standing committee to address public safety issues relating to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender residents.

"We have gay men and women that serve in the police department," Jones told The Salt Lake Tribune. "One officer's situation does not reflect the vast majority of officers that work in the Salt Lake City Police Department and certainly not Chief Burbank's."

Cop refuses to work at gay pride parade in Utah

He's paid to protect and serve.

If his personal bias prevents him from doing his job assignment he shouldn't be n the field.
He has an assignment - you cannot pick and choose your jobs when you are a cop.

No, but they say they don't tolerate 'bias and bigotry' yet show little regard for his viewpoints.

Lets theorize.

Let's say a bunch of straight people did a parade like that. The officer is gay. He says "I refuse to do it." Just what would happen then? He would most likely be given another assignment.

I guarantee people here would admonish the department for forcing this gay officer to work at a straight pride parade. Or, conversely people would be applauding them for showing acceptance.

In other words, they can't say they are against bias and bigotry. Essentially bigotry is a hostile and indifferent attitude to those who hold an opposing viewpoint. Bias is when and only when the shoe is on the other foot and you grant this proverbial gay officer a reprieve.

Great points! Can you imagine if they tried to fire a gay cop for refusing to work at a straight pride parade? He's sue their asses into next year and win all day long.

Just like it's perfectly fine for all manner of "bi-curious" outreach to youth in every corner of life, including public schools....urging kids to explore the mechanics of gay this highly malleable and influential time of their lives....

...but if a gay kid wants to go straight, even if it's from memories of having been molested by a same sex perp, and he goes to a therapist for help, that therapist will lose his or her license to practice in a couple of states now.

ie; going straight to gay is not only acceptable, it's promoted and encouraged openly. Going gay to straight is akin to a felony. They'll get it there soon enough. Right now they're progressing there incrementally by threatening to de-license psychologists if they dare to help that process along.

They are behaviors. They are a cult. And until people realize this, great damage will be done to the American legal system.

How'd you get to be so smart?
What disturbs me more is that this police officer got placed on leave because of this but cops all around the country can abuse people and get off with a slap on the wrist.
He's paid to protect and serve.

If his personal bias prevents him from doing his job assignment he shouldn't be n the field.

Just like gays and lesbians are born men and women. If their personal biases prevent them from using vaginas and penises [respectively] instead of anuses and dildos, they shouldn't be trying to get married.
What disturbs me more is that this police officer got placed on leave because of this but cops all around the country can abuse people and get off with a slap on the wrist.

Similar levels of disproportionate punishments were happening with dissenters just prior to the real birth of power of the Third Reicht in Nazi Germany. They're almost there. Give it three or four more years, tops.

This deviant-sex cult is WAY beyond overweening at this point. They are trampling the constitution.
If the cop were black the powers that be would not know whether to shit or go blind 'cause there's no way they were ever going to come out smelling like anything other than the turds they are.
It's certainly ironic that the conservative's hatred towards homosexuality is so strong they are willing to risk a complete breakdown of law and order.
Yes, because if you don't want to subject your eyes to sexual deviants flaunting themselves society will collapse.

He refused to do his job. It's as simple as that.

I'm sure the police who protect KKK rallies would love to let the crowd loose on them, but they understand they are there to do their jobs.

Again, in my home town, I saw police keep the KKK safe from agitated citizens just 15 years ago. The KKK had the liberty to march, citizens the liberty to gather and jeer, within limits. ( I purchased cold, bottled water for one officer.)
If the cop were black the powers that be would not know whether to shit or go blind 'cause there's no way they were ever going to come out smelling like anything other than the turds they are.

Another excellent point. Next time the cop should be black or more preferably, hispanic and strongly catholic. Then the Vatican might step into the fray....FINALLY...
Just by not allowing him to act on his views... aren't they being the ones who are "biased and bigoted"?

No one has told him what to think; his job is to serve and protect every citizen, and to enforce the law without bias or prejudice. An officer who refuses to do his job should and likely will be fired.
The police officer in question can save anyone's life, and he can serve and protect anyone, without restriction. What he can't do is attend a gay parade or any other type of gay themed event as it is in conflict with his faith. Religious accommodation rules are there for this very reason, so the officer would not be forced to abandon his faith by attending a gay parade.

If all that has been worked out before hand, sure.

It wasn't. he worked the parade last year.

If so, Department regulations still govern. Doing his job at the parade isn't "attending". Should his faith prohibit the use of alcohol, may he refuse to protect bars & liquor stores?
Provided that the officer doesn't participate in the drinking activities, protecting bars and liquor stores would not be an issue. Same applies to the gay parade. The officer cannot participate in the parade due to conflict with his faith. The very fact that he is there, makes him an automatic participant.
If all that has been worked out before hand, sure.

It wasn't. he worked the parade last year.

If so, Department regulations still govern. Doing his job at the parade isn't "attending". Should his faith prohibit the use of alcohol, may he refuse to protect bars & liquor stores?
Provided that the officer doesn't participate in the drinking activities, protecting bars and liquor stores would not be an issue. Same applies to the gay parade. The officer cannot participate in the parade due to conflict with his faith. The very fact that he is there, makes him an automatic participant.

My goodness! You are so logical. How can anyone dispute that logic?
If all that has been worked out before hand, sure.

It wasn't. he worked the parade last year.

If so, Department regulations still govern. Doing his job at the parade isn't "attending". Should his faith prohibit the use of alcohol, may he refuse to protect bars & liquor stores?
Provided that the officer doesn't participate in the drinking activities, protecting bars and liquor stores would not be an issue. Same applies to the gay parade. The officer cannot participate in the parade due to conflict with his faith. The very fact that he is there, makes him an automatic participant.

No, the case that firefighters won involved requiring them to PARTICIPATE. I have written about police protection of the KKK in my town, black officers were there also.
If so, Department regulations still govern. Doing his job at the parade isn't "attending". Should his faith prohibit the use of alcohol, may he refuse to protect bars & liquor stores?
Provided that the officer doesn't participate in the drinking activities, protecting bars and liquor stores would not be an issue. Same applies to the gay parade. The officer cannot participate in the parade due to conflict with his faith. The very fact that he is there, makes him an automatic participant.

No, the case that firefighters won involved requiring them to PARTICIPATE. I have written about police protection of the KKK in my town, black officers were there also.
Public service employees do indeed have a right to religious accommodation, and be excused from specific tasks. For instance, in Sept 2013 some police officers were excused from working at the gay parade in Columbia South Carolina because the event was in conflict with their faith. Religious accommodation can go ahead provided it does not pose undue hardship to the department. It is up to the employee to inquire prior to accepting the job.
He has an assignment - you cannot pick and choose your jobs when you are a cop.

Yet they have been doing it for years, and the unions always backed them up. For example, some police officers refuse to work uncover in vice, or even on drug task forces, and no one has ever had a problem with it. Now you are insisting that they have no freedom simply because they are cops, and you don't even know why he refused the assignment.
Provided that the officer doesn't participate in the drinking activities, protecting bars and liquor stores would not be an issue. Same applies to the gay parade. The officer cannot participate in the parade due to conflict with his faith. The very fact that he is there, makes him an automatic participant.

No, the case that firefighters won involved requiring them to PARTICIPATE. I have written about police protection of the KKK in my town, black officers were there also.
Public service employees do indeed have a right to religious accommodation, and be excused from specific tasks. For instance, in Sept 2013 some police officers were excused from working at the gay parade in Columbia South Carolina because the event was in conflict with their faith. Religious accommodation can go ahead provided it does not pose undue hardship to the department. It is up to the employee to inquire prior to accepting the job.

That makes no sense.

A cops job is to protect and serve.

Should cops not protect those of opposing religious views?

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