cop shoots woman instead of dog

It seem like nothing more than a tragic accident
I find it odd how the police are quick to release video when they believe it exonerates them but when it does not they have all kinds of excuses why they can not.
I find it odd how the police are quick to release video when they believe it exonerates them but when it does not they have all kinds of excuses why they can not.
this looks like it DOESN'T exonerate the cop...?
......again---I've put out the stats/facts/links on many, many threads: there is NOT a major chronic problem of cops shooting people UNJUSTIFIABLY
.....looks like he had a right to defend himself here--maybe---but looks like there is no excuse for the ''bad'' shooting
..there will always be mistakes/errors/etc--we are human
....I can't tell how far away the dog is....dogs usually don't attack if you stand your ground/etc
Most dogs that race to you even aggressively do not have the intention of biting;
What To Do If A Dog Attacks You
....if the dog is ''not close'' --not a threat yet
why not wait until the dog is close so you are sure of a hit?? is VERY hard to hit a HUMAN sized target that is moving, much less a small dog --especially as you are moving!!!!!!!!!
I find it odd how the police are quick to release video when they believe it exonerates them but when it does not they have all kinds of excuses why they can not.
this looks like it DOESN'T exonerate the cop...?
......again---I've put out the stats/facts/links on many, many threads: there is NOT a major chronic problem of cops shooting people UNJUSTIFIABLY
.....looks like he had a right to defend himself here--maybe---but looks like there is no excuse for the ''bad'' shooting
..there will always be mistakes/errors/etc--we are human
....I can't tell how far away the dog is....dogs usually don't attack if you stand your ground/etc
Most dogs that race to you even aggressively do not have the intention of biting;
What To Do If A Dog Attacks You

I don't think it exonerates such terrible shooting either but it will mean nothing is done to the officer.

After all, we all know this is how the cops should treat a dog.

Anderson County deputy resigns after he ‘slammed’ K9 to ground multiple times, report says

While I do not think it plays any role in the case here, it does touch on IMO a large problem. The illegal steroid use of police officers.
I find it odd how the police are quick to release video when they believe it exonerates them but when it does not they have all kinds of excuses why they can not.
this looks like it DOESN'T exonerate the cop...?
......again---I've put out the stats/facts/links on many, many threads: there is NOT a major chronic problem of cops shooting people UNJUSTIFIABLY
.....looks like he had a right to defend himself here--maybe---but looks like there is no excuse for the ''bad'' shooting
..there will always be mistakes/errors/etc--we are human
....I can't tell how far away the dog is....dogs usually don't attack if you stand your ground/etc
Most dogs that race to you even aggressively do not have the intention of biting;
What To Do If A Dog Attacks You

I don't think it exonerates such terrible shooting either but it will mean nothing is done to the officer.

After all, we all know this is how the cops should treat a dog.

Anderson County deputy resigns after he ‘slammed’ K9 to ground multiple times, report says

While I do not think it plays any role in the case here, it does touch on IMO a large problem. The illegal steroid use of police officers.
.....there is NOT a major problem of cops shooting unjustifiably --do you want me to give you the stats?
I find it odd how the police are quick to release video when they believe it exonerates them but when it does not they have all kinds of excuses why they can not.
this looks like it DOESN'T exonerate the cop...?
......again---I've put out the stats/facts/links on many, many threads: there is NOT a major chronic problem of cops shooting people UNJUSTIFIABLY
.....looks like he had a right to defend himself here--maybe---but looks like there is no excuse for the ''bad'' shooting
..there will always be mistakes/errors/etc--we are human
....I can't tell how far away the dog is....dogs usually don't attack if you stand your ground/etc
Most dogs that race to you even aggressively do not have the intention of biting;
What To Do If A Dog Attacks You

I don't think it exonerates such terrible shooting either but it will mean nothing is done to the officer.

After all, we all know this is how the cops should treat a dog.

Anderson County deputy resigns after he ‘slammed’ K9 to ground multiple times, report says

While I do not think it plays any role in the case here, it does touch on IMO a large problem. The illegal steroid use of police officers.
.....there is NOT a major problem of cops shooting unjustifiably --do you want me to give you the stats?

Not what I said. I said it touches on a large problem. Yes, I do believe illegal steroid use in police officers is a large problem. usual, these are dynamic situations with many '''problems'''
....IMO--this crosses the line.....
I find it odd how the police are quick to release video when they believe it exonerates them but when it does not they have all kinds of excuses why they can not.
this looks like it DOESN'T exonerate the cop...?
......again---I've put out the stats/facts/links on many, many threads: there is NOT a major chronic problem of cops shooting people UNJUSTIFIABLY
.....looks like he had a right to defend himself here--maybe---but looks like there is no excuse for the ''bad'' shooting
..there will always be mistakes/errors/etc--we are human
....I can't tell how far away the dog is....dogs usually don't attack if you stand your ground/etc
Most dogs that race to you even aggressively do not have the intention of biting;
What To Do If A Dog Attacks You

I don't think it exonerates such terrible shooting either but it will mean nothing is done to the officer.

After all, we all know this is how the cops should treat a dog.

Anderson County deputy resigns after he ‘slammed’ K9 to ground multiple times, report says

While I do not think it plays any role in the case here, it does touch on IMO a large problem. The illegal steroid use of police officers.
.....there is NOT a major problem of cops shooting unjustifiably --do you want me to give you the stats?

Not what I said. I said it touches on a large problem. Yes, I do believe illegal steroid use in police officers is a large problem.
do you have facts to back this up?
...what ''large'' problem?
I find it odd how the police are quick to release video when they believe it exonerates them but when it does not they have all kinds of excuses why they can not.
this looks like it DOESN'T exonerate the cop...?
......again---I've put out the stats/facts/links on many, many threads: there is NOT a major chronic problem of cops shooting people UNJUSTIFIABLY
.....looks like he had a right to defend himself here--maybe---but looks like there is no excuse for the ''bad'' shooting
..there will always be mistakes/errors/etc--we are human
....I can't tell how far away the dog is....dogs usually don't attack if you stand your ground/etc
Most dogs that race to you even aggressively do not have the intention of biting;
What To Do If A Dog Attacks You

I don't think it exonerates such terrible shooting either but it will mean nothing is done to the officer.

After all, we all know this is how the cops should treat a dog.

Anderson County deputy resigns after he ‘slammed’ K9 to ground multiple times, report says

While I do not think it plays any role in the case here, it does touch on IMO a large problem. The illegal steroid use of police officers.
.....there is NOT a major problem of cops shooting unjustifiably --do you want me to give you the stats?

Not what I said. I said it touches on a large problem. Yes, I do believe illegal steroid use in police officers is a large problem.
do you have facts to back this up?
...what ''large'' problem?

Police over reaction. We see it quite often. It's a common symptom of steroid use but I will admit this is off topic from the main story. The unsafe use of a gun.
I find it odd how the police are quick to release video when they believe it exonerates them but when it does not they have all kinds of excuses why they can not.
this looks like it DOESN'T exonerate the cop...?
......again---I've put out the stats/facts/links on many, many threads: there is NOT a major chronic problem of cops shooting people UNJUSTIFIABLY
.....looks like he had a right to defend himself here--maybe---but looks like there is no excuse for the ''bad'' shooting
..there will always be mistakes/errors/etc--we are human
....I can't tell how far away the dog is....dogs usually don't attack if you stand your ground/etc
Most dogs that race to you even aggressively do not have the intention of biting;
What To Do If A Dog Attacks You

I don't think it exonerates such terrible shooting either but it will mean nothing is done to the officer.

After all, we all know this is how the cops should treat a dog.

Anderson County deputy resigns after he ‘slammed’ K9 to ground multiple times, report says

While I do not think it plays any role in the case here, it does touch on IMO a large problem. The illegal steroid use of police officers.
.....there is NOT a major problem of cops shooting unjustifiably --do you want me to give you the stats?

Not what I said. I said it touches on a large problem. Yes, I do believe illegal steroid use in police officers is a large problem.
....a lot of males--including cops--have a ''I'm in charge'' '''attitude''' .....''do what I say''/etc
humans can't get along when they love each other--so when a cop interacts with '''suspects'', you have a powder keg right there
CRITICAL point: = again--it's a powder keg/problem/HUMAN ''idiocy''/etc when cops HAVE to interact with suspects [ HUMANS ] who even when they commit a crime/etc will not admit it
this looks like it DOESN'T exonerate the cop...?
......again---I've put out the stats/facts/links on many, many threads: there is NOT a major chronic problem of cops shooting people UNJUSTIFIABLY
.....looks like he had a right to defend himself here--maybe---but looks like there is no excuse for the ''bad'' shooting
..there will always be mistakes/errors/etc--we are human
....I can't tell how far away the dog is....dogs usually don't attack if you stand your ground/etc
What To Do If A Dog Attacks You

I don't think it exonerates such terrible shooting either but it will mean nothing is done to the officer.

After all, we all know this is how the cops should treat a dog.

Anderson County deputy resigns after he ‘slammed’ K9 to ground multiple times, report says

While I do not think it plays any role in the case here, it does touch on IMO a large problem. The illegal steroid use of police officers.
.....there is NOT a major problem of cops shooting unjustifiably --do you want me to give you the stats?

Not what I said. I said it touches on a large problem. Yes, I do believe illegal steroid use in police officers is a large problem.
do you have facts to back this up?
...what ''large'' problem?

Police over reaction. We see it quite often. It's a common symptom of steroid use but I will admit this is off topic from the main story. The unsafe use of a gun.
so you don't have facts to back it up--it's just your opinion......?
I don't think it exonerates such terrible shooting either but it will mean nothing is done to the officer.

After all, we all know this is how the cops should treat a dog.

Anderson County deputy resigns after he ‘slammed’ K9 to ground multiple times, report says

While I do not think it plays any role in the case here, it does touch on IMO a large problem. The illegal steroid use of police officers.
.....there is NOT a major problem of cops shooting unjustifiably --do you want me to give you the stats?

Not what I said. I said it touches on a large problem. Yes, I do believe illegal steroid use in police officers is a large problem.
do you have facts to back this up?
...what ''large'' problem?

Police over reaction. We see it quite often. It's a common symptom of steroid use but I will admit this is off topic from the main story. The unsafe use of a gun.
so you don't have facts to back it up--it's just your opinion......?

Researcher: Steroids Use A Major Problem Among Police Officers

NCJRS Abstract - National Criminal Justice Reference Service
.....there is NOT a major problem of cops shooting unjustifiably --do you want me to give you the stats?

Not what I said. I said it touches on a large problem. Yes, I do believe illegal steroid use in police officers is a large problem.
do you have facts to back this up?
...what ''large'' problem?

Police over reaction. We see it quite often. It's a common symptom of steroid use but I will admit this is off topic from the main story. The unsafe use of a gun.
so you don't have facts to back it up--it's just your opinion......?

Researcher: Steroids Use A Major Problem Among Police Officers

NCJRS Abstract - National Criminal Justice Reference Service
There is no way to know for sure how many cops use anabolic steroids to bulk up and project strength, but after sifting through mountains of anecdotal evidence and preliminary investigations, Hoberman conservatively estimates that there are thousands,
no way to know for sure---but he ''estimates''
do you know this sounds very stupid?
Not what I said. I said it touches on a large problem. Yes, I do believe illegal steroid use in police officers is a large problem.
do you have facts to back this up?
...what ''large'' problem?

Police over reaction. We see it quite often. It's a common symptom of steroid use but I will admit this is off topic from the main story. The unsafe use of a gun.
so you don't have facts to back it up--it's just your opinion......?

Researcher: Steroids Use A Major Problem Among Police Officers

NCJRS Abstract - National Criminal Justice Reference Service
There is no way to know for sure how many cops use anabolic steroids to bulk up and project strength, but after sifting through mountains of anecdotal evidence and preliminary investigations, Hoberman conservatively estimates that there are thousands,
no way to know for sure---but he ''estimates''
do you know this sounds very stupid?
this means NOT factual

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