Cop refuses to work Gay Pride parade

Because the police department follows a command structure.

The police bosses aren't expected to care about other people's points of view, any more than a General in the Army cares about a private's personal feelings.

That is a deflection.

A 'command structure' isn't supposed to have a point of view one way or another. This is according to you.

I didn't say anything close to that, so I don't know why you think that's "according to me".

But what I read was a department calling an officer 'bigoted' and 'biased.' To me that indicates the department has a point of view. I detect that one officer is to be held to his objectivity, while the department strays from its own.

Of course the department has a point of view. Everything has a point of view. In this case, the police department's point of view is the only one that matters - because they're the bosses.

First, this was you, not just a few minutes ago:

Cops don't get to chose which orders they follow and which they don't. Police don't get to "act on their views" while they're on the job.

I am assuming by cops you also mean the command structure, which also includes cops.

Second, their views are hypocritical. I use this 'what if the shoe were on the other foot' argument to demonstrate that.
This post doesn't make any sense, either.

First of all, it's pretty silly to claim that I'm not making cogent points while ignoring the points that I did make.

Secondly, I have absolutely no idea what your second point means. What is it exactly that is impossible for me to fathom?

I wasn't necessarily referring to you. There are others who use a similar pattern here, and your "you make no sense" retort raised a lot of red flags.

I'll try one last time. You cannot fathom the possibility of a homosexual police officer being forced to work a parade that goes against what he or she is. In this hyperpartisan society, such an action would bring about endless litigation, resignations and a litany of cries from LGBT organizations to protest it.

Any gay police officer, if they want to keep their jobs, will follow whatever assignments they receive. What I can't "fathom" is why a homosexual police officer wouldn't want to work at a "straight pride" parade. It simply doesn't make any sense.

My question(s) to you are simply this:

If in fact the officer were gay, and he/she refused the assignment to work this 'straight pride' parade. What would be your reaction to that officer? Would you say the same thing you are saying now? That 'orders are orders'? Simply curious.

Red Bolded: Well, how can you assume they would?

Blue Bolded: Well then you are of a rare few.
That is a deflection.

A 'command structure' isn't supposed to have a point of view one way or another. This is according to you.

I didn't say anything close to that, so I don't know why you think that's "according to me".

Of course the department has a point of view. Everything has a point of view. In this case, the police department's point of view is the only one that matters - because they're the bosses.

First, this was you, not just a few minutes ago:

Cops don't get to chose which orders they follow and which they don't. Police don't get to "act on their views" while they're on the job.

I am assuming by cops you also mean the command structure, which also includes cops.

Second, their views are hypocritical. I use this 'what if the shoe were on the other foot' argument to demonstrate that.

1. When I say that "Cops don't get to chose which orders they follow", I refer to those lower in the "command structure". Those at the top of the "command structure" are the ones who give the orders. The cops at the top are not equal to those at the bottom.

2. Your hypothetical does not demonstrate that, because your hypothetical doesn't make sense. Tell me what you think is "hypocritical"?
I wasn't necessarily referring to you. There are others who use a similar pattern here, and your "you make no sense" retort raised a lot of red flags.

I'll try one last time. You cannot fathom the possibility of a homosexual police officer being forced to work a parade that goes against what he or she is. In this hyperpartisan society, such an action would bring about endless litigation, resignations and a litany of cries from LGBT organizations to protest it.

Any gay police officer, if they want to keep their jobs, will follow whatever assignments they receive. What I can't "fathom" is why a homosexual police officer wouldn't want to work at a "straight pride" parade. It simply doesn't make any sense.

My question(s) to you are simply this:

If in fact the officer were gay, and he/she refused the assignment to work this 'straight pride' parade. What would be your reaction to that officer? Would you say the same thing you are saying now? That 'orders are orders'? Simply curious.

Red Bolded: Well, how can you assume they would?

Blue Bolded: Well then you are of a rare few.

1. In the absence of any reason to think they wouldn't, why shouldn't I assume that they would? Cops in general are taught to follow orders.

2. There is no reason to think that my opinion on this is "rare".
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Oh we can't have this ! Time to string this hate filled cop up and display his body at the town square !

Cop refuses to work at gay pride parade in Utah

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — A Salt Lake City police officer has been placed on leave after refusing an assignment to work at a gay pride parade.

The officer was among about 30 officers assigned to provide traffic control and security for the annual Utah Pride Parade on Sunday in Salt Lake City, said department spokeswoman Lara Jones.

"We don't tolerate bias and bigotry in the department, and assignments are assignments ... To allow personal opinion to enter into whether an officer will take a post is not something that can be tolerated in a police department," Jones told KSL.

She declined comment on the officer's reason for refusing the assignment.

The officer, whose name was not released, is on paid administrative leave pending the outcome of an internal affairs investigation.

Utah Pride Center spokeswoman Deann Armes said her group is pleased with the department's stance and thinks officers should undergo sensitivity training before joining the force.

"Our goal is to make sure that police training and certification includes policies and oaths to ensure that all officers are committed to providing equal service and treatment of all citizens. Clearly, bigotry is alive and well," Armes said in a statement.

Police Chief Chris Burbank has marched in the parade in the past, and three deputy chiefs will march Sunday while he is out of town.

The department also will have a community outreach and recruitment booth at the pride festival, Jones said, and participates in a standing committee to address public safety issues relating to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender residents.

"We have gay men and women that serve in the police department," Jones told The Salt Lake Tribune. "One officer's situation does not reflect the vast majority of officers that work in the Salt Lake City Police Department and certainly not Chief Burbank's."

Cop refuses to work at gay pride parade in Utah

I say fire him. His job is to protect and serve, to protect and serve ALL OF US, not just the one's he likes or agrees with. What's next? Not protecting women who get abortions? Not protect people of different nationalities or races? It's totally unacceptable for a cop to pick and choose which people he will 'serve and protect' and which he won't.
He has an assignment - you cannot pick and choose your jobs when you are a cop.

Exactly right. Only an idiot would think it is okay to pick and choose your job assignment when you are a police officer. Only someone who doesn't know anything of the real world would even consider it should be an option.
Just by not allowing him to act on his views... aren't they being the ones who are "biased and bigoted"?
Shirley I know employment is alien to you. So if you ever get a job you will have to sign an Contract of Employment, that will include a job description, if you abide by the contract you are OK. if you dont even an asinine dolt like you will understand the consequences.
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Ms. Jones is biased, and she apparently has no consideration for the officer's religious beliefs, and the first amendment. She is the exception to the rule. Last year some officers were excused from a gay parade in Columbia South Carolina (Sept 28, 2013), and rightfully so, as officers should not be required to abandon their faith because of their job.

In order to avoid future conflict, officers should be requested on a voluntary basis for these types of events.
Do Public Employees Have Accommodation Rights Under Other Laws?

In addition to Title VII, public employees can seek religious accommodations under the First Amendment and other state laws. The First Amendment's free exercise clause may require a public employer to accommodate an employee's religious observance or practice. If the employer adversely treats religiously-motivated conduct compared to similar secular conduct, it can only justify its actions by demonstrating a narrow and compelling interest. Demonstrating such an interest is much more difficult than establishing an undue burden under Title VII. For instance, a U.S. Court of Appeals invalidated a police department policy prohibiting officers from wearing beards for religious reasons, but allowing beards for medical reasons.
Atheist socialist liberals want the bible outlawed as bigotry & bias, they're using homosexuals as the tool to achieve it.

It's very obvious. They try to prove that the bible doesn't condemn homosexuality, when it clearly does...they want all their perversions and immoral beliefs to be the law of the land.

Warning to gays, at some point your usefullness will be null & void and you'll be lined up against the wall, right along those bogotted and hateful Christians and shot. Happened in the USSR, it'll happen here. The left advocates death panel healthcare, if you're too old and curing your problems will cost too much, they'd rather let you die. Same thing will happen to gays eventually, AIDS/HIV meds are costly, so you better not catch it in the socialist utopia, homos.
This post doesn't make any sense, either.

First of all, it's pretty silly to claim that I'm not making cogent points while ignoring the points that I did make.

Secondly, I have absolutely no idea what your second point means. What is it exactly that is impossible for me to fathom?

I wasn't necessarily referring to you. There are others who use a similar pattern here, and your "you make no sense" retort raised a lot of red flags.

I'll try one last time. You cannot fathom the possibility of a homosexual police officer being forced to work a parade that goes against what he or she is. In this hyperpartisan society, such an action would bring about endless litigation, resignations and a litany of cries from LGBT organizations to protest it.

Any gay police officer, if they want to keep their jobs, will follow whatever assignments they receive. What I can't "fathom" is why a homosexual police officer wouldn't want to work at a "straight pride" parade. It simply doesn't make any sense.

My question(s) to you are simply this:

If in fact the officer were gay, and he/she refused the assignment to work this 'straight pride' parade. What would be your reaction to that officer? Would you say the same thing you are saying now? That 'orders are orders'? Simply curious.


^^^The only "Doctor" I know that has time to be a message board mod.
Ms. Jones is biased, and she apparently has no consideration for the officer's religious beliefs, and the first amendment. She is the exception to the rule. Last year some officers were excused from a gay parade in Columbia South Carolina (Sept 28, 2013), and rightfully so, as officers should not be required to abandon their faith because of their job.

In order to avoid future conflict, officers should be requested on a voluntary basis for these types of events.

Would it be ok for someone doing public service work to discriminate who's life they saved? For example, a cop arrives on the scene where a victim needs mouth to mouth resuscitation. If the individual is known to the cop to be a homosexual, and the cop has religious beliefs that won't allow him to save the victim, what then? Call for backup?
I can't blame the cop. First of all, it's sick to celebrate your sexual diversity in a parade. It's a crime it's allowed to even happen. The gays in the parades are often very flamboyant and sexually crude, seeing a few seconds on TV is too much for me. To work it would mean seeing a lot of things that cannot be unseen. It's just further evidence of a depraved society getting worse.
Oh we can't have this ! Time to string this hate filled cop up and display his body at the town square !

Cop refuses to work at gay pride parade in Utah

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — A Salt Lake City police officer has been placed on leave after refusing an assignment to work at a gay pride parade.

The officer was among about 30 officers assigned to provide traffic control and security for the annual Utah Pride Parade on Sunday in Salt Lake City, said department spokeswoman Lara Jones.

"We don't tolerate bias and bigotry in the department, and assignments are assignments ... To allow personal opinion to enter into whether an officer will take a post is not something that can be tolerated in a police department," Jones told KSL.

She declined comment on the officer's reason for refusing the assignment.

The officer, whose name was not released, is on paid administrative leave pending the outcome of an internal affairs investigation.

Utah Pride Center spokeswoman Deann Armes said her group is pleased with the department's stance and thinks officers should undergo sensitivity training before joining the force.

"Our goal is to make sure that police training and certification includes policies and oaths to ensure that all officers are committed to providing equal service and treatment of all citizens. Clearly, bigotry is alive and well," Armes said in a statement.

Police Chief Chris Burbank has marched in the parade in the past, and three deputy chiefs will march Sunday while he is out of town.

The department also will have a community outreach and recruitment booth at the pride festival, Jones said, and participates in a standing committee to address public safety issues relating to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender residents.

"We have gay men and women that serve in the police department," Jones told The Salt Lake Tribune. "One officer's situation does not reflect the vast majority of officers that work in the Salt Lake City Police Department and certainly not Chief Burbank's."

Cop refuses to work at gay pride parade in Utah

Like the cop who refused to work the MLK Jr. parade? And the one who refused to work the St. Patrick's Day parade?
I can't blame the cop. First of all, it's sick to celebrate your sexual diversity in a parade. It's a crime it's allowed to even happen. The gays in the parades are often very flamboyant and sexually crude, seeing a few seconds on TV is too much for me. To work it would mean seeing a lot of things that cannot be unseen. It's just further evidence of a depraved society getting worse.

How many gay pride parades have you been to?
Atheist socialist liberals want the bible outlawed as bigotry & bias, they're using homosexuals as the tool to achieve it.

It's very obvious. They try to prove that the bible doesn't condemn homosexuality, when it clearly does...they want all their perversions and immoral beliefs to be the law of the land.

Warning to gays, at some point your usefullness will be null & void and you'll be lined up against the wall, right along those bogotted and hateful Christians and shot. Happened in the USSR, it'll happen here. The left advocates death panel healthcare, if you're too old and curing your problems will cost too much, they'd rather let you die. Same thing will happen to gays eventually, AIDS/HIV meds are costly, so you better not catch it in the socialist utopia, homos.

Can you name an organization of atheist socialist liberals, if there is such a group, that work to get the bible outlawed?
Like the cop who refused to work the MLK Jr. parade? And the one who refused to work the St. Patrick's Day parade?
You are comparing a parade celebrating sexual perversity to a peaceful civil rights march? WTF?
I can't blame the cop. First of all, it's sick to celebrate your sexual diversity in a parade. It's a crime it's allowed to even happen. The gays in the parades are often very flamboyant and sexually crude, seeing a few seconds on TV is too much for me. To work it would mean seeing a lot of things that cannot be unseen. It's just further evidence of a depraved society getting worse.

How many gay pride parades have you been to?
None and it's going to stay that way. It does get covered on the news though, which is apparently news to you. Maybe you should try to pry the focus off your genitals for a few minutes since you seem to know nothing besides pro-gay propaganda.
I can't blame the cop. First of all, it's sick to celebrate your sexual diversity in a parade. It's a crime it's allowed to even happen. The gays in the parades are often very flamboyant and sexually crude, seeing a few seconds on TV is too much for me. To work it would mean seeing a lot of things that cannot be unseen. It's just further evidence of a depraved society getting worse.

The cops are not there to watch the parade. They are there for crowd control. They should be watching the crowd, not the parade.

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