Cop refuses to work Gay Pride parade

The cop should be fired before he decides he doesn't want to respond to a hold up at a gay club, or respond to a gay person being beaten, etc.
That has exactly what to do with a gay parade? Oh, it had the gay word in it. I see.

He refused to do his job because of his opinions. He is entitled to his opinions, but he is not entitled to a paycheck for refusing to do his job. He deserves to be fired, and my opinion would be no different if it were a Tea Party Hate-In, a gay pride parade, on the Daughters of the American Revolution Quilting Fair.
If he is unwilling to serve the public then he should find a different area of work. A public servant doesn't get to pick and choose their assignments based on their politics.
The cop should be fired before he decides he doesn't want to respond to a hold up at a gay club, or respond to a gay person being beaten, etc.
That has exactly what to do with a gay parade? Oh, it had the gay word in it. I see.

He refused to do his job because of his opinions. He is entitled to his opinions, but he is not entitled to a paycheck for refusing to do his job. He deserves to be fired, and my opinion would be no different if it were a Tea Party Hate-In, a gay pride parade, on the Daughters of the American Revolution Quilting Fair.

Agreed, police in my hometown guarded a KKK parade about 15 years ago, in 98 degree heat. That was their duty.
And yet blacks, Jews, gays work KKK events.


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There's nothing wrong with this cop not wanting to work a gay parade. I can't stand the sight of men kissing and holding hands. It's disgusting. I imagine that's part of his issue. He's NOT a bigot for that viewpoint. Anyone who says otherwise is the real bigot.

HOWEVER, when you're in public service like the police, fire department, military, etc., you take the assignments given to you, period. IMO, he does not have the right to turn the assignment down.
Five firefighters in San Diego sued over the same issue and won.

Not quite. They were compelled to be a part of the parade by their boss. Police don't get to pick and choose their details.

The firefighters in question, nor any public servants, should be required to be part of any event, agreed. Doing their duty as lawfully ordered is a separate issue.
It's certainly ironic that the conservative's hatred towards homosexuality is so strong they are willing to risk a complete breakdown of law and order.
I don't care what his personal feelings towards gays are. He was given a job to do, and he refused. Fuck him. I hope he gets fired.
If an atheist cop refused to work a Billy Graham event, and was fired liberals on here would be outraged.

It's certainly ironic that the conservative's hatred towards homosexuality is so strong they are willing to risk a complete breakdown of law and order.
Yes, because if you don't want to subject your eyes to sexual deviants flaunting themselves society will collapse.
Oh we can't have this ! Time to string this hate filled cop up and display his body at the town square !

Cop refuses to work at gay pride parade in Utah

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — A Salt Lake City police officer has been placed on leave after refusing an assignment to work at a gay pride parade.

The officer was among about 30 officers assigned to provide traffic control and security for the annual Utah Pride Parade on Sunday in Salt Lake City, said department spokeswoman Lara Jones.

"We don't tolerate bias and bigotry in the department, and assignments are assignments ... To allow personal opinion to enter into whether an officer will take a post is not something that can be tolerated in a police department," Jones told KSL.

She declined comment on the officer's reason for refusing the assignment.

The officer, whose name was not released, is on paid administrative leave pending the outcome of an internal affairs investigation.

Utah Pride Center spokeswoman Deann Armes said her group is pleased with the department's stance and thinks officers should undergo sensitivity training before joining the force.

"Our goal is to make sure that police training and certification includes policies and oaths to ensure that all officers are committed to providing equal service and treatment of all citizens. Clearly, bigotry is alive and well," Armes said in a statement.

Police Chief Chris Burbank has marched in the parade in the past, and three deputy chiefs will march Sunday while he is out of town.

The department also will have a community outreach and recruitment booth at the pride festival, Jones said, and participates in a standing committee to address public safety issues relating to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender residents.

"We have gay men and women that serve in the police department," Jones told The Salt Lake Tribune. "One officer's situation does not reflect the vast majority of officers that work in the Salt Lake City Police Department and certainly not Chief Burbank's."

Cop refuses to work at gay pride parade in Utah

Was she afraid she'd see her ex there?

It's called failure to perform lawfully assigned duties.
It's certainly ironic that the conservative's hatred towards homosexuality is so strong they are willing to risk a complete breakdown of law and order.
Yes, because if you don't want to subject your eyes to sexual deviants flaunting themselves society will collapse.

He refused to do his job. It's as simple as that.

I'm sure the police who protect KKK rallies would love to let the crowd loose on them, but they understand they are there to do their jobs.

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